Page 62 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Production of "Noah" GOt Andre Obey Play Presents Many Now Well Under Way Amusing well, well, well, here we are again Production "A rainy day is a Democratic day," Difficult And Problems -much to our surprise. With all our Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- says an old election slogan, and as the work piling up and the social calen- day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, time rapidly approaches for the two Problems as difficult to solve dar overflowing, we really expected and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of great parties to hold their quadren- they are amusing to consider have al- to be recuperating from an attack of Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class ready developed in connection with spring fever and a temperature of 110 matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. nial picnic, the chief worry of Demo- Noah, the Andre Obey play, degrees. Anyhow here we are-first SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE $1.00 A YEAR cratic James A. (Three-Job) Farley which the College Players are pre- is apparently whether Jupe Pluvius with a complaint because we heard sent in Alumni Hall, Friday night, that Moose 'I'ayloi- got the credit (or 1935 Member 1936 will "reign" at the right time in No- May 29, according to Miss Esther I4ssocialed CoUe6iale Press vember. Smith. debit) for this column. that Campo- In contrast to the sensational ses- No small part of the trouble re- freda Our snoopers reported with another came through EDITORIAL STAFF sion of the donkey-followers at Chi- volves around The Al'k for it seems smashing victory, and Frankie wants ..... Editor-in-Chiel J. RALPH LAMBERT,JR., '37 cago in 1932, this year's convention at that the art of ark construction, un- 11 slight ad- Associate Editors EVELYNCROWN,'37, GEORGENEEDHAM,'37 Philadelphia, seems well in hand. changed through the ages, has been to know if he didn't have it Camp? We vantage j-c-how about ~:::tit~l~:.:::::::::.::::..:~~~.~~~~.~~!~~K:a~~~:3'~'7,S~~:~~~~ ~:;DS~~~~::~~ Despite a noticeable New Deal reac- pretty nearly lost in this age of steel also have reports and pictures of a REBECCAKEITH, '39, AARONSCHAEFFER,'39 tion, President Roosevelt retains a construction and high-powered mech- couple (or two--o1' thrce) out in Proof Editors. . SALLYPRICE, '37, CHARLESBAER, '38 great popularity within and without anization. 'Pi-amp Hollow ... perhaps the fairer Featm'e Edito1'lJ ETHEL KING, '37, MADALYNBLADES,'37 one (sex unknown) just took a tramp Sporte Ed'ito)"8 'VALTERLEE TAYLOR,'37, ELEANORTAYLOR,'38 his party, and seems likely to show The college carpenters, however, Exchange Editor.... . JANE WHITE, '37 his heels in the November election. are gradually becoming "ark-consci- in the woods. MAKE-UP STAFF It would appeal' that only two in- ous" so that this the difficulty is disap- of Did Niece Robbins get "canned" befor-e pearing rough hulk Managing Editors BEvERLYHARRISON,'37, JA~1ESCOLEMAN,'38 terests will punctuate an otherwise Noah's refuge, now taking shape on Friday niter I-fooled you that time, Ft'unkie . she was only gathering BUSINESS STAFF placid Democratic convention. One is Alumni Hall stage. the tin variety. At least that's what Business Ma.llage,' . ................. ROBERTA. KIEFER,'37 whether the two-thirds i-ule of a cen- Costuming at first presented an al- Kingie says-and she was with her. Ad-l!eJ"tising Manager .. ................................. JOSEPH OLEAIR,'39 tury's standing will be abolished, as most insurmountable difficulty. To 'I'her-e would probably have been a Circulation Mana,gers . JOHN CULLER,'37, ARLINEHUDSON,'37 Administrationists say it will. This Assistant Cil'culation Manager8 ............. BETTYRILEY,'38, HILDABIDDLE,'38 make costumes that even faintly re- swell "moon over Mt. Airy" the other has made Democratic conventions semble the form and features of week end if a number of our lads and REPORTERS particularly hard to steam-roller ill lions, bears, cows, and lambs seemed Iassles hadn't taken it by storm. They Reporters contributing to this issue: the past and has led to the selection impossible. The original costumes broke into the "society" column, 01' Rosalie Silberstein, '36; ldamae Riley, '36; Paul Ritchie, '37; Helen Boughton, of numerous dark-horse candidates. used last year in New York were sug- didn't you read the latest news. '37; Virginia Lee Smith, '38; Anne Chew, '38. The other issue concerns what will be gested, but no one connected with that From the results of the vote taken in the platform the Administration production knew what had happened recently it looks as if it won't be long Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct neWj. submits for acceptance. This latter to them. Finally a set was discovered before the girls are paging Philip wiII probably be an unequivocal en- by Van Horne of Philadelphia. These Morris. have been engaged. Moore going What is Alumnus and Strange Editorial dorsement of New Deal policy in all The next difficulty rose over the say when he finds out that Bull not to will furnish a basis to gather [Not copied from, but inspired by Eugene O'Neill's, Strange Interlude, the New Deal hosts of either party. sound that each animal makes. As only borrowed his girl, but stole the emitted by the players taking the honors of the day? Anyway, con- with all apologies to Mr. O'Neill, and thanks for the idea.] All is not quiet on the Republican roles, the lion's roar and the bear's gratulations Ruth and Bull!