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GOl ELECTION RETURNS CONGRATULATIONS COMPANY "C"! PAGE FOUR Vol. 13, No. 14 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE. WESTMINSTER, MD. May 14, 1936 Company "C" Wins Tau Kappa Alpha Plans Warman Is Chosen W.M.C.Ho~orsStudents I Student Art Work I President's Trophy Banquet - Initiation By Men Students; To Hold Dinner May 18 W'II BOD' Ispay len - In Military Drill Local Debaters Represented At Re- Price Heads Girls Argonauts Aff,', In College Inn Tomorrow Evening Will Initiate New Mem- Convention cent Dickinson ben" Lieutenant-Colonel Wm. Bratton As a highlight of the year's activi- What is the twentieth-century and Captain Draper Receive ties, Tau Kappa Alpha will hold its Student Government Groups Select Golden Fleece? Classes In Creative Design To Ex- Sabres of Honor annual banquet May 19. Newly elect- Prominent Juniors For Posi, The twentieth-century Jascus and hibit Work Produced Under ed members will be initiated into the tions of Honor Mcdeas, the .Argonauts, will find that SPONSORS PRESENTED fraternity, and officers for the com- out Monday, May 18, as they dine and Mrs. Morris ing year will be elected. Company "C", under the leadership Debaters who have recently accept- COUNCILMEN PICKED at the College Inn. For the an- INSTRUCTOR TO RETIRE of Captain James F. Draper, broke a ed bids to join the fraternity are banquet and initiation of nine year jinx this past Monday, May John wanue» has been elected ~h~.o~·fanization will be held then at Completing her four years of ur-t 11, to win the president's cup for the Ethel Lauterbach, Ethel King, Ber- president of the Men's Student Gov- instruction at Western Maryland Col- niece Robbins, Joseph O'Leair, Alfred best-drilled company in the R. O. T. C. Goldberg, Frederick Tyrell, Paul Nel- ernment to succeed Charles Daneker Dr. Franklin to speak lege, Jessie Bird Day Morris opens unit. This is the first time Company son, and Herman Williarns. the results of the May 6 election Dr. E. Earle Franklin, professor of her final exhibit of student art tomor- "O" has won the cup since it has been show. Warman received a sizeable education at the Johns Hopkins Urn- row evening, May 15, at 8 P. M. in offered. Chapter sends delegates plurality over his nearest opponent, varsity, will be the guest speaker for the new art studio. Sabres Awarded At the annual regional Tau Kappa George Speigel. the occasion. A graduate of this col- Included in the show are an unusu- Lieutenant-Colonel William Bratton Alpha convention, held this year at Class representatives for the com- lege in the class of 1921, Dr. Frank- ally large number of oil paintings and and Captain Draper were the recip- Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., April ing year have also been announced. lin has achieved prominence as an I many examples in the dry brush, ients of the honor sabres. 17 and 18, the local TKA chapter was They are: senior class, George Speig- educator. charcoal, and pencil mediums. There The ceremonies of the day followed: represented by Idamae T. Riley and el, Paul Ritchie, and Franklin Crowe; Invited to the banquet are Dr. and are also needle work pieces, appli- 2.10-Presentation of sponsors to John Warman. Miss Riley served as junior class, Charles Baar, Sherwood Mrs. Holloway, t~e members of the ques, hooked rugs, wall hangings, to companies. acting secretary of the conference, Balderson, and Roscoe Elliott; sopho- faculty and their guests, charter masks, and