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= t'Aub FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. The W. W. Club held its annual VARIETY wonder ball hike and picnic supper at Then the sharp report of, a rifle 1_ I 1 News Items "Tramp Hollow" on Wednesday, May (Cont. from Page 2, Col. 3) ~:;!~e~h::~m!~~::I~o~t~OO~ ~:!!~~This Collegiate World 20. The following girls went as guests: Frances Eaker, Gwendolyn he feels lazy 7 Or can it be that the aments of smoke hang over its bow (By Associated Collegiate Press) and ten or twelve star-boats are tack- Heeman, Marjorie McKenney, Julia fish are taking an afternoon siesta in Last fall, an unusual opportunity Berwager, Virginia Karow, Martha ing around near it. I watch them COLLEGE: was given to every western Mary- Yocum, 'Vinifred Harwood, Rosa the cool water far below the surface, closely. What fleet, graceful little walk" .. cars "Kindly mud keep and to the boats they are, and how quickly they and therefore are out of range of the and co-eds lander to aid in securing sufficient Barrow, Carolyn Smith, Mary Jane hawk's ever-watchful eye? I don't respond to every touch of the tiller. stepping testily . "after all loyalty funds for the erection of a Field Honemann, Kay Cissell, Dorothy know, and furthermore I don't care. House. Vroome, Jane Griffin, Mary Oleair, The warmth, the peacefulness, the They are all bunched together now, to the party comes first" .. profess- The initial effort in the campaign Anne Oleair, Mary Clemson, Lucretia for the five minutes are almost up. ors with black bow ties . "roll call for this much-needed building center- Day, Virginia Taylor, Kathleen Reese, gentle wind, and the soft tone of the There is another puff of smoke fol- is a waste of time, I won't get exctt- ed around the University of Mary- Mary Reese. water are having their effect. Even lowed by the bang of a gun. The star ed if you don't show up" ... cadets to formation, my mind has reached a state of par- running rifles dragging, So close boats swoop over the line. land-Western Maryland foot b a II On May 18 the following officers tial inertia. game, with the University contribut- were elected for the coming year: are they together, that it seems as one hand .fastening- coat button. ing its share of the receipts to apply President, Parvis Robinson; vice- I turn my head and see the marsh if they have arranged themselves in a professors who twirl Phi Beta Kappa Soon, though, the planned formation. toward the fund. president, Sue Smith; secretary Elaine behind the cottages. Nothing is stir- formation breaks. The flcet gradual- keys . "student government can .. hanging ring except a few clothes never succeed at this university" A number of the alumni, students, Fennell; treasurer, Jane Corkran; ly lengthens out into a long, straight "tails at a reduced price" .. green faculty, and friends of the College de- alumni secretary, Dorothy Hull; sun- from a line neal' the garage. No voted themselves enthusiastically to shine messenger, Annie O. Sansbury; sound do I heal' except the buzz of a line stretching halfway across the roadsters with rumble seats the task of selling tickets in advance. sergeant-at-arms, Ellen Hancock; in- locust that has been perched for some river. Like a flock of wild geese they eds off in a self-conscious flourish to Many who had no thought of being ter-sorority council, Ruth Howie, time on a little weeping-willow tree. go--one behind another. sorority houses . "more food, Mr. It seems to me now that there can be able to attend the game bought tick- Peggy Young. I put my hand in my pocket and el'- Adams?" !l66 students to ets. When the big day arrived, sev- nothing so monotonous-so conducive pull out a much creased and smeared get federal relief .. quiet superiority eral thousand braved the cold, the to inactivity-as the persistent cry of program. Carefully I smooth it and of l!brary ass~stants .. dazed. boys rain, and the snow to support their Tau Kappa Alpha held its annual a locust. As I note with passive won- turn to the afternoon events. Two- out into the bright sun from libr-ary team and their College. dinner on Tuesday evening, May 19, der that not even the frogs are croak- fifteen--outboard motor race. I have seminars .. "the frater-nity system is Altogether, the proceeds of the in the private dining