Page 67 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, M'::'. PAGE THREE NETMEN GAIN REVENGE; 1936 BATTING AND SKINNER HOLDS MOUNTS; DEFEAT DELEWARE 6-3 SNAPSHOTS PITCHING RECORDS SULLIVAN HIT FREELY By WALTER TAYLOR Here are the 1936 batting and Brown and Ransone Scintillate In pitching averages of the Western First Inning Attack Nets Seven Doubles Play Maryland team. These figures do Runs and Clinches Game Terrors Welt Represented On All Star Team not include the final game of the The Terror netmen got sweet re- With the close of the time has come to select the season with Washington College. Coil. venge for the 5-4 licking handed them that (he end of GAB RH SBPCT .!\Id. League= here by Delaware when they pounded Maholchic 625 611 .440 W. L. PCT. out a 6-3 victory ovar their adver- Barkdoll 3 5 0 2 .400 1,000 saries last Saturday at the latter's Benjamin 13571522 .386 .714 grounds. Drugash 7291311 .379 .667 Brown and Ransone, the Terrors' Fowble 13591520 .339 .500 No.2 doubles team, played their best Campbell 13541118 .333 Hopkins .167 tennis of the year as they hurdled Sadowski 926 9 8 .308 Loyola .143 Wells and Rice. The scores were 4-6, Lathrop 1248 714 .292 Scores 7-5,6-0. Skinner 715 1 4 0 .267 Wheeless and Wells were the only Draper 1249 213 .265 Wash. Coil, 14; St. John's 2. singles victors for Delaware. Millard 5 8 2 .250 Wash. ColI. 9; l"Ilt. St. Mary's 6. The Summary: Lipsky 1 5 0 1 0 .200 West.l"IId. 19; Loyola 2. Haynes, \V. Md., defeated Donohue, Roberts 618 3 167 West. Md. 9; Mt. St. Mary's 5. Wash. Coil. 20; Loyola 4. 6-0,6-4. Cline 612 , 2 .167 Hopkins 10; Loyola 8. Volkart, W. Md., defeated Nichols, Edmond 926 1 .154 6-3,6-1. Adriance 1240 5 5 .125 "Includes games through May 23. Elliott, W. Md., defeated Rice, 3-6, Coe 5 4 1 0 .000 Behind the six-hit pitching of 6-2,7-5. Team Av'ge 134809114042 .292 George Skinner, 'Western Maryland W~~:,l~~~, Delaware, defeated Brown, PmST TEA~[ SeCOND 'TEAM Pitchers G H BB SO W L PCT tripped II1t. St. Mary's 9 to 5 and got revenge 15-3 shellack- for an earlier Wells, Delaware, defeated Belt, 6-3, Fowble, 'Vest. Md. 18. Carney, J..oyola ~:~~!~II:i ~ 3~ ~ 2~ !~1:~~~ ing handed out by the Mounts at Em- 3-6, 6-2. Reinhar-t, Wash. College 2B. 'T. i\pichellil, 11ft. St. Mary. " I mitsburg-, The game was played Sat- Ransone, W. Md., defeated Hume, 6-1, Benjamin, 'Vest. Md. SS. Berry, Wash. College ;l~:;~nl~' ~;; ~~ ~~ ~ ~ :~66 tn-day, May 16, at Westminster. 6-4. Tignor, 'Vasil. College 3B. I '__ --::=====-__ A big first inning in which the Ter- Ha ynes-Vclkai-t, W. Md., defeated McNamura, lU1. St. ]\Tary\; LP. \{:;~~~·~~a~;.e~~I~I~~ rors blasted Sullivan from the hill and Donohue-Wheeless, 4-6, 6-2, 6-1. Nicholson, Wllsh. College GF Stevenson, Loyola netted seven runs put the game on Brown-Ransone, \V. !"lId., defeated Campbell, West. Md HoF Sccsnev, Mt. St. l\Iary's Terrors Drop Tennis ice for locals. Al Thomas, who reliev- Wells-Rice, 4-6, 7-5, 6-0. Lokuta, l\lt. St. :Mnry'~ C. Muholehic, West. Md. ed Sullivan, finished the game grant- Hume-Nichols, Delaware, defeutedEf, Skinner, ·West. l\fd P. Thomas, nit. St. Mary's Match to Bucknell ing eight hits and two runs. liott-Belt, 7-5,2-6, 6-2. Su.llivan, 1\It. St. 1\Illry's P Sadowski, 'Vest.. Md. MeNamara and Reilly poled homers "Sheriff" Fowble was a for the first base post. tor- the visitors. He hit .339 and had the best The runner- Volkart Only Singles Winner; Belt up position contested between Weshiugton and Ransone Win Doubles The summary: Loyola is Buried College, but former got. it because show to \Vest. Md. AB RHO A Under 19 - 2 Score §~~~dl~~ta~~t;~~: ~~~\~lnr~:c~o;~~dilt\~~.