Page 60 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. WOYTYCHAGAINMASTERS DIRT aspirant holds the title at Shephard. Installation of the Y. M. C. A. offi-I YOUNG, McMAHON in the dining hall ... Our lightheavy TERRORS ASG.W.WINS,11·6 (Continued from page 2, column 5) BEST SELLER LAST WEEK: ~~:s ~~:..~:e l~:aorv~:::-~;y~~a:.o~~d :~ STAR FOR SHO'MEN --- liveried coachman in the front seat "Bar-room to Pulpit in 24 Hours" or Alumni Hall on Wednesday evening, (Continued from page 3, column 1) Colonial Star Holds Visitors To Saturday. "The Life Story of Judas Gault" . April 22. The new officers are presi- \Ve now have Venus on the tennis vice-president, dent, John Warman; Is Mac Luman trying to get free Six Bingles. Millard and Skin- sodas or has he really got a crush on team ... Turn about is fair play, so Charles W. Baer ; secretary, Franklin Half mile-McMahon, W. C.; Car- ner Hit Hard her ... The summer house is a nice Bird dog and Ed headed for N. C. for F. Stevens, and treasurer, Richard W. men, W. C.; Bowen, W. C. Time- place to hibernate from Brownie, huh the dance Saturday. Dawson. 2.13.5. Smacking the offerings of Millard Bob? Too much two-timing. By the Most Crows roost in trees, but our and Skinner for ten lusty clouts, way, your correspondent would like to Crow makes his nest in the back Mile-l\fcMahon, W. C.; Gosnell, George Washington defeated Western know whose girl she really is any- church pew. A delegation of "Y" members from W. M. Time-4.52.8. Maryland in baseball for the second way. You two and about six Balti- Frankie and I hope td offer you college attended the Cabinet Training Two Mile-McMahon, W. C.; Win- straight time when they met the Ter- more males. next time a complete list of "Moose" School held April 25-26 at Camp Kah- gate, W. C.; Chaffey, W. C. Time- rors in Griffith Stadium, Washington, It's queer how many young couples Taylor's famous nicknames. Might lert. Those attending were: Rebecca 11,20.3. on Thursday, April 23. The score was are attending church every Sunday. help everyone read this column. Groves, Jane -White, Helen Boughton, Javelin-Lassahn, W. M.; Young, 11 to 6. Well, this is all for this week- John Warman, Franklin Stevens, You don't have to go to a movie to see W. C.; Anderson, W. C. Distance- Bobby Woytych hurled for the Cap- your favorite "blond" actress in a where did we get this stuff-well we Charles Baer, Dr. Bertholf and Prof. 161 ft., 7 in. itol nine and recorded his second win romantic mood, just drop around at only heard ... Benninghof. over the Terrors this year. He was Blanche Ward Hall about 9.45 P. M. Discus-Lesinski, W. ·M.; Lutt, W. less effective this time than when he any and every night ... You've really The last International Relations ;Ii~.Skipp, W. C. Distance-99 ft., faced the Lipskymen at Westminster, got us all guessing. How about an NEWS IN BRIEF Club meeting featured a speech by hut his mates pounded the ball harder interview? . . . Funny what spring Herr Willen on conditions in Ger- Shot Put-Benjamin, W. M.; Kilby, and ran up a comfortable lead in the anjl a new moon can do-it even The annual art exhibit under the di- many, past and preseut. He clearly W. C.; Skipp, W. C. Distance- 36ft., early innings. makes him go to church any night- rection of Mrs. Morris wiii be held and concisely outlined Germany's 7¥.! in. This is in the art studio May 15th. Millard started on the hill for Wes- naughty, naughty Mary C ... It isn't viewPoin~ in the present world crises, Runnin broad ium Youn W. tern Maryland but lasted only three sate out on the campus anymore cne of the outstanding exhibits of the after which an open forum was held . g. W J ~ d ~ C end one-third innings. The Colonials with "Robin Hood and His Merry year, showing the progress and ac- The complishment of the students. had no trouble in fathoming his de- Men". Boys will be Boys ... Sadow- exhibit will include the work of all the ~~~:'~l~~~:X!U~:ti;:;:~e:~ed~:~~S~:~ ~i~t::~;~~~n'ft., '3~';in~ ea e, . . liveries. The visiting Terrors also ski's girl friend sees all the ball art classes, showing oil painting, rugs, tereeting meetings of the year. I .High Jump-Tully, W.. C.; Skipp, miscued six times during the course of games "gratis". That's just a hint w, C.; Meade, W. C. Helghts-5 ft., the game while the home team booted to you other girls interested in the wall hangings, charcoal sketches, wall --~ Din. foul' times. passtime .. "Josh" caught Keyser in figures, miniature stage settings and house furnishings, floral designs, and Benjamin and Campbell snared an off moment, and vice-versa. Don't character portraits. The f~l~~:1 S~~~i:t~~PP:f Helen Pole Vault-Y~ung, W. C.; Adri- two hits apiece to account for four of flatter yourself big boy ... Dudley Boughton and Ethelberta Gosnell was ance, W. M.; ~al!sh, \~. M. and An- the six bingles gotten off Woytych. (Ming the Merciless) is singing "Just held on Tuesday evening, May 