hall. This was ing, Niggy, my dog, comes and flops a feeling of irritation. Why did they bl:eaking down." .. caf~ booths hazy game netted nearly ten thousaard dol- followed by initiatory ceremonies un- down beside me. Before I can utter a have a race for those noisy little with coed smok~. dishes .... chat- larS,-a nucleus, not so large as der the direction of President Bratton word of welcome and give him an un- boats? I look up. Even now several I tel' .. orange drmks and lipaticks. hoped for, but one around which an and Professor Makosky. The officers derstanding pat, he is asleep. In- of them are speeding back and forth Bright red fingernails .. "isn't the increasing number of those who real- elected for the year '36_'37 were: deed, the whole world must be lazy. across the river and making a ter-r-ific rive.r dirty" red br-ick chimneys ize the importance of this project may president, Sally Price; vice-president, -REBECCA KEITH, '39. noise. Like rockets they fly over the agamst a blue sky .. shadow pools build. Kenneth Plummer; secretary.traasur., water. One moment they are near, beneath tower-ing pillars ... "Naw, er, Ethel King. Awaiting the Knockabout the next, T see them skimming over naw, she's going steady." . beer The Faculty Club had a dinner at Regatta Day, and the customary the rivel' far away. The five minnte steins and tweed suits. brief cases paper-littered teachers' offices. gun for the outboard race is fired, but Carroll Inn, Thursday, May 31. Dr. J. G. C. gave its annual farewell stillness of the sleepy old shore town I scarcely hear it above the deafen- "if I stay in good with him I'll get Wills, the outgoing chairman of the picnic for the senior members on is broken by the stu-ill horns of impa- ing din that the boats themselves magna." .. "my god, do you type out Faculty Club, introduced Miss Maude Monday, May 25, at the Pavilion. The tient motorists; smartly dressed visit- make as they flash around near the all your notes 7" . President, of the club are : Gesner, who will succeed him as seniors Boyer; Annabelle Eby, Jose- ors crowd the usually deserted side- starting line. With the report of the Slap of a sweaty back on the bas- Mary chairman for next year. walk; on the wharf groups of specta- final gun the tiny boats are off. ketball floor .. "know you shark an- phine Dawson, Virginia Roberts, Mar- tors are waiting restlessly for the vel Jackson, Catherine Hall, Grace races to begin. Amused, T watch them bouncing over atomy and you'll get the fundament- Delta Sigma Kappa held its an- Wood, Jane Roop, Anna Bakel', Ethel Carefully I tighten a halyard and the waves in the distance. als" .. women with tumors wheeled nual swimming party at Silver Run Gorsuch, Mabel Steger, Helen Stump, I turn and look up at the town half nude before medical students. gets on Saturday, May 23. This was the Cora Virginia Perry, and Mildred then lean back against the mast. The again. A lively scene meets my eye, cedevors .. "it's the ethel' that socialist most freshmen" to a piling, a scene very different Hobo, .. forums. from the usual fastened bumps first time in three years that the Hammond. gently against the wharf. I glance at drab quietness of the place. Cars go orator half hidden in smoke . rows weather has been suitable for swim- Officers of the club for the coming my watch. One-thirty-nearly an ming. Afterwards a picnic supper year are: President, Jane White; hour and a half before the 16-foot constantly up and down the strand, of ruby colored drinking glasses. was served at this pool. One of the treasurer, Helen Boughton; chaplain, and parked cars line the edge of the "does the speaker presume to state" best features of the day was the num- Margaret Burns. knockabout 'race is scheduled. I turn bluff. On the bluff itself are people ... ball players futilely hitting white I can see their net. pellets a huge student ber of alumni who came back to join and watch my fifteen-year-old broth- watching the races. I can guess their lawyers, into confident the world is theirs el' bail a little water from the bottom volatile gesturing; the party. They were: Martha Har- Under the direction of Philip S. of the boat. This is his first big race. talk. The group there is somewhat .. green leather divans .. mounted rison, Mary Wooden, Elizabeth Buck- Royer, the Western Maryland