model stages. Another Company "A" Captain ,V. S. Hum- and Mr. Warman participated in the more class, Joseph O'Leair, Alexander members and alumni of the group is made up of textile, wall- phries, presented Miss Arlene Hudson; after-dinner speaking contest. Ransone, and Robert Sherman. the members of the senior class paper, and ceramic designs. Fashion ~:I~:I~;:::n::~"iI~::t~~e~d~~~V~~~~ br:~~:g~sw:!.t~::d yi~:'kth~e~'~:r::~- Th Wome~ h;,'e elections ~~;:~ea;~:~~b:l~:d~:ti:~e a~\~d :~~thC~~t~~t~o~k::C;:: e~oh~~~~sestill mann; to Company"?" Captain J'. F. j eastern Ohio, an? Mary.l;nd, were l..ep~ elect:d '~o~~~n ~ri::d~:; ~~:i~~'n~l;~l~~ sophomores who intend to hon- Has variety of techniques Draper, presented MISS Ruth HOWle; resented at this regional meeting, I 37 'd t . h Id M d 101'S work next year. to the Band,. Captain S. VT Markline, wh~ch has f.or its ~im the .stimulation l\'ia;r~~l i~n!h: '~~;~:~11.e Oth:ll.lo~~ Ritual is planned ta~~~~ :~I:n;!:~~u~~'i:c~;r:s,~,h~~Si:~: pr~s;;~~r!~~~t~~!~ o~e~~~.battalion ~~s~:~~:~t ~~ ~:~~n~~;a~~~fn:s:~ the cei's on the board chosen at the same I the banquet w.ill be the Mrs. Morris. "That is why there is sponsor: election to assist Miss Price are: Mar- presentabon of membershIp cel'tifi- such an amazing variety of tech- Lieut.-Colonel Wm. Bratton, pre- Group enters contest garet Smith, vice-president; Evelyn cates to the fellows of the society, niques and tastes. You see, the se~~;g~~:~t~:i~~b~':~i::I~o:~~. inspec- th~~::::~u~:n~~e~h~e~~n:te~~:nH~t:~ ~:~~;li, ~~::~~ll.:;~iJ;~~~;s~et::!~::~~ ~~,~~~eh~~~~~~'~;:~:. w~~ ~~itf~~~~al~~t~ ~~~::~:di:s~:Ci:~~/~~a~::~~; ~~~~i;t:~ tor and sponsors. Argonne in Carlisle. Following the !It;cl'etary. Freshmen representatives ual for the fellows, which wil1 becomc I Rathel' they are designed to develop 2.40-Company drill (10 minutes) banquet, the after-dinner speaking will be chosen eady in the fall. traditional in the organization, has both ~ppl'ecintivcly and cl'eativeh' by sergeants of companies "B" and contestants discussed the topic "Our _Leaders hold ll(lsilions been worked out. those students who are genuinely in- "C". Officers Conduct Ceremonies ~:~~el~~i;~~~~~son~ei~'l~::~~t,a~~:;ne~~ Hi:ll~s;~~i~~, i: !\:l~~l~~:ro~t~~:_t;~::. Al:~nbaeu:~~g!bl:t:~:'n~e\~~~:~h~o~no~~; te~'~~:edp!':v~::Sw:l~a~~ingis required, The ceremonies were conducted by burg, and Western Maryland took Tau Kappa Alpha, J. G. C., the Gold have attained certain gmdes in his and the work is thus adjusted to in- the following officers: part. Bug staff of which she is proof editor, studies, but in addition must have dividual abilities and preferences. Battalion Commander Major C. R. A parliamentary session, on the and the 1937 Aloha staff, of which she dOlle specialized work in his particu- That is why we have students in all Daneker, Battalion Adjutants Cap- topic "Resolved, that the best inter- is one of the wl'ite-up editors. lar field, passing a final compl'ehen- stages of development." tains C. E. Read and M. \V. Roberts. ests of the United States will be Mr. Wal'man attended school at sive examination on it. Company "A": Captain Humphries, served by the reelection of President t:niontown, Pa. President of thc Miss Rosalie Silbel'stein is pl'esi- Is held in new studio Lieut. Shipley, P.R., Lieut. Stevens, (Continued on Page 4, Column 1) junior class and manager of the Men's dent of the organization. Last year the exhibit was held in Lieut. Graham, Lieut. Corbin, Lieut. Debating Team, he was recently Clect_ IIIcDaniel Hall Lounge, but this year Sunday N Pontecarvo. 