Page 52 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 52
t'AbE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. CLUB NEWS ANNOUNCEMENT I BASEBALL PRACTICE BACHELORS WIN I THIS COLLEGIATE WORLD -- OPENS WITH BOTH GAMES IN By Associated Collegiate Press w.w. The Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. PROMISING OUTLOOK INTRA-MURAL MEET A. wish to announce that they have __ (Continued from Page 2, Col. 5) (Continued from Page 3, Col. 2) Annie Owings Sansbury and Vir- ~;~~~.;~o~h~h:e~~~~;:na~f;1~i. G~.Olf. (Continued from Page 3, Col. 3) Charley Rineheimer, Henry Record, ginia Calloway have been formally "Peck" Martin, "Puffy" Forthman, New profession: Columbia Univer- initiated to the W. W. club. for one of his well-known "witness- Sadowski and George Skinner, first sity has a regular "waker-upper." ing Week" programs during Holy ata-ing pitchers; "Sheriff" Fowble, who "Bob" Sherman, "Ted" Mujwit, John FOI' a consideration paid in advance, Week. The girls will hold their meet- may be seen in an outfield berth this Eliott, and "Jerry" Balderson repre- he makes the rounds, shaking out PHI ALPHA MU ings in the early morning before year; Charley Rineheimer, "Stan" sented the Bachelors in competition. sleepers in time for class. Heights of breakfast on Tuesday to Saturday, Benjamin, and Marlowe Cline, infield- The basketball game was fast and the University's social season is also Phi Alpha Mu held its tenth birth- April 7 to 11, and the men will meet er s ; and Augie Roberts, Leroy Camp- exciting. The Bachelors, playing peak time for his income. day dinner on March 14 at Carroll around the supper tables in the pri- bell, and "Ken" Adriance, gardeners. their regular team, had difficulty with (At this point, Peter the Office the visitors before eking out a 20 to Inn. Among the Alumni who attend- vate dining room on the same days. In addition to them Fred Coe, a prom- 17 victory. Findley, Terrapin for- Pest complains that he doesn't under- ed were Hazel Jones, Mary Benson, Since the capacity of the dining;\~;rl:~dw~oha:!~~ stand who wakes up the waker-up- Beth Bryson, Maudre Willis, Dorothy room is only about 45 persons, it is ward, led the scoring with 10 points, per) Berry, Evelyn Mather, Viva Reed proposed that a quota for each class some action last year, are back. while Adriance was high man for the The University of North Carolina Blue and White with eight. Englar, and Elizabeth Bemiller. be established as follows: Freshmen A very promising squad of new men The lineups: has ruled that any student "who does 12, Sophomores 10, Juniors 8, Seniors has turned out for the team, but Univ. of Maryland FG F T not habitually write good English" 6, Seminary 2, Faculty and Guests 6. there is no definite line available on Jarrell, f. 2 must go to the English department DELTA SIGMA KAPPA Will all men who wish to attend the them yet because the team has not Findley, f.... 10 for periodic polishing. dinner and take part in the activities been outdoors this season. The new- Callow, c. The University of Chicago has one Helen Boughton and Ethelberta indicated by the pledge below, cut out comers fighting for a berth on the Bryan, g... of the world's most complete news- Gosnell received bids from Delta Sig- the pledge, sign and date it, and see varsity are Pontecorvo, Draper, and McCarthy, g... ma Kappa on March 24. that it gets to Edgar- Hollis or Malone, catchers; Janus, Barkdoll, 1 paper files. The Chicago files of the Charles Baer as soon as possible. and Cook, pitchers; Mahclchic, Lee London Chronicle extend back to 1758. Adriance, Dooley, and Calhoun, out- Totals .. 1 17 fielders; and Uvanni, Edmonds, Mad- Bachelors FG F T "What," asks Columnist Bill Ken- SENIORS WIN CLASS VOL. dox, Mujwit, and Drugash, infielders. f. . .__. 4 0 nedy of the University of Mtnne- LEY BALL TOURNAMENT 1. I will attend the fellow- A twelve game schedule has been I Martin, sota Daily, "is so wonderful about ship dinners on Tuesday to Sat- L . 0 Walter Johnson throwing a dollar urday April 7 to 11. m:ranged to date,. and other games I ~ytton, c. .. . across the Rappahanock-with the (Continued from Page 3, Col. 1) With St. John's and Loyola are pend- Kohler, g. .. 2.1 will, after receiving sim- dollar inflated the way it is." Jane Corkran, R. S. ing. The schedule IS as follows: Rineheimei-, g..... 0 Catherine Hall, L. B. ple instructions, try each day April 8-Geol'getown Away' Record, g. --...... 