College Poor kid, no wonder he looks nervous ey, Esther Righter, Sue Cockey, Su- Band presented a concert in the open and excited. more closely massed than any other trophies . "I feel there is room fOI' san Strow, and Dot Paul Weber. ail' theatre in Harvey Stone Memorial one. I watch it intermittently, pleased such an organization" .. girls thrill- The guests of the club were: Fran- Park Sunday evening, May 24, 'It "'Vhy don't you go for a swim, to observe the pattern of its move- ing over Lord Byron jars of dead ces Bakel', Louise Kirks, Mary Jane sundown (6 P. M. if you prefer.) Paul? There is plenty of time. The ment and the color that derives chief- flies pickled lobsters .. mid die professors _ Honemann, Dorothy Smith, Anne This is the first time that the con- race doesn't start until 2.45." ly from the women's dresses. Blue, I aged women scared freshmen who smoke .. cigarets forced tv Oleair, l\Iary Oleair, Betty Shunk, cert has been held at the open ail' A look of relief passes over his think, is the overshede. There are box one another . Lu Mar Myers, Thelma Yohn, Julia theatre. Selections by the well known face, and I can tell that he is grateful many other groups around. Under Berwager, Ann Stevenson, Winifred German composers Schubert, Brahms, the trees neal' the wharf are small as- River bank picnics secret em- Harwood, Carolyn Smith, Louise Ja- Bach, Wagnei-, and Ghys were fea- for the suggestion. He leaps to the semblages talking and viewing the blems pinned inside pockets .. leath- mieson. tin-ed. Many of the student body and wharf and makes his way through the river. Some spectators stroll up and er jackets .. amber pipes . angry The club held its senior farewell relatives and fa-iends were in attend- crowd to the spring board. For'a mo- down the path that leads from the vices of student politicians behind for the members of the graduating ment I see his body arched agu.inst wharf to the bluff. closed doors. class at Carroll Inn on Monday, May I ~~:a~~~air:.a perfect dive and then he Many of the onlookers are strang- College! 25. Each senior received a bud vase ers down for the regatta. Expensive- with the club flower as a favor. Af- Phi Alpha Mu held election of of- I brush a wisp of hair from my ly clad and obviously cultured, these ter a delicious dinner, the members ficers for the fall term. The follow- eyes and relax more comfortably visitors appear very unlike most resi- I stoop down and slip the bow line adjourned to the club room for the ing girls were elected: President, Na- dents of the place. From the rough, off the piling and put it down by the final farewell ceremonies. omi Crown; vice-president, Arlene against the mast. I tur-n my head n shirt-sleeved watermen of the village mast. Grasping the pilings, I pull the' little and look out over the river dot- The installation of officers for the Hudson; secretary, Sally Blackwell; they are forever separated, one might boat out past the edge of the wharf new term 1936-37 took place in the treasurer, Evelyn Crown; chaplain. ted with boats of all sizes and of all believe, by barriers of wealth and and give it a final shove. The sail club room on May 26. Those girls Nancy Quillen; alumnae secretary, kinds. How beautiful it is-s-white breeding. But today there is easy catches the breeze and the boat taking office are: president, Margar- Louise Nickell; sergeant-at-arms, sails against the water and the sky, converse among all attendants. Vis- "keels" over. Behind us the water et Hoshall; vice-president, Mary Alice Margaret Smith; inter-sorority coun- white sails against the green wooded itors and villagers are brought to- foams up under the rudder. A wave Wigley; secretary, Hazel Gompf; cil representative, Nancy Quillen; in- shores. gether on this occasion by one great, hits the side of the Hobo and we aro spray. with drenched Ahead of us treasurer, Mildred Wheatley; alumni tra-court, Evelyn Crown, Betty Riley; Far up the river, sides and sails common interest--the love of water secretary, Eli?abeth Harrison; chap- sunshine committee, Anne Brinsfield, glistening in the sunlight, I see a log and boats. are several of the .knockabouts that lain, Sarah Adkins; inter-sorority Jane Murphy. canoe, one of the most graceful craft are going to race against us. They representatives, Anne Dill, Beverly Carroll Inn was