Page 39 - TheGoldBug1934-35
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Complete Descriptions INTERCOLLEGIATE Next Issue BOXING INTERCOLLEGIA TES PENN STATE Gold Bug-Thursday Friday and Saturday March 21 March 15 and 16 Vol. 12, No. 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 7, 1935 CHARLEY HAVENS FILLS I Men Varisily Debaters ANNOUNCEMENTS News Boy Figures In "GOOD THEATRE" AND TERROR COACHING POST Win Nine, Lose_Three The members of the senior class Tragi-Comedy at W.M. "THE VALIANT" TO BE VACATED BY HARLOW The men's varsity debating team has are requested to pay their Aloha A jesting note-a curious imaginative PRESENTED BY JUNIORS had a very successful program, win- fees immediately. The fees may be newsboy-an inquisitive glance-and Former Terror Star and Assistant ning nine decisions and losing three. paid to Lucille Bork, Norman Ward, an impromptu tragi-comedy was en- Christopher Morley Comedy Will Coach Assumes New Duties The affirmative debaters, Charles Dane- or John Stallings. acted before an audience too aston- Precede Famous Drama By ker, William Bratton, Kale Mathias, ished to laugh, too amused to explain. WAS ALLĀ·STATE CENTER George Needham, and LaMar Benson, The senior members of the Gold The little twelve-year-old newsboy Hall and Middlemas have lost three decisions and won three Bug staff will hold an important casually walked into the faculty parlor ESTHER SMITH DIRECTS "Charley" Havens, former Terror They were defeated by Albright, Mt. meeting on Tuesday evening, March grid ace, was recently selected by the St. Mary's and Catawba. They won 19, at 6.30 P. 1\1. in the student to deliver his evening papers. Just fell as Under the direction of Miss Esther the room his glance he was leaving Western Maryland solons to fill the their debates with Moravian, Lebanon lounge of the Main Bilding. Every on a sheet of bright yellow paper fold- Smith, the junior speech players will coaching place left vacant by Richard Valley, and Washington College. senior member of the staff is urged take another bow from the stage of ("Dick") Harlow, who iu January ac- to be present. ed on the table. He picked it up. It Alumni Hall on A sensi- cepted the position as head coach at The undefeated negative debaters are All juniors and seniors who are was a note. The boy gasped. movie fan, F rid i1y evening, youngster-an ardent tive Harvard. Kenneth Plummer, Joh~ Warman, Ray bringing outsiders to the Prom are Haveu's record here at Western Simpson, Charles Read, and Harold a regular reader of detective thrillers March 22, at 8.00 to give Maryland has been exceptional. He was White. They have debated with teams requested to Edward the names of the -he was quick to see drama in its P. M. when they Beauchamp. visitors a member of the Men's Student of six other colleges, including Mt. St. bloody scrawl. He reread the fatal will present "Good Council for four years, and in his se- Mary'S, Shepherd State Teachers' Col- words. he burst into tears and rushed Theatre" by Chris- Then St. nor year was vice-president of the lege, Moravian, Lebanon Valley, teams GOLD BUG CORRESPONDENT top her Morley Council. He was business manager of Francis, and Waynesburg. The out of the room. Perhaps there was and "The Valiant" Finding no one in sight, the the Aloha, and in his final year cap- from Waynesburg and St. Francis are INTERVIEWS MANAGER still time! boy summoned all his self- by H a I S worthy frightened tained one of the companies of the R. doing outstanding work in the Pennsyl- control and ran down to the College Hall and Robert O. T. C. He also served as a manager vania Association. OF W. M. COLLEGE GRILLE Grille to spread the tragic news. Fran- Miss Esther Smith Middlemas. of the boxing squad for three years. The f'reshman debating team of Wes- tically waving the deadly note in his Christopher Morley's "Good Theatre" Havens' athletic record at Western tern Maryland College won a 2-1 de- "J\fost students buy what they can is a rollicking comedy which tells how Maryland is even more outstanding. In cision over the team from New York get the most of for the least money!" hand he rushed into the shop shouting Shakespeare and Bacon revisit the earth addition to playing varsity baseball and University, in