Page 58 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 58
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. SENIORS OBEY'S "NOAH" ANDRE TO PRESENT GO \lei IVariety (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 3) till the earth anew, "Just tell me, We've been wondering what that SONNET TO A MODERN GIRL God, once in a while, that what I'm new game is that the girls are play- Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- Aias, not here the modest maiden's doin' is satisfactory," you laugh at ing. Frankie says that she thinks it's day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, mein! him and yet you get a throw-back to "Hide and Go Seek" because she heard and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of early religious faith. someone yell, "All out's in for it! .., Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class 'Neath arched and plucked eyebrows But it was only the annual Spring' matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. bold orbs appear Noah, a victim, like the other pa- check-up functioning as. usual. We: SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR Which neither stare ncr forbidden triarchs, of the lack of faith of his sights do fear. family and friends, becomes a soli- thought it was awful cold weather- 1935 Member 1936 The bashful blush ne'er on these tary devotee who alone believes in the fOl>it, but Cooper said that it would I'Issociafed CoUe6iate Press cheeks is seen, power of someone "up there". He is Klare up soon-yeah, we're groaning,. Her boyish figure in a grotesque lean, sublime through a very deep aim- too. Her mouth disguised as one red smear plicity and his appeal lies in things Gosh, but " we've got Spring Fever. EDITORIAL STAFF other than words. Johnnie went to sleep last paragraph. Edit01·-in-Chief .._.._. . J. RALPHLAMBERT,JR., '37 She chews her gum and makes her Guess the farmers would raise quite Associate Editors ................. EVELYN CROWN, '37, GEORGE NEEDHAM, '37 wishes clear, News Editors . SARABELLE BLACKWELL, '37, SHERWOOD BALDERSON, '38 Which ruthless wishes leave all pock- Critics lavish in praise a howl if they had to plow under all Copy Ed·itors . .FRANK BROWN, '37, VIRGINIA LEE SMITH, '38 ets clean. "Please see Noah, if not for Hea- the old dirt that's blowing around. REBECCA KEITH, '39, AARON SCHAEFFER, '39 So stands the modern, giddy, greedy ven's sake, for the sake of your thea- here. In some of our better moments: Proof Editors .. __.__.__ SALLY PRrCE, '37, CHARLES BAER, '38 Feature Editors ....................... ETHEL KING, '37, MADALYN BLADES, '37 maid- tre-going souls," pleads the New York we did try to rake off some of the SpOl·ts Editors . .__.WALTER LEE TAYLOR, '37, ELEANOR TAYLOR, '38 A serious thought ne'er seems to World-Tcleg?'am during its New York new stuff. Exchange Editor . .•...................... _ JANE WHITE, '37 reach her head run. "It is like nothing the Man- You'll have to spade down for this. But many foolish men, including I hattan stage has seen or is likely to -a certain blond gentleman tried to, MAKE-UP STAFF Managil1g Editors ... BEVERLY HARRISON, '37, JAMES COLEMAN, '38 To bestow on her our favors strive see again." "elude" the "Big Child" at a well- and vie; Robert Benchley in the New York- known Baltimore rendez-vous . BUSINESS STAFF The cause of this we really can't ex- er says: "For people who like nice can't understand why Kiefer'd walk a. Btlsincss lllanager . . __ ROBERT L. KIEFFER, '37 plain things, nice things that make you mile for a Camel and twelve miles for Advertising Manager .. . "JOSEPH O'LEAIR, '37 a place to sleep. Circu.lation Managers . JOHN CULLER, '37, ARLINE HUDSON, '37 Unle~~ :1~:i~:mpathY for one who has I ~;~n;:::t::.~}r niceness, Obey's Noah Assistant Circulation Managers . BETTY RILEY, '38, HILDA BIDDLE, '38 It was a job, but we finally traced E. R. B., '36. I "It should tickle sophisticates with those letters signed "Slim"-speak REPORTERS Reporters contributing to this issue: its whimsicality, to should bring tempo- in for yourself, Jerry! those involved rary comfort Rosalie G. Silberstein, '36; Robert Coe, '37; Herman Williams, '37; Rebecca life's complexities, should cause sheer Our advice for the week-Beware Groves, '37; Sue Smith, '37; Anne Chew, '38. of signs!! You never can tell what THE BACHELOR delight to the pure in heart" is the Moose will write on them. He almost Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. The Bachelor smiled, so smug and estimate of Tlme. pinned "Micah" last week. pleased, Pirsr- presented at Paris It took Hinky quite a while to for- No girl could get him to his knees. get, but we see that he's out of his Andre Obey wrote the play very !E-D-I-T-O-R-I-A-LI llIarried life was a lot of rot, largely in collaboration with Michel slump again ... it's rumored that Hartle made another tour of Hagers- Fancy him laboring for a wife and tot town's "hot spots" last week-end ..