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COl MILITARY BALL INAUGURATION OF l DINING ROOM DR. HOLLOWAY APRIL 18 APRIL 25 Vol. 13, No,12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD April 16, 1936 Annual Military Ball To Be Held I COLLEGE CALENDAR 'Dr. Holloway to be Inaugurated By Reserve Officers' Training Corps April 17~Home Economics Club at Exercises Saturday, April 25 Field Trip to Washing- ton. I Opening Dance Of Spring Season To Be Held In Dining Hall...A.prii 18 Recital-Curtis Insti- . Dr. Arlo Ayrcs Biscon Of Drew University To Make Address tute of l\1usic, Alumni TED BRAWNAGLE TO PLAY Hall, 8.00 P.!lL DELEGATES FROM 100 COLLEGES Men's Debate-St. Pe- 'l'he Officers' Club of the Reserve Offleers ' 'I'ruining Corps of wee- ~~l~';t~~al!~ 0 11 e g e c-, Saturday, Apt-il 25, 1£136, will mark the bcginning of a new admin- tern Maryland College will open the spring dancing season Saturday April 18~Mal'yland Conference of istration in the history of western i'lIal'yhllld College. Dr. Fred G. HoI. night, .April 18, when it presents Tcd Brawnagle and his orchestra at the Dramatics, !If c Dan ie I loway, fourth president of the institution, will be formally inaugurated Military Ball. Hall Lounge, 10.30 A.M. at this time. Inaugural exercises will pe~t:~:' f~~et:eu~:~:~ i~o~;~e~i:i~:de~~ I MISS A. B. ROBB GIVES ~1:~;::I~~~~eS!~t~~ii~!~;i~ ALOHA EDITOR NAMES I be~i~ a:d~~'~~~Ab:L Dr . Arlo Ayrcs INVESTITURE ADDRESS STAFF FOR 1936~1937 !:et~~:;:~:'i:~~:e~:s\:~~te, but is open ~iil~t~~l~al'~~~~d.College ~l~:;:~t~~~~id:;l\~! ~~:~~d~:t~~Si~: The dance committee has procured Dining Room, 8.00 P. M. J. H. Straughn, president of Board of the use of the college dining hall for Graduating Class Honored At Im- April 20~Women's Debate----Uni Contracts Awarded For Photog- Trustees, and an inaugural address the occasion. The committee, of pressive Service versity of Maryland-c- raphy, Engraving, and by Dr. Holloway, will bc the features which Captain James Draper is chair- Smith Hall. Printing of the ceremony. Virgil Fox, grad- ~;anha~s:~~c~::~e~ie~::~:::.s Ralph "Take stock of your three C.s" ad- April 21-~I:l~S C~I~:;!~-MUhlen- According to the announcement of ~;~:ic,o~n:e~~ad~stC~;s:;e~.~o;~on~~ Brawnagle to Play :~~~~fM~~:t~~di:s Bse~:ea~~;.:~s~~Of::~ April 24-01'chestra Recital~ George F. Needham, recently elected repute, will play. Ted Brawnagle and his orchestra are not entirely new to Western seniors at the Investiture exercises in ~~~~:ni ~:~~te-Dickin- ~~~to~~::a:i:: ~~~ ~~oshabe:~ee~~~lt:~~ fr~l~ce:::;~;:ma~:~ ab~:ndl~:~ei;:l~ Maryland students, having played at ~~~~n~. Hall, Wednesday morning, son College. Associate editore-c- leges, universi'ties, and learned socie- the annual June Ball in Westminster April 25~lnauguration of Preai- Ralph Lamber-t tics, who will send delegates to join several years ago. His band which "Confidence, cooperation, and cour- dent Holloway. Beverly Harrison with the Western Maryland faculty in consists of ten instruments and two tesiee -are the immeasurable tangibles Wr-ite-up editorss-c- the academic procession. The pro- girl vocalists, hails from Harrisburg, by which we will be rated by the ,.' Ethel King cession in full academic regalia, will after I Po. world as a success 01' failure ace- CUR TIS S 1 UDEN T S I Sally Price form ill front of Science Hall and No plans as to decorations have gca.duation rather than tangible Madalyn Blades march to Alumni Hall. been disclosed, but it is assumed that TOG IVERE CIT A L they will be in the military fashion. . de~~~c::~ii::eme~~:~: "intangibles" ~:~;y L~~i~::kweU Will Hold Luncheon Guests will be shown all possible mil- MISS Robb says: -- Lillian MOOl'e After the exercises, President and itary courtesy and will be met at the entrance by two sentries, who will "Have you achieved a sense of self- Artists ~~l~~r~~~:~~~~~:t School I Sport editorS-Walter Lee Taylor ~~r;[C~~~~:~aiI:~lillL:~~~e~ ;~~e~~l:~ come smartly to "present arms" as ~~:~d~~~ o~h:!lf~:O~~~~~~: :;:e~:: of \ Margaret Hoshal! gates, visitors and frie-nds of each couple enters. A program has Students of tho Cu..,;, In't;tut o "V Art Editors~ lege. Following this there will a i'., ~, ., " " v been planned for the int~rmission. At a legitimate right to exist becausc it Music will prescnt a concert in Alum- J. R. Simms luncheon in the college dining room. this time, the officers will present is born of self-analysis; that discloses ni Hall, FJ'iday, April 17, at 8.00 P. M. Sarabelle Blackwell Official delegates will be guests; oth- their "Grand March." Favors will be to you your weaknesses as well as re- The college has secured as guest so- Artists~ ers who wish to attend may do so for given to the guests of the officers. \;ealing your potential strength; born loist Miss Elsie MhcFal'1ane, ~ontral- Parvis Robinson llominal charge. of a willingness