a debate held in Alumni Mrs. Mason; the motherly-looking, gray- "It's too late. She's dead. She's killed and attempt to gain admission to the alrcady !" herself lacorsse, and class basketball for four Hall, on Monday morning, before the hair-ed manager of the Western Mary- But truth and murder will out. So "play hit" of the year. The comedy is years, he participated in every football faculty and student body. The judges land College Grille, smiled. Dressed in really a twentieth century jazz version game played by the varsity during his were Mr. Bruce Bail', Mr. John Wood, a feminine print dress, she seemed quite will the facts in the case. of the depart- of "As You Like It". Wyman, Pauline Miss last three years. His work at center and the Reverend H. G. C. Martin. unlike the curt, masculine person often nicnt of biology, returning to the Hill The east for "Good Theatre" is: was of the highest caliber attainable. The question for debate was: Re- pictured as the American business wo- Girl in the box office Doris Smedes Havens was rated an All-Maryland cen- solved: That the United States Govern- man type. after a long illness, had been taking First dinner jacket Charles Read Miss ter and was voted an honorary member ment should own and operate all mu- "The average student doesn't have hypodermic injections. department, Sara Second dinner jacket .. William Bratton had Smith, of the education of the All-America team. His leader- nition plants. The visitors supported many dollars to spend for food," she Two strangers Norman Ward and ship, his prowess in passing, and his the affirmative side, while the Western continued. "That's why, when he does assisted her by giving her the needles. John Warman great ability on pass defense contributed Maryland debaters, Albert Goldberg, buy food down here, he tries to select On this particular afternoon Miss Wy- "The Valiant" has proved its effec- much to Western Maryland's record of and Charles Earhardt, used the nega- something that will give him a satisfied man decided to try her own hand at it. tiveness many times on the stage. Mr. Smith 28 consecutive games without a defeat. tiv e. feeling. A thick ham or cheese sand- She finally succeeded. Miss decided be- Middlemas, co-author of the play, was a to Wyman Miss away, ing In 1929, "Charley" was captain of the Mr. Albert Rush, the men's coach, wich, with a glass of milk, often is his leave her a note telling of her accom- pupil of the late Professor Baker of team that won eleven games and lost has been assisted by Mr. James Glad- choice. plishment. Seizing her red marking Yale. The cast for "The Valiant" is: none. den. Both are students at the West- "Perhaps that's why we use eight to pencil and a sheet of yellow quiz paper, Warden Holt , Donald Prince Havens has devoted a major portion minster Theological Seminary. ten gallons of milk daily here in the Father Daly Proctor Messler dashed solely off a note intended of his time since graduation to coach- The Oregon plan was used in most of Grille," she explained, as a group of she the eyes of Miss Smith, and left it Dan, a jailer Guy Griffen for ing and officiating in football and bas- I the debates. girls; clad in swea tel's, trooped in. on the table. The fatal note read: James Dyche Edward Beauchamp ketball and in an executive and admin- "Limeades and coca colas are, of course, Dear Sara, Wilson, .an attendant .. Ralph Lambert istrative capacity in playground and popular. But milk is the general favor- After several wild stabs I finally shot Josephine Mary Dixon recreation work. In the fall of 1931 he IWESTER-N-M-AR-YL-ANDERS ite. Even coffee, the king of American During the intermission between the assisted "Dick" Harlow on the Hill. In beverages, is dethroned in favor of myself. PAULINE. two plays, the recently organized Boys' 1932 he coached a professional football mille Those rosy cheeks are the 1'0- Glee Club will make their bow to the team in Utica, New York, and in 1933, WRITE FOR PERIODICALS I suIt," she added, pointing to the girls P.S. Thanks for all you've done. college audience. Under the direction coached the St. Aloysius Academy foot- who were sipping milk shakes and short of Miss Ruth Sherman Jones, depart- ball team, officiated in a number of