Page 59 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 59
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, M':. PAGE THREE YOUNG, McMAHON STAR SKINNER HURLS TERRORS IN SHO'MEN'S TRIUMPH SNAPSHOTS TO FACE TE~~Z: SATURDAY TO WIN OVER HOPKINS By WALTERTAYLOR 'Washington College Runners Take Batters Hit Ruhinger Hard In Seven Firsts Between Them Early Innings Terrors Get Real Test Saturday Western Maryland's track team Although Western Maryland opened its Maryland Collegiate Base- Md. Coli. League. -dropped its first meet of the season ball League season yesterday with Hopkins, the first real test for Joe W L PCT to Washington College when the Sho'- Lipsky's men will come Saturday afternoon when they travel to Em- Wash. Coil. 2 1.000 men annexed a 721h to 35% triumph mitsburg to meet Mt. St. lIInry's. Always dangerous in any sport, 'Vest. Md. 1.000 .on Hoffa Field, Friday, April 17. the Mountaineers have a team capable of going places in the League Mt. S. M. 1.000 The Terrors took only three first this season. Yet one never knows what may hap- St. John's 1.000 places, and all of them were in the pen ill baseball. At this time Jo Jo Lawler's Loyola . 1.000 .000 ~:~~t:;~~~s'the s~:~~efer~~;j~:i::e~ r~~e t~l;:P~~o~p \~ a:l~li~~~:t b001~~~~~~~1~tt~s,talI~ Sullivan and Thomas are the aces of ~::~~ns .000 he won the shot put with a heave of any other league team does take the title from a strong Mt. Saint Mary's staff. The i Scores ~iSi~~~.s7~0!~·t~:l~~x~n~;oki~ia::s t;~ tho Chestertown aggregation. But Lawler's former, a tall righthander with lots Mt. St. M. 7; Hopkins 5. gain four points in the event. ~l~~'m~~v~o b:;~b1~~l:erfau~~i!ln~~11;~te~ea~~~11:nt~~ ~~gS~::1g:~~~:,0~:~lfh~r;:S~:e s:~;~~ ~:S~~:C~I/{6~\';;~~S2~' Lassahn and Lesinski Win many are picking the teams to run one-two in paw, may get the nod instead. "AI" Wash. Coll. 9; Hopkins 4. Louis Lassahn, western Maryland's ,the race. has yet to see action this season. Sul- St. John's 13; Loyola 4. , star javelin tosser, easily defeated the Mounts Fortified In AU Departments livan hurled excellent games against W:ri~:~o~O;n:~~:i~':s:lt of Mt. St. !~ldT~ ::~:!nfe!;~r:~:~:r!~\:tthi: WALTERTAYLOR to f~~li::i~~vl~l'g~~~~ ~~~~t.~hi~f S~~~~~l.m~~er~~~ ~!~:o:n': ;:!e~lbright, but has not M.-Loyola game yesterday. event could not gain either second or departments the competition for positions is keen, and there arc suffic- Behind the five hit pitching of the LIPSKYMEN TAKE TWO third and were outlasted by Young rent veterans around to steady the new men who nrc grabbing ~eo~get S~inner, t~et Terror ti~ewon and Anderson of Washington College. spotlight . 1 S r-s eague VIC ory yes er ay as ' Sul~i. The last Terror victory was in the The 'pitehing staff is much better than it Was in 19~5: Bill It WIll I GAMES FRO.M SHEPHERD ~~~~i~: ~1~0~pei~s:er~0-6 decision to discus, and here the home team gained van, ace of the corps, IS back for another year of twirl mg. The ame was loosel la ed ten .('ight of the possible nine points. be remembered by inns here that the Terrors showed scant respect -- ~ . . th Yt Ptat ' Th Frank Lesinski and Al Lutt were the for Bill's offer-in D's when the Emmitsburg hurler faced them here last George Skinner pitched the Terror I errors g~rmg l~ e 0 s.. e point getters, the former winning the season. In addition to him Al 'thomas and Bill Ancliu a pair of r nine to its first victory of the season Terrors hit. Rubl~ger, J~y flmge:, evellt with a heave of 99 ft., 3 in. southpnws and Bill Rutan Frank Uinicozzi and Carso~ Walsl')' com. at Shepherdstown on April 18 as the hal:d, amassl~g thIrteen hIts off hIS Lutt pressed his teammate eiosely, plet.e the'mollndsmen. \ValskY also altern'ates in an ontfield berth Lipsky men beat Shepherd College d?hveI'Y. Skmner coa.sted along ~e- 'hid the best he could do was second when not hurling. ' ~i~~~~~~:,ngS:i~::;x g:~: ~~: ~:~~ ~;~:s a,:~:~e t~:a~i~t;!