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ART EXHIBIT NORMENT SPEECH McDaniel Hall CONTEST Lounge Alumni Hall May 17 8 P. M. May 24 8 P. M. Vol. 12, No. 14 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May 16,1935 Senior Thespians to Take Final CALENDAR j. Ralph Lambert Places First Footlight Bow injune Week Plays Ma y 16-Senior Dinner. Dr. and ln Annual Soph Comprehensives . Mrs. Ward. College Players To Present "The Wonder Hat" and "The Old Peabody I May 17-Biology Field Trip to Wash- Heads Scoring In General Culture, Contemporary Affairs, And French; Dr. Bertholf. ington. Pew" in Alumni Hall on May 31 May 17-Art Exhibit, McDaniel Hall Second In Literary Acquaintance Lounge. Mrs. Morris. 8 P. )1. GEORGE NEEDHAM SCORES ~ECOND HIGHEST TOTAL TWO PLAYS TO OPEN COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM )laJ- 2l-Phi Alpha Mu Rush Party, -! to 7 P. )1. John Ralph Lambert received the highest total score of the Sopho- Gathering together their make-up kits, scripts, and costumes for )1ay 21-~1usic Recital, James Bopst. the last time, the College Players will take their final footlight bow Smith Hall-8 :00 P. M. mores who took the Comprehensive Examination during the week of from the stage of Alumni Hall on May 31, at 8 :00 P. IVI:.,when they will May 22-Y. 11. O. A. and Y. W. U. April 15, according to a recent announcement from the office of the present "The Old Peabody Pew? ', a A. Supper Hike. Stone registrar. Mr. Lambert placed first in two-act drama by Kate Douglas Wiggin, COL. ALLEN C.RUTHERfORD Xlemo rinl Park, 5: 30-7: 00. DEBATERS ORGANIZE TAU General Oulture, Oon·temporary Affair!!, and "'rhe Wonder Hat", a one-act May 2-!-Norment Speech Contest. and French, and second in Literary Ac- satire by Ben Hecht and Kenneth S. INSPECTS W.M. BATTALION Alumni Hall 8 P. M. , KAPPA ALPHA CHAPTER quaintance. work in gen- Goodman, as the annual stage presenta- May 25-Delt Swimming Party. eral The examination included affairs, Eng- culture, contemporary tion to open the June Week program. 1 :30-5 :30 P. M. lish, literary acquaintance, various "The Old Peabody Pew" is a dra- Sponsors Presented At Annual May 28-Music Recital. Reba Snader. National Honorary Forensic Frat sciences, languages, and, for students matization by Kate Douglas Wiggin of Spring R. O. T. C. Review Smith Hall-7:30 P. M. Forms Charter Group Here who have had two years of college work her book of the same name. The story. May 29- enior Farewell-4 P. M. in it, mathematics, breathes the atmosphere of old New Eng- With flags flying, uniforms gleaming Sophomore Ivy Planting->- Electing its officers and setting May The ten highest general scores were as land, and tells of a quaint and charming and the band blaring, the R. O. T. O. 6:45 P. M. :>6 as a tentative date for the formal follows: romance which the years have silenced. battalion was inspected by 001. A. O. Lantern Ohain-8:00 P. M. initia.tion of members, the new local 1. John Ra-Iph Lambert, Thurmont and HILL AND DANEKER HEAD The cast for the play is as follows: Rutherford, assistant chief of staff, chapter "of Tau Kappa Alpha held its High. Third Corps Area Headquarters, first meeting on Tuesday, May 14, in 2. George Fisk Needham, Towson High. Mrs. Baxter Lydia Fogle Science Hall. the battalion and company ~ponsors '36 STUDENT COUNCILS 3. .John Boyle Warman, Uniontown Mrs. Burbank Mary Benson The local chapter of Tau Kappa AI- (Pa.) High. were presented on Monday afternoon, Mrs. Miller Orpha-Bonita Pritchard May 13. pha, which has as its purpose the pro- 4. Ruth Frances Lunning, Greenwich (Oonn.) and High. Mrs. Sargent Nadine Ohler The battalion, which formed on the Classes Elect Representatives For motion of debating activities colleges, pub- 5. Clair Lease Hollinger, Charles Oar- lic speaking in American was drive in front of McDaniel Hall, New Governments Widow Buzzell Margaret Frederick organized largely through the efforts of roll (Silver Run) High. marched to Hoffa Field. Having ar- Miss Brewster Mary Lewis Mary Catherine Hill and Charles R. Dr. George S. Wills, director of debat- 6. Beverly Loreine Harrison, Forest rived on the field, the company units Daneker were elected heads of the Wom- ing activities on the Hill. This is the Park (Baltimore) High. Miss Sharp Emily Dashiell formed and marched to the stadium in 7. Mary Louise Rockwell, Hagerstown. en's Student Government and the Men's second national honorary fraternity to Miss Wentworth _.. Jessie Shipley battalion front for the presentation Student Oouncil recently for the 1935- be organized in Western Maryland 001- 8. Harry Jamieson Luman, Allegany ceremonies. The sponsors presented 1936 college year. Miss Hill replaces lege, the other one being Beta Beta (Cumberland) . Justin Peabody Aubrey Schneider were: Miss Dorothy Twigg, by Oadet Lucille Bork, and Mr. Daneker succeeds Beta, for biology students. 9. Margaret Virginia Harman, West- Reader Margaret Routzahn Lieut.-Col. A. G. Gorski to the entire Andrew Gorski. Oharter members of the fraternity in- minster High. , , The Wonder Hat' " an hilarious battalion; Miss Oharlotte Sprague, by Henrietta Twigg was selected as vice- clude the f'ollowing : Dr. Wills, Prof. J. 10. Lillian Rebecca MO{}1'e, Hagerstown Harlequinade by Ben Hecht and Ken- Oadet Oapt. G. E. Jones to the band; president and Mary Barbour Dixon was D. Makosky, Thelma Chell, president of High. neth S. Goodman, is a, delightful and Miss Georgia Price, by Oadet Oapt. J. chosen honor chairman of the Women's The scores in the specific fields were as refreshing story of something as enter- L. Randle to 00. "A"; Miss Lydia Student Government. Miss 'I'wigg is the the debating council for the 1934-1935 follows: taining as it is impossible. The cast in- Fogle, by Cadet Oapt. P. B. Schwieker successor to Ada Rebecca Smith, and season, Idamae T. Riley, manager of General Cuiiure cludes: ::\1iss Dixon replaces Esther Main. I women's debate for the 1934-1935 sea- 1. John Ralph Lambert to 00. "B"; and Miss Ellen Hancock, Selecting Margaret Smith as the jun- son, Kale Mathias, Oynthia E. Hales, 2. George Fick Needham Harlequin _ Norman Ward by Cadet Oaptain A. H. Holmes to 00. ior represen tati ve and Betty Riley as Kenneth M. Plummer, William W. Brat- 3. Ruth Frances Lunning Pierret Dennis Brown "C". the sophomore representative, the Wom- ton, George F. Needham, Charles R. 4. John Boyle Warman Punchinello Kale Mathias Following the presentation ceremon- en's Student Government rounded out its Daneker, Sally K. Price, Harold White, 5. Olair Lease Hollinger ies, the entire battalion paraded in re- cabinet for next year. Virginia D. Roberta, and Charles J
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