Page 29 - TheGoldBug1934-35
P. 29
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland Oollege, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE TERRORBASKETEERSDROP Green and Gold Ring Squad Wins 6-2 OPENING LOOP CONTESTS FAN FODDER Over Bucknell in Initial Home Bout Facing an unusually difficult sched- By "HERB" STEVENS ule, the Terror basketeers have suf- HARLOW ENTERTAINED BY Captain Gorski Loses Close Decis- fered defeat in the opening contests of NEW YORK CONGRESSMAN ion to Pethick the 1935 winter SPOTtS season. A sum- A Man-has been among us mary of the games played thus far is For nine long, cherished years. "Dick" Harlow was the guest of Mr. 1200 SEE CONTEST given below. A man has been among us Hamilton Fish, Representative from New With a 6- 2 victory over the Univer- Who, with pleas and taunts, appears York, at a luncheon given at Washington sity of Bucknell, the Terror boxers Washington Cagers Win To have taught a greater lesson on Tuesday. Other Harvard graduates successfully launched their 1935 sched- were also the Washington College defeated Wes- Than the one that says to win who are now in Congress Fish. ule in a match fought here Tuesday of Representative guests tern Maryland 38-26, in a hard-fought By just any sort of method Harlow, who was recently named head night. The most surprising event of game at Chestertown .last Saturday Be it right or wrong; and to grin football coach for Harvard, in his re- the evening was Pethick's decision over night. With this victory the Shore- When the game has not gone right; marks at the luncheon, declared he would "Andy" Gorski, Western Maryland's men retained their lead in the Mary- Who in leaving still will linger give "all I have" toward bringing the previously undefeated captain. This land Collegiate Basketball League with In the spirit of the place, Harvard eleven back to a place of grid- decision and two draws account for two wins. And will leave behind a message iron prominence. Bucknell's two points. The Terror's Western Maryland had a fast-moving In the picture of his face; "Football rightly applied and vigor- six points came as the result of a for- club on the floor, but it could not solve Which, when years have fled and vanished ously played is a fine thing for young feit, a knockout, three decisions, and the inside passing attack of the Ma- And a team has bucked the foe men, " Harlow said. "Congress has an two draws. A crowd of approximately roon team. Although the Green and To be stopped and over-ridden, example in you men here that football 1200 fans witnessed the match. Gold cagers led at the beginning of the "Dick" Harlow Will say-" Harlow could! Let's go!" has done you no harm. Bucknell, having no one in condition game by several points, the Washington "There is one thing I can say for foot- for the 115-pound class, forfeited the College boys reta liated by adding thir- For nine years those two words have been the key-words of Western ball. That is that I have never seen a first bout to Bennett of Western Md. teen points from the foul line out of Marylands athletic success. Not only have they indicated winning college football player heading an The first bout of the evening was in twenty tries. teams, but they have also indicated a spirit of good, clean sportsmanship. atheist society 01' leading a pa.rads of the 125-pound class with Stephano for They have been made the keywords of Western fame by a Maryland's Washington man who, as a friend of the college, a father to its athletics, and an Communists," Harlow concluded. the Bisons opposing Armacost for the G F T Fish told Harlow that he wanted him Terrors. Armacost, who has had very Wilmot, f. ,0 6-6 6 adviser to its student body, has made for himself a lasting place in little actual ring pxperience, displayed history. 'Western Maryland to build a team that would be feared and Salter, f. 4 5-7 13 "Richard the Lion Hearted" he has been called by some of his closer respected. "We don't expect victories exceedingly good form. His left jabs McLain, c . o 0-1 0 friends. Yet, in "Dick" Harlow, Western Maryland has found a fighter all the time, but we want a team that were quite effective and his short Ward, g . 1 0-1 2 who is compassionate enough to set up stakes around the nest of a field will be respected. 