Page 64 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. GIRLS' BASEBALL SEASON UNO AND INO for the year 1936-1937 were elected Tuesday, May 5, for officers for the student from Woodbine, Carroll coun- held its election A. Shoemaker, Robert Alpha The officers of the Sunday school Pi Alpha W. M. C. IS NOW NEAR COMPLETION (Continued from Page 2, Column 5) Sunday morning, May 10. They are: coming year. Alpha, Louis Lassebn ; ty, was selected the best farm ac- 'I'erp Ward is reported to have an President, John \Varman; vice-presi- vice-Alpha, Claude Adams; Beta, countant from among 10,000 state interest at Hood-she invited Clint dent (boy) Sherwood Balderson; vice- George Gosnell; vice-Beta, Charles dub members in a recent contest Freshman Team Bids Fair To Cop president (girl) Sarabelle Blackwell; Baker; Gamma, Milton Hendrickson; sponsored by the Maryland 4·H clubs. Walker to the dance last week-end. Intercollegiate Championship Is old-age getting you, Terp 1 secretary-treasurer, Franklin Stev- Delta, Blaine Broadwater; Master of Dr. E. G. Jenkins, state club leader, We saw Cotton Biehl at the dancel! ens. Following the election a special Ceremonies, Robert Meyers. made the selection. With Julia Bet-wager pitching ex- and Hoffa!! Mother's Day play was enacted. At A prize was also won by Roland cellent ball, the freshman team seems \Ve have promised Taylor's "Legion the close of the service each person DELTA PI ALPHA Stonesifer, one of the college day stu- in a fair way to cop the championship of the Damned" so here goes the first who attended was given a carnation. The following officers for the com-: dents from Westminster. The boys for 1936. Having already won two detachment: ing semester were installed at the are eligible fOl' higher pr-izes to be of the hardest games of the season, Phi Alpha Mu sorority held its an- regular meeting of the fraternity on given in regional and national charr.- the "Frosh" need only one more game "Snow-bound", Marjorie l\IcKenny. nual "Hobo Hitch" on Tuesday, May Tuesday, May 12. pionships. to clinch the title. "No Gain", Cliff Lathrop. 11. President, Al Dunstan; vice-preei- The Sophomores opened the season "Prop", Carolyn Whiteford. dent, Leonard Eller; secretary, Norvin May 2 by defeating the Juniors 18-2. "Big Child", Louis Lassahn. Gompf; treasurer, Cartel' Reifner; The high spot of the' game was a "Dove", Mary A. \Vigley. On May 11 the International Rela- chaplain, Charles Wallace; sergeant- WESTERN MARYLAND home run by Cook. Price, Soph, "Butch", 'Niece Robbins. tions Club elected its officers for the at-arms, Pershing Vo\kart. The fra- pitcher, struck out six, and \Vigley, "Bonehead", Sally Price. coming year. Beverly Harrison was ternity expects to move to its new Coffee Shop Sarabelle Blackwell, Junior pitcher, five. "Brother Kind - Fa c e", Kenneth made president; and George Needham, quarters in Alumni Hall by the end of vice-president, In a loose fielding game the Fresh- May. man surprised the Seniors by defeat- Baumgardner. secretary-treasurer. AND RESTAURANT ing them 13-10. Although Betty Ha- "G-\Voman" (Gossip Woman)-Bev At the next meeting of the club on gen, ace pitcher of the Senior team, Harrison. Motto: Go ye into every May 25, Dr. David Lovett will speak SODA struck out fourteen, lack of support dorm and spread the gossip to every on "The New Palestine." Refresh- Quality Tailoring accounted for most of the runs scored creature. ments are to be served after the dis- SANDWICHES against her team. "Angel", Arline Hudson. cussion. SUITS MADE TO ORDER LUNCH Hitting their way to another vic- "Venus", Ernest Volkart. DINNERS tory, the Freshmen overcame a 4-0 "Lamentations Baer". Cleaning Pressing lead to defeat the Sophomores. With "The Dear Little Thing", George Remodeling Repairing the score 7-6 in the last half of the Needham. JUST RECEIVED J. F. MOORE, Manager seventh inning, the Sophomores were "False Duessa", Dale Lambert. H.E.REESE "Good Food-And How!" unable to make two necessary runs to "The Dog-gone Youth", NEW LINE win. Taylor was put out at first, Mose 94 E. Main Street Never Closed Cook got to first on an error, and Plummer. Compacts Cooper made a clean hit. Another er- "The Rt. Reverend Habakkuk", ror put Price on first. Wilmer hit a Lipsky. grounder with the bases full,-Cook "All Maryland", Bob Coo. Bracelets was put out at home and Cooper at "All New England Boondoggler", State Theatre third. The final score