Page 15 - TheGoldBug1934-35
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Beat Beat Bucl'\nell ! est Chester! November 8, 1934 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Western Maryland Boxing and Floor ANNOUNCEMENTS Terror Defense Defeats Catholic Teams to Face Difficult Schedules The Association of American Med- University Cardinals by 2-0 as ical Colleges' aptitude test will be Offense Fails to Score Touchdown Terror Mittmen Face Eight Meets TWENTY-EIGHT '34 SENIORS given on December 7 for all students who expect to apply for entrance to With Major Opponents and a medical school in the fall of 1935. Intercollegiates HAVE TEACHING PLACES Students who wish to take the exami- Ferguson Blocks Punt For Automatic Safety to Provide Margin of Victory nation should make application imme- As Terrors Outplay C. U. Gridders at Washington SEVENTEEN CAGE GAMES diately to Dean Schofield. The test W. M. Department of Education will be given in room L, Lewis Hall, GREEN AND GOLD KEEPS GOAL UNCROSSED Lists Recent Appointments at 3: 00 p. m. on December 7. Arranging for one of the most exten- sive winter sporting seasons in which Twenty-eight of the sixty-five gradu- Last Saturday afternoon the Green and Gold warriors, led by the. The Debating meet Council will Western Mayland College has ever par- ates in the department of education of every Friday eveniug in Smith Hall at brilliant playing and field (generalship of -william Shepherd, held in ticipated, the Athletic Association has the class of 1934 have received teaching 6: 30 p. m. All members of the Coun- check the fast, heavy gridders of Catholic University and eked out a 2-0 recently announced the 1934-193'5basket- positions in the various counties of the cil and all other students interested in victory to keep the Terrors' record spot- ball and boxing schedules, Maryland and Virginia. They are as debating are urged to attend. SOPHS HOLD HALLOWE'EN less, a huge goose-egg being the combin- The boxing schedule is as follows: follows: ed result of all opponents against West- Bussard, C. Lease, Commercial, Clear DANCE IN GIRLS' GYM ern Maryland defense so far this year. January 19-Maryland, at College Park. Spring; Eyerly, Carl H., Science, Oak- NEW GATEWAY MARKS From start to January 26-Navy, at Annapolis. land, Garrett County; Fowble, Frederick, finish it was a Commercial, Mt. Airy; Gisriel, Cornelius H. STONE PARK ENTRANCE The annual Hallowe'en party given to Western Maryland February 2-Army, at West Point. the freshmen by"the sophomore class was E., F'rench and History, Oakland; Hack, afternoon. Before February 9-8yracuse, at Westminster. Alfred C., Scien~e and Industrial Arts, As a continuation of the "greater held Wednesday night, October 31, in the a c r 0 w d, esti- February 16-CatholicU, at Washington. Laurel; Palmer) Victor S., Science and Western Maryland" building program, a girls' gymnasium. Music was furnished mated at 15,000 by the Ramblers, a Baltimore orchestra. Math., Brunswick; Sliker, P. E., Physics, people, the green February 23-West Virginia, at Cumber- HyattsYille; Speicher, John P., Science, new entrance -gateway to the Harvey A. Approximately 350' people were present clad men marched land. Stone Park has just been completed, to help make the party one of the largest up and down the Brandywiue ; Sweadner, Duval W., March 2-Penn State,at State College. French, History, Kitzmiller; Willis, Eu- along with various other improvements and most successful social affair on the field, driving be- gene, History, Athletics, Wise, Va.; to the former Geiman farm. Hill this fall. fore them the Car- March 9-St. John's, at Westminster or The party started at !l.UO p. m. and dinal line. But the Baltimore. Beall, Ada, English, Music, Kitzmiller; Two imposing stone piers of the same Boughton, Lillian E., English, Cumber- material as the masonry in the new sum- ended at 11.30 p. m. Dancing continued he a vy men of March 15-16-Intercollegiates, probably land; Fowble, Doris H., English, Charles mer pavilion stand as sentinels to the until 9.15, at which time there was an Catholic U. were at Penn State. Carroll; Frey, N. Lilian, English, Latin, driveway of the new college park. A intermission. A very interesting musical F£RGUSON able at the critical Social Studies, Linthicum; German, Mil- bronze tablet with appropriate inscrip- program was given by members of' the moments to brace and throw back every dred, Music, Mt. Airy and Sykesville; sophomore class. A trio, consisting of effort of the Terrors to place the ball The basketball schedule includes the Harrison, Martha A., Music, History, tion 'will be placed on the right pier. The Priscilla Herson, Arlene Hudson, and across the final white chalk line for a following .games: Latin, Glen Bernie; Hull, Dorothy E. Ih-iveway to the park is being widened Mary Alice Wigley sang several popular touchdown, and it remained for Bruce Music, English, Tilghman's; Kimmey, and straightened. selections. Miss Julia W'ard sang" I 'll Ferguson to charge through a hole, made December 12-Georgetown, at Washing- ton. Eleanor, 'Music, English; Manchester; It is hoped that much of the work will Close My Eyes to Everyone Else," and in the big red line by Campofreda and January 