Page 55 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 55
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, M,;!. PAGE THREE PONTECORVO W'INS N. C. A. ·A. MEET ========================= DEFEATS TINY BROWN OF COLONIALS TRIP r------------,-----"""'; I TO GET OLYMPIC I SYRACUSE IN FINAL TILT TERRORS BY 3-0 SNAPSHOTS TRY_OUT IN MAY Richter 'and Marvis Also Fall Be- W oyrych Beats Millard In Close By WALTER TAYLOR fore Terror Ring Star Hurling Duel Pouring leather .at Jim Brown for Bobby Woytych was too much for three rounds, Tom Pontecorvo, Wes- the local batters, and so the Terror baseball team dropped its third game A Bigger And Better Sports Program ~:;'i~ht~f~:~~:~:~s th:JU~:::~usa:ea~~ of the season to George Washington ly be~~~~: ~\;:~l~~l~~;~~lree~~:~d i~~e\~!s~~r~P~~~;y~~~~~ t!~~l!t~~\~~!~~ won the National Collegiate Athletic by a 3 to 0 score on Saturday, April Association heavyweight title. The 11, on its home diamond. ~~~,:'~:~:;~~:i~i~':~~:!l:~~~n1;':~~:~~:':~~:::£:~~~:~~;:?ii;~:!i~t~;i::::~:~~~nIi~~;~;~:~::~~:!:[~i: Pitching- in mid-season form, young Woytych held the hard-hitting Ter- opportunities to see the Green and Gold in action in three different tier's of renown from all over the rors to six hits, meanwhile whiffing 14. The Colonials had no easy time cIlPa~~~i~S~lwaySinteresting to watch a new team in its first year of com- c('~~~y~lass of the East encountered with the deliveries of Charles Millard, who hurled the entire game for Wes- petition. There is something fascinating in watching how the latest the leading battlers of the Southern tern Maryland. Millard granted but ~~~~'ai~ ~~ea r~~:~~~l~\,~~ '~~~ ~~~s ~~,~flkb~Ptu~~~tSt~ l~~,~~~:nt~i~a~;~~~e:: Conference and the 'Middle West, and five hits, yet errors and bad breaks The rebirth of the sport here is only a stepping-stone to future years. ;on~~~or~:ss~~n:~~l"g::no~~U;:~.hat~: decided the issue. George Washington scored all its Probably not much will be accomplished in 1936. With only four meets East after West Virginia, Penn State, runs in the fourth inning. Of the scheduled and with such an inexperienced team, "Goose" Doughty can- and Syracuse had supplied champions. not hope t.o put forth In the first round bout Pontecorvo three tallies made, only one was edge gained in this first a winning team. But the experience and knowl- experienced little difficulty. His op- And in yea r will be of infinite value later on. earned, Johnson scoring from second a few more years western Maryland may bave a team to be feared in ponent was Larue Mor-ris of Illinois, on Price's single to center field. Price later scored on an error, and Staple- l\'fiddle Atlantic cinder-path circles. TOMPONTOCORV.O and the lad from the Middle West ton, who had walked, tallied on a Baseball is coming more into its own. A larger and more represen- failed to last the opening round. The It IS ERRORS COSTLY AS PENN passed ball. tatlvc sched?le has b~en arranged, and the team is entered in ~lle ~ta~e . Terror heavyweight's slashing fists The home team had more scoring lea~ne. TIllS ~fltter is t~e one dra~\'~ack to the sport. Certainly of the I . ". pounded Morris incessantly and re- one of the league STATE TRIUMPHS BY 6-5 opportunities than did the visitors, of little ,:alue_ III promotmg competition because of the loosesness suited in a technical knockout. Izzy but Woytych was always in command construction. FOI",exllmple, th: Terrors do ~ot ~e~t College I'. .. . 'Richter of Penn State, Jim Brown of of the game, and he pitched himself members, St. .John s. And L?yola and H~pkms, lamed ~ut of one con- __ I Syracuse, and Fred Cramer of Vir- do Washington It at all.c.