-hmm Characters: Editor. front, however, for things could not grunt bore a remarkable resemblance maybe that's the reason they His Accomplice (a sub-ordinate staff-member}. be much more muddled. The Honor- to the cow's moo and the wolf's howl. gave Bull a sabre-cor is that too cut- able Henry P. Fletcher, since becom- ting. Scene: The Gold Bug Room. ing Chief Mahout of the Republican Several recordings of wild animal Editor-"I'm afraid I won't, have time to write the editorial this Pachyderm, has introduced a series life in the zoo are being procured, Bl~~i~r~~~~:r~:ve~lllCl~:W::~w:~u~~~ week. Will somebody volunteer to write it for me t" of brilliant moves which would indi- though, with the hope of doing away esa on Saturday night last? Tlwughts-I 1lJ01tld have time. At teost I could lake timc; b1tt I cate that he might better have stuck with this dilemma. Johnnie says that the ballroom was don't want to. I'd [ike to see else get the slams once. to his poker than to his diplomacy. Miss Smith is enthusiastic but non- quite empty during intermission Sat- I'm still wea·ring bruises from the last First there is the thrilling radio committal over the present stage ui-day night. He wants to know where Accomplice-"I'11 do it for you, I'd rather like to." drama in which John and Mary can't achieved by the production. It's a Newcomb hibernated after the third big piece of work, that she freely ad- dance-maybe everyone else went out Thoughts-Why did I ever s(J;Y that? I ksuno get married. supposedly because the mits, but it is still within the abilities to hunt him. By the way, who was write an editorial, 1Fhy, I'd -rat·lIM take United States is Sfl-odd billion in debt. and means of the College Players. that faculty member who was quite of hyd·/,ophobia., haemoglob1·a. or-wen, Then, after all the Republicans have ache (bnt it's a terrific one) coming on said about Mr.· Roosevelt's brain Certainly the problems presented ~~~~,~~~:h~~c~:en~~:~!!h:l~~~~~.a ~~.~ Editor-'''rhanks loads. By the WHy, do you think you conld write trust, Mr. Fletcher has concocted his by this play cannot be far greeter it was a swell dance, wasn't it? a1!d Elaine a feature editorial this time! You know, something different." own brain trust; and of that brain than Lancclot both presented or Alice j'1! in the Something we'd like to abolish the is system, here lVondC1'/and, and spy prevalent 'l'h01tght.Q-I'/!' bet it'll be (Zifferwt-prolJab/,y so d·ifferCtlt that 'we trust there is Professor Carver with past years by tne college group. snoopers with flash lights--especially his superb "population control" ca.n't primt it-bid 1:t was my scheme, which makes the radical Mr. Enarmored knight-hood on a hot those who wel'e out on Sunday nite. Accomplice (smiling)-"I'lL do my night is certainly less desirable than Last time we complained about Fal- Tugwell look like the president of the Thonglds-l smiled as 1 sa·id that. Imagine it! Smilecl! I'd Pennsylvania Railroad. primitive life during the flood era. lin and Hannah eating together. This tnileh mUwr ha've sworn. Hul, did yon see I ila I, look he gave And at any Tate Noah doesn't need time our list has enlarged and we sug- Then there is the appointment of me? Thi11ks 1 can't do it, does her Wen, I'll show him! Senator Stiewar as keynotel' in the ~hl:ceg;,~gl~;n;:,.l:nd~resentation like ~~:\at:l:t li~i~s;i~:h;h~~~v: s~~::;:~ t~~ [She goes into a eoma-,md begins} coming Cleveland convention. If our bie with Nock and Sadowski, Ritchie Aecomplice-"'rhink I'll write on thc sunsets. 'Vestern Maryland memory serves rightly, Senator Stie- But one thing is certain: the stu- and Wuntz, and Fennel and Coe as sunsets are lovely, don't you think ~ So inspiring J" war voted lor the NRA, AAA amend- dents are back of the director and guests-they sit together anyway. this? Joe 'Well, who can explain ThOlI,ghts-Lovely---yes! b!spiri1!g-yes! Bea!dif111! GloriOlb8! ments, and the Bonus, wnich wel! the director is back of the play. Uvanni wus walking down Main Thrilling! Sil,per-g(Jrgeolls MI·nsets. They make one as he aualifies him to lambast tne New Street pushing a baby calTiage. sta.11ds revere11ily wa.tchitlg the MUs. Deal. Now Mr. Fletcher has paid The GOLD BUG takes the p1'ivilege But one a different sigh at lite Mr. Roosevelt tne final compliment (Of of giving out nasturtiums. Our first adopting his 1932 stunt in having the aboul s1l1!sets -in an editorial. bouquet goes to Mrs. Hamrick and nartv's nominee make his acceptance Kesmodel for that bread and pastry. :J'he glory, the bea111YJ at the convention. I We congratulate the freshmen and the hill.s. ,---------__! suphomores 011 the improved chapel Accomplice (burstillO" forth with
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