~s t~:or:~alf::~ _,pl)sition. Catching is Main Forte pitching performance the team has runs. T~e Western Maryland ace Young Scores 23 Points There are cl1tchers ,wel clltchcrs I1t the lI'fonnt this scnson. At one had so far this year. fanned thirteen men and walked five, The Chestertown runners were en- time or anotller Charley Eekcnrode, Bill I.lokuta, ~'om Canfield, Billy The Terrors went right to work in while Rubinger struck out three and lil'ely too fast for the local speedsters. Smith, Bill Blazek, Stan Simonovich, and Joe Ferrara werc in the the first inning, scoring three runs on walked the same number. ;:,~n~a:~~,~~j~;7:,~0}a;a:h~af:~~;:i~:~~:I:!\~:::~~~~;~i~:j~~~:~~r~;~hl~:~:ih:;~L~r::;~::~~~\;1~~r;i,:\~; ;'~~~:~::~~i~ri~t~r~;::~~l:;f:~i:,~:d2b Y g 1 : g ~~:~~in~~~; c~i~eg:e~hen ~::~~;;~ t~! looking receiver, hurt his shoulder in football prnetice and is lost to Skinner allowed one unearned run ~~~~;~~'l:.b : iii ~ 440 yard event with Alilfoore of Wes- the squad. while his mates batted in thl'ee more. Barkdoll, If. 1 g 1 0 0 ~~~M"'Y~I:~i~:~O:h::~}~i;::;~~::i'~J:i'i~:~{lt}:e4;:~~;,~~~:]:;:tvFi~;~r~~~;,~:~dl~~~~i'i~rm'~oi;£:';;::2£;:~:;:~a~~:~o::'fi:;~f~~\~',ri.i i 11 ~ lad with a fine stride. In these three Gllrl is in reserve. On second basc the veterlln Carl Mills has given third and threw out the runner. Fow- Adriance, rf. 3 2 0 1 0 ,(,vents the Terrors got but one mark- way to Tony Apichella. Bob Leahy, a fast man in the inficld, is at ble led the attack with two doubles Edmond,2b. 4 1 2 0 1 1:'1', Gosnell's third in the mile. short, while Wally Brennan, last year's third sacker, is on t.he bench and a single. Skinner, p. 3 0 1 0 3 Young of Washington College was as Frank Apichella, the All-l\Ial'ylnnd fullback of 1935, cavorts at the W. M. C. 3 0 0 0 1 0 2--6 ......37 Totals high point getter for the meet. He hot corner. Shepherd College .... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1 Romanofsky, ... 10 13 27 10 took firsts in four events, the 100, Charles Reilly, a holdover, is in center field, while the other two Batteries-Skinner and Draper; Hopkins AB R H 0 A If. 220, running broad jump, and pole gllrdcn posts are handled by Russ McNamarA, Loknta, \Valsky, John- Willard and C. DeHaven. Alperstein, If. .... 1 0 0 3 0 vault, and was second to Lassahn in son, and lI1:eGur1. Stevens, c...... ., 0 2 0 2 1 3 0 1 the javelin. Close behind him was his Mounts Have Played But Threc Games To Date 'Vith a runner on second and one Winecke, 2b. • , 2 1 0 2 Hartke, ss ..... ~ca~:atefi :r.~cr.~ahon,~~ ;cco~nt~d At tl1is time the Mountaineers have plnyed but three games, two man out, Stan Benjamin sent a Morganl'oth, d. .. 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 • 0 smashing single past third that en- O'Connell, ab. , 0 1 1 ~~\here~er::~rsP ;~:s~ firs; pl:~~a:~~ I f;r t~f~ ~~~i~~ c~~;,~tsbeh~;d Jt~l~:~O~'atsh:I~~~~tt~na ~~; ~:lie t\l~n~:~~~ abled Western Maryland to take a Schiff, lb. 4 0 0 14 1 0 two S;CO~dS,whIle Al Moore got two Albright tripped the :Hounts by 3 to 1, although Snllivllll hurlcd a ten inning game from Shepherd Col- Carper,rf. 3 0 0 0 0 Davies, 'f. .......... secon p aces. fine game. Koscl of Albright stillcd the Emmitsburg bilts, and the lege on Wednesday, April 22, at West- Jenkins, rf. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The summary: Mounts got but five hits. Last Sat.urday Hopkins dropped a 7 to 5 minster by a 5-4 count. It was the Rubingel', p. ...... 4 1 1 1 3 100 yard dash-Young, W. C.;. A. game to thc Mounts as \Vnlsl')' and Sullivan held the Jnys in check ~econd time the Terrors have trounc~ Moore, W. M.; Anderson, W. C. Tlme all the way. cd Shepherd this seaSon. Totals ......34 6 5 24 11 -9.8 sec. Both Harter and Sadowski limited Hopkins ...... 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 31- 6 220 yard dash-Young, W. C.; B,en- Tennis, Track, And Baseball Teams Active the opposition to scratch bingles, but West. Md. 51310000 x-10 jamin, W. M.; F. Thomas, W. M. The first two ,\·eeks of Uny will see lots of activity, both on the the inability of the catchers to keep Time-23.8 sec. Rill and off. .After lUt.. St. l\fnry's on Saturday. IJipsl
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