Page 66 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. I Modern "Noah" To Be COL Variety I Obey Play To Be Given Friday In Presented By Seniors Alumni _________ Hall "Verdant Freshmen" . "G a y The Twilight Bell "He brought in the animals two by Young Sophomores" "Jolly Jun- Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- two, iors" . to the "Grand Old Sen- day. semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, The hippopotamus and the kanga- iors"-and then, "out in the wide, and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of Westminster's sun was slowly setting roo. wide, world!" Gosh, with the excite- Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class o'er the hills so far away, So goes the old song about Old Man matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Ad of March 3, 1879. Filling all coeds with gladness at the Noah building The Ark, and so goes ment of graduation us just feel around the vf corner it makes sort SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE $1.00 A YEAR close of a busy day. Noah, the Andre Obey morality play thoughtful. We'll miss all of those On the campus were the figures of a 1935 Member 1936 man and maiden fair, which the College Players will pre- faces- I'u,ocialed eorretliale Prell He with an "economy" hail.' cut; she sent on Friday night, May 29, in Al- And what are we going to do next umni Hall. with a permanent in her hair. That is, so would go the produc- year without them? What is Adriance EDITORIAL STAFF He in love and very thoughtful; she tion if 1\11'. Obey would have his Noah going to do without his Jo? what will happen when AI' has lost his play- Editor-in-Chief. . J. RALPH LAMBERT,JR., '37 so lovely dressed in white, bring in the animals "two by two." mate, Byrdie? ... when Cliff has no Associate Editors. EVELYN CROWN,'37, GEORGENEEDHAM,'37 Both struggling to keep back the News EditOl'S SARABELLEBLACKWELL,'37, SHERWOODBALDERSON,'38 murmur, the twilight bell will ring But Mr. Obey doesn't. For economy Marguerite? when LaMar Ben- Copy Editors.. ._FRANKBROWN,'37, VIRGINIALEE SMITH, '38 tonight. the animals come in "one by one." son's week-ends bring no Peggy? . REBECCAKEITH, '39, AARONSCHAEFFER,'39 But it's really so much nicer that will vroome find another Daneker and Proof Editors .sALLY PRICE, '37, CHARLESBAER, '38 J[ way. Feature EditOl'S ETHEL KING, '37, MADALYNBLADES,'37 "Johnnie", Bessie's white lips faltered Then too, the hippopotamus and the Cissell another group of senior ad- Sp01·tS Editors 'VALTERLEE TAYLOR,'37, ELEANORTAYLOR,'38 as she pointed toward Blanche kangaroo are replaced by bears, lions, mirers? ... can Howie and Sehrt Exchange Editor. JANE WHITE, '37 find themselves another Captain, and \Vard Hall, elephants, and wolves, not to mention will Peg Young date a football her-o? MAKE-UP STAFF "I will lWt obey the tower bell; I'll the lambs, tigers, and monkeys. Mr. 'Time will tell, but if we were crys- Managing Editors BEVERLYHARRISON,'37, JAMES COLEMAN,'38 not go back to those prison walls." Obey's Al'k, being typically French, tal gazers we'd say that the daze that BUSINESS STAFF "Bessie, you should not say prison. has such wretched bath-room facili- senior Hoshall is in spells her future Business Mallager . ROBERTA. KIE~'ER,'37 It's a nice place to stay, ties that a hippopotamus could never that Muriel and Reds, and Ham- Advertising JI1cmager _.._ JOSEPH OLEAIR,'39 mond and Speicher, would be listed Circulation Managers JOHN CULLER,'37, ARLINE HUDSON,'37 Al~~ed::~t o~e~uar~~ll:~e~~\~e:),el1 ruin I be;~:o~.~Oads:~d~VhYNoah leaves out Assistant Cireldation lI1umCl.gers... BETTYRILEY,'38, HILDABIDDLE,'38, "But I'll not see you 'til breakfast," the kangaroo is quite apparent. The, under "sure things" ... and that CHARLESSPANG,'38, 'TRAGOBRUST, '39 "Harry" Markline and the missua Then her face grew strangely Ark is only three hundred cubits, by may try to make a go of it. REPORTERS white fifty cubits, by thirty cubits, and so, 'Veil, so much for the prognostica- Reporters contributing to this issue: For it was already eight-she'd without special gymnastic equipment, tions, now for the seasonal trends. Lois 'Thompson, '36; Helen Boughton, '37, Paul Ritchie, '37; Robert Coe, '37; missed the twilight bell tonight! a kangaroo couldn't keep in leaping Johnnie says it sure does look like Fred Coe, '38; Pershing Volkart, '38; Sue Smith, '37; Charlotte Cook, '38. form, unless he practiced leaping up III and down on one spot. This was too "Boots" is going in for bigger and Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct neW$. "Bessie," calmly spoke the Dean, and impractical, of course. newer Palestincs, and does she Lov- every word pierced Bessie's heart, But Mr. Obey's Noah is very prac- ett? Well, be that as it may. She knew a punishment would hit tical, or maybe it's Mr. Obey's Lord- We surely were pleased with the Forward March her, hit her like a poisoned dart. Provider, for just as The, Al'k is be- way Jim woodbury reacted to our re- "For two whole years we've rung the ing fitted out for its long voyage, who mark last week. 