Ruth A. Hubbell, a graduate of ,Yes- I chocolates. ment of music, the Glee Club will pre- games, and played with the Syracuse tern Maryland College and now con- It was two o'clock in the afternoon. NURSERY SCHOOL OPENS sent a brief recital. "pro" team, champions of central New nected with the Northeastern Branch of I Several more girls entered and paused I The junior speech plays will be the York State. the Public Library of the District of before the candy counter. Several oth- IN MANAGEMENT HOUSE last public performance by th e mem- As a director of recreation for the Columbia as Reference Librarian, has ers were buying cherry tarts, the bers of speech department until June city of Rome, Havens has served in an published an article "Men and Women "Grille specialty" for the day. I Thirteen children have been enrolled Week, when the College Players will executive capacity in organizing more Who Have Performed Distinctive Ser- "What with America's sweet tooth, to date in the nursery school inaugu- present the annual senior play. than 200 athletic teams. vice After the Age of 74" in the Feb- candy is, of course, a 'best seller'!" Mrs. rated in the home economic manage- As yet, no assistant coach for. the ruary issue of the Wilson Bulletin for Mason asserted. "Rations and Mr. ment house on March 4. Bobby CATALOGUE EDITION OF 1935 grid season has been- named. Librarians. Goodbars are the two favorite kinds of Holmes, Arolyn Jenkins, Donald Ma- BULLETIN GOES TO PRESS The names of ninety-five well-known candy here. As for Grille specialties, kosky, Phil Royer, Jr., Martha Schaeff- The 1935-36 catalogue edition of the JUNIOR SPEECH PLAYS people appeal' in this list, together with cherry tarts, sticky buns, cup cakes, or er, Corinne Schofield are the faculty Western Maryland College Bulletin will ACTED IN ALUMNI HALL a short sketch of their achievements anything else we sell for a nickel go contributions to the success of the ven- be distributed in approximately three and a bibliogrnphy. Among the wom- like the proverbial 'hot cakes'." ture. The Whitfield, Brumbaugh, and The junior students of the depart- en are Susan B. Anthony, American Villen progeny are under the age limit, weeks. The first proof of the new cata- ment of speech made their first public suffragist; Clara Barton, founder and Meanwhile several boys had saun- as only children between the ages of logue is now being corrected, and the and Grille into were appearance on Friday evening, March 1, president of the American Red Cross; tered orders. the "Do boys and girls giving two and five are accepted and the en- completed edition will soon come off the order their when they presented three one-act plays Sarah Bernhardt, French actress who the same things l" Mrs. Mason repeat- tire enrollment is not to exceed fifteen. press. in Alumni Hall. The first and the third appeared in the play "Daniel" at the School is conducted five days a week A new numbering system for all col- of the plays were comedies; the sec- age of 78, and Victoria, queen of Eng- ed the do. question. boys "For the eat most part from 9:00 A. M. until noon, with the lege courses will be given in the new they as much But don't ond, a drama of tragic theme. The routine broken by a mid-morning lunch catalogue. The numbers now being for plays were given under the direction of lund, who planned the program was her pastry as girls, even though many girls of crackers and tomato juice or milk. used in course descriptions will be done when celebration jubilee she 77. Miss Esther Smith, professor of speech. Among the men are Luther Burbank, claim to be 'reducing'. Fellows, too, The flexible program includes both free away with, and a three digit system food, such seem to like more substantial The first play, "The Purple Door the American naturalist, who at 77 had as sandwiches and soup. And they usu- and supervised play, varied according to I will be used. Freshman courses. will be Knob", was acted by Rosalie Silber- more than 3,000 extensive experiments ally order chocolate milk. Many of the weather. As yet the equipment is listed in the 100 range, sophomore courses stein, Margaret Herwick, and Miriam under way; Benjamin Disraeli, EngĀ· them ask me to 'put just enough choco- incomplete, and