Page 32 - TheGoldBug1934-35
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Passing in Review TJ4E SHORT SHORT STORY By BRADY O. BRYSON The Trial of Hauptmann AN UNUSUAL PROPOSAL mind, and he fully intended to ask her The triaI of Bruno Richard Haupt- right then. But instead he said, "I E. R. SIMMS, '36 mann for his alleged part in the kid- did not want to - - why - - yes - - yes, Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday napping and murder of Charles A. Not without fear and trembling did to be sure I will." during the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, Lindbergh Jr. has captured and held Professor Sturdy ring the door bell of I For a split second B~edy's heart al- Maryland. Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Postoffice. the spotlight of public interest with the home of beautiful Miss Beedy -nost stopped. She had thought for a, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR unprecedented peristency. Since the Oliver. In what seemed to him to be moment that she was as good as mar- trial began almost a month ago, the hours, yet in reality only a few seconds, ried. She had been planning how she daily papel's have devoted many col- a stiff-backed butler opened the door. would say "yes", provided of course umns of prominent news space to re- With knees knocking and hands> shak- that Jack asked her, and she had been. counting the multiplicity of testimonies ing, Professor Sturdy stumbled past the ready to put her little speech into prac- EDITORIAL STAFF by the numerous witnesses, the reac- bewildered butler into the spacious tice. Instead of saying anything she Edito'r-in-Chief _ __ _ DENNIS J. BROWN, '35 tions of the principal characters to the drawing room of the Oliver mansion. slipped her small hand into his much Associate Editors _ _PAUL SCHWEIKER, 35, EDITH FORNEY, '35 evidence, and the new angles that daily Beedy, with surprise, obviously a pleas- ,larger one. News Editors ROBERT BROOKS, '36, FRANCES ELDERDICE, '35 develop in the defendant's stubborn ant surprise, rose to met him. Copy Editors .. _ _.. IDAMAE RILEY, '36, HAROLD WHITE, '36 "Beedy, I have something I want to Sports Editors WILSON NICHOLS, '35, FRANCES GLYNN, '35 fight for his life. "How are you, Jack~ I'm glad you ask you," said Jack, starting his pro- Featwre Editor _ ROSALIE SILBERSTEIN, '36 There seems to be a preponderance dropped in. Won't you sit downs" posal over again. Exahange Editor _. . . . . . . . . . .. . _.. HELEN STUMP, '36 of evidence of a circumstantial nature "Why, yes-yes. I think I will," an- "Yes, go on," hopefully sighed Beedy. MAKE-UP STAFF which points to the man's guilt. And swered the nervous professor. And Both to his surprise and hers, in- MOITIa.gingEditor _ HERBERT STEVENS, '36 there has been a great deal more evi- then, muttering helplessly, he seemed stead of asking her to marry him he Assistant Managing Ed'itOl·S , MANSELL STEVENS, '35, ROBERT COE, '37 dence that has served only to compli- actually to fall into an overstuffed had asked Beedy to go out to Ohio cate the case and probably introduced chair. with him at the close of the college BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager _ F. KALE MATHIAS, '3'5 in order to deliberately confuse the Professor Sturdy was the youngest session. When she had finally conquered Advertising Manag8'r _ _ EDWARD BEAUCHAMP, '36 jury. Few of us realize that circum- member of the faculty of a small- col- her surprise and disappointment she Assistant Advertising Manager _ _ JOHN WARMAN, '37 stantial evidence is the highest type lege located in the South. Young, hand- accepted the invitation. Ciruulation Managers _THOMAS EVELAND, '36, OLIVE BUTLER, '35 that can be introduced in a court, and some, and unassuming, the youthful At the close of the college term they that most convictions have been based and romantic hearts of the coeds flut- left for Ohio. Just before they reached Assistant Circulation Managers ANDREW RILEY, '36 MARTHA MCCULLOUGH, '37 on such evidence. The reasons are ob- tered whenever they caught a glimpse t~e home of .Iack's parents, a rear tire RALPH LUMAN, '37 ROSALIE GU.BERT, '36 vious. Circumstantial evidence is not of him. Indeed they would have given blew out. Not having a spare, Jack open to perjury, and therefore is indis- the best years of their lives if he had called a garage and asked them to send REPORTERS 'putable; and most crimes are so plan- as much as given them a second glance, a mechanic. Brady Bryson, '35; Charles Read, '36; Guy Griffen, '36; Nicholas Campofreda, '36; 'ned that there will be no witnesses, which he did not do. Since leaving Beedy's home, Jack had Lamar Benson, '35; Kenneth Plummer, '3'7; Ralph Lambert, '37; Paul thus forcing conviction to rest upon Ritchie, '37; Kenneth Baumgardner, '38; James Coleman, '38; Harry Bright, Beedy Oliver was the only daughter held hands with her quite frequently, '38; Merlin Miller, '38; Paul Nelson, '38. circumstantial evidence. of Johnson Oliver, a wealthy retired and on one occasion had even gone so In the Lindbergh case, witnesses business man. "Five feet two and eyes fa r as to put his arm around her waist. Orpha Pritchard, '35; Margaret James, '35; Jane Roof, '36; Elizabeth Byrd, '36; Sally Price, '37; Helen Stump, '37; Sarabelle Blackwell, '37; Virginia Lee have sworn that Hauptmann was in the of blue" described her perfectly. She He felt sure that the time was near Smith, '38; Anne Chew> '38; M. V_ Brittingham, '38; Janet M-acVean, '38; Bronx the night of the crime; other hold many suitors, but it was obvious when he would succeed in getting his Eleanor Taylor, '3'8. witnesses have sworn