28. derson, W. C. bed. Helght-10 ft. One of the former's clouts was a long a Gigolo". Rimier likes his new car; The Y. W. C. A. held its installa- tr-iple; Williams, Berg, and Staple- build the bridge, and he'll head for lion services for the new officers and ton accounted for the extra base hits Sweden .. Wonder what those peo- cabinet members on Wednesday, April JOHN EVERHART on the Colonial nine, getting a double, ple really do that claim to go picking 8. in the "Y" room. The new officials We have the Finest triple, and homer respectively. violets? ... ask Lytton. are: president, Rebecca Groves; vice- THE COLLEGE BARBER WATCH HOSPITAL Continue your hints for the Panhel- ANI) BOBBER In Town! The summary: lenic dance, girls: many new couples president, Margaret Hoshall; secre- I AT THE FORKS BRING IN YOUR SICK W. M. C. AB RHO A were seen at the Military Ball. (At tary, Helen Boughton, treasurer, WATCH Fowble, lb 5 0 0 8 least our department functions) Charlotte Cook. Committee chair- Lathrop, 3b. 4 You say the sweetest things in Span- men are: sales, Lillian Moore ; social, Draper, c 5 ish, Frosty .. Benny thought he was Jane White; social service, Mary Lou WESTERN MARYLAND Speedy Benjamin, as 4 2 2 2 "Washington Crossing the Delaware" Rockwell; music, Anna Stevenson; Campbell, d 4 1 2 1 on the Shephard trip. Who knows? hall, LuMar Myers; program, Betty Recovery Sadowski, IT 3 o 2 \"hy ask Wimpy, he's the one that Riley; publicity, Mildred Wheatley; Coffee Shop Roberts, If. 4 knows. We understand that a senior librarian, Marjorie McKenney. Guaranteed Edmond, 2b 3 0 cooed has it, Bob? ... We have three AND RESTAURANT Prices Millard, p. .. 0 0 0 supporters of William Jennings Bry- Skinner, p 2 0 0 an's famous slogan, "Free Silver". A Tradition With W. M. SODA Always Lowl Those dining tables share the plat- Totals. 34 6 6 24 7 form ... Emil eats like a mountaineer Students SANDWICHES Oeo. W'ashington AB RHO A "Dad" Smelser's LUNCH Webb. cf 5 1 2 0 ~~ Horne, If. 5 3 0 J. D. KATZ -For- DINNERS Johnson, rf. 5 2 Sandwiches Ice Cream F Price, lb 3 0 6 QUALITY ]. F. MOORE, Manager Stapleton, 3b 5 2 1 SHOE REPAIRING Cold Drinks "Good Food-And Howl" J. WM. HULL, Prop. 51 E. Main St. \Villiams, 2b. . 4 1 1 Special Rates to Students Open every night until 11.30 WESTMINSTER, MD. Berg, ss 4 2 Never Closed Walker, c. 4 0 Woytych, p 2 0 0 0 2 Totals 37 11 10 27 5 Quality Tailoring W. M. C. 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 4 0- 6 STATE THEATRE G. W 3 0 3 3 0 0 2 0 x-11 SUITS MADE TO ORDER WESTMINSTER, MD. KO-ED KLUB Cleaning Pressing THURSDAY, APRIL 30 HOPKINS TENNIS TEAM Remodeling Repairing "The Petrified "The Best Soda Shop In Town" BEATS TERRORS BY 6-3 H. E. REESE Forest" 94 E. Main Street Leslie Howard, Bettie Davis Taking four singles matches and Good Shorts Have You Forgotten? two doubles matches, Johns Hopkins FRIDAY, MAY 1 tennis team defeated the Green Ter- BANK NITE rors in a match played at Homewood on Thursday, April 23, by a score of Opera House "The Music Goes MAY 10 c>t03. Round" Only the first two Terror netmen had any sort of success against the Week of April 27 Rochelle Hudson, Harry strong Jays. Capt. Haynes and Per- Richman shing Volkart ran true to form by THURSDAY-FRIDAY Come Early for Seats winning their matches, although the SATURDAY, MAY 2 Mother's Day former was extended to three sets by SATURDAY 2.30 Kramer. This pair then teamed to- Warner Baxter MATINEE Boyd in William gether to trim Larned and Lambie in the doubles play. "Robin Hood of "The Call of the An exclusive display of Page and Shaw Chocolates packed in The home team managed to take EI Dorado" Prairie" five love sets from the visiting Ter- attractive boxes rors, with Belt, Brown, Ransone, and Cartoon-News-Comedy the doubles team of Brown and Ran- sone being the victims. Week of May 4 MONDAY-TUESDAY "Just The Kind Mochel' Will Like" WEDNESDAY The summary: MONDAY-TUESDAY MAY 4--5--6 Hartman, Hopkins, defeated Belt, Gene Raymond "The Country 6-0,6-1. Doctor" Haynes, Western Maryland, defeat- "Love on a Bet" ed Kramer, 3-6, 6~4, 6-3. Featuring the 5 great Dionne See your College Representative Quintuplets and cast of Jean Brown, Hopkins, defeated Brown, WEDNESDAY Hersholt, Dorothy Peterson. 6-2,6-0. Richard Dix Slim Summerville HARRY LUMAN Volkart, Western Maryland, deieat- "Yellow Dust" Matinee-Wednesday, May 6 ed Stine, 6-3, 6-3. 3:30 P. M. Prices IOc and 20c LambIe, Hopkins, defeated Elliott, Night Prices 10c, 25c 6-4,6-1. THURSDAY Big Attraction Coming SATURDAY Branower, Hopkins, defeated Ran- MONDAY-TUESDAY We Mail or Deliver sone, 6-0, 6-0. Shirley Temple WEDNESDAY MAY 11-12-13 Brown and Hartman, Hopkins, de- feated Brown and Ransone, 6-0, 6-2. FREE Larned and Lam- 1,-==='~=N=oO=r:=v=:=~='?==-:!/1 ,,=~=M=Y=;.=OO=D=~=~=·d=ns=A=G'h=~='~=;d Haynes and Volkart, Western Maryland, deieated ~ II .~ To Town" bie, 2-6, 9-7, 6-4. L___~ __
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