'Who said he couldn't On Mondav graduates of Western Marvland will issue tower bell-you should be used to it should come galloping on the stage take it? forth from their almn mater to join The Grand Army of Republic, by now. but the neighbor's cow. Gaily she Someone said that Sam Baxter has or, as it is rightfully called, "The Great Army of the Unemployed." A Every evening just at sun-set, it has moos at Noah and scampers 'into The been Day-dreaming again. problem dairy Ark.. Thus tolled the twilight is hour. the great class but also a great wor-ld. Possibly the spirit of camaraderie I must do my duty ever (and I'm solved. Frosty is very interested in his did try to that they hHYCshown here at will prove an advantage sure that it's just and right) Mama Noah is late but then, Mrs. studies. In short(s)-he written. get those compositions when they're touching shoulders with of their kind. 'I'hen one A week's campus a social privilege, Noah is no longer her slim, graceful Sort of teaming up some kind of an one they will be drawn from the r-anks to march along with t.he white and the bell will ring tonight!" I self, and she had to say "good-bye" to intellectual dating scheme-c-ercn't parade-at least that's our hope und their dream. ETHEL KING, '37. i the neighbors, and lock the door, and you, Lambert?-with Silberstein, Ri- . . Weli, you know how it is. Wester-n Maryland has done its best to arm the outgoing class with Beach Balm But Noah is a grand old fellow for ley, Carrara, and Whitfield! ! And we also heard that Waghclsteiu biblical hundred six his years. a liberal education. No doubt they feel like shooting high but its the 'Warmth! the penetrating warmth all Still, he doesn't seem to have learned and Hagen are dating each other. low aim that hits the bull's eye. The class of '36 is swiftly appr-oaching of the sand from below and the sun to much in his six hundred years of Did you all notice Mullinix fixing How. good it feels above! from the day when it must toe the mark with competitors from everv walk of snuggle down into the little hollow I worldly experience. Like a lovable up his cal' this week? Best of luck, life. With Western Mai-yland ns a background the score should be high. have made with my legs and arms. but sometimes cantankerous old Moon, hope it's ready by vacation Laying my cheek against an old faded grandpa he sadly shakes his head time. Our seniors of today are the nlurnn i of tomorrow, a group from over the wickedness of the younger Why docs Miss Spies have such a beach pillow, I close my eyes and wig- which we always expect much-perhaps too much. But we are gle my toes, pushing them farther and generation. His faith in the Lord, senior following? We're putting our on their being successes in a world wher-ein their college farther into the fine, warm sand. though, remains undaunted, unshak- spies on this. Wanted act only as a background for what is to Iollov in the of greater When the warmth leaves the grains on en. Noah is a grand old man. At A name bad enough to call "Moose" experience. Experience, the great teacher, will no doubt offer courses which I lie, I make a new bed so that any rate, M1'. Obey portrays him that Taylor. By Enfield, King, and Mur- I may again feel the penetrating that are unheard of in any college, no matter how libernl. It is this phy. warmth creep into my body. Warmth! master of lives that will teach the outgoing class that it is necessary to hot sand from below-hot sun rayS "Shark-tooth" Shipley had a lap- didn't he? take carefnl aim in Ilttempting to moke the scoring high. from above. full on that Geology trip, and mother Looks like her father .Speaking of scores, there are some people who, strive as they will, As a fine granular spray strikes my love you too, Bratton. cannot add farther than nnught, but this is not the kind of mHthematical face, I become aware that my right Sort of ran into some mix-ups in with playing is mechanically hand education 'Vestern Maryland puts u])on its students. the sand-grasping and then releas- that steak roast at Reisterstown? ing one handful after another. Like How about it? Will the world do likewise ~ That was Newcomb, Lefferts, and a miniature water fall whose spray is 'Thomas in that brawl on Mulberry III 1Inswer to this wc might. ".A h, swcet mystery of life," scattered by the wind, the grains fall street Saturday night-Dr our eyes but an an l·cvoi.)" of that type is The seniors who arc soon from m~' hand to the beach. The are deceiving us. c\"cry day is 11C\\' and differ- ;:~~::,\:f:~~l/!