that he was in to everyone but Jack that he was her nerve together and ask her to marry New Jersey. Expert handwriting anal- favorite. She had been attracted to hirn. Indeed, it was closer than either Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. ysts have declared Hauptmann wrote him for a long time, in fact, ever since of them suspected. the ransom notes; another expert has he had driven past her house one day Looking around for a place to rest sworn Hauptmann could not have writ- BOon after he arrived at State. Later while the mechanic fixed the tire, they is, lying. Someone And so friends. to go over to the and yard D I T o R I A L ten them. most of the evidence that has they had met never become fast why he decided was just across the church from it is with She could understand which road been introduced; it has been contradic- seemed so ill-at-ease when they were where their car was parked. tory to previous evidence. But even if together. Nevertheless, she did admit As they were sitting under one of Drugstore Cowboys Holding a smoking cigarette instead of a smoking gun and wearing an inscrutable "felt" instead of the majority of such evidence is disre- that she liked him. the large shade trees in the church a ten-gallon hat, the modern drugstore cowboy, who disappeared from garded, there atll several things which "Would you like to go to the movies, yard, Jack suggested that they walk pharmaceutical circles several seasons ago, is playing a return engage- place Hauptmann in an unenviable po- Beedy t" sputtered Jack, not really through the cemetery and look at the ment at the various downtown rendezvouses, Through .the maze of care- ai tion. knowing what he was saying. tombstones. fully camouflaged chocolates, flamboyant fiction, and nutritious novel- First, Hauptmann had ransom money "I'm sorry, Jack, but mother and I Beedy thought the idea rather far- ties, the cowboy wends his way, spending delightful evenings with charm- in his possession when he was arrested. were down to see the show last night." fetched; but, after all, Jack was far- ing associates. It will be almost impossible to disasso- Then raising her bright blue eyes, fetched about so many things that she ciate himself from the crime in the "But I would like to ride down to accepted the invitation. Hand in hand After the salutatory remarks, the conversation of the cowboys soon place of this f'act, Second, the tele- the beach." they strolled through the cemetery. gains that brilliant facetiousness and vivacious variety which perhaps phone number of Dr. Condon, the inter- Riding through the soft moonlight, "Here's a nice tombstone; isn't it, has its equal only in the script of a Noel Coward comedy. mediary known as "Jafsie", was written Beedy's shoulder barely touched Jack Beedy~" asked Jack. "Didja see Moe last night?" on the wall in Hauptmann's home. Since as he speeded the car around the turns. "Why, yes; I guess so," answered "Yep. He went out like a light." they had no dealings with each other She liked to think that he was speed- Beedy in an uninterested tone. "Hey f lookit the babe. Some class, eh ~" in the ordinary pursuits of their lives, ing for that sole purpose, and she "Beedy, let's walk over there," said "Say, lend me a git, will ya t " it will be extremely difficult to explain thought right. Jack, pointing to his left, "there seems "Test ~ Say, it took me like Grant took Richmond_" the presence of that number. And final- Looking across the river, which to be a lot that they have been work- "If I was President, I'd show 'em how to run the school." ly, a missing board from Hauptmann's seemed to be under the spell of a ing 011. They must be getting ready to "Didja hear the one about ~" attic was found in the ladder used to bright full moon, they talked of var- sell it." Augmented by the crashing crescendos of Cab Calloway's band and kidnap the child. How can these be ious things. Finally they stopped "That's the last thing I will ever the malicious massage of nearby dishes, the conversation continues along explained by the poker-faced German ~ talking and just gazed across the buy," answered Beedy, as cold chills its ingenious .channels. And one begins to wonder just where and why To add to this, Colonel Lindbergh and river until Beedy broke the death-like ran up and down her spine. it all started and where and when it will all end. Dr. Condon talked to the man who re- silence. "I will never forget how Dad and I ceived the money, and they firmly be- "I guess you will be going back to worked fixing our family lot when Sis At first we had casually decided that the drugstore cowboy must be lieve that man to be Hauptmann. The died," said Jack, and in the next Ohio 'ff the same species as Joe College; but after a thoughtful diagnosis of rest of the evidence is of little worth. J ack~" after college closes, won't you, breath, "Beedy, how would you like to hoping Beedy, asked he would 'E.ffiT C'~e, We discovered that Joe and a cowboy are one and the same. However, Hauptmann will probably say "no", but at the same time know- be buried in our family lot ,,, Lack of~sufficient financial support has taken Joe away from the gin be acquitted because in our court sys- ing that he wouldn't. Blinking her eyes. and with her head bottle and the raccoon coat to the five-cent Coca-Cola and a tweed. In tem the decision grows out of a situa- whirling, Beedy beamed many respects, we are sorry we made the discovery, as our former belief tion which loses sight of its primary The thought that he ought to ask that J oe College would soon become a mere tradition is now exploded. purpose, Trials only too often resolve