Page 33 - TheGoldBug1934-35
P. 33
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE CAGERS WIN TWO GAMES CO-ED CAGE CONTESTANTS MIDDY BOXERS DEFEAT AGAINST LEAGUE FOES FAN FODDER INITIATE '35 TOURNAMENT W. M. MITT MEN 6-2 IN Lose To Hopkins and Loyola In By "HERB" STEVENS SECOND RING CONTEST Close Games on Successive On Wednesday afternoon, February 6, Saturdays the junior aud senior" B " teams opened the 1935 women's intra-mural basketball Terrors Handicapped by Absence New Coach-Who? tournament. A schedule of thirty games, TERRORS, 37; MOUNTS, 35 of Four Regulars From Just what will be the athletic situation at Western lVIaryland next which began February 6 and will last Ring Squad Western Maryland's 1935 basketball year is a matter of conjecture. With" Dick" Harlow gone and the until February 26, has been arranged. season has been in full swing, with the greater portion of the season's unbeaten eleven departed, it seems that Fifteen teams have been chosen from GORSKI SCORES KNOCKOUT Terrors winning over Mount St. Mary's the Terrors will have to struggle to retain their place in the football the candidates in the four classes. There and St. John's, two league foes, and los- world and that the new coach will climb a steep and rocky hill to success. will be two senior teams, three junior The Western Maryland boxers were de- ing to Loyola and Johns, Hopkins. teams, four sophomore teams, and six feated 6-2 by the Naval Academy mitt- Whoever is selected by the athletic board of the college to take up freshman teams. The prospects for an men in a match held at Annapolis, Satur- where "Dick" Harlow left off will be forced to step back a few paces interesting tournament and some very Breath-taking suspense lasted through- before he can make progress. To expect from any coach, a team equal day, January 26. The" Terrors" en- out the game Tuesday night at the Arm- or even approaching the one which Harlow produced in 1934 after three close games' are very good since all of tered the match handicapped by the ab- ory when the Western Maryland passers years of building, breaking up, rebuilding, experimenting, and planning, the teams are unusually well matched. sence of "Tom" Pon- defeated the Mount St. Mary's five by a would be more than unfair. The freshmen have shown the greatest tecarvo, Intercollegiate score of 37-35. At no time during the promise and will have a fast sextet repre- champion heavyweight; game did either team hold a commanding Conjecture has been widespread upon the subject of the selection senting them in the" A" division. Frosh "BeTIlie" Kaplan, Inter- lead. of a new coach. Who will he be ~ The students wonder. So do the hopes for a championship in this division collegiate champion light- newspapers. So does everyone. Numerous coaches have been named as were given a hard blow when "Sue" heavyweight; "D 0 n " Mount St. Mary's, took a slight lead ill Irvin, oue of the most promising for the middle of the first half, but led by possible choices, but since the declaration of the athletic committee that wards, sprained her ankle in practice. Keyser, veteran 155-
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