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G01 COMMENCEMENT COMMENCEMENT ISSUE ISSUE Vol.13, No. 15 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May 28,1936 Fifth Annual Summer School Baccalaureate Service June Week Program Will End To Be Held Sunday Session To Open June 17th D,. Holloway To Preach Fin,! S". With Commencement Exercises mon To Seniors Opening Session to Feature New Courses In Home Economics, Commer- Dr. Herman H. Horne of the Department of Philosophy and History of cial Education, Library Sciences, and High School Education of New York University, to Deliver the Address A CAPELLA CHOIR TO SING Supervision and Administration to the Sixty.Sixth Graduating Class Preaching his first commencement WILL BE DIVIDED INTO TWO FIVE_WEEK PERIODS sermon to the graduating class next MORE THAN 100 TO RECEIVE SHEEPSKINS Sunday morning in Alumni Hall at In the last few years Western Mm-yland has increased its scope in ,10.30, Dr. Fred G. Holloway will be More than one hundred graduates will reeeivo diplomas at the sixty- the field of education and now offers:'! summer session during the SUlU- continuing the custom established by sixth Commencement of Western Maryland College in Alumni Hall, mel' months in addition to its regular- winter session. Each year the Dr. J. T. Ward sixty-si x years ago. 1\{OIH]fl,Y, June 1, at 10 A. 111. administration has attempted to ex- . Will Be Union Service The speaker at the exercises will ~~~~:~~~::"l"~~~~~;~~;:nsw::n J~~:l Annual Alumni Day This year, as formerly, the service W. Wilson Wingate I be Dr. Herman H. Horne, chairman 17, there will be several new features Win Be Featured By will be a union one with representa- of the Departments of Philosophy and the local churches tives from taking of New York Histor-y of Education :~.:~~:~:l:t:~~~~~~ a large number of part in the program. Accidentally Shot University. In addition to being a An academic procession consisting- . distinguished lecturer, Dr. Horne has Reunion Banquet of the faculty and the graduating Saturday Evening written many well known text books l";~;:::~';:;;~:~:::,~;::~~"'of class will form outside the building in the field of education and has been study will be the new Library Science and march to their places on the stage on the summer school faculty of vari- Course under the direction of Miss Saturday Has Been Set Aside For to the music of the traditional hymn, W. M. C. Graduate Held Position ous universities. Arlene J. Pratt, Director of Libraries, Alumni And Their Friends Luther's "A Mighty Fortress Is Our On Baltimore News-Pest Staff The academic procession, including State Library Commission. This God." the faculty and the graduates, will course is aimed to supply some train- CAMPUS TOURS ARRANGED Will Utilize Organ march from Smith to Alumni Hall. WAS GRADUATE OF '18 As the college orchestra plays "A ~~;tr~~u:;o: po~r~ho:~e;~::a~~~i~~~C;il~: Saturday of Commencement Week This year all a capella choir under Mighty Fortress Is Our God," the W. Wilson Wingate, a graduate of librarians and to treat the problem of is al~a.:,.s desi~nated as Alumni Day ~~~e:i~~~~iOs7n;fs:~~~:t:~~lb~~:.r~~: hymn which has been used as a pro- high scnoot libraries. and It IS on this ?a y that the largest I newly-installed organ will also be wester-n Maryland College and cessional since the first graduation writer for the Baltimore exercises of the college. They will AC:07~;rcij~n~::t~~~ion\:i~;lub:ed the nU~~~;;~~:etl~:l~l ~~~~l~~ t::i~~ ~~::iI ~~:~d~~:~ re\~,~~~ngt~:lOt::;c!;':~:~~~~ was fatally wounded on May 23 in a enter Alumni Hall and file up the two shooting gallery, operated by his fa- aisles to the stage. ~Fa~ni::u~:ti~ndex::;~::~t :: :~:~~~;:. ~~::::g~;ut~~~n:o:;e::e~l~n~ l~~:S~~~e::~:~t~V~~un~~:n~:fl from. Baker ther-in-Iaw, Hugh L. McGuire, at 19 the problems facing the commercial I will ~e ope~e~ at ten ~'clock ~n t~e All students present on the hill are North Howard street, Baltimore. Friends Invited To Attend courses in the high schools-c-large and; morning. .ostess WIll be In t e expected to attend this service. Mr. Wingate had gone behind the Parents of the graduates, friends small. It will deal with the content, I lounge at all times... . counter to relieve an attendant and of the college, former graduates, re- methods, objectives, place, advent- There may be received information he was hit by a bullet which was fired united at Alumni Day, and college ages, etc., of the several commercial i concerning the p~r~onally conducted SIXTY.SIXTH acciden~ally from a rifle that had j~lst I students will be present to see gradu- been laid on the counter. The rifle ated this sixty-sixth class which will ~~ae:~h~~i~~h~~:oth:eh~ghc:~~~:l i~ff~~~~1 ~:~i~h o\:~:; ~::eb;;~~I:~~I~~~ ~~.