Page 11 - TheGoldBug1934-35
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Western Maryland vs, Hallowe'en Party Catholic University Wednesday Evening Washington, D. C. October 31 November 3 8:00 P. M. October 25, 1934 Vol. 12, No.3 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. College Players to Present Kaufman ANNOUNCEMENTS Green and Gold Gridders Evade and Ferber Comedy November 29 The Intef-Ji'raternity Council re- Boston College Jinx, Overcoming quests that all men students who are Eagles by Bewildering 40-0 Score non-fraternity members refrain from Celebrated Play By Outstanding Playwrights Will Be Presented As using the various club rooms, unless Annual Thanksgiving Production they are invited to do so by a mem- Terrors Score Three Times In Each Half To Upset Strong Opponents ber of a fraternity. In Annual Gridiron Tilt ~~MINICK"TO BE ACTED IN ALUMNI HALL The College Debating Council will not meet Thursday, November 4, as SHEPHERD SCORES TWENTY.ONE POINTS Selecting for presentation one of the most celebrated comedies by was scheduled, because of the lecture George S. Kaufman and Edna Ferber, two of America's foremost play- to be delivered by Dr. Blackwelder at Western Maryland's Terrors laid heavy hands on gridiron fame last wrights, the College Players, under the direction of Miss Esther Smith, that time. Saturday when they scored one of the biggest upsets of the year by will offer a three-act comedy drama, :------------------ All students are urged to watch the trouncing the Boston College Eagles 40-0 before 11,000 spectators at "Minick ", as the annual Thanksgiving bulletin boards for announcements the Baltimore Stadium. play on Thursday evening, November 29. INTER-FRAT COUNCIL concerning the next meeting of the For the past three years the team from The cast of characters for "Minick" Council. INTER-SORORITY COUNCIL Boston had come out on top in the Ter- is as follows: APPROVES DANCE DATE ror-Eagle tilts, but this year the Green Lil Corey Lydia Fogle 'I'he meeting of the Gold Bug ELECTS 1934-35 OFFICERS Terrors were not to be denied, and, con- The Inter-Fraternity Council at ita staff, which was scheduled for this sequently, they handed Boston the worst Nettie Minick Margaret Routzahn meeting on Wednesday night, October Friday evening, has been postponed. defeat the Eagles 17, agreed that the Delta Pi Alpha fra- All staff members are asked to At the recent meeting of the Inter- have been dealt Annie Margaret Frederick Sorority' Council, Miss Lucille Bork, ternity should hold the first dance of the watch the bulletin boards for the since 1921. president 'of the Phi Alpha Mu sorority, Jim Corey Janna Randle year on Saturday, N ovem ber 17. announcement of the time and date , 'Bill' , Shepherd At the same meeting the Black and of the next meeting. was elected head of the Council for the was the scintillat- Fred Minick Dennis Brown coming year. The honor code for sorori- White club was given December 15 as ing star for the Old Man Minick Kale Mathias the date for its dance, while January 19 ties was also drawn up at the same meet- Terrors. The fast was given to the Gamma Beta Chi fra- ing. Green and Gold Al Diamond Charles Read Bach- DR. BERTHOLF LISTS The complete list of officers is as fol- ternity, and February 23, to the half-back mad e Marge Diamond Nadine Ohler elors. The Inter-Fraternity dance will NEW MEMBERSHIP RULES lows: Lucille Bork three touchdowns President be held on Saturday evening, May 18, in and kicked three Alpha Mu) Lula Emily Dashiell Science Hall. FOR TRI-BET A SOCIETY Vice-President (Phi Jane Twigg extra points him- Mr. Dietenhofer Norman Ward The Delta Pi Alpha fraternity dance, (Delta Sigma Kappa) self and gained a which is to be given in the girls' gym- Secretary Mary Brown total of ninety- Mr. Price Proctor Messler nasium, will feature "Bim" Hagerman Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, professor of (W. W. Club) eight yards. Mrs. Smallridge Orpha Pritchard and his ten piece orchestra. This band biology, wishes to announce the new The honor code of the Inter-Sorority Mergo took the kick-off and ran it the for membership requirements Tri- Miss Crackenwald ..... _.... Lucille Bork has played many times on the Hill and Beta biological fraternity. Because of a Council is: back fifteen yards to the twenty-nine has been a favorite among the students yard line. But on the first play he reo Mrs. Lippincott _. _.. Mary Benson for several years. The fraternity is recent change in the national Beta Beta 1. No girl shall be invited to join a club ceived a leg iJ{jury and had to be taken of her second year the fall term until planning to make this a 'l'hanksgiving Beta constitution it is desirable to pre- out. \ Miss Stack _ Mary Lewis sent again for the benefit of all students at Western Maryland College. dance, and decorations will be carried 2. Transfer students may receive a bid Exactly twelve plays later the crowd , 'Minick" comes from the pens l,f out along that line. interested in biology the requirements for was on its feet cheering as Captain Mr. Kaufman and Miss Ferber, who have The other fraternity dances will also membership in this honorary fraternity. after one semester's residence on the "Bill' , Shepherd toted the pi,;-skin Hill. written some of the most popular pieces be held in the girls' gymnasium. All of Active }.