to keep an open mind, to, who recently aplleared with thc Guests Invited to correct your thinking in the light Plliladelphia Symphony, under the di- Mary Alice Wigley Luncheon speeches will be made by R. O. T. C. officers of othe): schools I of new data; born of a willingness to rection of Dr. Leopold Stokowski in a Julia Ward a spokesman representing the colleges in Maryland have been invited to at- work to the end of mastery in your performance of "The Three-COI'nered Elaine Fennell and universities, the learned societies, the faculty, the student body and the tend. Those members of the faculty chosen field; and born of a self-control Hat." The feature of her recital will Miriam Guyton Alumni Association. and others who have been extended that comes from an inner compulsion, be a group of Brahm's lieder. Snapshot editol's~ invitations are: not outer coercion. That's the char- On thc same program Mr. Leonard . RobertW. Coe The committee in charge of the Dr. and Mrs. Holloway. Rose, violincellist, will present works Naomi Enfield plans for the inauguration consists of: Dr. and Mrs. McDaniel. acteristic that makes a man "carry by Beethoven, Lalo, Bach, and Saint- "\Ve are very fortunate", said Mr. Dr. G. S. Wills, Dr. J. H. Straughn, Major and Mrs. MacLaughlin. on"! But conceit is aware of no Saens. Needham, "In having a number of president of the Board of Trustees, Captain and Mrs. Holmes. weaknesses; has a closed mind~the Recitals\have been given at W. l'II. good art students in our class. Up to ML J. P. Wantz, vicc-president of the Dean and Mrs. Miller. last word has been said when conceit C. since 1930 by the Institute. Dur- the present, the only motif for the Board of Trustees, Dean S. B. Scho- Dr. and Mrs. Speir. speaks; admits no need of laborious ing this period Helen Jepson, now of book is contemporary functional de- field, and Dr. L. N. Bertholf. !lIt. and Mrs. Havens. and continuous cffort; and is self out the Metropolitan Opera Associayon, sign as evolved by model'll technology, Dr. Brown, one of t.he speakers of Governor and Mrs. Harry Nice. of control. That's the characteristic and Conrad Thibault, of radio fame, a theme necessitating a capable staff the morning is president of Drew that makes a man despised! have aplleared as soloists. cfartists." University and is also connected with DRAMATIC CONFERENCE "Have you achieved a sense of ac- The business staff for the 1937 Drew Theological Seminary, from whi~h Dl·. Holloway received his de- CONVENES SATURDAY tive cooperation that is not passive Aloha as announced by Mr. Kiefer, the gree of bachelor of divinity. compliancc? That kind of coopera_ College Orchestra new business manager, is: tion that seeks to further- the reali- To Give Concert Assistant business manager~ Inaugural Program zation of the objectives of the insti- PaulO. Ritchie 9:45 o'clock tution with which you are associated; Symphonic Group Is Under Direc_ AdVertiSing managers~ Procession will that is willing to accede to the minor tion of Prof. Royer John Reifsnider Academic front of Science HaiL form in requests as well as the major de- Paul Brengle IT,ands of administrators; that is will- The college orchestra will culminate Cartel' Reifner 10:30 o'clock its sixth year under the direction of Jean Harlow I Inauguration ceremonies in Alumni' ing to shoulder your share of the ex_ tra jobs to be done; that refrains from Mr. Philip S. Royer with the presenta- Elizabeth Harrison Hall Ethel Lauterbach tion of the spring recital at 8 o'clock destructive criticism at ill-considered on Friday, April 24, at Alumni Hall. 12:30 o'clock times and places, but that is alert to The group, which consists at pres- Circulation managers- Reception by President and Mrs. Hol- John Culler recognize the need of and to give con- ent of about forty pieces, will be sup- Arlene Hudson loway in ,McDaniel Hall Lounge structive criticism through the prop- plemented by Mr. Edmund Crooke, 1:30 o'clock (Continued on Coli 3) er channels; and that is willing to viola, Mr. Nathan Schumann, violin, Assistant circulation managel'S- Luncheon in the College Dining Room. forelJ':O that thing you call "your members of the Baltimore Symphony Charles Birch Frank L. Brown OJ'chestra, and Mr. Carroll Blatman, Faculty Member Weds rights" on occasion in the larl!:'er in- tympani, of the National Symphony Jane White Seminary Graduate terest of the whole, but that is just Orchestra. Thc contract Isabelle McWilliams Hagen and HallA warded as adamant in maintainJ;!' your posi- for the photographic, tion when a matter of principle is in- The program will be as follows: engl'aving, and printing work for the A thletic Blazers Miss Helen Atwood and Rev. El- Overture, "The Marriage of Fig- Hl37 Aloha have already bcen given dridge H. Taylor, both if Baltimore'i volve
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