'Voodbury, T d" IC . ed oresident of the Y. III. C. A. and S hR' I 1\1rs. Monis has decided to utilize her college Company "B": Captain ra Ihona eremomes pre~ident of a memb,,· of Gmmm< orment peec eClta new studio in Hering Hall. During the L;e"t. PH"". L''''t. B,,·e. L'e"t. S'hool. H,;, the summer vacation, the space for- Simpson, Lieut. Beauchamp, Lieut. Beta Chi and Tau Kappa Alpha. 1 merly devoted to the cubicles (and W~~%p~;:;t.~.~k'Yc'Pta;n D'"pe,. To ClimaxSenior Days ToBePresented May22 housing the library before that) the was use art for remodeled the of Lieut. White, Lieut. Eveland, Lieut. classes. Grumbine, Lieut. Riley, Lieut. Ship- Senior Farewells Draw Nigh As COLLEGE CALENDAR ley, R.T., Lieut. Haynes. Annual Contest For Four Gold High-powered lights of the most 2.4O-Company Demonstrations: Gay Whirl of Activity Gets May I5-Home Econolllics Field Medals To Be Waged By advanced design were installed to pro- Company "A"-Combat principles Under Way Trip to Baltimore. Students of Speech vide adequate, glareless light on dark -Rifle platoon in attack. days. Company "B"-Company inspec- "Where, 011 where, are the grand old President's Dinner for Fl'eshman and sophomore speech The department of art had before Seniors, 6 P. IIi. tion. seniors"? Art Exhibit - Studio in students will vie for four gold medals this time occupied a class room in Company "C"-Physical drill. Senior week is drawing near and so Main Building, 8 P. M. in the Norment Speech Contest in Lewis Hall, but by the end of last 3.25-For company "B"-3.40 for the gay social whirl heralds the end May 18--Argonauts' Banquet, Car- Alumni Hall, May 22, at 8 P. M. Par- year it had gl'own to the point where company "C"-4.00 for company "A"; oJ' senior days. The fil'St of the social rollInn, 7 P. 1\1. I ticipants in the contest are three boys larger quarters were a necessity. Annual company drill competition for events will be the president's dinner May 20-W. W. Rush Party, 4.30 and three girls from each of the two the president's cup, conducted by ca- for the graduates tomol'l'ow night at P.1\1. lower classes, chosen according to the Is recent development detofficers. !O'ixo'clock. As usual the junior gil'ls May 21-Faculty Dinner-Carroll work they have done in Speech dur- Mrs. ]\forris came to \Vestern Mary- 4.15-Battalion parade and presen- will pay homage by helping to serve. Inn. ing the year. land in 1932 after having taught in -~-- t:;tion of awards. Again the seniors will be enter- Sunday School Picnic- To the boy and the gid from cach Baltimore at public schools numbers 22 and 40, at the Maryland Institute Pavilion, 5 P. M. home of Dean and Mrs. Isanogle-· ADDITIONAL RESULTS OF tained on May 23-this time at the May 22-Play Day-Phy. Ed. class, who has, in the opinion of the (of which she is a graduate), and at jtldges, given the best interpretation COMPREHENSIVES LISTED from seven o'clock until nine. Dept., 1 P. M. of the selection, a gold medal will be the Western High School. An original play will be presented Senior Din n e l'-Home presented. In 1932 there was only art art ap- Complete returns of the Sophomore by the junior girls on May 28; this Ec. Club Room, 5.30 P. The purpose of this contest is not preciation course in the college cur- 'L to determine who will win the medal, riculum; now there is a four-year ~~~I~~a~::~t:a~~II~:~ia;n~U~~:c~:I~::~ I ~:i,~~;~n~O~~\~:dbi~~o~h~:I~;! Norment Speech Contest, but to