Page 31 - TheGoldBug1934-35
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TONIGHT BOXING Senior Speech Recital W.M.C. -in- vs. SMITH HALL SYRACUSE 7:30 P. M. At The Armory SATURDAY, FEB. 9 Vol. 12, No.8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 7, 1935 TERROR BOXERS DEFEAT Activity Increases on FAMOUS WESTMINSTER Managers Announce CASTINGS ARE L1S1ED FOR CADET MITTMEN IN CLOSE New Dorm Construction CHORUS TOSING CONCERT Debating Schedules THREE ONE-ACT PLAYS TO CONTESTS AT WEST POINT rison reported interview, much progress is IN ALUMNI HALL MONDAY Listing such institutions as New BEGIVEN IN ALUMNI HALL In a recent Mr. T. K. Har- that being made on the new dormitory for York University, Temple University, Western Maryland Takes one Light- women, the renovation of the basement Far travelled is the famous Westmin- American University, Penn State, the Two Comedies and One Serious and weight and four Heavyweight of the Main Building, and on various ster Chorus, which, under the direction University of Maryland, Debate Goucher, Drama Will Be Acted by Maryland Western the Council Bouts To Win 5-3 other general repair jobs around the of Dr. John Finley ~Willialll'son, comes has almost completed plans for the 1935 Junior Speech Students GORSKI SCORES SECOND K.O. I 'campus. inclement weather retarded to Western Maryland College for a con- forensic season. debate season has ESTHER SMITH DIRECTS Hall in Alumni cert even- on Monday Although The men's varsity for several Terror I work on the new dormitory gotten under ing, February 11, at 8:15 P. M. returned opened with the largest program ever construction weeks, The Chorus has has recently Western Maryland's Green attempted by the men. Manager John The junior speech students will make of Europe, sub-floors mittmen punched their way into a 15-3 way again. Almost all the laid. Win- from a second tour appearances in where it Warman has announced the following their initial bow to the Western Mary- have forty-two building made forty- been of the victory over Army in an exciting meet schedule. L1l1d College audience on Friday even- fitted, glazed, have sashes at West Point last Saturday night, dow set in place. been steel stairways Jan. 21 Mt. St. Mary's _.. Away ing, March 1, at 8 :00 P. M. in Alumni The and With the exception of Gorski's and are being placed. Plumbing, steam fit- Jan. 29 St. Thomas _ Here IIall, when they will present three one- Ponteoarvo is decided victories over Jan- Feb. 4,Mt. St. Mary's. Here act plays. Mias Esther Smith, professor zan and Stillman of Army, all the bouts ting, and electrical installation is keep- Feb. 12 Shepherd State 'I'each- of speech, is directing the plays, two of the ing pace with the work carpen- were closely contested, with the winner ters. The date for the completion is er's _ _ _.. _ Here of whi ch are comedies and the other a in doubt until announced. Feb. 13 Blue Ridge College Dual still uncertain. serious drama. "Bob" Bennett of Western Maryland With the installation of return water Feb. 14 Shepherd State Teach- The plays and the casts are as fol- won a decision over Beard of Army in tanks, a general cleaning up, and a final er's .. _ There lows: the 115-pound class. The next three Feb. 15 Moravian _ _ , Dual painting and grading, the new power "The Purple Doorknob" bouts went to Army, giving the Cadets 'house for the college will soon be ready Feb. 19 Lebanon Valley Dual by Walter Pritchard Eaton a good margin. Dick of Army won a for use. The power house is located Feb. 20 Ursinus ... __ _ _ Here decision over Armacost in the 125- just off the campus on the south side of Feb. 22 St. Francis _ Here Mrs. Bartholomew .. Rosalie Silberstein pound class, and in the 135-pound divi- 'Union Street. Feb. 27 Catawba _ Here Viola _. ,_ Margaret Herwick sion, "Buddy" Myers lost the decision" The basement rooms of the Main Mar_ 1 Temple __ _ _.. _.Dual Mrs. Dunbar . _ Miriam 'Whitfield to Meany of Army. Building, formerly used as a repair Mar. 2 Waynesburg _ _. _.. Here "Are Men Superior" After "Hinkey" Haynes lost a deci- shop, are being completely renovated. Mar. 4 Washington College . _.. Dual by Harriet Ford __.. There 9 Ursinus Ma.r , sion to Connor in the 145-pound class, No definite arrangements have as yet Mar. 11 Westminster .. . _... There Mrs. Livingston. __... Henrietta Twigg the Western Marylanders took all the been made for their use. The cold Mar. 11 Geneva .... _. _ _.. _. There Susan __ Marguer-ite Carrara bouts in the four heavier classes. "Don" weather has afforded an opportunity Mar. 12 Grove City ,_ ,. _ There for this work to be finished in advance Fanny _. _ _.. , .. Elizabeth Wolford Keyser won over Gray in the 155-pound Mar, 19 Westminster _ Here Edwina _ _ _.. __Louise Birely or the usual spring "overhauling." division, "Chuck" Kaddy defeated Hos- DR_ JOHN FINLEY WILLIAMSON Apr. 15 St. Francis _ _. _There Marcia ,. __ Marguerite Ringler For the past month, workmen