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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md JOURNALISM IN rying out the terms of the scholarship THOMAS' J. D. Katz she has won, which bids her spend a Personality Pictures THE COLLEGES year abroad studying the "social, polit- SHOES By Art Penner ical, and economic conditions of the MEN'S WEAR QUALITY S HOE REPAIRING country and the moral condition of (The following article is reprinted the press." Likewise winner of a jour- Westminster, Md. Special Rates to Students "Feudal times were characterized by from the student publication of Mary nalistic scholarship is William C. Me- greater security than we enjoy today, Baldwin College, Oamvpus Comments, of Gaffin, acting telegraph editor of the Co- but most people don't have nerve Saturday, September 29, 193'-1.) lumbus, Nebraska, DOJily Teleqrtum, and enough to admit it. These glamorous former Lincoln Star reporter. He has For 30 Years A Tradition With W. M. tales of besieged castles and contin- Big among journalistic events of the been awarded the $1,000 Gilbert M. Students uous war raids from one stronghold to moment bulks the annual week-end Hitchcock scholarship of the Columbia Margaret & Earl the next rea11y are based on nothing COUTsein journalism offered by Indiana University school of journalism by "Dad" Smelser's more than melon-stealing parties! Only University. The course opened yester- Dean Carl Ackerman. Since boyhood, Have been catering to College a few dumbbe11sgot hurt or killed. But day, September 28, in Bloomington, In- when he set type in his father's office. Students -For- historians must have sometLing to ab- diana, and continutes today. The schol- .Mr, McGaffin has been a newspaper- SANDWICHES-PASTRIES Sandwiches Ice Cream sorb the fire of their imaginations!" ars are printers and publishers, who are man. At Nebraska University, where CANDY-ICE CREAM It's a typical Schempp statement. convening to listen to a program of he received his degree in journalism in Cold Drinks He strives valiantly to find undisguised talks by the professors in the Universi- 1932, he was editor of the student CIGARETTES 13c PACKAGE reali ty as he looks on things, and ty school of journalism. Lectures and newspaper. Since graduation, he has Just off the Campus Open every night until 11.30 steadfastly refuses to be deceived by demonstrations are being alternated been employed on the staffs of several the superficiality which glosses over with swimming, tennis, sightseeing, and newspapers. The scholarship gives him most of our existence. Not that he is free shows i.n the Bloomington thea- a year of study at Columbia, with the radical-he has little sympathy for ters. 'I'he newspaper and printing visi- chance to receive the Columbia J our- radicals, but he is much more of a tors are seeing the Ohio-Indiana foot- ualism school's degree. Phone 304 STATE THEATRE realist than an idealist. Lall game this afternoon as guests of * .. * His lectures are not really lectures the University. Among the topics to For these glimpses into what is go- GLORIA as such. They comprise chiefly a series be discussed in the course are-head- ing on in college journalistic circles I FRIDAY-SATURDAY of pointed questions with which he line writing, news writing, color re- throughout the country, we are indebt- Beauty Parlor Matinee 2:30 maneuvers the class into thinking more production, and' the newspaper code in ed to the Publishers' A.uxilial·Y· I than is ordinarily: done in a class room. its present form. I We Specialize in ZANE GREY'S He is a man of more than average * * * height, rather heavy, with a fu11 face, Another university which has opened W. A. A. DISCUSSES PLANS PERMANENT WAVING "Wagon Wheels" the most dominant f eature of which is its doors to a conference of professional FOR COMING SEASON Finger Waving-Marcelling- an, unusually expressive mouth. He journalists is Syracuse University, With Randolph Scott, Gail feels deeply the beliefs of his eco- where on September thirteenth and At the board meeting of the Women's HAIR BOBBING 25c. Patrick, Monte Blue, Raymond nomic philosophy, and defends them fourteenth the members of the New Athletic Association on-Tuesday even- Hatton. warmly, York Press Association, with their ing, October 23, plans for the coming Facials-Manicu'ring -Also- Leaning against a blackboard, he wives, were entertained at the seventh- year were discussed. At the first reg- 82 West Main Street Fox News Vita phone Shorts thrusts both hands into his pockets and ninth annual