• He had heard much of the comforts of de Saint Denis, director of the C01J~- Impressions of Listening to Dr. Holloway deliver his inaugural ad- home panie dee Quinzes. Pierre Fresuay the grapevine informs us that Pugh Giants dress last Saturday, we were once more impressed with But he was content, being free to created the part of Noah when the socialized with the cream of Wash- the Fifteen, other elite ington's aus- under Jacques Copeau's evening- roam. the realization that any school is, to a large extent, a mirror which re- pices, first staged the piece in Paris phew!---did you notice how often Fal- He wcnt to the best spots to dance some four or five years ago. lin and his frau happen together in .fleets the personality of its president. So far Western Maryland's hie- and dine N oak opened at the Longacre thea- the dining hall ?-and how preoccu- tory has been formed by a triptych of reflections in which austerity has With a bevy of blondes and plenty of tre, February 13, 1935, for a very pied they are even while eating . wine. had no insignificant place. "Giants" are what Dr. Holloway called our Then he met a lass so sweet and successful Broadway r-un. The Eng- they 'nose' better than that-Johnnie former presidents. With this we cannot differ. 'When we look at their demure lish translation was made by Arthur opened his eyes on that. War- We would like to know-if That he called her sugar and knew Wilmurt. portrait, each one gives us some impression of gianthood. man's haste in making his date for she was pure. the Panhellenic could be due to the But things took a turn for this bache- Old Dr. Ward seems stern and gruff, his eyes unwrinkled by a E'en thongh the catcalls do not rest. unfortunate (to him) circumstances lor lad smile. Dr. Lewis seems kind, yet firm, but it is doubtful if he would He woke up one morning and life was And when the home team's hopes are concerning the Military Ball . . • if the Dove is really trying to make an stirred, have stood for any foolishness. The late Dr. Ward was better known sad. The umpire's sight is only blurred. engel out of her mate ... if Scotty's He was told that he and the lass were to most of lis than were these earlier presidents. His was a peculiar favorite indoor sport it "Reading"- married maybe we should have said outdoor, mixture of firmness and good humor. He would severely upbraid the Impossible! to the altar he must have The umpire stands behind the plate too. A target of reproach and hate; been carried. younger generation for its laxity of morals, yet no one understood He felt sickening sensations run all Each hoot and call and curse and Here's some things one of the hands better the problems of young people. through his head whine reaped-Frankie says they are good When he thought of the way he had Mean just one thing; "Go get your for a beginner-Hoffa has been "dear- Now we have added a fourth man to this race of giants. Be always said, sign." hunting" again-at the Fete of Lights But meek and lowly he doth stand -no less---ditto Kohler-it would ap- makes no presumption to gianthood yet. He praises the strength of "I'll never get married, you needn't And laughs and laughs as batters fan. pear that "Cab" Calloway's song of fear". his predecessors while saying little about himself. Quiet reserve COIl- But he had completely forgotten that life is "an eye for an eye" ... stand stitutes no small part of him. He is not yet stern or forbidding-c. this was Leap Year! An umpire has a nasty job up to it sister ... imagine Puffy To daily face a jeering mob; Fcrthman making eyes at a girl in an probably never will be. -ETHEL B. KING, '37. He has no haven, no appeal, orchestra ... or any girl ... Ritchie No one to whom to make a spiel. has that far-away look in his eye One of the most apparent changes in the successive generations of Il'hink you for such a job I'll strive? wuntz again-we don't refer to the Western Maryland presidents has been an increasing kindness, an in- You bet; he works from two to five. environs of Boston either---did you creasingly sympathetic attitude toward the students. That Dr. Hollo- THE BIG LEAGUE UMPIRE -WALTER L. TAYLOR, '37. :;!i~;: ~;.m~~ll~~>a;.ers) Saturday way is no exception to this growing tendency, we are confident in be- The umpire stands behind the plate Could it possibly be that Lintz A figure of respect and state; would like to get a Lee-d in the Ad- lieving. He stands midway between thoughtful middle age and buoy- He has naught but disdain for one ant youth. Any man who can catch enough of the spirit of boyhood and all CAMPUS ria~~~k~a~~l~~th of us as if Terp is to playa game of baseball with his sons is certainly able to enlist thc As scornfully he calls a "Ball." LEADERS running a harem-he does them more He heeds not fan and coach alike har(e)m than good. And