-neither out of difficulty with ease. In addi- test, do not intend to play reason. With the wholesale cancellation of LIOns Push Over Deciding Tallies ginia, Southern Conference titlehold- and St. John's for the same er, also advanced to the second round. tion to hurling a splendid game, he also garnered two of his team's five so many games, no true estimate of the contenders can be made. Those In Final Inning Most of the Eastern entries, names bmgles, one of which was a long dou- two gl~~es with S.t. John; ~ig~t mean 8 lot;o ~~e Terrors. I And th~t Although outhit 15 to 7, Penn state' familiar to college boxing fans, ad- ble to left field. ~:'~:(~ineg. g~~~ ~'~~h:!\~er ~e~n~~~a~~~a~o~~a~peen, b~~e; t~a~a:a~l ';i~capitalized on the loose fielding and ~~~~~;f;~~~:;:,:~~c~~~jes~~~s~;;:~ The summary: o Geo. Washington AB R H A thc pennant more tllrougll schedule difficulties of opponents than through iao:~ :::e~:;e::;e~ ~~e\~:~.~.::~ ~:~.~~, cuse; Criswell, Goodman, and Donato Webb,cf 3 ft~~:;~~gtl1~S~0 !!7;g:: ~l~:t~i~ at~~\~~e~t,~~~ 1:~~I~eo~~;~:~n~~ ~~~:~~~ last Friday on the home team's field. ~;il':i~~: !~~:'s~:~.t ~:~~.~o :: ;;~~ Horn, If. 3 1 Brennan, If....... 1 0 0 1 res.'; of what exhibition titleR stand in the way. The bashtball loop had ha~:e~~~~PedM:~t;;!e.s~~~~d co:::~ !Lents or advanced through byes. Johnson, rf. 4 1 0 no t.rouble with schedules; why should baseball? the combined offerings of two hurl- PonteCOl"VO'Ssecond opponent was Price, lb 4 5 A Word About All_Star Teams ers, Simoncelli and Boho, consistently, ~~:;~t~je~:;'eRi~~~er~c:!.~~ed"~:n~;'~ Stapleton,3b. 1 1 2 This year it will be the policy of THE GOLD BUG to select at the each man making at least one hit or Williams, 2b 2 0 0 end 01 each season its own All-Star teams. Not only will fI. close tab more. But the story of the defeat ~:o::~ ~~et~:s~:~.wO~e~h;~~~!e;:~: Berg,5s. 4 Walker, c 4 15 ~ra~:i.:'~~l ~~ ;~:o~~~:~ ifurt~~e~t~ti'li~~l~na~~ei~u:::~~~;i~'~ !~~~~u;;~ ~~:di:n~~\!~~!i~;hileT~: ~:~.~~~~fi::~~ despite the fact that Richter took his Woytych, p. 3 0 2 0 guard against pre.iudice and lack of information or insight, the writer ers were guilty of six misplays. ,~~~~t~~~~V:~mh~~;i~; I~::;~~!~:~ja!:~ Totals. 29 3 5 27 11 ~~sa:~~i~ti~d :~l~O:ii~gO~h~o~~:;r:l~ l~::~~~ s~~ft;of~;\~~:r~i~f ~~ed~~il~~~ do~s:t~oa I~::~h i~:;~!;~~:r:;ek !:~.was reeling at the final bell. 1 Batted for Horn in seventh. on a point system to be arranged later. Of course, we do not claim to in good form although he, passed bo~;st :: ~:~~~~s,~;~·.'A 5 B RHO ~ ~~I)~v~i't~la~~e8:::~~r~!itt~lfl~~~~r!b~:tn X~i~~i_~~'l\' at~~::ta~~lrm;et~t ~~~e~h:e~~:~/~:~ChO~~~i:.n h~~:,fi:!~ ;115 pound class, Criswell, who had re- Lathrop, 3b 3 16 call1nyhow. thel} they only scored one run. :~~~::!,b;~~ ~~et~;e:;~:~.g~~: ~~~~~ ~~:j~l::in~\s : 2 Odds And Ends From Here And There flr:~~~i:~, ~~~r~~nn:S:~~;·:~~: b!~~'~ceived the nod after three savage Campbell, If. 4 0 4 Bobby WoytYch, G. W. 's young hurler, is being t.abbed by big league with two in the seeond. Campbell',s ~~~~~~:~i:fth:~:.~i;~~un~l~:~e;~e ~:I~ Adriance, rf 4 0 0 1 0 scouts Young Woytych pitches semi-pro ball for one of the homer in the third with two on Roberts, If. 2 1 leadill~ teams of Baltimore. .. Jo Jo Lawlor has so much catching brought the score to 4-2. Penn State saved him. Draper, c 4 2 materilll at Mt. St. Mary's that he doesn't know what to do wit.h all of scored once each in the fifth and sixth I The lone Westerner to cop a title Millard, p 3 0 it 'rhe other Stllte teams could surely nse a backstop, prefera- while the Terrors tallied once in the j bobbed up in the 125 pound class. Bob Fadner of Wiseonsin defeated Denver 2 Sadowski 1 0 bly Eckenrode, an experieneed man at the position Johns Hop- sixth. Then in the last inning two ,Welch of West Virginia although the kins lost its firllt game of the season to Elon College via the no-hit no-run hits and an error paved .the way for latter almost emulated his teammate, Totals .._...34 o 6 27 16 route .. Cilpt. l\'like Briggs of Elon turned the trick .. As two l'UnS and the ball game. 2 Batted for Roberts in ninth. usual. tIle l\Iounts and sllO'men are favorites for the baseball title . .. Vonarx, Penn State first sacker, Brutto. Frank Goodman met his Geo. Wash. 