meeting of their associa- ular meeting to be held soon, it was Admission 10-25c speculates quietly before the class. tion. The meeting was held at Syra- stated, the officers of the organization Westminster Maryland Then an idea strikes him. His face be- cuse to do honor to the opening of the will present to the freshmen and new MONDAY-TUESDAY trays it immediately. Imbued with a new school of journalism there. The members the aims and purposes of the sort of calm excitement, his. eyes light meetings were held in the building 'Women's Athlqtic Association. Some ~==============~I Harold Lloyd in up, his eyebrows rise, his mouth twists which houses the new journalism form of entertainment will follow and "The Cat's Paw" into a unique smile, and so he begins. school, a building which contains a refreshments will be served. WESTERN MARYLAND shooting facts and figures with start- modern newspaper plant, installed and All old members, as well as fresh- With Una Merkel, Geo. Bar- The W. A. A. has recently received Coffee Shoppe ling attention to detail. His hands ready for use, which will give the stu- men, are urged to attend. rr.ove rapidly, ending with an out- dents practical experience to comple- bier, Nat Pendleton and stretched expression of futility accom- ment their theoretical instruction. an invitation to help the University of Grace Bradley panied by an unanswerable shrug of * * * Maryland celebrate its home-coming AND RESTAURANT -Also- the shoulders. Stanford University has a new pro- flay. The celebration will probably He is carried away by himself at fessor of journalism. Former Profes- take the form of a hockey game be- SODA Vitaphone Musical Shorts times, and grows too graphic, too ex- sor Kenneth Stewart has resigned from tween the teams from ~daryland Uni- SANDWICHES Admission 10-30c treme, in his arguments. This charac- the Univeraity to join the edItorIal versity and Westp~ll Maryland College. and Carole Lombard I teristic has often been misinterpreted staff of the Literary Digest. In his Any girls. <-'/ho are especially inter- LUNCH COMING SOON as a desire for classroom sentational- place comes Clifford F. Weigle, tele- ested in ')eing possible choices for this Shirley Temple, Gary Cooper ism; it simply is over-enthusiasm, if graph editor of the San Francisco trip ere requested to attend all prac- DINNERS there can be such a thing. News. Mr. Weigle, a Stanford grad- tids regularly. J. F. Moore, Mgr. The fundamental principle of his ed- uate and Phi Beta Kappa, worked while -In- ucational philosophy is that greater an undergraduate for the San Francie "Good Food-And How!" - -stress should be put on thinking and co News, serving as circulation depart- "Now and Forever" ,I less on memory. He succeeds well in ment representative and campus corre- News In Brief N ever Closed making his students think even if they spondent at Stanford. Since his gradu- don't relish it one bit. His tests are ation in 1929 he has been a member of An alumni chapter of the Phi Alpha , the focal point of this criticism be- the staff of the News until his recent Mu sorority was organized recently in cause they are so phrased that the an- appointment to the school of journal- Baltimore. The officers of the new '7he qulckReFerenceBook swer can be deter-mined, only through ism at Stanford. .. .. .. chapter will be published in next issue of Information on All Subjects a process of reasoning. of the Gold Bug. He is definitely progressive, and in At the University of Michigan five Webster·sCollegiate the future Western Maryland will hear foreign students have enrolled in the rJhe 13estAbridged .Dictionary more and more from him. school of journalism. They are three The editor of the Aloha. requests that Chinese boys, and two Hawaiian girls. 'all senior men and women give care- a711~;~ ful attention to the bulletin boards in * * * "The volumeIs convenientfor quick reference DOCTOR BERTHOLF LISTS Changes are being made in the jour- order that they may know just when work. and altogether the best dictionary for are to be taken for the deskwork of whichI know."