Page 54 - TheGoldBug1934-35
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, 'Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ATTENTION! J. D. Katz PERSONALITY PICTURES Senior and Faculty pictures for 1936 A Tradition With W. M. Aloha will be taken Monday, Tuesday, QUALITY S HOE REPAIRING Students By Art Penner and His Pals and Wednesday, May 6, 7, 8, in the stu- Special Rates to Students dent lounge of the Main Building. -Be "Dad" Smelser's there at time assigned you. -For- The invention o{ a fool-proof roach places in his students there is a trust-. picture-McDaniel Aloha Hall staff trap, the effects of old maids in Aus- worthiness in his classes which is not Lounge, Monday, May 6 at 6.45 P. M. Remember Mother Sandwiches Ice Cream tralia upon the economic status of Great likely to be surpassed anywhere. Gold Bug staff picture---G-old Bug Britain, astounding tales of adventure He "knows his stuff", as the saying office, Tuesday, May 7 at 6.45 P. M. May 12 Cold Drinks ill the May-fly country, these and many goes, and delights in teaching it be- Please be prompt! C?pen every night until 11.30 other similar stories place Professor cause of his devotion to this work, His Send Her a Box of Bennighoff's classes among those which teaching technique is distinguished by LOUIS AZRAEL AND NOR- Whitman's ~fX+XK)1~K)10l~ are looked forward to with keen anti- a knack for drawing ridiculously hu- MAN CLARK SPEAK TO JOUR- / BE SURE TO SEE THE morous analogies in his presentations. ,cipation. The humor which he weaves CLASS AT W. M. C. -or- His enthusiasm for his work is almost NALISM NEW YOUNG MEN'S into his lectures makes his classes inter- overwhelming, and this enthusiasm is Martha SUMMER SUITS esting and at the same time focuses at- carried over to his students with nota- (Continued from Page 1) $4.98 tention upon the high points of the les- ble results. The perspicuity of his pre- matic criticism, Mr. Clark said: "If a Washington son. sentations, together with a comprehen- play has eighty per cent good in its and CANDY Pre Shrunk-Plain and Fancy I "Benny", as he is 'affectionately sive knowledge of his subject matter, a twenty per cent bad in it, I dwell on Backs Caned by his students, has a high sense high sense of honor, and a contagious the eighty per cent good. 50c-75c-$1.00 and $1.50 Large Assortment of Patterns of honor. He trusts everyone and does sense of humor makes him a teacher un- "It is not fair to the prospective and $2.00 All Sizes not sxpect this trust to be violated. Be- der whom one may well feel privileged theatre-goer," said Mr. Clark, "to tell We Will Mail It FREE J.C.PENNEYCQ cause of this implicit faith which he to study. him too much about the plot he is go- ing to see. I try to limit my reviews to -See- critical comments, without telling too HAROLD WHITE much of the plot. But some people don't I SCENE AROUND agree with my criticisms. The wife BONSACK BROS. of a prominent doctor in Baltimore once said that as soon as she sees that I "The College Shop" Have don't like a certain show, she goes to "McDaniel Han" an original etching To the strains of "Bernie" Jarboe's see it." by Donald Swan, is now on display at music the Military Ball 'was held in You the College Library. Orders may be Science Han last Saturday from 8 to placed for this etching either with Dean 11.30 P. M. Lieut.-Col. .Andrew Gorski AMERICAN PHYSICAL EDU- Schofield or at the library desk. The led the grand march. Webster Lucas, CATION ASSOCIATION SETS OPERA HOUSE I price is $2.50 per copy (unmounted) for Janna Randle, and Daniel Moore com- NEW STANDARD FOR TEACH- Forgotten? the limited edition. prised the committee which arranged ER TRAINING WESTMINSTER, MD. the Ball. (Continued from Page 3) Friday and Saturday, May 3-4 J. G. C. by Miss Parker was the use of mixed At the initiation Friday, .April 19, Dr. W. W. Cort, of the Johns Hopkins groups in forms of athletics where di- Jean Parker in " Mother's Day" nine new members were taken into the University, addressed the Beta Beta rect competition or contact does not "PRINCESS O'HARA" club. .After the ceremony light refresh- Beta Fraternity on "Parasitic Dis- take place. Gymnastic dancing was one What's a beautiful red-headed SUNDAY, MAY 12 ments were served. eases of Rural Egypt", at the monthly of the chief features of the Pittsburgh Princess of the Broadway The initiates are Mildred Price, Eth- meeting of the organization Tuesday demonstra tion. Night Clubs to do. Damon alinda Brower, Barbara Bennett, .Anna evening, .April 20 in Room 22. Miss .Agnes Wayman, professor of Runyon tells his happiest yarn Attractive and Complete belle Eby, Catherine Hall, Mildred At a recent meeting of the fraternity, physical education at Barnard College, -and how! Hammond, Marvel Jackson, Jayne Roof, William Bratton and Donald Roop, was elected president of the association News and Comedy Assortment of and Grace Wood. both of the junior class, were initiated. for the coming year. " Mother's Day" Dr. J. B. Nash of New York Univer- 10--Z5c sity is president {)f the Eastern district. Fancy Boxed Candies Monday and Tuesday, Prices range from .50 pound THIS COLLEGIATE WORLD "John" Everhart May 6-7 to $3.00 for large packages. THE COLLEGE BARBER A Comedy that is different By The Associated Collegiate Press AND BOBBER "NIGHT LIFE OF THE Exclusive AT THE FORKS GODS" The tired-ont student is temporarily $5 mark. Contrary to what might be Page & Shaw insane, declares Prof. Floyd C. Dock- expected, the majority of the students A single reel Comedy "Top oray, of Ohio State University (Colum- did not spend the greater part of their Notchers", a two reel Comedy Agency bus). allowances o'!l'dates, but rather on "re- WESTERN MARYLAND "The Lucky Strike" and a ".After a long day of classes, he is freshments" between meals. Walt Disney Cartoon in nat- Koontz ural color, a Silly Symphonies, nervous and jumpy and all the symp- '* * ...