Page 34 - TheGoldBug1934-35
P. 34
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. BILL SHEPHERD, GRID ACE, MANAGERS ANNOUNCE GAMMA BETA CHI men The followiug were by elected CAMPUS LEADERS WEDS WESTMINSTER GIRL DEBATING SCHEDULES the fraternity to hold office for the sec- (Continued from Page 1, Column 4) ond semester of this year: "Bill" Shepherd, Western Maryland's Chi A. Norman Ward Jr. grid ace, took the matrimonial plunge merous debates in Car;'oll County and Vice-Chi Richard H. Holmes (Editor's Note: This is the first of a the outstanding leaders in the class of here at the college with the men's de- Gamma F. Kale Mathias series of brief activity sketches, the ob- 1935. Future issue of the Gold B 'l[l on F'ebruary 4 when he and Mrs. Mar- bate teams and with the various debate Vice-Gamma Daniel K. Moore of Westminster, garet Annah Leppo, ject of which is to present to the stu- will feature sketches of other "campus were married in Cumberland. Shep- teams of the women's squad. The fol- Beta Ralph V. Graham 'dent body of Western Maryland College leaders".) herd is 23 and his bride is 24. lowing is a partial schedule of their ac- Vice-Beta Charles Moore The marriage ceremony was per- tivities: Chaplain Robert C,}5: ~K>K*)'.o~:B!B~~~lB!B!B:BlBI-lEI see the water boy is brother is iu town." ;,_ " * * >§ K 0 E0 K L UBI I WE FILL- Clair (Butch) Houston, St. Louis fUll-I ~ OPTICAL It back on the recent University of Mis- I~ • ~ souri football team, is disgruntled. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, INTRICATE OR OTHERWISE- Not so long ago the big shots who dab- ~ THE BEST SODA SHOP IN TOWN ~. We also make a speciality of duplicating broken lenses and repairs ble in campus politics were searching f{)r of both spectacle frames and eye-glasses. a candidate to run for the office of vice- I Presents president of the student body. These ~~) Cassell's Jewelers the * self-appointed campus bigwigs got their I_ respective heads together and, after J. WILLIAM HULL, Prop. usual tobacco smoke which characterizes Page and Shaw Candy 5! East Main Street WESTMINSTER, MD. '> BOXED IN SPECIAL VALENTINE PACKAGES A Tradition With W. M. VALENTINES Students PRICES. . ..... 50c-$5.00 "Dad" Smelser's FOR EVERYBODY -ALSO- Ie TO 50c -For- • A Full Line of Valentine NOVELTIES AND CANDIES Sandwiches Ice Cream Greetjing Cards Cold Drinks Open every night until 11.30
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