have ka in the 165-pound class, "Andy" Gor- Apr. 22 University of Maryland There Nelly .. , __.. _ _ Elizabeth Byrd been engaged in adding another unit nine days. In the United States, the ski won a technical knockout over Jan- Apr. 25 Juniata There Katrina _ Helen Jacobson to the overcrowded chemistry labora- Chorus has made extensive yearly tours zan in the 175-pound division, and, in -tory. The large room on the west side and has given concerts in more than May 3 Dickinson _ There Jane _ Margaret Lansdale the heavyweight class, "Tom" Ponte- of the second floor of Lewis Hall has 200 cities here and in Canada. Debates with Lehigh University and "The Three Lepers of Suk-El"Garab" carvo defeated Stillman by a technical been renovated for this new laboratory. Student tickets, priced at fifty-five Penn State are pending. knockout, Gorski won from Janzan Water, gas, electricity, and drainage cents, have been placed on sale at the Mr. Albert Rush, the men's coach, is by Colin Clements when the referee stopped the fight in lines have been run into the room. office of Dean Stover. All seats for the being assisted by Mr. James Gladden. A ehmed , _ __.... Tames Richards 1.40 of the third round. Ponteearvo Future issues of the Gold Bug will recital will be reserved. Both are students of the Westminster Fonard _. __.. Aubrey Schneider gained a technical knockout over Still- print additional news concerning the The program for the recital, 'suggest- Theological Seminary. Dub __ Edward Gault man in 2_00 of the third round. completion and naming of the new dor- ed in part by Miss Ruth Sherman Jones The women's debate organization this The first two plays are comedies, mitory, the plans for other campus im- year has planned a limited intercolle- wi th humorous situations and clever The contest with Army was Western of the department of music, is given provements, and general repairs and ad- giate schedule, preferring to hold nu- dialogue. The third play is a serious Maryland's third meet of the season, ditions to the college campus. below: (Continued on Page 4, Column 4) drama, with a poignant emotional ap- the Terrors having previously met Na- Exultate Deo-Giovanni Pierluigi da peal. The student body, faculty, and vy and Bucknell. On Saturday the Ter- Palestrina (1526-1594) friends of the college are invited to at- Luis ror mittmen will meet Syracuse, year, SENIORS PRESENT FINAL o Magnum Mysterium-Towas (1540-1611) PRES. AND MRS. WARD tend. No admission will be charged. the Inter-Collegiate champions of last da Vittoria The junior speech plays in the past in the Armory at Westminster. Cruciiixus-Antonio Lotti (1667-1740) RETURN FROM SOUTH few years have become one of the out- SPEECH RECITAL TONIGHT I Comfort Me Anew (Opus 29) Other ring contests will include Cath- standing presentations of the depart- Johannes Brahms (1883-1897) clic University at Washington, West ment of speech. The second group of Various cuttings from three-act plays President and Mrs. A. N. Ward re- Virginia at Cumberland, Penn State at junior plays will be presented later in and several one-act plays will be includ- Wake Up, Sweet Melody-Noble Cain turned to the Hill Thursday, January State College, St. John's at Baltimore, the season. A future issue of the Gold ed in the readings which will be pre- Mister Banjo (Satirical Negro Song)- 31, after a two-weeks' vacation trip and the Inter-Collegiates, probably at sented on the second and final senior Harry Burleigh through the South, Accompanied by B16g will present the names of the plays Penn State. Water Boy (Negro Work Song)- and the casts. speech recital in Smith Hall tonight at Mr. and Mrs. J. P_ Wantz, of Westmin- 7:30 P. M. Avery Robinson ster, they toured over 3,000 miles of ter- Spring Bursts Today- ritory in the southern states, including VOICE STUDENTS GIVE The program will be as follows: Van Denman Thompson Florida. GOVERNOR NICE TO BE PRIVATE STUDIO RECITAL The Beau of Bath Cold weather caused the party con- GUEST AT DINNER HERE Constance D. Maokay Chillun' Come on Home-Noble Cain siderable discomfort. The hotels and The voice students in the department Mary Waters Lewis Whoopee-Ti-Yi-Yo (Cowboy Song)- homes in the South have very little With Governor Harry W. Nice of of music held a studio recital on Wed- Geoffrey O'Hara 'provisions for heating. Dr. Ward stat- Maryland attending as the guest of nesday afternoon, January 30, in Miss The Lord's Prayer Frarncois COpp8C Old Black Joe-Stephen Foster ed that he enjoyed the trip, however, honor, the Carroll County and the Balti- Orpha-Bonita Pritchard (Arr. David Hugh Jones) in spite of the cold weather. more alumni clubs will hold their mid- Owens' studio. The recital was in the form of a class room exercise, each stu- Counsellor At Law, Act II, Scene III The Shower-W. Angelli The President's party spent the ma- winter ,banquet in honor of the senior dent being required to sing one selec- jority of the time in