Page 51 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 51
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, M;!. PAGE THREE TRACK TEAM ORGANIZES TERROR TENNIS TEAM PENN STATE RINGMEN FOR SPRING MEETS FAN FODDER ANNOUNCES SCHEDULE CAPTURE TOURNEY TITLE Encouraging Turnout Promises By "HEllS" STEVENS Only Two Men Lost From Last Haynes, Ortenzi, and Pontecorvo Strong Team Account For Terrors Points Year's Squad Western Maryland will be repre- Accounting for only three third sented on the cinder path this spring Farewell To Arms th is column, the wr-iter looks back to his With the coming of spring, Coach places in eight weight divisions, Wes- two years of writing After for the first time in several years. career as a columnist with just a little regret that it must end so soon Frank B. Hurt, tennis mentor, has al- tern Maryland's boxing team finished Despite adverse weather conditions, But there are other young writers that are in the bud ready to bloom, ready issued the first call for tennis sixth in the Eastern Intercollegiate 'Coach "Goose" Doughty has been candidates fOI' the coming season. boxing tournament held at Penn State gathering together men of promise and so we vacate in favor of some other. There is a fine nucleus around which on Friday and Saturday, March 13 and a pleasure column during from the student body and been put- years. It has been is an undefeated to write this season to remember the past two tc build the 1936 edition of the tennis 14. Penn State, the defending cham- 'I'here football when "Bill" ting them through their paces on the Terrors. Only John Manspeaker and pions, again won the meet with 24 track. r--_~..,~.~l:g~l~;ln fl~l~ti~~lafi!i~~l~~ii~;tt.o~~~of~~t~~~ J?e~rt~£ "Bill" Rieth from last year's squad points, nosing out Syracuse which To date there have been four meets J 93-i. ']'here is a second place intercollegiate boxing have departed. Returning veterans made 21. The other teams finished scheduled, and there is a strong possi- team to remember aa it faced the pick of the East in include Captain Rodman Haynes, Per- thus: Harvard, 14; Villanova, 5; bility that another may be added be- the Imge Penn State Gymnasium. There is the re- shing Volkart, Frank Brown, Edward Army, 4; Western Maryland, 3; and fore much more time has passed. The membrance of 'v'I'om" Pontecorvo ns he faced Richter Belt, "Curt" Thomas, Charles Bakel', :U. LT., 1. Terrors open with Washington Col- of Penn State in the finals of an inter-collegiate tour. and John Elliott. Rodman Haynes, 145 pound boxer, lege in a dual meet here on April 17. nament. 'I'here is the memory of a fighting Terror Several freshmen have turned out "Tony"Ortenzi, 175 pound entry, and Eight days later Doughty will send a tennis that was composed chiefly of freshmen for the net squad. Among the most "Tom"Pontecorvo, heavy weight, were team to the Penn Relays in Philadel- promising are Alex Ransone, 'I'rago the 'I'error point winners. Haynes wou and by phia. May 2 comes another real test HERBERTSTEVENSteam in consistently good play forecasted a better Brust, and "Bill" Cronin, and Coach by forfeit from "Bert" Harrison of future. when the trackmen go to Baltimore Hurt is confident that their presence Army to clinch third place after he to compete in the Mason Dixon Inter- Memories Of 1935 will add not little power to the team. had been beaten in the semi-finals by collegiate Track Conference meet. 'l'hon there is'the memory of 1935, a new football season, when a Last year, in his first full year as Sam Donato of Penn State. The Nit- The last meet scheduled to date pits new conch took over the throne of "Dick" Har-low. "Ohm-lev" Havens coach of the tennis team, Coach Hurt tany Lion then went on to win the the Terrors against Catholic Univer- built up a November winner from II green sophomore team M~d promises turned in a very creditable piece of crown from Art McGivern of Syra- sity in Washington on May 16. fnir- to build fl team next that will compare with some of the work, and this year hopes to do better. cuse, defe_ndin g titleholder, by a nat- be~:~a:~r;~~~s :Z~et~~ ~::~ ~::~ :~~ ~eams of Harlow. There is memory of th~ ch.ange from fl. strictly ~l:y ~::~e a:~ ;;~~e w~x:nel;::;~~s t~:~ I rO~r~::~~I~~as d~feated in the semi- . g W' h h . I intt-a-mura l track and field program to one which Includes varsity eom- ~ura~~ngh Itt t e 7:terla on h:~d I petition. There is the memory of the building of the college golfcourse the lone veteran of the squad. Haynes fi,~al round by hIS arch-foe, Sate ~f ou~ Yt. opesh.o mo.. a pretty a;r I with the resulting var-sity competition that is being planned for this will again play in the No. 1 position \ illanova, but he came back to whip aggrega JOn t IS sprmg. There IS spring and will be followed by "Persh" Vol- "Bill" Rhoda of Pen State a.nd assure ~t~~n~ cOt~petiti?~ for s~a~tin~ be~t~s Vie remembel' a 1935 soccer team that eclipsed the reeol"Cls of prc. kart, one of the ranking juniors of the the _TeITol:s of an~ther. POlllt. Sala o till T: ~prlll s d~n III tee d violls boaters at Western l\"Iaryland bv clC£eating To,,'son as wcll as all state. Another lad who may give ~·etalll.ed hl~ champlonshlp by defeat- ;~en s. t e ?lng~ Ifls~~ees other teams in the state to take tile '~tllte championship in that sport. plenty of trouble is Belt, who, accord- mg BIll Smith of H~rvard. . ~.!uar er. ml e, a ml.e, and mile, 'l'he booters "'ere beaten only oneo by West Chester, 110rhaps the most ing to Hurt, is one of the most im- Poteco.rvo, ~e~e~dmg champ III the ~ei~ :::~I;:edm;~; ::;o:l~a. are also formidable soccer tea.m in the Enst_:_IllHl W~stern :Mal"ylnn~1 lost th
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