Page 30 - TheGoldBug1934-35
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PAGE FOUR , The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Westminster Chorus to Sing Here Febru (Story on Page 1, Column5) DELTA PI ALPHA GAMMA BETA CHI On Tuesday evening, January 15, The fraternity has pledged the fol- Delta Pi Alpha formally initiated into lowing men: Clarence Slaysman, Leon- the fraternity the following men: A. ard Graham, Edward McPherson, Fred- 1. Dunstan, A. R. Moore, A. H. Ortenzi, erick Coe, Frank Brown, Allyn Lesh, w, P. Stonebraker, A. F. Church, M. F. Everitt Jones, John Lavin, Curtis Wright, L. E. Cronin, H. B. Wright, L. Thomas, James Woodbury, and Rodman Eller, and C. O. Spang. Haynes. At the same meeting the following officers were elected for the second semester. ALPHA GAMMA TAU Presiderrt' Preston Grimm Vice-President Ernest Randle The following men have been initi- Secretary Frank Hand ated into the fraternity: Kenneth Ad- Treasurer Allen Dudley riance, Sherwood Balderson, James V. Chaplain Lewis Ransom Brennan, John Elliott, Ferdinand Epsilon Antony Ortenzi Forthman, Harold Martin, George Moore, Henry Reckord, William Rhodes, PHI ALPHA MU Charles Rinehimer, and Paul Wissinger. A "Dutch spread" was held in the Phi Alpha Mu club room. by the memo DELTA SIGMA KAPPA bel's upon returning from the Christmas vacation. The members of the sorority were en- Seven eclipses will occur during 193G, tertained on January 12 at a buffet the maximum number that can occur dUT- supper at the home of Mrs. George S. ing a single year. The combination will WESTERN MARYLAND W. W. CLUB Wills, sponsor of the club. not occur again for 550 years. Valentines On January 11, Jane Twigg and The club had a steak dinner on Tues- Mary Wooden entertained the members The number of college students in the Coffee Shoppe day, January 15, in the kitchenette. of the club at bridge in the club room. United States has increased approxi- mately 900 pel' cent since 1900, while AND RESTAURANT the population of the country has in- FOR EVERYBODY creased only 63 per cent. SODA THIS COLLEGIATE WORLD that The government of China has decreed Hi 1 to SOc each SANDWICHES training military in all colleges Canton, China, shall be compulsory. LUNCH By The Associated Collegiate Press The United States has a higher pTO- DINNERS portion of college graduates than any Anybody knows that a good propor- situation where the father's part III pro- in the world. nation tion of the conversation among mem- creation is unrecognized." other every 44 persons. 'I'here is one J. F. Moore, Mgr. for bers of one sex is about members of "Good Food-And How!" the other sex. There is a certain amount of reason be- Two hundred scholarships will be of- hind Wilfred Smith's prejudice against fered by Rutgers University (New Novelties and Candies Never Closed Young women in a writing seminar at Wellesley College were enough interest- the military department at Ohio State. Brunswick, N. J.) next year to students ed in each other's opinions about men Wilfred, after a drill one day, dTagged living on the campus. his rifle listlessly across the armory floor. to take a written canvass of the class A sergeant dashed up, damped the gun Eighty-nine per cent of the women in order to determine each girl's quali- in the Boston University (Mass.) col- fications for her "ideal man." in its 'proper place on. the boy's shoulder I lege of practical arts and letters re- Opera House and barked, as he took out his notebook. One list, that of a brilliant poetess, "What is your name ~, , cently voted in favor of smoking. includes these points: "Smith". Everyone of the 40 colleges and uni- P. G. Coffman Co. 1. He must take a woman as a person, "Oh yeah! " the officer sneered. versities in Pennsylvania has a football FRIDAY-SATURDAY not as a woman. squad. _ 2. He must he honorable. Harold Laski, the famous Socialist, TIMES BUILDING MONDAY 3. He must be tolerant in every way- now at the London School of Econom- TERROR BASKETEERS DROP WESTMINSTER this is most important. ics, recently toured the colleges of the OPENING LOOP CONTESTS JANUARY 25-26-28 4. He must have a broad interest States. At one of them, during a tea, The Store of Better Cards Matinee Saturday 2:30 (Character, social ease, intelligence), he was interrogated by an eager young (Continued from Page 3, CoJ"umn 1) Phone 401 Another young author's list was very coed of the type who worships the lib- Joan Crawford, Clark Gable, Robert short: erals of the land. Smith scored nine, but led the State Montgomery in Kornick feeding and 1. He must be generous. "Tell me, Mr. Laski," she cooed, "do attack, running guard position. Rily from the 2. He must be ambitious. you play bridge' I'm fond of it." For Western Maryland, Fowble was "John" Everhart "Forsaking All Others" The third list, that of a millionaire's The scholar gazed at her a moment daughter: over the rim of his cup and then re- outstanding, scoring ten of the twenty- THE COLLEGE BARBER five Ryscavage, I. He should be