'IV" e are for you, win punches to the body were equally tell- Huffman, g . 4 0-0 8 bird-so that students walking near the nest might be warned against or lose," he said. ing. In the third round SteiJhano Evans, f . 1 0-0 2 crushing the eggs. landed a hard right to the face which Horowitz, f. . . o 1-4 1 "Dick's" leaving causes a vacant feeling in the hearts of those who brought blood from Armacost's nose. Skipp, c . 2 0-1 4 were closely associated with him at Western Maryland. Faculty, alumni, INTRA-MURAL BASKETBALL The Terror boxer finished strong, how- Bilancioni, g. . . o 0-0 0 townspeople, and student body alike feel keenly their loss of him. But LEAGUES OPEN SEASON ever, to win the bout, landing three Nichalson, g. . . 1 0-0 2 their loss, they feel, is "Dick's ,., gain, and, for that reason, everyone is hard blows just before the final gong Totals . 13 25 38 joining in the round of good wishes for his success at Harvard when he The three leagues of the men's intra- sounded, Western Mary land has finished his official duties here. mural winter basketball program have The bout in the 135-pound class he- G F T Having completed nine years as athletic director here at Western been functioning very smoothly since tween Beck for Bucknell and "Buddy" Lipski, f . 1 1-2 3 Maryland with his Terror football and boxing teams making Terror his- the holidays. The Intra-Fraternity Myers, former Terror captain for West- Lathrop, f . 2 0-0 4 tory, Coach Harlow can look back upon a long line of victories against League, the Inter-Class League, and an ern Maryland, ended in a draw. The Kaplan, c. .' . 2 2-4 6 few defeats. His football teams have enjoyed three seasons of unde- independent league to which the Y. M. two boxers were about evenly match- Mergo, g . 4 5-7 13 feated play. His boxing teams have boasted inter-collegiate champions C. A., the day students, and the Semi- ed. Both were approximately the same Fowble, f . o 0-0 0 time and again. Last season three of the ringmen won titles in their na.ry belong are included in the pro- height and build; both were aggressive. Ritchie, f . o 0-2 0 respective divisions. gram. Beck fought with his back to the ropes Moore, f . ,0 0-3 0 But Harlow's success is not limited to the narrow confines of a mere The results of the play-offs to date a large portion of the time, but he was Draper, g . o 0-0 0 column of games won against games lost. His personality is too big for are: exceedingly clever and caused "Buddy" Totals . 9 8-18 26 that. His character is too high. "Dick's" philosophy may be summed Gamma Betas-'-24; Black and Whites- to miss numerous blows. Score by periods: up, "Play hard, but play clean; be a good loser, but don't lose without 15. "Hinkey" Haynes, Western Mary- Washington . 16 22-38 a fight." Tbat he accomplishes his object may be seen by a glance at a Seminary-25; Day Students-20. land's hard hitting 145-pounder, won his Western Maryland 15 11-26 statistical record of his teams and a scrutiny of what rival coaches have Bachelors-15; Delts-8. bout late in the first round with a to say about him. Harry Stuhldreher, Villanova; "Dutch" Bergman, ~ophs-8; Frosh-14. knockout. The Bucknell fighter evi- Terrors Lose To Wildcats Catholic University; "Joe" McKenney, Boston College; and other Seniors-30; Juniors-5. dently went into the contest handicap- have played, have stated how coaches against whose teams the Terrors Western Maryland was defeated much they think of "Dick" and how much they respect the might of his Bachelors-30; Gamma Beta.s-ll. red by his name, Lose. Haynes landed 43-19 in the Villanova game on January teams. Following the 1933 season Elmer Layden, now head coach of Black and Whites-27; Delts-19. several good lefts and then sent Lose 18. The Terrors opened the game with Notre Dame University but then coaching the "Dukes" of Duquesne Frosh-17; Day Students-16. reeling with a right. The Bucknell an accurate passing and fast cutting at- University, said at a banquet held in honor of·the "Night Riders": "The Seminary-22; Y. M. C. A.