Page 53 - TheGoldBug1934-35
P. 53
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE USKY HITS TWO HOMERS American Physical Education Association AS W.M. LOSES TO MOUNT THE BIG LEAGUES Sets New Standard for Teacher Training Captain "Joe" Lipsky's big bat By "l\'IOOSE" TAYLOR Miss Marie Parker Attends Pitts- cracked out two home runs behind good NEW SPORTS INTRODUCED; burgh Conference pitching by "Punkin" Millard of the W. A. A. CHANGES RULES Terror nine yesterday at the Moun- At the fiftieth anniversary meeting taineer field before Western Maryland Old Man Winter has gone back to his hole for another year, and of the American Physical Education As- fell behind on a freak home-run by Sul- with the coming of April's sunny skies America's thoughts turn to base- Cupid's arrows are not the only ones sociation held in the William Penn Ho- livan, Mount pitcher, to lose 9-6. ball. flying around back campus on these tel, Pittsburgh, from Wednesday, April The Mountaineers scored' in the first The major league teams have been playing for t'110weeks now, and balmy spring days; for archery has 24 until Saturday, April 27, the associa- on a triple by Begadelli and an infield those two weeks have been chock full of action. Players rising to come to offer the little fellow with the tion. set new standards for ideal educa- out. Lipsky tied up the game in the bow and quiver a great deal of competi- tion in health and physical training, second with his first home run. heights! Mediocre teams playing pennant-winning ball! Favorites in tion. reports Miss Parker of the Western In the fourth both teams scored. The the second division! A typical early season drama in which every hit- The W. A. A. has not as yet made com- Maryland coed physical education' Mounts scored thrice against two runs ter is a Ruth and every team is a pennant winner! . plete plans for the archery tournament, department. The standard thus set by the Terrors to make the score 4-3. Let us consider for a moment the relative strength of the clubs and but it has amended the constitution by will affect all in- Western Maryland went ahead in the replacing efficiency tests and dancing stit uti 0 n s that fifth by virtue of a three-run rally led speculate as to how they will finish in September. In the National with archery and golf and by awarding prepare tea chers by Lipsky, who accounted for two runs League the race seems to be a four-cornered affair among New York, 50 points to each contestant who re- v ..',",,', in the field of with his second homer, which came St. Louis, Chicago, and Pittsburgh, with Boston and Brooklyn provid- ccives honors in these sports. The sec- ',", "", physical e d u c a- with one man on base. ing the spills. The World Champion Cardinals have been selected by retary of the W. A. A. board has writ- tion, '0 f w h i c h Mount St. Mary's clinched the game many experts to repeat their win of 1934. Manager Frisch has the same ten to other schools where tournaments , ... Western Maryland in the sixth with a four-run rally made . club of regulars which won last year's gonfalon, with the exception of in archery are held for suggestions, and ~ , is one. Miss Park- possible by a freak homer, a short liner Tex Carleton who was traded to the Cubs. Jew York, with Bill Terry at the complete plans for th'e tournament er and Mr. Speir which bounced in front of Roberts and will be made at the next meeting of the represented Wes- sailed over his head to score three men the helm, has strengthened its team by procuring George Davis and board. Miss Marie Parker tern Maryland at and make the score 8-6. Dick Bartell from Philadelphia. In addition, the Giants' brilliant Miss Roselda Todd, assistant director the conference. The final Mount Tun was made in the mound corps of Hubbell, Fitzsimmons, Schumacher, and Parmalee is of physical education, has posted the The most important action taken by seventh inning. again ready to provide competition for the Deans and Warneke. The following schedule of practices for each the Association at the recent meeting Outlooks for the season are encour- Cubs have acquired pitching strength in Larry French and Carleton, class. was the appointment of a national com- aging, the team having made ten hits Monday, 4 P. M., Sophomores. mittee to draw up 'minimum standards against nine by Mount St. Mary's. and have also obtained Freddy Lindstrom from Pittsburgh to play Tuesday, 4 P. M., Juniors and Seniors. for teachers' training which are to in- Sadowski pitched well in the relief third. 