~ul:~: COMMENCEMENT had been in the hands of \Valter pass beyond the arch. functional method of teaching short- I morning and eurly afternoon. May 29 to June 1 "Ford, '22, of Fort Howard who had Dr. Fred G. Holloway; inaugurated hand. These two courses will be I Sports at 2 P. M. purchased a gun load of fifteen shots. i as the four-th president of Western taught by Mr. Carlos C. Crawford, a! At two o'clock various sporting General Program of Exercises Maryland five weeks ago, will award man of considerable experience and events will begin. Captain John l"II. Friday, May 29 Thought Gun Empty the diplomas. excellent training, now a student at Clayton has tried two years in suc- 8.00 P. 1\1. "Noah", a morality play Ford told the Western police that Columbia, working on his doctorate ill ' cession to assemble a team that would by Andre Obey, The Depart- he thought he had fired all of the Special Honors To Be Awardcd commercial education. 1 beat the varsity. Each time the score ment of Speech shot, as he had pulled the trigger and Besides those members of the sen- Courses in the methods of teaching has been a tie. This is the play-off the gun only clicked. He had put the ior class who have completed four Junior Business Training and in "yeer. Saturday, May 30 gun down on the counter and stepped years of the college work, degrees will Bookkeeping will be taught by Mr. There will be tennis and golf ac- 10.00 A. M. Opening of headquarter» back. As he did so the gun went off be conferred upon special students Curd, head of the Commercial De- tivities also for those who wish to in McDaniel Hall Lounge. Reg- and the .22 calibre bullet penetr-ated who have been working under the partment, 'Westminster high school. participate. istration Mr. Wingate's abdomen. auspices of the college. Several Professor Trilling To Lecture Garden Part.y In Afternoon 1l.00A.l\I. Conducted tour of build- Before undergoing an emergency graduate students will be awarded The Department of Home Econom- Last June the garden pal·ty held in ings and grounds operation at the University Hospital, the degree of Master of Arts. Those ics will continue throughout the sum- Robinson Garden met with such COlll- 12.00 M. Club and class reunions, Mr. Wingate told officials that the who recently took their pledge of mer session and offer courses dealing plete approval that it has been de- luncheons, etc. shooting was entirely accidental. scholarship in the Argonauts, the with the materials, methods and phil- cided to include it among the sched- 1.30P.M. Conducted tour of build- honor society, will receive their de- osophy of Home Economics as a high uled activities of this commencement ings and grounds Was W. 111. C. Letler lIIan gree smnma cum laude or cum laude. school subject. These will be taugM season. 2.00 P. M. Baseball- A lu m n i vs. Mr. Wingate was born in Cam" by Miss Mabel B. Trilling, Professor At five o'clock the annual meeting Argonauts Init.iated of Home Economics Education, Car- of the Alumni Association will be ~:~~~:y tournaments _ Alumni :~~~!~''~:;~il:;t~n ilCO~I:~~'atH~h:~ After the Argonaut banquet at negie Institute of Technology. held in Room 22, Science Building. At Carroll Inn, May 18, the first cere- Miss Trilling is the author of sev- this meeting, business of primary im- ~~ff ~:~:.~t:m:~~e~or alumni :~~to~on ~~res~~;nye;;~~;~~~~ tl~~~!;:~ mony was held for the initiation of eral well known and generally used portance will be brought before the Here he starred in football, basketball texts and a recognized authority in association and every alumnus on the 3.00 to . and baseball, winning letters in all those students who will graduate with her field. Several of the regular col- Hill is urged to be present. 5.00 P. M. Garden Party, Robmson I three sports. honors. This year the nine seniors lege courses in Home Economics will Alumni Dinner In Evening Garden After graduating in 1918 .Mr. Win- who have completed the requirements be given by Miss Brown, of the Col- The annual dinner of the Alumni 5.00 P. M:. Annual business meeting gate taught English, Latin and His. for this membership are: Louise Bire- Alumni the lege Home Economics Department. Association will be served in the Col- of Room 22, Science Hall Association. tory at Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's ly, Marguerite Carrara, Cynthia Teachers' Courses Offered lege Dining Hall at six-thirty. The county for 3 years. He then joined HalesGiadden, Zaida McKenzie, Cora Another new course to be offered in price of the dinner will be one dollar. 