heighten student interest in course in creative design. The credit ing results listed: dinner there will be the traditional Alumni Hall, 8 P. ill. OJ'al expression. In spirit it is more for this expansion of the pictorial General Science: 1. MacVean, Janet; ivy 11lanting by the sophomore class May 23-Delts' Rush Party, 1 like a recital than a contest. arts curriculum is due mainly to her 2. Erb, Elizabeth; 3. Gosnell, Ethel- at Alumni Hall. P. IlL efforts. berta; 4. Chew, Anne; 5. Malone, Following this rite, the senior girls Dr. and l\l1·s. Isanogle's The Norment pl'ize fund was estab- Frank. Dinnel' to Seniors, 8 P. 1\1. lished in the early nineties by the late Shows great imprm'ement Chemistry: 1. Nelson, Paul; 2. will be cOJ;lducted by the freshl,llen May 28-Senior Farewell. Samuel Norment, Esq., a former She admitted that it's taken a lot Main, Richal'd; 3. Musselman, Paige; girls to the front of McDaniel Hall Sophomore Ivy Planting. member of the Board of Trustees. of time and effort to build interest and chain will where the annual lantern 4. I'IlcKnight, Robert; 5. Lavin, John. form to slowly wind its way down into Lantel'll Chain. Participants in the contest this year nbility in an almost totally inexperi- Zoology: 1. Balderson, Sherwood; 2. the bowl of Hoffa Field. May 29-"Noah", Senior Play- are: Sophomores-Cha1'\es William enced group. An example of this, as Hendrickson, Milton; 3. Rineheimer, Alumni Hall 8 P. M. Baer, Baltimore; Alfr_ed Goldberg, she points out, has.been the increas- Charles; 4. Pugh, Humbert; 5. Wat- Friday eve_ning, May 29, will see May 3D-Garden Party-Robinson Baltimore; William Frank Malone, ingly large group working in the me- kins, Roland. the final bow of the 1936 College Garden, 5 P. 1\1. Allen; Helen Baker Leatherwood, IIft. dium of oil. Last year bnt three or Mathematics: 1. Moxley, Allie May; Players when Noah is presented in Alumni Dinner - Dining Airy; Betty Thompson Riley, Easton; four students interested themselves in 2. Main, Richard; 3. McKnight; 4. Alumni Hall. Hall, 6.30 P.M. Lonise Arlene Shaffer, Westminster. this sort of work. This year there Nelson, Paul; 5. Moore, Alvin; 6. Tay- The garden party in Robinson Gar- Alumni Dan ce - Girls' FI'eshmen-Robert Milton Brooks, are at least twice this many. lor, Eleanor. den will come Saturday afternoon. Gym, 9 P. III. Cockeysville; Aaron Schaeffer, Balti- Until last year, !\frs. Morris was French: 1. Appich, Arlene; 2. John- The colorfulness of this event is soon May 31-Baccalaul'eate S e I' m 0 n, more; 'William Francis Thomas, Bal- Jessie Bird Day, daughter of the Rev- son, Alice; 3. Bittle, Hilda; 4. Smith, tC' be contrasted with somberness, Alumni Hall 10.30 A. 1\1. timore; Mal'y Clemson, \Vestminster; erend Albert H. Day, pastor of the Virginia; 5. Millender, Marian; 6. Ed- however: Sunday comes Baccalau- Evening on the Canipus, Gladys Coppage, Baltimore; Sara North Avenue Presbyterian Church wards, Mary Katherine; 7. Spies, reate. Then graduation and farewell 6 P. M. Louise Jameson, Pomonkey. of Baltimore. At the end of this year Katherine; 8. MacVean, Janet. to senior friends. June I-Sixty-Sixth Annual Com- The contest is under the direction she plans to give up teaching. As German: 1, Schneider, Alice. "They've gone out into the wide, mencement. of Miss Nannie Lease, Miss Esther she puts it, "I want to settle down Spanish: 1. Jackson, Irving. wide world." Smith, and Miss Jean McDowell. and be a good wife."
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