1\'1:uch of Chicago's pennant chances depend on the showing of a Wednesday, 4 P. M., Freshman; 4.45 clude minimum requirements for stu- role for Millard. crop of brilliant rookies as Joiner, Henshaw, Cavaratta, and 0 'Dea. P. M., Sophomores. dent entrance to physical education mimimum for fac- The Pittsburgh Pirates are on the outside corner of the quadrangle. all non-baseball players. and Seniors courses, membership, requirements facilities Friday, 4 P. M., Juniors ulty minimum RACQUETEERS WIN 5-4 Often termed the most brilliant team in the circuit, they are also the When balmy spring days give way to for the department, and definite courses most erratic. The Bucs have Jim Weaver, Guy Bush, and Babe Herman, OVER CATAWBA SQUAD; year's regulars except French and Lindstrom. ably abetted by all of last breezy is spring days, by the zing of the ar- well numbered and uniformly named. ex-Cubs, now cavorting in Corsair uniforms, Bequirements are Tightened whiz replaced the row the of The other four clubs By attempting to standardize drives, LOSE TO GETTYSBURG will only provide competition, although Boston has a chance to oust golf ball 'as the coeds practice is to be a minology of physical education the ter- courses and mashies; putts, for there Pittsburgh from the first division and Brooklyn will scare the Giants. golf tournament too. Every coed who throughout the country, the educators Western Maryland's tennis team was For the first time in years the American League promises a tight, has a secret ambition to be another expect to be able to give to entering defeated by Gettysburg, Monday, April four-man race. Detroit, last year's winner, has stood pat on its lineup, Glenna Vare or Maureen Orcutt can be students a better opportunity to choose 29, by a score of 8 - l. Although sev- adding only two or three rookies who seem liable to stick. The Yankees, found on the golf course with golf correct courses through better knowl- eral were closely contested, the Gettys- minus Ruth, will have to depend more on speed and hurling although clubs, a sun-burn, and usually a dis- edge of what the courses contain. A burg squad showed a decided super- Gehrig, Dickey, Chapman, and Lazzeri will knock in their share of runs. gusted look on her face 'as she watches bachelor's degree will be required for iority. The pitching staff, headed by Gomez and Ruffing, seems due for a big the ball (which she thought that she the teacher trainers-master's degree In the first match of the afternoon year. Up in the Hub, the revamped Boston Red Sox with their $250,000 r was going to drive so well) roll feebly and doctor's degree being desirable. The Berkowitz defeated Haynes very hand- manager, Joe Cronin, must be considered. Strengthened at shortstop off the tr e down the gently sloping new requirements for faculty members ily, 6 - 0, 6 - 6. . and first base, Yawkey's men appear to have a well-balanced team. I ,green hill to nestle ten yards away aim to restrain the use of good perfor- McIlhanny, a lauky Gettysburg man, Wes Ferrellheads a good all-around twirling staff, although Grove still among the beautiful golden dandelions mers who have a Iiruited education. A experienced quite a bit of difficulty remains a huge question mark. Out in Cleveland the fans are banking which dot the fairway (~). second evil of faculty choices that the before he was able to win from Volkart. on a superb hill aggregation to bring home the flag. In Pearson, Hilde- association aims to remedy is that of will do the GREEN TERRORS HOLD The Western Maryland frosh was brand, Clint Brown, Hudlin, and Harder the Indians have five nine- accepting alumni as teachers without steady as a rack during the inning twirlers. Trosky, Averill, Vosmik, and Campbell work in other institutions. The asso- match, and McIlhanny was forced to hitting for the Tribe. Walter Johnson's main problem is the showing SPRING GRID PRACTICE ciation recommends work in outside his utmost before winning, 7 - 5, 8 - 6. of his rookie second base duo of Roy Hughes, ex-New Orleans shortstop, schools or social institutions before Frank Brown, Western Maryland and Bozey Berger. With such a set-up in the majors, pick your winners. a lumni may be accepted-as faculty Number 3 man, proved no match for I'll say both New Yorks. Under alternating weather