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0-3 bnt .Toe Lipsky's men can decidc the issne for them with very little connected for a home 'run ofl' Sadow- leading Eastern foe, Mastrela, in the finale and succeeded G. Washington 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0-3 trouble 'rhe Terrors should be the St. Tlouis Browns of the league ::;kito open the sixth inning. 135 pound the decision from the clever in ninning Errors-Berg, Price, Campbell, The boxers meet Villanova Ilgain ncxt YCllr Lou Ritzie Penn State 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 2-6 .l\'ew Yorker. . Draper, Edmonds. Run batted in- will capblin the Penn State boxers next season . . . Tony Sal a of Western Md. 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0-5 Danny Fal:rar, Duke's fighting wel- Price. Two base hits-Woytych, Villanovfl says he will not turn pro even tholl~h strongly advised to do Batteries-SimonceJli, Boho and terweight, was too classy for Sam Johnson. Three base hit-Edmonds. so h~'friends "I have my health now," says Sala, "and T want Crosson, Kormick; Sadowski and Dra- Stolen bases-Web. Lathrop. Sacri- to keep it." per. Donato of Penn State and outpointed champ after three the Intercollegiate flces-Williams (2). Double play- ===================== slugging settos. Donato had difficul- Edmonds to Benjamin to Fowble. Left t:r in fathoming Farrar's southpaw on bases-G. W. 4, W. 11.1.9. Bases INTRAMURAL SPORTS April 21- RELAY MEN CHOSEN style. on balls-Off Millard 3, off Woytych Gamma Bets vs. Bachelors; Fink of Syracuse won the 155 pound Preachers 3. Struck out, by Woytych 14, by PROGRAM ANNOUNCED April 28- vs. Black and Whites. "Goose" Doughty Western Mary-. crown by winning over Jules Medyn- Willard 2. Hit by pitcher-By Mil- Gamma Bets VB. Black and Whites; land track coach, has finally-·se- !>ki of North-Carolina. Jeffries fol- lard (Stapleton). Passed ball-Dra- In preparation for the spring sports lected the quartet of runners who lowed his teammate and trimmed per. Umpires-Groves and R. Shill- program the Physieal Education De- Preachers vs. Bachelors. will run foe' the Green and !lold in Steece Brubaker of King College. ing. partment has arranged a complete May 6- the Penn Relays to be held at Then in one of the best bouts of the Gamma Bets vs. Preachers; schedule and drawn up the eligibility Bachelors vs. Black and Whites. Franklin Field, Philadelphia, on entire tourney, Ray Matulewiez of LIPSKYMEN DROP OPENING regulations that will govern intra- May 12- April 24 and 25. Duke defeated the Southern Confer- GAME OF YEAR TO HOY AS mural athletics in speed ball, tennis, Gamma Bets vs. Bachelors; The Terrors' mile relay team ence 165 pound champ, Max Novich of Hampered through lack of batting and track Preachers vs. Black and Whites. will consist of George Moore, Fran- North Carolina, for the 175 pound cis Thomas, Alvin Moore, and Bob practice, Western Maryland's baseball The speedball program has already May 19- Sharrer. The first two mentioned laurels. Novich moved up a class, team was swamped in its opening con- begun. Requirements of other years Gamma Bets vs. Black and Whites; are capable of doing 50 seconds or but found the Duke star too much for test by one of the best nines George- will prevail. Men on the baseball Preachers vs. Bachelors. him. Only Novich's fighting heart town University has