gracious-the sort of plied, "My dear young lady, bridge is ward, points. unable to play ~el'~'or for- AND BOBBER was of because graciousness that goes with a pipe a game devised by people who cannot an injured knee. AT THE FORKS TUESDAY, JANUARY 29 and tweeds. carryon a conversation, or to take . e 2. He should be helpless at times. money away from people who can." "R d M ormng II 3, Fe must be a real person-three- There is a young national president of J. D. Katz CHAS. KROOP fourths of all men have only a super- a certain sorority (which we had better ficial knowledge of life. Special Student Prices WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY not name) who is not so popular right 4 He doesn't have to have a "moral" now as she was a short time ago. Not QUALITY S HOE REPAIRING FINE SHOE REPAIRING FRIDAY -SA TURDA Y character. 26 E. Main Street quite. During the convention, when she Strangely, not one of the girls men- was a candidate, her husband sent a gOT- Special Rates to Students WESTMINSTER, MD. January 30 to February 2 tioned wealth or social position. After geous bouquet of flowers for the conven- the answers were read in the class, a tion platform with his best wishes. She "The Mighty Barnum" visiting married woman asked for the was elected; for the opposition broke State Theatre floor and declared, "You girls have down immediately. But then-then she With Wallace Beery been picturing saints, not men. In the submitted a bill of $50 to the sorority WESTMINSTER Egyptian first place, he should be intensely mas- treasury for "flowers." culine. Then he should be broadmind- FRIDAY Oil I MONDAY-TUESDAY cd-that's about all you can ask." Midland College (Fremont, Neb.) stu- dents are estimated to consume their FAMILY NITE and WEDNESDAY A physics class out at the University own weight in food every month, plus Permanent of Montana was being instructed in the 12 pounds each for good measure. The ALL SEATS 10c February 4--5--6 laws of the solar system. A pendulum average collegian monthly drinks 51 "Mysterious Woman" hanging from the ceiling was set to pounds of milk, eats 35 pounds of vege- Wave Claudette Colbert in swinging and its path was marked on a tables, 18 pounds of fruit, and 12 With Mona Barrie, Gilbert Roland, I e mitation flat table. After a few hours members of pounds of meat. and big supporting cast New "I .. 0 f L·f " the class were shown that the angle of Good Shorts the pendulum to the m!('rked course had The oldest university in South Amer· SCIENTIFIC METHOD changed, indicating the turning of the ica is the University of San Marcos, in -of- FRIDAY -SATURDAY earth. Lima, Peru, founded in 155l. SATURDAY "Gosh," a young freshman said as he Buck Jones in PERMANENT WAVING MATINEE SATURDAY 2:30 made his way out of the room, "Gosh, Since he started playing football in but I felt insecure." high school, "Red" Grange Illinois' "The Dawn Trail" No electricity February 8-9 famous "77", has scored more than 1,400 No wires The famous Oxford Union resolution points on the gridiron. This is believed Cartoon-News-Comedy No machinery "The Band Plays On" of two years ago hasn't yet ceased re- to be the world's record. No harmful chemicals verberating in the coUeges of the wes- MONDAY-TUESDAY Strength. I tern world. The latest echo comes out Fred Borries, Navy's famed grid "The Captain Hates The Sea" At no time is your hair dry of McGill University at Montreal, star, is the holder of the largest num- during this method. MONDAY-TUESDAY where a, group of undergraduates voted ber of "N Stars" ever won by a mid- Victor McLaglen, John Gilbert, ening oil is steamed into the February 11-12 233 to 83 against support of their gov- shipman. The star insignia is present- Wynne Gibson, Walter Catlett, hair shaft leaving it lustrous ernment in any war it might undertake. ed to athletes who take part in athletic Walter Connolly, and others and beautiful, "The Gay Bride" contests against the Army which have "Culture" no doubt is the intangible (Plenty of laughs and good enter- PRICES will 0' the wisp that men say it is. Surely been won by the Navy. tainment) ~5.00 TO ~10.00 With Carole Lombard sophomores at the University of. Minne· Exa,ctly 42 per cent of the three Har- Prices 10.25c sota thought so when they came across vard University (Cambridge, Mass.) 10% discount to Students this question in their annual "culture upper classes are listed as candidates SEE THURSDAY-FRIDAY test.' , WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY for honors. "Polygamy is A. the marriage of one Shirley Temple in and SATURDAY woman to several men. B. the marriage The Alaskan Agricultural College and Ray Shipley of several men to 'one woman. C. the School of Mines has increased its enroll- "Bright Eyes" February 14--16 marriage of several men to several wom- ment from six to 126 students in 11 Enough said-Rush for Seats For an Appointment en in a sort of group marriage. D: a years. ll 10 and 25<; IIAnne of Green Gables
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