conditions members of a college or university. Dr. Fink of Gettysburg and was defeated, But as in other years the favorites are not always out in front. At of a blazing' spring sun and frigid Burdick, Maryland State director of 6 - 2,6 - 2. this stage, the Giants and Indians top the rival circuits. Detroit is mired spring air, the Green Terrors have been physical education, is one of the mem- Brayell, of Gettysburg, had quite a deep in the second division. The Chicago White Sox, rated a chance kicking and passing the pigskins over bers of the committee on requirements. battle before he subdued Reith, 6 - 0, perhaps in the Texas League, have knocked off the Tigers six times and the football practice fields in the an- Western Maryland's Rating 3 - 6, 8 - 6. Reith's spirited attack are runners-up to Cleveland. Cincinnati is playing .500 ball or better, nual spring training routine. "Dick" Three things which wil1 raise Wes- in the second and third sets kept the a rare feat for the Reds. Pittsburgh's hurling staff has not gotten Harlow, former Terror grid. coach, has tern Maryland's rating 1IS a school pre- Gettysburg man on the defensive, but started as yet, and the Cardinals are not clicking as they should. been on the Hill the past week to ob- paring physical education teachers for in the end he fell before Brayell's The major league home run leaders are Camilli and Johnny Moore serve the Terror workouts under Coach high schools are the library facilities, steadiness. of the Phillies, each with six to his credit. Dizzy Dean has been bumped Havens. the new girls' gymnasium, and the fine Dunkberger, of Gettysburg, downed twice by opponents and Paul has lost once. Monday there was a free- The Terror squad has been drilled in biology department of the college. The "J ohnnie" Manspeaker 6 - 4, 6 - 4. for-all between the Pirates and Cubs in which two players drew' fines fundamentals, and scrimmage has been college library has a good selection of Elliot's heavily sliced shots proved and suspensions. Babe Ruth has not yet burned up the National League stressed. The positions are uncertain, books and literature about physical arid an obstacle to Wolf of Gettysburg who although he has hit for the circuit. Joe Cronin has lost a couple of as the men have been alternated in of- health education, numbering among its won, 6 - 4, 6 - 4. games for the Red Sox by his fielding and leads the field in errors. These fensive and defensive positions. editions most of the books that the as- Burkowitz and McIlhanny defeated are only a few highlights of the first two weeks. The 1935 football schedule is as fol- sociation has recommended. With the Brown and Volkart.r in a splendidly The rookie crop this year shows some promising talent, but how lows: addition of the girls' gymnasium, the played match, 6 - 4, 6 - 4. many will survive the June cut is a question. Some of the standouts Oct. 5 Villanova at Villanova. equipment meets the assosciat.ion re- Haynes and Reith gave Western are Terry Moore of the Cards, Ival Goodman of Cincinnati, George Sel- Oct. 12 Penn State at State College. quirements. Among the courses that Maryland its only victory when they kirk of the Yanks, Chet Morgan of Detroit, Jake Powell of Washington, Oct. 19 Bucknell at Baltimore are offered by the biology department came from behind to win, 1-6, 6-3, 6-3. Beau Bell of the Browns, and Vernon Washington of the Chisox, all Stadium. are courses in Mammalian physiology Dunkberger and Snell easily won gardeners. The outstanding twirler is Cy Blanton of Pittsburgh who Oct. 26 Mount St. Mary's at and comparative anatomy which place from Manspeaker and Thomas, 6 - 3, has three straight wins, two of them over St. Louis. Babe Dahlgren of Emmitsburg. Western Maryland high among teacher 6 - 3. the Red Sox, Joe Sullivan of Detroit, Whitehead and Vance of the White I Nov. 2 University of Baltimore at training institutions of the state. Still groggy from the two drubbings Sox, Berger of Cleveland, and Hooks of the A's are other first year Westminster. Competition Not Tabooed at the hands of Gettysburg, the Terror' men who may be worth every penny paid for them. Nov. 9 Boston College at Boston. Speaking especially upon the coed net men jumped into full stride Tues- Nov. 16 Catholic University at physical education standards, Miss day and downed Catawba College 5 - 4. Washington. Parker said that many changes of opin- They