had in recent squad, or men having competed in The class league will commence on better for their distances. and clever defense prevented Matu- years. The game was played at three varsity baseball games are in- Friday, April 17, and run for six con- lewicz from scoring a knockout. Washington on Wednesday, April 8, eligible as are five-year men. The secutive Fridays. The tournament wound up with and the score was 10 to O. dubs will play two rounds with the Tennis will be run under similal' May 9- . Pontevorvo's defeat of BI'OWn in a Skinner started on the mound for playoffs coming the final week of conditions, except that only one round Bachelors vs. Preachers; fast match. Brown had a decided the Terrors and was nicked for seven May. will be played. The first nine men of Gamma Bets vs. Black and Whites. weight edge, but Pontecorvo's l'each hits and six runs in less than three The Intramural Committee has de- the varsity squad, and men of three May 16- kept the Syracuse fighter at a dis- innings. Millard relieved him and cided to eliminate the unsatisfactory varsity games may not participate. Bachelors vs. Gamma Bets; tance. pitched the remainder of the game, postponement games. Games must be Each club will play five singles Preachers vs. Black and Whites. Thf! winners and runnerups in each but the damage was already done. played when scheduled unless inclem- matches to be decided by the best For the first time track will be of the eight classes will compete in Cavendine, Crenshaw, and Keating ent weather interferes. In such a three out of five victories. Singles rated as a major sport. This sport Chicago against the class A.A.U. led the Hoyas 12-hit attack.' case, these games will be played the matches will be decided by two out of has been trying to crash the select fighters for positions on the United The Terrors made three bingles. next dear day. No mutual agree- three sets. group for several years, !'Ind at last States', Olympic boxing team. The Campbell tripled in the second inning ments for cancellations will be ac- Each club will arrange its players it was decided to put track on a par touts will be held some time in May. with one out but failed to score as ceptable, but the forfeit will rule pro~ in order of ability. Alternates may with the other sports. Full number Besides Brown, Pontecorvo may have Roberts and Cline fanned. In the vided one of the contestants can take play in any position, but onee having of points will be awarded for entrance to meet Richter or Cramer again be- 'Seventh Fowble singled and Campbell the field. competed in one rank, no player may and placements. cause the latter two have been includ- also singled, but neither man could The complete schednle for the fra- play in a lower position on the team. Eligibility rules have not yet been e6 in the heavyweight eliminations. cross home plate. ternities as announced by Paul Rit- The schedule is listed below. All determined. As soon as the Intra- Should Pontecorvo emerge the win- Westerrn Md. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 chie, Intramural Manager, is as fol- matches must be completed by the I mural Committeemen confer with ner in liIay, he would take the place Georgetown 3 0 3 1 0 0 3 0 x-l0 lows: ~:; ~ntioned below. I ~~o~:~:s~~~f~?'p:~~':~~y track coach, of Fred Feary who fought for the Batteries-Skinner, Millard and Apri114- Bachelors vs. Black and Whites; I CQuntry in the 1932 Olympics. F'eary Draper, Coe; Niketakis, Barabas, Pe- Gamma Bets vs. Preachers; A tentative date for the meet has i~. now campaigning with some suc- troskey and Crenshaw, Gregorio. Bachelors vs. Black and Whites. Gamma Bets vs. Preachers. been set for .May 14. cess in the professional ranks.
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