Page 56 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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t"ALJti FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, -Westminster, Md. Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf will be one of ALUMNUS MAKES DEBUT I the speakers at the third annual con- WITH METROPOLITAN J. D. KATZ ference of the Maryland Biological QUALITY g followed by a feed for Ethelberta Cos- 18. The Dr. Association originated Maryland be atic debut in Carmen during spring A Tradition With W. M. C A ~ j_UOSE R S II T~~:':adI.~~g~:,J held at the Univer- lege days as "Terp", made his oper- Special Rates to Students Association to be (Continued from Page 2, Col. 4) SHOE REPAIRING April on Saturday, sity of Maryland will subject Bertholf's to Light in Insects." nel and Helen Boughton on Tuesday, "Reactions vacation when the Metropolitan Opera three April 1. Association was on tour in Baltimore. years ago on the Western afforded by With only the training of the campus under- the stimulation In order that the Sophomore Home music as a background, Mr. Ward had Students It is composed of a large group Economics students may little difficulty in en.tering the august I high school and college students and give public demonstrations, Jearn to Alpha Mu Chapter of Beta Beta Beta. of the Western Maryland department of "Dad" Smelser's members of that class are giving a series of teachers. ranks of the "Met", where he was thirty-minute demonstrations, the awarded the role of Toreador in the -For- HENRIETTA TWIGG The W. W. Club held an "April production starring Miss Ponaelle. subjects of which are chosen by the With the May Court chosen, Hoffa students themselves. The nature of Shower" on Tuesday April 16, in their Mr. Ward also played a monk. Sandwiches Ice Cream clubroom. "I'his was followed by a Field getting greener, and spring these subjects is varied and diverse, supper hike to the pavilion. Arnonk what? Cold Drinks from everything showing including fever prevalent on the Hill, thoughts Virginia Calloway and Annie O. Amongk the "supers." Open every night until 11.30 turn toward May Day. And they variations in methods of making cup Sansbury have been formally initiated turn, naturally, to the pJanners of cakes to illustrating how one may into this club. May Day. For the planner deter- cook outdoors without using utensils. SUMMER which are under I mines the charm of the May fete. Outsiders are invited to see these stu- -POSITIONS- The chief planner this year is "Sis" dent demonstrations Twigg, who is vice-president of the the direction of Miss Bertha V. Stock- • Excellent opportunity to GRIFFIN'S ard of the Home Economics Depart- women's Student Government Asso- ment. JOHN EVERHART finance your college educa- ciation. Planning and directing how- tion. Work is educational in ever, seem to be "right up her ailey", nature. Reliable Company. for "Sis" has been chief planner of THE COLLEGE BARBER ~5.00 to $10.00 a day easily many activities. President of Delta made. Write for proof of reo SODA CANDY Sigma Kappa all this year, president AND BOBBER mIts and full details immcdi· of the Sunday School, an officers in Quality Tailoring ately. TOBACCO the "Y" and W. A. A., she has been College Department influential in making many events go SUITS MADE TO ORDER AT THE FORKS 1010 Arch St., Philadelphia "Opposite the. State Theatre." off smoothly. Cleaning "Sis" is essentially a "club woman". Pressing Friendly to ali, sincere, and enthusi- Remodeling Repairing astic, she has a knack for efficient ac- H. E. REESE tivity. 80 E. Main Street Opera House Money No Object J. STONER GEIMAN WESTMINSTER, MD. Westminster, Md. Week of April 13, 1936 Frigidaire and General Electric THURSDAY-FIRDAY If It's A Questionof Health Refrigerators MEET YOUR FRIENDS May tag Washers Robert Donat Radios -AT- "The Ghost Goes The West" Since J 799 thousands of people have regained their normal WESTERN MARYLAND SATURDAY health after years of suffering from stomach gas, troubles of all constipation, sour and indigestion, such types, as Coffee Shop Corner Gene Raymond stomach pressure, rheumatism, periodic headach~~~ as high which are the basic factors of such maladies blood Rendezvous Baldpate" AND RESTAURANT "Seven Keys to face and body, pains in the back, liver, kidney and bladder Those SODA disorder, exhaustion, loss of ~Ieep and appetite. chemicals suf. or feeers have not used any man.made injurious SANDWICHES Susie's Sna
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