[ernb~ยท8. The constitution 3. The rushing season shall extend over a across the goal line for the first touch- ever produced on Broadway. Among the these dances will be open only to students states: "To be eligible for election by period of a year from approximately down. A few minutes later he crossed most celebrated plays on which George any chapter, the candidate must have a November 1 of one year until No- the line again for another tally. S. Kaufman has collaborated are" Beg- and the faculty. It is probable that out- scholarship superior to the average of the Next, vember 1 of the next. by pass gar on Horseback ", "Dulcy", "June side guests may be invited to the Inter- whole student body; he must have com- 4. From date of issuance of bids all club Flaherty Lipski intercepted forty a yards for and then raced Moon", "Once in a Lifetime", "The Fraternity dance. pleted the equivalent of ten semester members must observe three days of the third score. Up to this time the Dark Tower ", the 1932 Pulitzer Prize hours of biology (f'ormer ly sixteen silence with those who are receiving Eagles had been given little chance to play "Of Thee I Sing", and the play hours) consisting of at least three bids by the three clubs. get their offense working and to organize which is at the present time creating SOPHS PLAN ANNUAL courses, a-nd be in the second half of the 5. It is to be understood that any club much favorable comment from Broadway sophomore year, or be a junior, senior, breaking this rule will be suspended an attack. Now, when they had the unable were to function critics, "Merrily We Roll AI{Jng". HALLOWE'EN PARTY or graduate student". The local chapter from the Inter-Sorority Council for a chance, they As the whistle for the half properly. Twice before Mr. Kaufman and Miss has interpreted the scholarship require- _period of six months. During this sounded, the Terrors led 20-0. Ferber have combined their talents. The Soft lights, sweet music, and the ments further as fonows: "To be eligible period the club will have no privi- The third quarter saw several ex- result of their first effort, "The Royal decorations characteristic of weird Hal- for (active) membership a student must lege of rushing, holding rush parties, of punts, Western with Family", was produced in 1927, and lowe'en ~ill all playa part in the an- have ,received, after his, first semester in or bidding. changes having the best of it. Again Mary- landers the hailed as one of the most delightful com- nual party to be given by the sopho- college, a grade of "B" or above in at Eagles tried to fly and again the passes edies ever written. In 1932 the second least 80 per cent. of his courses in biol- were intercepted. A sixteen-yard gain Kaufman and Ferber play, "Dinner at more class for the freshmen on Wed- ogy and in at least 50 per cent. of all I[ WESTMINSTER CHOIRWILL over the line by Schweiker and a pass, Eight", was produced, resulting in one nesday evening, October 31, at 8:00 P. subjects, including biology". Shepherd to Kaplan, was good for the of the most highly praised and one of M. in tl~e girls' gymnasium. Associate Members. The. constitution SING HERE FEBRUARY 11 fourth touchdown. the best attended productions of the past The "Ramblers", popular dance or- also provides for associate members, the decade. chestra, has been engaged for the par- scholarship requirements of whom the lo- On the next kick-off Curran returned cal chapter has fixed as follows: "Stu- According to a recent announcement the ball forty yards to Boston's forty- The next issue of the GOLD BUG will ty. The dance music will begin prompt- from the office of Dean Schofield, the Brennan essayed members af- associate dents may become contain advance news concerning the pro- ly at 8 :00 P. M. and will continue until ter one semester of residence, provided Westminster Choir, a celebrated musical five yard This line. time But Schweiker intercepted a pass. duction -of" Minick ". 11:30 P. M. 40 per cent. of their grades are "B" or organization which has recently returned the ball and sped half the length of the Last year the College Players present- George Spiegal, president of the above. It is not to be assumed that all from a tour of the principal cities. of field to score. ed Bayard Veiller's "The Thirteenth sophomore class, has announced that associate members will automatically be- Europe, will sing in Alumni Hall on In the final quarter, schweiker took u Chair" as the 'I'hauksgiving play. Monday evening, February 11, 1935. the wearing of Hallowe'en costumes come active members." punt {In -his own ten-yard line and re- will be optional. .Mr. Spiegal has also Chapte-r Associates. The local chapter Composed of forty singers under the turned it fifty-eight yards to well within announced that, as the party will be provides an additional classification as direction of Dr. John Finley Williamson, the enemy territory. On the next play SENIOR HONOR STUDENTS given in honor of the freshmen, there f'ollows : "Students who have been pro- who founded the Westminster Choir Shepherd sped around left end for thirty- organization ago, the SURVIVE ORAL EXAMS will not, of course, be any admission perly nominated and elected to active thirteen years repeatedly in more than has two yards and the sixth touchdown. 