* Coffee Shoppe toms are identical to those experienced College made "The Tortoise and The Hare" by the insane," Prof. Dockeray points They have introduced a new 'note AND RESTAURANT This is an entire comedy show Confectaurant out. into the library system at Bucknell Uni- 10-Z5c " * * versity (Lewisburg, Pa.). No longer SODA Which will make a swell alibi to boys will spring-drugged coeds and. males SANDWICHES Wednesday and Thursday, The largest display of high. and girls who write home to explain have to thumb along the shelves until their bad marks. They may now just t ney hit something that might suit their LUNCH May 8 and 9 grade Candies in town explain that they had gone insane. iug librarian has arranged all the books "TIMES SQUARE LADY" according to "moods." If you are feel- DINNERS SEE YOUR COLLEGE * * * ing a bit sickish and unsettled, there's REPRESENTATIVE College columnists are still comment- the love shelf; should you feel disillu- J. F. Moore, Mgr. Friday and Saturday ing upon the idea tried out at Stanford sioned and sour. about it all, there's the "RECKLESS" We Will Gladly Mail Any University (Palo .Alto, Calif.), where gall and bitterness shelf. Emotions "Good Food-And How!" all students are supposed to say hello made easy, we would say. Never Closed Jean Harlow Package to each other when they meet, whether * * * All Shows lO-Z5c they have been introduced or not. On the campus of Marshall College .And immediately each columnist (Huntington, W. Va.) the strangest sort jumps into print to say something like of a controversy finds students and pro- this: fessors splitting ranks in the argument. STATE THEATRE The Store of New Fashioned Jewelry and Old Fashioned Honesty That would be swell-s-that blond in It has all arisen out of the sudden hank- French 22 I have been trying to meet. ering for knitting which has swept the CASSELL'S coed world. .At Marshall they are knit- Thursday-Friday * * * ting right in lectures. One professor JEWELERS Young Boozer is a candidate at the likes the idea, since he feels it will be a In person on the Stage For Nearly Half Century University of Alabama for a major good alternative to finger nail biting, Doc Schneider's campus oflice. desk drumming and nail filing. J. WILLIAM HULL, Proprietor If you are late to a class at the Uni- * * * TEXAS YODELING 51 East Main Street versi.ty of .Akron (Ohio) you are fined .A third year law student at the Uni- COWBOYS WESTMINSTER MARYLAND five cents, the money to be used to pur- versity of Baltimore (Md.) was one of chase a bench for students to sit during the winners in the recent Grand Nation- On The Screen We Buy Old Gold and Silver leisure hours. al sweepstakes race in England. He won Edmund Lowe and Victor * " " $500'. McLaghlen They do things nicely at the Univer- * * * sity of Texas (.Austin). Near the Uni- The cadets at Virginia Military In- _-in- versity grounds is "Petter's Park" stitute (Lexington) have finally defined "THE GREAT HOTEL SPECIAL" be- is something a father heredity-It which is always protected by the police lieves in until his son starts to act like -who never bother the students. It a fool. MURDER" came about after a series of molestings * * * Admission 10--30c and shootings in the park. New way to get through college with a * " " minimum of cffort-e-Unabla to write as Saturday Washington, D. C.-Just how much fast as a professor could talk, a Loyola Matinee 2:30 does a college student spend on having University (New Orleans) freshman hir- Tim McCoy in a good time while at college' ed a stenographer to take the lecture in .At Catholic University, 35 men stu- shorthand . "FIGHTING SHADOWS" dents were questioned recently on their * * * expenses for cigarettes, dates, "refresh- If the research now being carried on Monday, Tuesday, ments" on dates, and dances. Their bya professor at Johns Hopkins Univer- Wednesday answers, when averaged, revealed that sity (Baltimore, Md.) is successful, au- These special school and college rail When Christmas Holidays come, you can use the return coupon to travel tickets, with their liberal extended reo the average student spends $7.35 .eek- tomobile radios will no longer fade out Will Rogers in turn Iimits,are immenselypopularwith home again. lyon social life. at certain localities. * "LIFE BEGINS AT 40" and a great saving to students and The ticket agent in your own town, * * or any passenger repre- railroad The two highest weekly averages of Paradise has a new location. William teachers. When you're ready to come sentative Can give you full details the 35 were $20 and $15.70, with the Fairfield Warren, former president of With Rochelle Hudson, Rich- back next Fall, buy one and save a regarding return limits, stop-over lowest 80 cents and $1.30. In the en- Harvard, in a recent book, selects the ard Cromwell, Slim Summer- third of the regular two-way fare. privileges, prices, etc. tire group questioned, there were only North Pore as the location of the world's ville, and George Barbier ~\lven whose averages were below the first nudist colony. ASSOCIATED EASTERN RAILROADS
   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59