5-Navy, at Annapolis. Needy, Louise, English, French, Smiths- be finished in amp1e time for Mr. Stone a male quartet entertained with several , 'Bernie" Kaplan, to block a punt, the burg; Paul, Dorothy, Substitute, Balti- to see as soon as he is able to leave his old familiar songs. Bernard Kaplan lit- ball rolling behind the end zone for an January 9-Catholic U., at Washington. more; Pyles, Helen Williams, Poolesville ; home, where he is eonvalescing from a erally "stole the show" by his rendition automatic safety. January l~Washington College, :Lt Righter, Esther E., French, ELglisl1, serious operation. l\r~. Stone, who is at of several popular songs, and, as a finale, The Terrors early made a scoring Chestertown. Sparro'(v's Point; Russell, A. May, the present the superintendent of build- he sang "Philadelphia, ~.Ly Home thrust when Shepherd, after an exchange Science, Mathematics, Margaret Brent, Town ", with everyone joining in the of punts, generaled the Westminster January 16-Penn State, at State College ings and grounds, has spent nearly half St. Mary's County; SewaI'd, Anna F., chorus. team far into Catholic terr-itory only to January 25-Johns Hopkins, at Balti- Home Economics, Denton; Stumpf, Eliz- a century in the service of Western Mary- Although there were only 'a few people' have the Cardinals brace within their more. abeth F., Mathematics, Dundalk; Wal- land COllege. in costume, the spirit of Hallowe 'en was 30·yard line and force a low punt from January 29-St. John's, at Westminster. then, Rosa L., Margaret Brent; Wigley, The old barn, which formerly stood on caught by the decorations. Orange and the able toe of "Bill" Shepherd. Dur- Anna C., Brooklyn, Anne Arundel Coun- the Geiman farm, has been demolished." black decorations decked the walls and ing the first quarter a high wind aided January 30-West Chester State Teach- ty; Williams, l\1:.Estelle, Home Econom- Plans are now being made to convert the hung from the lights; black cats romped Oliver's punts and time and again car- ers, at West Chester. ics" Preston. former farm house into a faculty club around the walls; while owls solemnly ried the ball over Shepherd's head and February 2-Loyola, at Baltimore. This list, which comes direct from house. Advance news concerning the watched the proceedings. Corn stalks into the end zone. Only the Terrors' stacked in the corner and on the deep February 5-Mt. St. Mary's, at West- the office of the department of educa- future improvements on the Harvey A. window-sills gave a rustic aspect to the superior offensive play enabled them to minster. tion of the college, shows an increase Stone Park will appear in later issues of keep the ball in C. U. territory. in the number of teaching position se- the GOLD BUG. room. Early in the second quarter Shepherd February 9-University of Baltimore, at cured for the members of last year's Refreshments entirely in keeping with punted low and easily to the C. U. 15- Baltimore. the time and spirit of the occasion- graduating class, as compared with the yard line where the ball bounded onward February 12-Loyola, at Westminster. number of positions for the class of MOOT TRIALS STAGED BY pumpkin pie and cider-were served dur- and was clowned by Campofreda on the ing the intermission. February 16-George Washington, at 1933. George Speigel, president of the soph- Catholic 4-inch line. Washington. A list of positions, other than teach- SENIOR MILITARY CLASS omore class, made the al'l'angel11entsfor It was at this juncture that the West- ing, which other members of the class the party, and the following committee ern Maryland line opened the hole February 20-Mt. St. Mary's, at Em- of 1934 are now holding will be publish- through which Ferguson charged to block mitsburg. ed in a future issue of this paper. Court martial, testimony, legal pro- assisted him in making the annual Hal- the kick which led to victory. February 23-Johns Hopkins, at West- cedure, and shameful convictions all lowe'en party a successful affair. Mixing end runs, line plays, and :lll Harrison committee--Beverly Invitation minster. played their parts in the mock court Refreshment c{)mmittee- assortment of passes that woud have sur- FORTY VIE FOR PLACES AS martials held recently by the senior March 5-St. John's" at Annapolis. students in the department of military Ruth Lee Howie prised "Benny" Friedman himself, DEBATE SEASON NEARS Entertainment committee--Robert Kiefer Shepherd led the Terrors time after time Western Maryland's 1934 record in science and tactics. Decoration committee- toward the Cardinal goaL Woodbury boxing never has been topped by any Approximately twenty-five girls and Sergo Bluntmore, alias Janna Randle, Sarabelle Blackwell missed by a hair a pass that would small college in the whole history of col- fifteen men are seeking positions {)n the \\-as accused of three shameful charges, have scored, and Lassahn stumbled as lege athletics. In the Inter-collegiates at debating teams, as preparations for the brought before his class court martial, he snagged a backward pass from Shep- Syracuse last winter Western Maryland, coming forensic season are being and found guilty of two of these MISS MARY RISTEAU TO herd on an end-around play which gave