200 been heard charge for the members of that class. membership, but who do not wish for the cities of the United States. When Wal- Boston College. Position West. Md. Slightly bewildered and much amazed, An admission of twenty-five cents will time being to accept membership in the L.E. Gorski thirteen members of the senior class who national fraternity may become Chapter ter Damrosch, one of the leading musi- Furbush L.T. Fleagle had registered for honor work stood their be charged upperchssmen and faculty Associates by the payment of the local eiansof the present day, heard the Choir, Galligan L.G. B. Kaplan ground under a seemingly limitless vol- members. dues". This enables students who have he suggested that Europe should have the Couhig Center Lipski ley of questions fired at them by the Besides the dancing, card playing, the required scholastic record but who do opportunity of hearing this splendid ex- Donahue R.G. Oampof'reda heads of departments last Tuesday and games, and refreshments will be includ- not feel that they can pay the national ample of American choral singing. The Pszennv R T. Lucas Ohrenberger Wednesday afternoon, October 16 and ed in the program of the evening. fee for the time being to enjoy all the European tour, which was begun in 1928, Anderson RE. Lassahn 17, during the preliminary honors exami- The members of the sophomore class privileges of membership except the right covered the largest cities of England, Q.B. Mergo nation. are requested to pay their fees for the to vote, hold office, wear the key, and France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Flaherty L.H. Shepherd R. Curran and Switzerland. Scotland, The following seniors underwent the dance as soon as possible, in order that such other privileges, as are ,obviously re- During the coming September and Oc- Avery R H. Ferguson ordeal: Margaret Routzahn, Frances El- all necessary arrangements for the par- served for national members, tober, the Westminster Choir will embark Brennan F.B. Schweiker derdice, and Dennis Brown, department ty may be made immediately. NO1nination to Membership_ Active on a second tour of Europe, this time Boston College ........ 0 0 0 0- 0 of history; Howard Cantwell and Chas, The sophomore Hallowe'en party has members are nominated solely by the fac- visiting Russia, Norway, Sweden, Den- 7 13' 7--40 Donald I Moore, department of chemistry; Carter been an annual social affair for many ulty of the Department of Biology. As- mark, Finland, Lativia, Poland, Ruma- Western Maryland ..... 13 Stone, department of physics; Mildred sociate members make written applica- nia, Italy, Turkey, Spain, and Portugal. Western Maryland scoring: Touch- Sullivan, Preston Grimm, years on the Hill, although it was only tion for membership on blanks provided, The Paris edition of the New York downs- Shepherd (3), McNally, Tschudy, Belva Hughes, and Mary Ford, . last year that dancing was introduced and are sponsored by an active member. Herald printed the following praise of Schweiker, Lipsky. Points after department of biology; John Stallings, as part of the entertainment. This Dues. For active members the nation- the Choir: "The Westminster Choir sang touchdowns-Shepherd, 3 (by place- and Thelma Chell, department of mathe- year the plans made by Mr. Spiegal and al dues are one dollar yearly as long as at the Paris Opera la~t night, and its ment); Fergu,son (by placement). Sub- matics. the members of the program committee the member remains in college as a stu- singing was both a delight and a lesson. stitutions: Boston College-Driscoll, This examination, the purpose of which promise to materialize into as enter- dent. There is required in addition one Paris has frequently heard mass voice Cash, Zaitz, Owens, J. Curran, Moyna- was to test the seniors who hope to secure taining and amusing an evening as has dollar [or registration and three dollars concerts, but none could match that of han, Caroselli, F. Couhig, Ryan, graduation honors this year at commence- been seen on the Hill in many seasons. for a three-year subscription to the last night. The Westminster Choir may O'Brien, Dominick, Keough, Keaney, ment, was part of the work required, un- The goblins and the witches are fraternity magazine, Bios, making a well be termed a vocal orchestra. French Toomey, Tottolini, Anderson, Mahoney, der the new honors' regulations adopted ready to prance, awaiting only the ar- total national fee of five dollars. musicians in the audience were justified Good, Fenlon, Moore. Western Mary- last year, for cum laude and summa cum For associate members a national fee in regretting that no such institution hnd-McNally, Draper, Keyser, Lath- laude graduation honors. The final honors. 'rival of Hallowe'en and the melodious of two dollars is rf'!luired, one for regis- animated by the feu sucre of music ex- rop, Woodbury, Marks, Jones, Commer- examination will be given sometime in strains of the latest dance tunes as t, Column 1) ists in this country." ford, Burger. ..... I iplayed by the "Ramblers". (Continued on I
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