-PowellStewart, NEW MEMBERSHIP RULES nalism courses at Washington Univer- their portraits The women's portraits were Dept. of English, University of ~['exas. year book. FOR TRI-BET A SOCIETY sity in St. Louis. Beginning this year, begun yesterday; the men's portraits Presidentsand DepartmentHead s of leading Universities agree with this opinion. tit will be possible for a student earning will be begun on Tuesday of next week. The Largest 0/ the Merriam-Webster Abridgments (Continued from Page 1, Column 3) his B. S. in journalism to major in ad- 106,000 entries, includinghundreds of new vertising as well as in news and editor- wordswithdefinitions.spellings.and correct tration, and one for a one-year subscrip- The Home Economics Club will give use;aGazetteer; aBiographical Dictionary; Words and Phrases; tion to Bios. No national dues are re- ial writing. * .. * a faculty tea at the Carroll Inn this Foreign Punctuation, Use of Abbre.:h- Capitals. tions ; quired of associate members. coming week-end. Manyotherfeaturesofpracticalvalue. In case an associate member later be- Two pioneer figures in the field of 1.268 pages. 1,700 illustrations. See It At Your CollegeBookstore comes an active member, 11epays only college journa lism figure in the news or Write for Informationto the three dollars additional to the national this week. They are Dr. Willard Bley- Publishers. office. er, of the University of Wisconsin G. & C. Merriam Springfield, 1\la55. The local dues for all active and as- school of journalism, and Dr. Walter Columbia Jewelry Co. sociate members and chapter associates Williams of the University of Missouri. are two dollars upon accepting member- The news about Dr. Bley er is that in HOUSE ship, and one dollar for each subsequent this month the thirtieth session of the OPERA year the student remains in college. No school of journalism at Wisconsin dues of any kind are required after grad- opens, with Dr. Bleyer, who founded the THURSDAY ONLY, OCT. 25th uation. journalism school there, at the head of "WE'RE RICH AGAIN" the department as dean. And of Dr. Guests. The local chapter is happy to With Williams, the news is that he has re- have as its regular guests at its Friday signed at the University of Missouri EDNA MAY OLIVER, BILLIE BURKE, JOAN MARSH, and BUSTER CRABBE afternoon conferences (Sci. 34, 4 :00 p. FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE SATURDAY 2:30 P. M. m.) all students and members of the the post of President of the University, This good -looking new strap watch is "DEATH ON THE DIAMOND" fitted in an engraved case. Has a jeweled which he has held since 1930 in con- faculty interested in the I)fogram being junction with his post as dean of the movement •.••••••••••••••••••.. $14.85 With MADGE EVANS, ROBERT YOUNG, TED HEALY and NAT presented. It is not at all to be assumed 10 per cent. discount to Also LAUR,EL & HARDY, MICKEY MOUSE and OSWALD that one must wait until he is eligible school of journalism; this latter post Students and Faculty for membership before attending these has been his since the founding of the MONDAY and TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29th and 30th meetings. And, of course, at the eve- department under his leadership. "THE FOUNTAIN" ning meetings held ordinarily on the * * * With ANN HARDING, BRIAN AHERJ',n~, PAUL LUKAS, and JEAN HERSHOLT S. OOBB in "SPEAKING OF RELATIONS", fourth Tuesday of each month, the whole The recipient of a Pulitzer traveling Also IRVIN EDWIN C. HILL in latest NEWS REEL and college community is welcome. scholarship is pretty Miss Betty Turn- FOR YOUR er of Oakland, California. Miss Turn- WEDNESDA Y and THURSDAY OCTOBER 31st and NOV. 1st er sailed recently for the Orient, to Hallowe' en Party's STUART ERWIN and ROCHELLE HUDSON in We don't mind telling you that the visit China, Japan, and Manchuria, car- "BACHELOR BAIT" GOLDBUG would find its way to your With PERT KELTON (watch her) SKEETS GALLAGHER and BERTON rooms only once in a blue moon if it Novelties CHURCHILL were not for the cooperation of down- J. Stoner Geiman Also Musical Comedy "EVERYBODY LIKES MUSIC" town advertisers. They aid in financ- "Everything Electrical" BUY YOUR COSTUME, ing your college paper so, when you REFRIGERATORS FRIDA Y and SATURDAY NOVEMBER 2nd and 3rd MATIl\T]}ESATURDAY 2:30 P. M. are considering to spend some excess ELECTRIC APPLIANCES TALLY, PLACE CARDS, WHEELER & WOOLSEY in change, remember to Phone 24 RADIOS MASKS and NOISE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS "COCKEYED CAVALIERS" With THELMA TODD and DOROTHY LEE MAKERS Also TODD & KELLY Comedy and MICKEY MOUSE "John" Everhart CHAS. KROOP -AT- MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5-6-7 Special Student Prices THE COLLEGE BARBSR FINE SHOE REPAIRING CO MAN'S "THE AFFAIRS OF CELLINI" AND BOBBER 26 E. Main Street With CONST1 NCE BENNETT and FREDERICK "THE WISE Also WALT DISNEY'S AT THE FORKS WESTMINSTER, MD.
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