~~~rteam. Dmgash,2b. c. 5 5 1 2 2 2 12 3 4 Haholchic, Reinhart of Wn~hillglOll College ('n>;ily led the field of seconrl Fowble, lb. 4 0 1 11 Drug~sh and Maholchic Lead At- ers. He received 20 points (0 Apichella's nine. Rcinhar-t \I"[IS Benjamin, ss. 1 1 tack as Terrors Batter Two the Sho'men's leading hittel's this year Hml showed up well Campbell, cf 4 2 3 Hurlers Downs of St. John '8, \Vayson of Loyola, and Drugnsh nlso had Lathrop, 3b. 1 2 0 Benjamin, the Tenors leading hitter, was another nnanimons Draper, rf. 4 1 2 0 With Drugash and Maholchic lead- He easily outshone Berry, last year's All-League shortstop. Berry re- Adriance, If. 4 1 1 0 ing the attack, Western Maryland ce.i:ved only J2 points. He experienced a good season bnt conld not com- Skinller, p 4 0 1 0 combed McClure and Wantz for 19 pnre with Benjamin. Leahy of the :\[onnts, got one second place. hits and won its second game of the 'rignor, the third sacker, also totalled 25 points. He was easily the Totals 38 9 14 27 13 season from Loyola, 19 to 2, at Ever- class of the hot. corner mel] this year. Lathrop, who received nine points, Ut. St. Mary's AB , R H 0 A green, Friday, l'day 15. slnmped at bnt, in mid-season and \\'Olllld np below the .300 I1Hl1'k Cliff, !llcNamara, If. 1 1 2 0 Sadowski held the Greyhounds to 1101\'e,,e1',sho\\'ed enough io clinch the second team spot with en>;e. His Reilly, cf 4 1 1 3 0 five scattered hits, one of them a rivals, Frank Apiehelln of the 'Mounts and Bennett of St. John's each McGurl, lb. 3 0 homer by Tom Bracken. Barkdoll got one second t.eam yote. defeated Brown, Segadelli, lb. 0 hurled the last inning for the winners. Of the outfielders, Nicholson allCl Campbell got nil Lokuta, c. 0 5 1\fcNamllra rated fonr firsts and a seeond. Thi~ trio clln anying a defeated Elliott, Scesney,rf. 0 0 0 The summary. good outfielil mmt. do. All nrc clangerous hitter!; and 11I'etough to face 6-3, P. Apichella, ss ... , 0 1 1 2 West. !lId. AB RHO A \"ith men on base. l\[cNanlill'fj is Ill"I excellent lelld-off mnn. 'rhe three Nesbit, Bucknell, defeated Belt, 5-7, T.Apichella,2b. 1 1 5 2 Drugash, 2b. 6 4 4 3 0 can go plllces ill the field too, altho,ugh Nicholson is as classy ns t.he 6-3,6-3. Bl'ennan, 3b. 2 1 0 1 3 !llaholchic, c. 2 4 5 other two. 'iVebb, Scesncy, and Stevenson, the patrol, nrc Camps, Bucknell, defeated Ransone, lWalsky. 1 0 Coe, c. 0 3 lig-hter ilitters and not so fast nfield, but the~' ellongh to rate 6-1,7-5. Sullivan, p. 0 0 Fowble, lb. . 6 11 0 positions. Elcome-Bowler, Bucknell, defeated Thomas, p. 3 1 2 0 1 Benjamin, ss. 6 2 Lolmta and Maholchic were the only h\·o calchcl's Haynes-Volkart, 6-3, 6-3. Campbell, cf 3 polled 23 votes and Frank 17. Both Ill"~ hard hitter!;, McDonogh-Nesbit, Bucknell, defeat- Totals .. 32 5 24 Edmond, 2b. 0 and possess very ~trong thro"'ing arlllS, bnt TJokutll i~ a ed Brown-Elliott, 6-2, 6-1. 6 9 Lathrop, 3b. 1 performer. Mnholchic lUIs a higher batting 1I\'erage, but Belt-Ransone, W. Md., defeated 1 Batted for Bl'ennan in 9th. Cline,3b. 0 1 0 1 more exira base hits and has mmgllt more glllues. Camps-Everett, 6-2, 4-6, 7-5. Mt. St. !"II. 003000110---5 Draper, rf. 5 1 1 0 0 Skinner and Sullivl1n~ tile latter 1111 Emmitsburg ace. eM:;il~' West. Md...... 70001010 x-9 Adriance, If. 4 2 1 1 0 tile hurlers. Skinncr had five firsts, and Sullivan four (h'sts Eaors-F. Apichella, Reilly, Ben- Sadowski, p 4 4 3 0 ond. The ense with whiell they S\YCpt the yote is ShO\\"l1when