~l:~!; a~~'~o p:;:~Z The rumor has it that Lipsky is cnt. to them, bnt this timc they ha\"e done something in antici- ly eolol'ed that I bend to examine planning to help Keyser -finish next pation of the morrow .......Many of OUI' seniors lliI'cady have some idefl of them more closely. Unexpectedly I year, or so Frankie says. Stevie and Jean seem to be making wlmt their life work will be Hnd he lil,c. As for thos(' who are \'cnluring I discover a sluggish sand flea which, up for the little time that's left by into the field of matrimony there is real mystery. They Imow \\'hilt indifferent to my curious gaze and ROSALIEG. SILBERSTEIN spending all of it together. thcir life's work will be, but not whaL it is lil;~.·· ~~~~~~mfi~~~~t:·~l~~,s:sn;ol~uol~ne'aw~~~ Presenting Miss Gold Bug! Frankie, did you hear that Pudge said you never can tell whether he's . So '~Fonnlrd: mareh" is tlw commi1l1d lind from neeessit.\· om bl"~:~e~a f~~:e~!O~~a: :':~~ss~~~h~~:~ i th:tO~:~i:~ j:~;t~:f~~:op:~~·i,~~:n:h~~~~ going to get married this summer or not? T think he'd better make sure of ~::~~~Sg\~~l:;!~O~~,/t~; t~: :;:~n:'~~~~do~[om one l:~~~:l}~i:l~e~~:o;;;~::'~l\~: ~:~v!~t~e~~r~a:;~a;!o~\'::e:heyBtutll1~~: ~~; th:~~i~~:t t~: a job -first. By the way his brother dinner or else be just another casllIllty in the ranks. over one another and land on the propel' "punch" to the cOllversation said he enjoyed was better out Sunday; our than said his dessert beach, too lifeless to do anything but who lives and talks with a '!'llel'e are great things in storc for _vou seniors who are soon to leave iall back against the next group. finesse that makes ~'ou say "It looks ice cream and preserves. are we all going to do llext What ( us. 'Ye dislike very milch to see rOll go, bnt our anticipations will be Sand-pipers are pecking half-heart- so easy, but it isn't." year to get our wool shaved by "Ray with you every step of the 'way. ~~:. at ~~i~e~f ~;Odth,:a~ho~d~:n~Yt~~; ed I~I~el;~:~: . i.n. ?~o:::.~,; i,~sin~:~'~s~ the Butcher"? "Forward March." make no attempt to keep away from natural leader 011 the Hill. Editor-in- Hey, Sarg! One of .Johnnie's -ETHEL KING, '37. the waves; they merely stand still chief of the Gold Bug, president of friends found out who "appropriated" your pick and shovel. Wasn't a Frosh and let the water swirl about tlieir the Argonauts, staff member of the nor a Soph. Juniors exempt also. tiny legs. Aloha, historian of her class, a Col- lege Player, and a leader in othel' 01'- Wimpy hasn't changed a bit; he In the distance I see a white speck ganizations, "Boots" has had the gift still knows how to strike out. A new A. C. P. Rating -the sail of the guard boat that pa- of discharging her duties brilliantly member of the "KKKK". trols the oyster beds, all during the Frankie and Johnnie both notice Each year the Associate Collegiate Press, of which tlle GOLD Bua summer. It does not move, but the while remaining her own pleasantly that Willoughby and Little Audrey self. distinctive layers of vapor rising from the bay are leaving Sadowski and E. Nock is a member, sends 11 scorebool, and rating slleet to all the 295 college An alert thinker with an alert sense make it shimmer tantalizingly. At far behind. n""\'spapers that belong to the organization wherein the general appe(lr- times the white mainsail catches a of humor ... one who sees drama ill At least we know the editor and into them IlTICeand ne"'sworthiness of the paper is compared with national stand- sun ray and throws such a bright situations and puts drama who demands snapshot editor of the Aloha. person a sincere glare into my eyes that I have to shut The army may not think that a'!'"ds. sincerity ... "Boots" naturally leads them. It is as though a mischievous Dnd leads naturally. Riefner has qualifying eyes, but he boy wel'e catching the sunlight with a sure can pick 'em. Oll these rating scales the GOLD BeG has ahnlys rated high in its The A.C.P. rated her paper high- mirror and casting it on my face. Frankie understands that Brooks is clnss-tllC bi-weekly group. 'fllis year om scorc hn.~ngain ranked high- There is a fish hawk wheeling laz- er ... her "Abe Lincoln" became un- running a harem in 'Yard Hall Sun- the Argonauts 75 ]Joints higher thnn last year. ily far above the water. I watch him forgetable .. voyagers. and became day evenings. full-fledged yet for several minutes, but not once does she had time for dozens of informal, Juanita had Oscar tearing his hair 'Ve of tIle st;lff Ill'e proud of that rating"! 'Ve intend to "'ork e"en he dive toward the bay to seize an un- human things. witty conversa- all last week. You really should have harder next year, ho\\·e\'cr. for the better anI' popcr is, the better 0111' suspecting fish. Can it be that even tion ... Noel Coward's plays. written to him. The explanation is rating "'ill be. (Cont. Page 4, Col. 3) inveterate letter-writing. (Cont. Page 4, Col. 5)
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