Spiegel sits support of young people. Dr. Holloway will do both of these things. When he must register a strike. , __j II moodily around wondering "Will Yo- We hope that the cares of office will not weigh too heavily upon him. cum down?" No, not you, Frankie. The spirit of eternal youth is not to be lightly sacrificed. The umpire stands with visage grim lDAMAE RILEY We saw Harry Griggs out with the And hears the insults hurled at him; "Whew-how does she know all "Brain Trust"-what a man! It is strange that the fortunes of one large enterprise can be so Silent to expletive and oath, that? ... the class sighs and resigns Wouldn't .the administration ... closely interwoven with the fortunes of one man. We are told that He takes the curses that are quoth. itself to fate and the compensation at least part of it-like to know the one individual is not so significant that another could not easily take And while the players get the cheers, theory. FOl' when "I. T." starts to re- names of those adventurous coeds his place. To apply this to every case would be foolish, of course. The umpire only gets the jeers. cite the effect must necessarily be ex- who trucked to Baltimore last week- Yet three giants have already passed; a new man takes their place. The umpire stands behind the plate pressed by "whew!" end. We feel content, already pleased with the change. Perhaps we have And thus holds many a player's fate; Braintruster ... reporter by in- \Ve announce: written is not This column here a fourth giant, still in adolescnce, needing time alone to bring And with each lusty, ringing clout stinct ... logical thinker and illdiVid-, "Moose" Taylor or the Gamma Beta by "I. T." settles a .' ual expressionist him to maturity. He calls the batter "Safe" or "Out." problem, conducts a meeting or writes Club. His judgments make the bleachers a poem with the same "1 don't know Flash! With this maturity we shall without doubt see much of the Great- sore, much about this ... but ... " and Our Emily Post will meet the Soph- er Western Maryland achieved. Already we see it. The old heating And fandom clamors for his gore. then goes ahead to produce a colle- omores and Freshmen soon. Maybe plant has been torn down. Lawns have been planted in its stead. giate masterpiece on the subject. she can impress them that we'd like Changes have been made in Alumni Hall, for which we are all grate· The umpire stands with visage grim President of the International Re- some traditions kept intact. They al- \Vhile fonl balls bounce off leg and ful. Perhaps the day is coming when it resembles a theatre more limb; lations Club, manager of the Women's ways leave chapel first and some one and a community meeting-house less. We speak expectantly of the And if by mishap he should fall Debate Team, member of Tau Kappa said that they break up Senior tables Field House, wish fervently for the ne'" Library, dream of the new The stands resound with hoot and call. Alpha and the Argonauts, copy edi- -not enough applied "rat" rules we'd and associate edi- tor of the Aloha., say. dormitories for ~n. 'rhese are things to come. Dr. Holloway will There is no feeling for the umps; tor of the Gold Bug, "I. T." has Are you ~'eading the Log yet, He's just out there to take his bumps. probably be the man who will bring them back from the realm of not been a book-wonn. Aside from deans? dre~ms into reality. The umpire stands behind the plate being one of the charmed circle of What has happened to Bert and Jer- While pop-bottles assail his pate; s~holastic leaders on the Hill, she has ry? Yes, our future is his future and his future, ours. Most of us And bleacherites demand his kind I given much of her talent to the time- Geometrically speaking, have you will see this future become the present, then the past. A new future met the "our girl" triangle-angling will lie before us then, a future that we may also help to form. Who ~~~i~i~~:e~; ~:~lP~:C:~:u'~1am blind." ~~~:~~li:;, ac~~~~~~w~:~r~~gSh:x~;~ Brown and Cronin, isn't she? in the with that Frey Who was knows? Other presidents will come. They may be chosen from He still must call men "Safe" or led. lounge? So they got him, too! those who are now students here. Perhaps a. giant is even now "Out." Gifted, restless, alert ... ready to help a pledgee compose a song or a Want to caddy for the Dean, Adri- among us. Time alone will disclose him. For the present we have The umpire stands with visage grim pal write a letter, "I. T." remains one ance? PUmpkin can't even get a Dr. Holloway. His work has yet to be achieved. With our support, And eyesight that is slightly dim; of the outstanding personalities in tumble now ... Freddie looked like a achievement will be easy. Dr. Holloway we pledge you our support. He always tries to do his best the senior class. (Continued on page 4, column 2)
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