BARKDOLL TAMES McNamara. Two base hit8- Barkdoll, p. 0 0 0 and 'rhomns, second team hurlers, had nine and eight points NEW WINDSOR, 9-3 (3), F. Apichella, Benjamin. Huffman and Smith of \Vashington College, Coopel' of St. Home l'uns-McNamara, Reilly. Stol- Totals .44 19 19 27 10 Rnbinger of Hopkins also ran. Buck Barkdoll let New Windsor en base-Fowble. Double play-Dru- AB RHO A Bachelors And Gamma Bets Monopolize All Star Posts gash to Benjamin to Fowble. Left on 5 0 2 5 'rhe All-Jntrallllll"lll spcedbnll team fOI' 1936 is as follo\\'s: buses W . .Md. 6, Mt. St. Mary's 3. , 0 o 0 FmST '1'EAM SECOND 'I'EA)f Eases on balls-Off Thomas 1, off 4 0 3 Campo£reda, Black Imd Whites .lB Waters, Gamma Bets mday. Skinner 3. Hits-off Sullivan 6 in 1-3 , 0 14 'Vade, Bachelors 2B. 'l'omichek. PI·eachers Sheriff Fowble, with a triple and innings, off Thomas 8 in 72-3 innings, 4 1 1 1 Shermnn, Bachelors SS. T... GI'aham, Gnmma Bets two singles, and Stan Benjamin, with Struck out-By Skinner 12, by Thom- 1 1 2 Ritchie, Gamma Bet~ 3B Mujwit, Bachelors a double and single, paced the Terror as 4. Wild pitches-Thomas, Skinner. o 4 Strasbnugh, Pre:lcll('rs J..1". Woodbury, Gamma Bets hitters. London of New Windsor Losing pitcher, Sullivan. 1 o ~~\~:~~~~lB:~~~lt~I~~ Bets ~~: Uvamli, l\~I~~'~~~l.a~(;ci~\~;: i f~;~i~~: °i~IY\:~~~ h~~~ b~iP:~;~~~ o 0 0 HURTMEN TRIP JOHNNIES McClure, p. o 'Vallaee, PI·etlCher.~ C. P. Kiefer, Gamma Bets scol'ed a trio of runs marked his Ba.chclors downfall. Elseroad, Prenellers Moore, Wantz, p. 3 0 FOR SECOND TIME In several places \'oting on the Intramural was uneomforta- West. Md. 1 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 3-9 bly close. Wallace \yon the catching PO!;t b.v a oyer Kiefer, get.- New Windsor 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0-3 Clinching the match with five out Totals 35 2 5 27 16 I ling 16 points 10 Bob's 15. 'Vllde and Tomichek had 1:1 yotes for Batteries-Bal'kdoll and Lipsky; of six singles victories, \Vestern \\lest. 1"I1d. 0 0 3 7 2 0 2 0 5- 19 1 the second bnse posilion, but \Vnde recciyed the award beeause of his London and Lantz. Maryland's racqueteers went on to take two doubles and easily defeat St. Loyola .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0- 2 ~I~:~~r~~i~t~1g~'ot~~1~~e~~;~;t~I:~?r31~~~~t\;~cte~r~~l;)::~ ~~~~:;t~l;:o~~tl~il:~}~;'I~~ _ John's 7 to 2 at 'Vestminster, Satur- line /lnd 11('e Adrinllce II'ere close 0]] till' heels of the pilir. MORRIS WINS SENIOR day, May 16. Brown was the only singles WAA ELECTS HONORARY Sher!~s~r~\~~ ~~ll~P~~dtil~~~~;~~\~I;~l~:'i~~~lI~~~i~;i~~S1;~il~~l\~.I~i~ogl;'~l;~IlI~~ TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP while Elliott and Belt dropped loser, a BASEBALL TEAM had 8. Dud Ritchic had 20 \'Ole~ to :Muj\\"it's 14 in the racc for thinl The tennis finals f(\r the school three set decision in the doubles. base. The honorary baseball team for "Puilge" Grahlllll WHS the only unanimous choice 011 championship have not yet been-reach- The summary: 1 fl36 was chosen Monday night by the t.eams. Str!Jsbn;ugh hacl 23 points, Keweomb 16, 'Voodbnr.v H, ed but the class champions have been Haynes, W. Md., defeated 13urns, 7-5, WAA board. The team decided upon .13, nnd Martin 12. determined. Jes~ie May Monis de- 6-1. was the following: Othcr.~ WllO polled votes included T..assahn and h Gl"IdWlll, pitchers; feated Elinor Tollengcr 6-1 to P. Volkart, W. I1Id., defeated Smith, 5-7,6-2,6-4. H. Gompf Catcher Brooks nml Gosnell, catchers; l\farldine
   62   63   64   65   66   67   68