Miss Stockard is wel- will be placed in the 200 range, and the Whitfield. In the second, "Three Lep- lish statesman; James Gibbons, Ameri- coming material from anywhere and remainder of the courses arranged in milky ers of Suk-EI-Garab", the characters can Roman Catholic cardinal; Michael- late in to kill that coats and taste'." sev- anywhere. The "shop" is making the corresponding numbers. Numbers hav- aprons, in white Clad were portrayed by James Richards, Ed- angelo, who from the age of 7'3 to 89 eral boys behind the counter were serv- more substantial furniture. ing a "5" as the middle digit will be ward Gault, and Aubrey Schneider. The courses that lead either to graduate or was the chief architect of St. Peter's, ing as clerks. "I like student clerks, Miss Stockard has been planning for cast of the last play, "Are Men Super- and Elihu Root, still active in Ameri- "Mrs. Mason stated. "I like their cour- a long time for a nursery school to pro- undergraduate credit. iort", was composed of Marguerite Car- can law and statesmanship. tesy. I like their eouscicn tiousness. vide laboratory work for the child de- Besides the description of courses, the rara, Henrietta Twigg, Elizabeth Wol- And, above all, I like their cheery effi- velopment course. The living room and catalogue will contain the 1935-36 col- ford, Margaret Ringler, Louise Birely, In collaboration with Mr. Orin Pow- ciency." dining room of the management house lege calendar, an account of the his- Elizabeth Byrd, Helen Jacobson, and ers, associate professor of education at tory of the college, the class rolls in George Washington University, Mrs. Cheery indeed they seemed, these have been converted into an attractive Margaret Lansdale. workroom. The course itself is made regular and supplementary courses, and The excellent stage settings and light- Florence Massey Black, a graduate of white coated boys, as they toasted sand- interesting by the students having an a list of the degrees and honors con- ing effects enhanced the effectiveness this college, has written "Exploring the wiches and dipped ice cream and ferred at the 1934 commencement. Panel Method Scientifically" for the opportunity to watch the children grow. of the pre.sentations. (Continued on Page 3, Column5) February edition of the Progressive Ed- Under the supervision of Miss Stockard, ENGLISH RANKING OF TEN ucatton. Mrs. Black is a member of the three senior girls in the home econom- HARLOW NAMES STAHLEY faculty of the Bethesda-Chevy Chase ics department work for one hour each HIGHEST FROSH IS MADE AS HARVARD ASSISTANT Junior-Senior High School in Mont- The staff of the Gold Bug and day in the nursery. In the English test given to 148 mem- Neil (" Skip") Stahley, former as- gomery County. The article records the student body of Western A budget has been worked out to bers of the freshman class on January sistant coach of football at Western and interprets her findings in an experi- Maryland College were grieved to make the nursery self-supporting. Two 22 the ten students who stood highest. Maryland and last season head grid ment with the use of the panel tech- hear of the death of Paul Hunt dollars a month for each child is are as follows, named in order of their coach at the University of Delaware, was nique in seventh grade social studies. Wissinger, 20, a member of the charged. The administration of the standing. Janet MacVean, Virginia Lee selected recently by "Dick" Harlow as In these experiments it was determined class. of 1938, at the University budget is one of the duties of the stu- Smith, Sherwood H. Balderson, C. W. one of his thrcfe asststant coaches at Har- that the "free and open discussion of a of Maryland Hospital in Balti- dents. Baer, Arlene Appich, Eloise Doub, Eliz- vard, "Mikf" Palm and "Ray" Crow- significant problem pertinent to the dis- more, on Wednesday afternoon, After the period of organization is abeth Poffenberger, L. Eugene Cronin, thers were nlamed as the other assistant- cussing group" was superior to ejther March 6, at 1:00 P. :1\1. ended, the school will be open to visi- Ethelberta Gosnell, and Martha Wil- ants. the Control or Morrison method. tors by appointment. mer. !
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