dominated the singles but won Terror Booters Will Have Ambitious Schedule; Nov. 23 North Dakota University at ion have come about through research only a lone doubles match. Soccer Team to Have Veteran Line and Backfield Baltimore Stadium. and the changing times. Physical edu- Haynlis defeated Fullerton 7 - 5, Nov. 30 Georgetown at Baltimore cation authorities now generally agree 6 - 3. JI._ bit late in getting started, Stadium. that different programs must be offered to extend himself to take the first set Anticipating a good team which will Captain-elect Wayne Strasbaugh, to fit the needs of differ en t age groups but won the second very easily. be composed mostly of veteran mater- Gompf, Brooks, Church, and Messler ,PASSING IN REVIEW and different types of girls. Competi- Volkhart out-steadied and out-played ial, "Bob" Brooks, manager of the Wes- make up backfield material that will be tion is not strictly tabooed as hereto- H. Goodman of Catawba by a score of tern Maryland soccer team, has arranged available for the coming season. (Continued from Page 2, Column 3) fore by the teacher training schools as 6 - 3, 6 - 4. a vigorous ten-game schedule for the The 1935 schedule includes a three- king. We should be thankful that being entirely unwholesome for girls. Frank Brown demonstrated a decided 1935 season. day trip to New York and New Jersey overy man is not a Kingfish. Mean- It is, however, looked upon as being bet- superiority by trouncing A. Goodman From an eleven which held Army to a where the team will meet West Point while, the Long story grows longer. ter decided by circumstances whether 6 - 0, 6 - 3. tie and forced two extra periods of and Panzer College respectively. varsity or other forms of inter-school Reith's hard driving won for him play before being beaten by a belated As the schedule now stands three Maryland Spotlight competition be advisable. The educa- over Yamiallo, 6 - 3, 6 - 3. cadet attack, five regular linemen and games will be played on the field here Maryland's Representative "Dave" tors favor competition because they be- Elliot ran into a stone wall in the six veteran backs will return next fall. and six away. One date yet remains to Lewis made a notable speech in the lieve that fraternizing is an important form of Hendricks of Catawba and, Six of the veterans of the 1934 cam- be filled. The- schedule to date follows: House the other day about the Social part of college life. Set standards for after winning the first set, cracked and paign will be lost by graduation. Cap- Security bill, which the House passed. participants, leaders, and administra- lost the last two, 5-7, 6-2, 6-2. tain Janna Randle, Wyand, "Ernie" Oct. 12 Bucknell, away. Declared Mr. Lewis: tors would eliminate most of the prob- Manspeaker was defeated by Pear- Randle, Holmes, Boyer, and Barto are Oct. 18 State Normal, home. "Weare developing a new class in lems of the department. son 6 -' 3, 6 - 4. the members of the team who will not Oct. 29 Gettysburg, away. America. It is those men and women Pittsburgh Schools Assist Brown and Volkart suffered a let- return. Nov. 1 State Normal, away. who at 45 years of age have reached the The conference was supplemented by down and lost to Fullerton and H. Good- The regular linemen who will form age limit of employment. They are demonstrations given by groups from Nov. 6 F. & 11., away. man, 6 - 1, 6 - 3. the nucleus of the 1935 attack are all turned away on the basis of their age. the Pittsburgh public schools. Miss, Reith and Haynes repeated by defeat- freshmen. A. N. Moore, Martin, Belt, Nov. 9 (open tentatively) I christen them 'America's untoucha- Parker said of the Pittsburgh program ing A. Goodman and Pearson 8 - 6, Reckord, and H. Wright, Inexperienced Nov. 13 West Point, away. bles'." that it was one of the best equipped and 6 - 2. during the early part of the year, were Nov. 14 Panzer, away. Marylanders should be proud to be administrated physical education pro- Yamiallo and Hendricks won hand- able to outscore the opposition in foul' represented in Congress by so learned, grams in America. One of the features Nov. 22 Hopkins, home. ily from Thomas and Manspeaker, 6-1, out of the last five games of the 1934 intelligent, and wise a man as is Mr. of the Pittsburgh program as described 6-4. season. Nov. 22 Alumni, home. Lewis. (Continued on Page 4, column 3)
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