-2. boxer took a count of nine before ris- tack which placed them in the lead. best defensive line and the cleanest fighting team that we met all season Seniors-23; Frosh-12. ing to his feet. Following several ex- They kept this lead through the uner- was that of Western Maryland College." Sophs-25; Juniors-9. changes of blows, Haynes floored the ring aim of Fowble and Mergo. At the "Dick" is a builder of men! Bison boxer again with another power- end of the half, the score stood 13-8, NAVY TARS DOWN TERROR ful right. Referee Goddard ended the Western Maryland holding down the When the Terror boxers meet the Midshipmen at Annapolis Satur- bout, awarding Haynes a technical long end. At the start of the second day, they will be facing a team which includes but three veterans of last BASKETBALL SQUAD 55-20 knockout. period, Villanova started a counter at- year. But it is certain that, as usual, the Navy will have a strong team. In the 155-pound class, "Don" Key- tack, and was soon in the lead. Soon Coach" Spike" Webb has at his disposal a squad of 125 men from which In a rough and amusing contest, the ser, with two years of varsity boxing afterwards by gradual substitution, an to choose his team. Two boxers have graduated to varsity ranks from Naval Academy Tars defeated the West- experience to his credit, decidedly out- entire new team, with the exception of the 1934 Plebe team, and the remainder of the eight fighters who will ern Maryland basketeers, 55-20, in the boxed Lauerman of Bucknell. "Don's" Geraghty, was placed on the floor by face are members of last year's varsity squad. game played at Annapolis yesterday af- powerful left jabs and straight rights ternoon. Villanova. This fresh quintet soon' Western Maryland started out the season with the right foot for- thoroughly weakened the Bison fighter. found the loop to the tune of sixteen 'ward against Bucknell's Bisons, but the opposition at the Naval Academy The Tars rolled up a 21-to-9 lead III '1'00 much can not be said of Keyser's points, ending the game 43-19. is generally of the highest calibre, so that the Terrors must look to their the first half of the game, while in the form. His clever feinting, jabbing and Geraghty, the fast Wildcat eager, laurels. Slade Cutter, unbeaten heavyweight of the Midshipman team, last two quarters the Navy men gained. dodging were thrilling to watch. took high scoring honors with sixteen will oppose "Bernie" Kaplan in what should be the feature bout of the 34 additional points to the Terrors' 11 "Chuck" Kaddy, who fought several points. Mergo was next in line with night. Cutter is a stellar boxer and" Bernie" is no easy mark himself. points. bouts in the 145-pound class last year, nine points. The lightweight classes are most in doubt, for the abilities of the Shepherd was the leading performer did exceptionally well in fighting a Navy 115 and 125-pound boxers have not been tested yet. Bennett and for the Terrors. Ruge and Dornin shared draw with Valentino, Bucknell 165- W. M. C. Loses To C. U. Armacost, representing the Terrors in these divisions, may be able to honors' on Navy's side of the ledger. pounder. "Chuck", in addition to fight- Haynes and turn the margin of victory to the Terrors in their weights. Western Maryland's cagers invaded Keyser both won their initial fights and can be counted upon to give ., I The summary: ing out of his weight, was handicapped Catholic Universrty two weeks ago, WESTERN MD. in other ways. Valentino was much only to be repelled 55-29 by a late pass- good account of themselves against the Middies. G. F. T. taller and had a longer reach than the ing and shooting attack opened up by Kaplan, f. c . 1 0, 2 Terror boxer. Kaddy frequently con- the Cardinals. SHEPHERD TELLS ABOUT TRIP TO COAST Lathrop, f . o 1 1 nected with his high jabs, but his most At the end of the first half, Western (Continued from Page 1, Column 2) Lipsky, f . o o 0 effective punches were his straight Maryland left the floor with the SCOTe Delores del Rio, Shirley Temple, and Commerford, f . o o 0 rights to the body. Valentino fought standing against them 18-16. On their i banquet, Captain Shepherd received a Fowble, c . 2 o 4 hard and well.' His blows to the head return, they started in strong. Led by other motion picture stars. "Bill" says gold football, as did the other members Merge, g . 3 1 7 Mergo, the Terrors tied the count with Shirley looks "just like she does in the of the Varsity, and was praised highly Shepherd, g . 