her to marry him flashed through his (Continued on Page 3, Column 4) Perhaps our observations and conclusions concerning these types themselves into a battle between the of college people are wrong, but somehow we have and always will feel prosecuting and defending attorneys that college should be more than a drugstore dilemma. Not that we with no methods barred, instead of a PERSONALITY PICTURES object to a few of these evenings and the concomitants which result; but consideration of the crime and the ac- behind the perpetual participants we can always see a stack of unopened cused person's part in it. Our courts By Art Penner texts, a series of unsatisfactory grades in some professor's score book, emphasize technicalities of judicial pro- and finally an invitation to depart from friends and environments which cedure and forget that the important From behind a. solid barricade of Ox- help you start the day with the prover- become even more cherished when they must be given up. thing is to determine the defendant's ford dictionaries and encyclopedias, bial smile, or what is more likely,--a guilt or innocence and to mete out jus- there suddenly emerge--a lock of hair- hearty laugh. tice in either case. The author be- and a voice. Professor Hendrickson, himself, is a lieves that Hauptmann will' never be scholar, but not a pedant. Perhaps his A Revised Gold Bug Variety is the spice of life, and, we might add, the convicted of murder, although he' will "Miss A, I appoint you as secretary pet interest is the etymology of words. spice of a college newspaper. In order to make not escape a long jail sentence, per- for this morning. It will be your duty Often he stops suddenly in the middle of se; this adage applicable, the GOLD BUG has and is undergoing a change in haps on conviction of extortion. to keep track of what I am saying, sub- a sentence to trace his last word back to the whenever from that digress I the type, style, and variety of material printed in the paper. This week's ject, at least one person will know at the Latin, Greek, Anglo-Saxon, and even issue especially contains several new features as well as an attempt to exactly what point I 'went off'. to the Sanskrit. revise the typographical set-up of the newspaper. CHIN CHAT To give variety to his frequently-told "By the way, let us look for a moment jokes, he appoints a committee "The Short Short Story" is a feature column which is being pre- President Roosevelt has appointed to at this word 'digress '-an interesting up on him when he is tempted to check towards sented for the first time in this issue. "Campus Leaders ", a column his drought commission a man named word. It Coomes from the Latin dis-- repetition. But even so, some of his which each week will present a brief account of some outstanding mem- Ca'vin Hoover. That's being broad- 'away' plus gradi--' to step, walk ,- jokes have become campus classics as, ber of the senior class, is also being initiated with this week's issue. The minded! hence, 'to step aside', 'to deviate". Now, for example, the one about the unfortu- news releases of the Associated Collegiate Press, presented in the col- -Rochester Times-Union. you know how the radio speakers say nate poet who, unable to contribute to Well, 'unquotes'. and umn entitled "This Collegiate World", and "Personality Pictures", a 'quotes' to go off,I shall say 'digress' when I the Atlantic Monthly, crossed the Atlan- begin and series of word sketches of various members of the faculty, are other "Sex is never vulgar except to vulgar when I have finished I shall say 'undi- tic and contributed to the Atlantic daily. recent feature additions to the GOLD BUG. people." Individualistically dressed, with a flair -Mae West. gress '. for colorful mufflers, Professor Hendrick- During the past few months, numerous feature and interview stories "Now watch closely, Miss A." son finds expression for his unusual per- have been printed in order to break the monotony of straight news Statistical item: Four men call pass And the show is on. But it isn't a sonality in his clothes_ A contagious stories. Several changes have been made in typographical arrangement around a given pint about three times. oue man show! In fact, everyone 1n sense of humor, a distinctive, slightly and still others will be made in future issues_ Photographs have also -Life. the class contributes something to keep sonCH'OUS automobile, and a d{)g that been printed as extensively as possible in order to improve the appear- the show going-if it is only an appreci- , 'followed him to school one day" are a ance and interest of the paper. The Blue Eagle, at one year old, is ative "hee-haw". few of his labels. Professor ~ost d{) not like spinach merc- students a GOLD All these changes have been made with a view to presenting associated I :L well grown bird. And what a bill! es are popular. Hendrickson's share English class- ly because it is good for them, but they Ledger-Dispatch. -Norfolk the distinc- They BUG which, viewed from all angles, will become more vitally I tion of being among the few first period do not object to ice cream, even though with collegiate life On the Hill. The staff would appreciate any sugges- I Suggested box sc~re for Germany: No classes on the Hill that are able to keep it contains equally healthful vitamins_ tions or criticisms which the faculty or student body have to offer con- I' Hitler, no funds, no ten-ors. the students awake. Furthermore, Mr. Professor Hendrickson realizes this. His cerning the GOLD BUG. -Life. Hendrickson's classes, are guaranteed to classes are the ice cream. I .
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