the scene of the The breeze is a gcntle caress on my pass neal' and we wave. We all sail Harrison. annual farewell banquet for the sen- on the Chesapeake. Swiftly it comes cheeks and legs. Behind me I heal' along side by side ... grey smoke, the crack of a gun-my pulse quick- bird fly- down the river, like a great ior members of Phi Alpha Tuesday ing low over the water. Soon it comes the ropes gently creaking and the wa- ens, and Paul puts the Hobo on an- At a meeting of the Home Econom- evening, May 26. The traditional cup neal' enough for me to distinguish ter slapping the sides of the boat with other tack. The waiting is over. ics Club Wednesday, May 19, a re- ceremony was held in the side gardens figures balanced on swinging boards a low swish. The warm rays of the port on the meeting of the Home Eco- of the Inn, following the banquet. sun penetrate my clothes. I lean my -Lu MAR l'.IYERS, '39. nomics Association was given by extended out over the side of the head back against the mast and close Charlotte Coppage. Following the re- boat. A strange emotion, one that I my eyes. How drowsy I feel. port the officers for '36-'37 were elect- We, the colored employees of cannot describe, fills mc as I look at Someone leaps on the bow of the UNO AND INO ed. They al'e: President, Margaret Western Maryland College wish to the lovely, swift moving canoe which boat beside me. With an effort I Hoshall; vice-president, Charlotte extend our appreciation to Dr. F. passes closc to me, turns, and heads rouse myself. It is Paul. 'Vater drips (Cont. from Page 2, Col. 5) Coppage; secretary, Rebecca Keith; G. Holloway and Miss Esther out to sea. I watch it become a tiny from his hail' and his deeply tanned I treasurer, Helen Boughton. Smith for their kind invitation ex- boat again, its sails a grey blur in the body. The swim has done him good. that she was accompanied here by another male. tended to us and our families to be distance. Far off I see it round a He is no longer tense and nervous. I A conversation overheard by John- present at the dress rehearsal of point and the woods hide it from my glance at my watch. Almost two- Miss Brown has been elected presi- nie Monday night told him who was dent of the State Home Economir.s Noak in Alumni Hall Thursday view. thirty, only fifteen minutes from the boss of the Sadowski clan. Congratu- evening. Association of which our Home Ec -The Colol'ed Employees As though the beautiful boat had start of the race. I nod to Paul, and lations to you, Frank. club is a member. The following girls cast a spell upon me I stand staring he walks along the washboard to the Last Monday night a week the represented our school at a recent of W. ill. C. at the point where it disappeared. stern and takes the tiller. cream of W. M. C. society males got convention of Home Ec clubs of the all "Beard" up. state: An~a Bakel', Catherine Wentz, P. Royer lias a hard time dating I ~no~d~h:~~otcin~:~~~~e. oJh;I~!~~:n~~ Seniors - Alumni Nellie Regina lately since she's been J _:r(l this college are planning a coop- "ambulancing." Pete Mergo is robbing the "crib" L/:~~:est~;ev:t:ef~.~~o;aC~e::ll~;:\I:l~ Do you wish to keep in touch with the weekly doings at Western Maryland? agHalan:anyon" "i', b,.n tho v,'",'m of !~~~~~~:r ~~:~!i Do you wish to make stronger those college ties that can ne'er be broken? ~ " '" ~ y " ~:~\s :~eth:~~:r If you do, see or write any of the following GOLD BUG circulation managers and let them put a sunstroke lately? assistance and benefits. you on our 1936·1937 mailing list: Johnnie sa~'s to pick some one your Miss Stockard and Miss BI'own en- JOHN CULLER, '37; ARLINE HUDSON, '37; own size, Emil; she's experienced. tertained the Senior Home Ec stu- CHARLES SPANG, '38; BETTY RILEY, '38; I guess you've lost your little Au- dents at a buffet luncheon on Monday, TRAGO BRUST, '39; HILDA BIDDLE, '38. drey, Puffy. ~1:: f!~l~\~~n~h:e~~~~i~~ R. G'ilbert, J'I The subscription price is $1.00 a year. Ponte claims that he got that black ,~~~: ;:~e~~ tained: E. Wolford, THE GOLD BUG eye in Chicago. L.lgh, H. Jacob"n, J. Ba.,·, E. By,d, Th. n,w "Hayn" "'alnlng "",m" M. Boyer, A. Baker, E. Payne, C. I has proved utterly unsound though Wentz, C. Kephart, E. Gorsucb. !k=============""=================d enjoyable, 1
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