Florida. Silver class in the college dining room, Friday, Elmer Rice February 8, at 6:30 P. M. tion from memory. The pupils were Kale Mathias Old Man River-Jerome Kern Springs was among the points of inter- also required to grade each other. Arr. Geoffrey O'Hara est that were visited. Dr. Ward Francis Reese of Westminster will The women who participated in the Joint Owners in Spain Alice Brown The Echo-Orlando di Lasso thought the glass bottom boats which act as toastmaster. Mrs. Noah Schaef- Song-Cal'! recital were Misses Sarah Adkins, Bar- Margaret Frederick Slumber Song (Pawnee August Fischer are available for tourists unusually in- fer has arranged a short program of Indian Victory teresting. Song)- bara Bennett, Louise Birely, Margaret music. The five hundred people who are visited party Burns, Virginia CIuts, Mary Virginia Ah, Wilderness! Act IV, Scene II Recorded by Natalie Curtis gift The of the Ringling the art gallery, a expected to attend wi ll probably be Brothers, at Sara- Cooper, Ruth Dunlap, Betty Riley, Ruth Eugene 0 'Neill given a chance to say farewell to Snider, Ann Sansbury, Charlotte Spicer, Dennis Brown G. W. MATHER PRESENTS sota City. It is one of the finest in this "Dick" Harlow. a collec- Jane Welsh, and Mary Wooden. The The Rivals, Act III, Scene II country. The gallery contains is evalu- John 11:_ Clayton, president of the tion of old masterpieces and men participants were Messrs. Kenneth ILLUSTRATED SERMONS Alumni Association of Baltimore, has Richard B. Sheridan ated at approximately $30,000,000. Baumgardner, Kale Mathias, Wilson Lucille Bork A trip inland to the jungles and ever- called a meeting of all alumni club offi- Nicholas, James Richards, and Norman Mr. George K_ Mather of Westmin- glades was enjoyed greatly, Dr. Ward cers in Science Hall at 5 :30_ Later, at Ward_ Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene V ster, has begun a series of talks at Sun- 6:00 P. M., an informal reception, pro- day evening chapel on art and its rela- I stated. Visits to ostrich and alligator viding an opportunity for class re- Miss Ruth Jones and Miss Owens, Shakespeare tion to religion, illustrating his lectures farms were also made. Dr. Ward says instructors in the department of music, Jessie Shipley unions, will be held in 'Me Daniel with colored slides of famous works of that he saw some alligators which are Lounge. Guests at the banquet and l'e- entertained the students at the College The students, faculty, and friends of art. over 1,000 years old. Grill after the recital. ception will dress informally. the college are invited to attend the re- Mr. Mather has travelled extensively The Deering estate, built by the son cital. There is no admission charge. and is much interested in religious art of the man who inventea the Deering was machine, many He has visited EMPLOYE OF COLLEGE The recital will bring to a close the and architecture. and art galleries in Eu- reaping of interest visited among other MISS EBAUGH RECOVERS by the 'Presi- places cathedrals great FOR FORTY YEARS DIES public appearance of the members of rope and America. dent's party. The estate is said to FROM RECENT ILLNESS the senior class in speech until next spring, when the annual commencement The first two lectures given by Mr. have cost $15,000,000. At present it is Miss Mary O. Ebaugh, professor in the Mrs. Mary Ellen Morgan, colored, an Mather were "Great Pictures as Guide- open to the public in order to pay the department of education, who has been employe in the dining hall at Western play wiII be presented by the College posts and Gateways" and "Messages taxes which are due on it. recuperating at her home in Baltimore, Maryland College for more than forty Players in Alumni Hall during June from the Madonnas", The next lecture, Dr. Ward tens also of several days will return to the Hill next week. years, died Sunday, January 27, at her Week. which will be given next Sunday even- 'spent at Orlando, the city of nineteen Miss home on Union street, Westminster, after The senior speech students appearing ing, is entitled "f!1reat Cathedrals as lakes. At that city tbe members of the hospital Ebaugh, who was taken to the January on Friday, 11, returned a severe illness of pneumonia. on the recital were coached by Miss Things of the Spirit". The final lecture, party were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. to her home on Tuesday, January 22. Mrs. Morgan was the wife of William Jeannette Mac Dowell and Miss Esther which will be presented on Sunday, Herbert Veasey. Mrs. Veasey is the The staff of the GOLDBUG joins with the H. Morgan, who has also been in the Smith, professors in the department of February 17, will be "My Father's daughter of Dr. Lewis, former presi- faculty and student body in welcoming service of the college for many years. speech. World". (Continued on Page 4) Oolumn 3) Fiss Ebaugh back to the Hill. \
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