4 Big Bill Edwards, star Princeton Thelma Yohn, R. B. to have a friendly conversation April 11-George Washington Home I Totals ;;; I ~u~~! ;~~e~ecade ago, lost 30 pounds Alternates: M. McKenney, M. Lans- with someone about the mean- Away i~~~~~~~;~~~;;;~=====~ dale, J. Berwager. ing of Christ in my life. AP1'i1 Hi--Penn State The honorary basketball varsity Date ... April I8-Shepherd College .... Away • was also announced: April 22-Shepherd College Home Georgia Price, F. Hour Mary A. Patterson, F. Signed April 23-George Washington .. Away Money No Object Jessie M. Morris, C. April 29-Hopkins Home Julia Berwager, S. C. Hazel Gompf, G. It will be possible for a few, who May 2-Mt. St. Mary's Away Elinor Tollenger, G. sign too late to be included among the Uay 6-----Washington College Home Alternates: Catherine Hall and guests, to come to the dining May 13~Hopkins Away If It's A Question of Health Marjorie McKenney. dinner the meal for the remain- room after der of the meeting. Mr. Irving is also May J 6-----Mt.St. Mary's Home arranging to set aside time f01' per- May 28~Washington College Home PASSING IN REVIEW sonal conferences during the days he Since 1799 thousands of people have regained their normal is here. (Continued from Page 2, CoL 3) PATRONIZE health after years of suffering from stomach troubles of all carne, Germany has thrown down types, such as constipation, indigestion, gas, and sour these bulwarks of distrust. Now the TERROR HANDBALL TEAM OUR stomach which are the basic factors of such maladies as high people in all countries must carefully DEFEATED BY JAYS blood pressure, rheumatism, periodic headaches, pimples on build up a new bulwark, a peace built ADVERTISERS on understanding and trust. face and body, pains in the back, liver, kidney and bladder (Continued from Page 3, Col. 5) Tuesday evening Senator Nye ~·:··P ....!··:··:·+·!04·:·-:··:·-:··!O-:··:··:-:··:··:·,:··:-·: ••:-.:. disorder, exhaustion, Joss of sleep and appetite. Those suf. pointed out how that understanding lone Terror to meet with any success. in :!: :j: and trust can be built up. "The people He defeated Kull of Hopkins We have the Finest ferers have not used any man-made injurious chemicals or of the United States," he asserted, straight sets, 15-9, 15-2. ~ WATC~ T~~TPITAL :r. drugs of any kind; they have only used a remedy made by "think that Japan wants to conquer The summaries: :!: :~ I Nature. This marvelous product grows on the highest IN YOUR SICK them. The people of Japan think that Paternaki, Hopkins, defeated Stras- :t BRING WATCH ~: the United States wants to conquer baugh, 15-7, 15-3. ... .,. mountain peaks, where it absorbs all the healing elements them. The people of both countries Hasell, Hopkins, defeated Roberts, * •:. *" and vitamins from the sun to aid HUMANITY in distress . must realize that these fears are devel- 15-10, 15-9. Speedy:r. ~!:d ~~o n~~~~i~~s:aa:eer;r~~~s j~:~~Commerford, Western Muuyland, ~ Recovery i It is composed of 19 kinds of natural leaves, seeds, berries Milberg, Hopkins, defeated Volkart, i national defense and from war." To defeated Kull, 15-9, 15-2. and flowers scientifically and proportionately mixed and is Senator Nye's proposal to build up Guaranteed :~ known as LION CROSS HERB TEA. understanding by taking the profit 15-9, 15-3. i ',' from misunderstanding, may I add one Alperstein and Milberg, Hopkins, LION CROSS HERB TEA tastes delicious, acts wonder· suggestion ?-develop in the minds of defeated Volkart and Commerford, eitizens of all nations the necessity 25-23, 24-22. I~l fully upon your system, and is safe even for children. Pre- for universal collective restraint of Paternaki and HaseH, Hopkins, de- pare it fresh like any ordinary tea and drink a glassful once ~:~s~ation violating the peace of na- i ;~~~~~ Baxter and Messler, 15-10, a day, hot or cold. I~I A one dollar treatment accomplishes If you are not as yet fa- WONDERS; makes look and feel like new born. you * .:- J. WM. HULL, Prop. J.. miliar with the HERB TEA, effects of it at once natural convincc remedy, this beneficial LION CROSS and try + WE:h~iJ§~Ei,t·l\fD. }= '.' yourself. If not satisfactory money refunded to you. 'l-+l-+!o'l-+l-+!+K<':"K
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