6.30 P. M. Annual dinner of the Al- the staff of The Sun and later trans- Virginia Perry, Idamae T. Riley, this year's summer session will be Unique and informal entertainment is umni Association-College Din- ferred to the Baltimore News-Post. Rosalie Silberstein, and Sterling Zim- that of High School Supervision and being arranged. ing Hall Administration. Immediately following the dinner, 9.00 P. M. Class reunions, as sched- Was Sent To Olympics In addition two of last year's alum- One course will be the High School classes holding reunions will gather uled by individual classes In 1928 he went to the Olympics at ni, chal-ter members of the organiza- Principal, taught by Mr. Raymond S. in the various rooms assigned them. Social gathering in McDaniel Amsterdam as a representative of the tion, wel'e also initiated-Donald Hyson, superintendent of schools, McDaniel Hall Lounge will be avail- Hall Lounge American Lacl'osse Association, and Tschudy and Mildred Sullivan. Carroll county. Two other courses able to any who may wish to sit Dancing for alumni and seniors in that same year he married Miss on the Administration of Extra Cur- around and talk over oIa times. The in Girls' Gymnasium, Blanche Marguerite McGuire. Commissions To Be Given ricular Activities in the High School, girls' gymnasium in Blanche Ward Ward Hall Mr. Wingate is survived by his A member of the United States and Guidance in the High School will Hall will be open to alumni and sen- be taught by Mr. Alfred P. Scott, iors for dancing. Sunday, May 31 wife, his father and mother, Mr. and Arllly will give a commission as sec- vice-principal of Forest Park High Campus Program Sunday 10.30 A. M. Baccalaureate Service- Mrs. Charles M. Wingate of Wingate, ond Jieutellants ill the Reserve Of- School, Baltimore. For those visitors who are unable Sermon by President Fred Gar- Dorchester county; two sisters, Mrs. ficers' Training Corps to the gradu- All these courses are planned for to take one of the campus tours it has rigus Holloway James Mattingly, of Mechanicsville, ates who have done their work in the high school principals and teachers, been announced that similar trips 2.30 P. M. Conducted tour of build- and Miss Evelyn '\'ingate of the W. department of Military Science. especially teachers preparing for ad- will be arranged Sunday afternoon. ings and grounds M. C. iacultj', arul three brothers, Special awards will also be bestow- ministrative positions. Again McDaniel Hall Lounge will bz 3.00 to Philip J., Victor, and Markham Win- ed upon the students who have merit- Activities Arc Prominent the headquarters. 5.00 P. M. Tea in McDaniel Hall gate. ed them. These arc the Norment In very recent years the summer Sunday evening will bring the Eve- Lounge 1\1r. 'Vingate always remembered Speech Prizes, the Bates Prize, the session has been enriched and enliv- ning on the; ea1l~puswith the various 5.00P.M. Vesper service and recital his alma mater as regards sporting Mary Ward Lewis Prize, the John A. ened by occasional recitals, receptions, college musical organizations present- on the campus events, giving fullest treatment to Alexander Medal and the Lynn F. and outdoor dramatics; by lectures, ing a widely varied program. Western 1Ilaryland sl~orts in his eol_ Gruber Medal. The names of the students of each class who have re- :ta~~~:t:~t!O~:~ea:d me:s~~~~~:~ ~~~ Fields of Antietam and Gettysburg, I 10.00 A. M.!I~O:~::n~:;:n~ ceived honorable mention for their College journalism classes and the trips for the collection of material and the libraries, art galleries, mu- 1 Conferring of degrees members of the Gold Bug staff will. scholastic work will be read. political I and the observation of l)henomena in seums, and other educational nuclei in ! Address by Dr. Herman H. connection with biology, geography, I industrial Baltimore and Horne, Chairman of the Depart- recall his interesting talks on sports The commencement exercises of and geology courses; by instructive Washington; and hy afternoon and' ments of Philosophy and His- reporting and the entertaining news- Monday morning are the culmination excursions to places economically and supper picnics in the gardens and: tory of Education, New York paper associates that he used to bring of the commencement festivities, historical!y interesting, as the Battle I parks on the campus. t University with him to the Hill. which last from May 29 to June 1.
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