2 2 6 and back in the clinches were exceed- She but movies, taller." maybe a little a field goal. It was then that Cath- by Coach "Dick" Harlow for his fine Draper, g . o o 0 ingly punishing. olic University opened their attack. greeted the boys with it wide smile and work during tho season and in the East- Western Maryland's captain and 165- I a "Hello!" Two big pictures were be- West game. By fast cutting and accurate passing, Totals . 8 4 20 pound intercollegiate champion last they gained the lead and held it ing ll1~de-"Follies of 1935" and "Mid- Shepherd hails from Clearfield, Penn- year, was also fighting out of his class. and throughout the rest of the game. summer Night's Dream," of the the foot- sylvania, where he was graduated from NAVY Captain Gorski was advanced to the watched some lads scenes ball Lieb, the Cardinal center, took the being shot. high school in 1930. From there he G. F. T. light-heavyweight position to fill the high scoring honors for the night with That night there was a big party at went to Keystone Preparatory School, Cline, f., , . 102 vacancy left by "Bernie" Kaplan, who thirteen points. Mergo was runner-up the famous Cocoanut Grove. It was and was gradua ted in 1931. Dornin, f . 5 3' ]3 is fighting the heavyweight class dur- with twelve. "Bill" thinks "Dick" is a "grand guy, Ruge, f . 6 1 13 ing the .absence of "Tom" Pontecarvo. here that Shepherd escorted one of Fellows, f. g . 011 Hollywood's most famous stars. a swell coach, and I like him.". On the Shamel', c . 237 "Andy" fought well, with the exception Lions Defeat Terrors The next day, January 2, was also other hand, "Dick" appreciates Shep- Decker, c . 102 that he missed numerous blows. Ref- By their superiority in shooting, the spent in the studios, and motion pic- herd's prowess as a football player. Borries, c . 317 eree "Pop" Goddard awardell the deci- Nittany Lions defeated the Terror tures were taken of the East team. On Shepherd has been playing football Putnam, g . 113 sion to Pethick of Bucknell. After the basketeers of Western Maryland by Thursday, Shepherd left for New Or- for twelve years, and is planning to go ]\fandelkorn, g . 113 fights Goddard explained that Gorski a score of 43-25, in the game played leans by the southern route and reached into professional football next year, Badger, g . 102 had won the first round, but that an un- Wednesday, January 15. New Orleans on Saturday. He stayed although he has made no definite plans Brown, g . 102 usually hard right t{) "Andy's" face The Lions, roaring into action in the there one day, then came up to St. as yet. He considers the Western ga,~e Pethick the second round. The third first half with F. Smith leading the Louis, where another big party was be- Maryland-Bucknell game in 1933 the Totals . 22 11 55 way, held a five point lead over the ing given. most exciting game of his career. The round, which was almost a draw, God- Terrors at the half. Smith scored four Souvenirs given to Shepherd and oth- score was 14-13, in favor of Western dard awarded to the Bison boxer be- of the Blue and White goals. er members of the East team were an l\Iaryland, avenging for a defeat in the First Dame-I wonder what's wrong cause of his strong finish. The second half was a repitition of Elgin sport watch, a sweater, a blanket, previous year by the same score. with that tall blonde guy over the;re. In the heavy"eight class, "Bernie" the first, with State increasing its lead. and all the spending money l·equired. "Bill" is 22 years olel. 5 feet, 9 inches Just a minute ago he was getting friend- Kaplan, twice intercollegiate champion Smith, Rily, and Komick led the State "Bill" reached Western Maryland tall, and weighs 185 pounds. He likes ly, and then all of a sudden he turned i>l the light-heavyweight class, WOll an attack. Rily was high scorer for the College in time for the annual football to eat "anything thai's good," and he pale and ,yalked away. easy decision over Rosati. The Terror State team with eleven points. F. banqu(lt of the Western Maryland thinks the food at Western Maryland Second Ditto--Maybe he saw me come champion fought ill his usual hal'd-hit- (Continued on Page 4, Column 3) - Green '1;errors on January 10. At the College is "plain but substantial." in. He's my husband. ting manll')r.
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