was 7-6. Freddie Ooe. "Leviticus Bennett". Pins The class teams: "Dunk-Boy", Bill Coleman (not 01'- Rainbow Inn Senior "A" Junior- "A" iginal). FRIDAY BANK NIGHT Hagen p. Murphy "Sweet Boy", Reinhard. Rings George Brent, Patricia Ellis, Gladden c. La For'ge "Dear Boy", Lee Adriance. Genevieve Tobin, Frank "The College Rendezvous" Hall lh. Crown "Cute Boy", Drugash. McHugh and Glenda Lansdale 2h. Hoshall, M. "Framingham Farce", Stan Benja- etc. with Farrell in Patterson 3h. Harrison min. "Snowed Under" Waltz sa. Karow WESTERN MARYLAND Dance to the Country's Hoshall, V. ir, Nock, M. G. Twigg d. Shank SEAL WEDNESDAY Leading Orchestras Irwin rr. Wigley JOHN EVERHART \ THURSDAY-FRIDAY THE COLLEGE BARBER ' MAY 20-21-22 Sophomore "A" Freshman "A" Select Your Graduation Gift AND BOBBER "The Trail of the Price p. Berwager \ AT THE FORKS Now Gompf Myers Lonesome Pine" Dine With Your Friends Smith, C. lb. McKenny Cooper 2h. Heeman With Sylvia ~ydney, Fred In a Congenial Atmosphere Harris 3b. Yohn or O'Leair - J. D. KATZ BONSACK'S MacMurray and Henry Haines ". Yocum QUALITY Fonda Wilmer If. O'Leair "The College Shop" MONDAY-TUESDAY Complete Dinners, Cook or Calloway SHOE REPAIRING WEDNESDAY d. Timmons 1 Special Rates to Students MAY 25-26-27 Taylor or Wheatley Shirley Temple in Sodas, Ice Cream, rf. Taylor, V. "Captain Sandwiches, and Opera House January" W. A. A. HOLDS ELECTION I FOR OFFICERS 1936·1937 MONDAY-TUESDAY Light Lunches Week of May 14, 1936 WEDNESDAY The W. A. A. officers for 1936-1937 JUNE 1-2-3 were elected Monday evening, May 4. THURSDAY II Naomi Crown was elected president; James Gleason Al Jolson III Beverly Harrison, vice-president; Helen Broderick "The Singing lMargaret & Earl', Mary Alice Wigley, secretary; Hazel Murder on the Bridle Path Gompf, treasurer; Georgia Price, bas- Kid" I ketball manager; Jane Corkran, hock- FRIDAY and SATURDAY ey manager; Margaret Hoshall, v61- Chester Morris, Lewis Stone ley ball manager j Julia Berwager, baseball manager; Dorothy Hull, ten- Three Godfathers nis manager, and Katherine Spies. hiking manager. These officers will FOR YOUR WATCH Week of May 18, 1936 be formally installed at a special meeting to be held Thursday night, Come in today! MONDAY-TUESDAY KO ED KL UB May 14. WEDNESDAY The "WM" monogram, the award Yourwatch deservesa thorough in- Charles Farrell for having abtained 750 points, was spectiononce a year, and it's a pre- Forbidden Heaven caution that may save you money. presented to Ella Shank. Frances Our ~ert8 willgive your timepiece '·The Best Soda Shop In Town" Stout, Gr-ace Macveen, and Anne Thth;~btcli;~C:~:'Id;;ifS~1e=: Melvin were each awarded the hiking mg. new parts or adjustments are Spencer Tracy "H", the insignia for one hundred ::.eeded... and quote youtbemost ·Shy Devils Catering to the college man and woman miles of hiking. modest prices. THURSDAY-FRIDAY Gu' woerlee! H"o', who< } SATURDAY we suggest. Come in and TKA BANQUET see our new stock of the Janet Gaynor ICE CREAM, COOLING DRINKS, CANDIES latest Elgine. Our esperl- ~Continued from Page 1, Column 2) ecce shows that a star .. Small Town Girl timed Elgin makes the gift Franklin Delano Roosevelt" was an- { ofgiftsforwedding,birtb. SODAS, MAGAZINES, PLATTER LUNCHES other high-light of the meeting. At day or graduation, Week of May 2'5, 1936 TOASTED SANDWICHES the conclusion of the session, an au- I MONDAY-TUESDAY dience vote was in favor of the re- election of Roosevelt. Herbert Marshall, Ann Harding Thomas is leader- Lady Consents With Mr. Warman a member of the '0' Committee on Charters, and Miss Ri- WEDNESDAY ley a member of the Committee on THE KOOLEST SPOT IN TOWN Questions, the local chapter was well Robert Abel represented in the committee meet- We're Only Human ings of the convention. The latter committee recommended that three SlIlut,..,wEI"nwri.lwalcb, • pc:rfe<:t ,if. eho;"". $l9.75 debate questions, at least one of THURSDAY-FRIDAY SATURDAY which would be cultural, should be proposed to TKA colleges for the Maureen O'Sullivan next debate season. ~~, Big House for Girls Brother George welcomes alumni and all Gamma Betas attending Lowell Thomas, the newly ejected president of Tau Kappa Alpha, was Richard Dix the Gamma Beta Reunion conveyed the greetings of the con- r;;un::;: I Transatlantic Tunnel vention, although he was unable to 51 E. Main St. be present. WESTMINSTER, MD. 1b=========d1
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