with a final sc{)re of 18, came out sec- advanced. For the men, a schedule charges. Sergo Bluntmore, his head SPEAK AT W. M. ASSEMBLY promise of a 20-yard gain. Had it ond, with Syracuse just seven points of thirty matches is to be arranged, and bowed and his shoes unpolished, was materialized, the play would have placed for the women, a schedule that is but ahead. In addition, Western Maryland slightly less extensive: sentenced to three months' cut in pay, Continuing the policy of haying guest the ball on the 5-yard line with first conceded a third place to Harvard and and to hard labor and confinement. speakers at the weekly Monday mmning down and goal to go. But the Terrors The topic for the first match will be, another to Army as a generous sporting "Resolved, that the nations should agree Which proved once again tha t crime, assemblies, the administration has invited were to be thwarted on every touchdown gesture. " Andy" Gorski defeated the to prevent the iuternational shipment of even in its lesser forms, does not pay Miss Mary Risteau, of Harford County, driYe, and only their superior defensive who was t'ne first woman representative 165-pound champion, "Tony" Balash; arms and munitions." Albert Rush, {)f (Serg. Bluntmore's sentence proves to the Maryland House of Delegates, to play won for them the 2·0 victory. "Bernie" Kaplan won a victory {)ver the Seminary, is coaching the teams, and that). speak to the student body next Monday, The Terror gridmen were the first , 'Ray" Jeffries; , , Tom' , Pontecarvo Professors Wills and l\fakosky are the More ignonulllous still was the court N{)vember 12. team this season to CTashthrough the Cath{)lic U. line for a first down. Truly won the heavyweight title. faculty advisers. martial of one Charles R. Dickens, Arrangements have also been made to the Western Maryland line outplayed one All members {)f last year's boxing As last year's team was composed en- "Reds" Commerford to you, who, in the have Miss Jessie L. Snow, the executive of the outstanding lines of the 1934 grid- team have returned this year except Cap- tirely of seniors, this year's men team trial held by the second section in the secretary of the Maryland branch of the iron season. Against such a line the tain Myers. The high point of the 1935 will lack experience. Among those seek- senior military class, was sentenced to League of Nations Association, address Green and Gold gained 138 yards by season will be the meet on February 9, ing positions are: Keyser, Mathias, three years, six months, ~l1d was dis- the student assembly on Monday, No· mshing, against 89 for Catholic U. West- when the champion Syracuse team will Daneker, Bratton, Plummer, Needklm, honorably discharged. vember 19. Miss Snow has long been in· ern ~faryland 's passing .attack worked come t{)Westminster. Kiefer, Crowe, and a large number of Although the friends of the two ac- terested in the wmk of the League of eight times for gains, totaling 82 yards, In discussing Western Maryland '8 freshmen. John \\'al'lnan is manager of eused soldiers acted as the presiding Nations, and has attended several ses· whereas the Cardinals worked one pass boxing schedule, Paul M.enton said, "If the team, and matches with St. Francis, officials at the court martials, no per- sions 'of the League at Geneva, Switzer' f{)r 30 ya'rds. the football team were to meet the same St. Thomas, and ~ft. St. Mary's, are sonal feelings or sympathies were land. Western ~faryland 's band and cheering calibre of opposition, Western Maryland among those pending. strong enough in any way to affect the The administration is to be congratul- section added to the glory of the Green would be playing Notre Dame, Army, The girls' team has several veterans decision of the court in dealing out jus- ated on its choice of speakers for the and Gold with their splendid showing. Pittsburgh, Princeton" and Southern Cal- from last year. Among these are: Thel- tice. assemblies. Thus far, the very interest- Above the crash of rocket-bombs, the ing and beneficial talks of ~r. P. W. successive Saturdays." ma Chell, president of the debating For several years now these mock Wilson, a former member of Parliament Western ~faryland band played, dressed basketball team, the 1933- council; Idamae Riley, girls' manager, court martials have been held by the wh{) addressed the student assembly on in its new unifOl'ms, consisting {)f white will also face a and Sally Price. senior members of the military class, Monday, October 9, and Mr. Hubert Her- pants with green stripes, green sweaters, The Debating Council has arranged and green and gold hats, and led by a to meet every Friday evening at 6.30 bringing to justice those members of ring, an authority {)n Pan·Americanism drum major who never once missed his who spoke at the November 5 assembly, Marylanders p. m. in Smith HaIL All members and tIle department who, dramatically have more than met with ~tudent approv- baton as he flung it high in the air and championship all other students interested in debat- speaking, demand attention. And once (Conti1llUed on Page 4, Col. 1) ing are invited to attend. again this year justiee has triumphed! al.
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