Page 18 - TheGoldBug1934-35
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. STATE NORMAL BOOTERS Big earnings selling fellow students "John" Everhart felt novelties, if you like to sell. DOWN W. M. PLAYERS 1-0 O!lU!I!It!I. O!luh.a uub No investment. Earnings start imme- THE COLLEGE BARBER STATE THEA ~nttdif!I diately. Give sales experience. AND BOBBER Maryland State Normal's soccer ARTCRAPT, Monday Tuesday team journeyed to College Hill, Friday, mVING-WEBSTER 313 Allen, Grand Rapids, Mich. AT THE FORKS Wednesday November 2, and went home the victors Continuous Show Each Day Society Literary The Irving-Webster of an exceedingly close 1-0 decision at will hold its regular bi-weekly meeting Starting 4:30 p_ m. the expense of W. M_ C. The Indians, on Monday evening, November 19. Ef- CHAS. KROOP WILL ROGERS who won the first game with the Ter- forts are being made to secure a guest For 30 Years -In- Special Student Prices rors by a 4-2 score, found themselves speaker for the meeting. FINE SHOE REPAIRING "Judge Priest" facing an entirely different team, both Margaret & Earl offensively and defensively. DELTA PI .ALPHA 26 E. Main Street -with- With the exception of the single Have been catering to College WESTMINSTER, MD. Tom Brown, Anita Lewis, Ro- thrust in the first period that gained The Delta Pi Alpha fraternity elect- Students chelle Hudson, and them their winning score, State Normal ed Preston Grimm treasurer of the club, SANDWICHES-PASTRIES PATRONIZE "STEPIN - FETCH - IT" never seriously threatened the Terror replacing John Manspeaker, who re- booters. Throughout the entire first signed his position. CANDY-ICE CREAM OUR Admission 10-30c and second periods, the game was about The club will hold its Thanksgiving CIGARETTES Hc PACKAGE ADVERTISERS Thursday Friday even, see-sawing back and forth in mid- dance in the girls' gym on Saturday, MARLENE DIETRICH field with neither team being able to November 17. Just off the Campus -In- gain an advantage. In the second half, the Terrors began DELTA SIGMA KAPPA WESTERN MARYLAND "Scarlet Empress" to snarl and, during the remainder of On Tuesday, October 30, the Delta J. D. Katz the game, kept the Indians running Sigma Kappa held its annual theatre -added- from pillar to post, trying to find some rush party in Baltimore. Coffee Shoppe Vita phone Musical Shorts kind of wampum to stop the Western QUALITY SHOE REPAIRING Admission 10-25c Marylanders, They evidently did :tind W. W. CLUB AND RESTAURANT Saturday (Matinee 2:30) what they wanted as the home team The W. W. Club held its annual foot- Special Rates to Students JOE E. BROWN was unable to slip the ball through the ball rush party for the sophomores on SODA -In- goal posts for a score that would have October 20 at the Boston College game tied the game. in Baltimore. J. Stoner Geiman SANDWICHES "Six-Day Bike Rider" Outstanding among the Green team's "Everything Electrical" LUNCH -with- ranks were "Jay" Randle and "Pete" GAMMA. BETA CHI MAXINE DOYLE and Wyand, who were backed by the rest The fraternity will hold its annual REFRIGERATORS DINNERS FRANK McHUGH of the team, which played a splendid smoker next Monday, November 2. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES game of ball, Phone 24 RADIOS J. F. Moore, Mgr. Coming PI ALPHA ALPHA "Good Food-And How!" DICK POWELL -In- LIFE OF A JOKE The fraternity will hold its annual N ever Closed "HAPPINESS AHEAD" dance on December 5. The details will Birth: A freshman thinks it up and be announced later. The club's annual chuckles with glee, waking up two fra- smoker will be held Tuesday, Novem- ternity men in the back row. ber 2, at 7.00 P. M. in the fraternity Age 5 minutes: Freshman tells it to room. senior, who answers: "Yeah, it's funny, but I've heard it before.' PHIALPHAMU Make A Date Now To See Age 1 day: Senior turns it in to the An alumni chapter of the Phi Alpha campus humor rag as his own. Mu was organized recently in Balti- Telephone 355-w Age 2 days: Editor thinks it's terri- was elected pres- Joy Reinmirth ble_ more. and Mildred Raum was elected Evelyn Beauty Shop "MINICK" ident Age 10 days: Editor has to fill maga- secretary. zine, prints joke. Susan E. Fritz Age 1 month: Thirteen College Com- . Elizabeth Byrd and Rosalie Gilbert -All Branches of- ics reprint joke. have been formally pledged to the club. BEAUTY CULTURE A delightful three-act comedy drama by the authors Age 3 years: Life reprints joke on On Tuesday, November 6, the sor- of "Dinner at Eight" and "The Royal Family"- "College Parade" page. ority entertained some of the sopho- 66 West Main Street, George S. Kaufman and Edna Ferber. Age 10 years: 76 radio comedians mores at the annual theatre party and WESTMINSTER, MD. discover joke simultaneously, tell it, dinner in Baltimore. accompanied by howls of mirth from Presented by -the boys in the orchestra. ($5 a howL) W.A.A. THE COLLEGE PLAYERS Age 20 years: Joke is printed in lit- The Women's Athletic Association Mackenzie's erary Digest. gave a special program and served re- ALUMNI HALL Age 100 years: Professors start tell- freshments in honor of the freshmen ing joke in class.-Arizona Kitty-Kat. after its regular meeting on Monday, Pharmacy November 5. Thanksgiving (Homecoming) Night DRUGS-SODA TERRORS WIN FROM C. U. AS Y. W.C. A. LUNCHEONETTE FERGUSON BLOCKS PUNT A "kids' party" will be given on Fri- Private Booths November 39 FOR LONE SCORE day, November 9, in honor of the fresh- men. We Welcome (Continued from. Page 1, Col. 5) Western Maryland Students SPECIAL REDUCED ADMISSION FOR STUDENTS over the goal posts to catch it on the other side. GAMMA BETAS WIN FROM Fireworks before the game and at the BACHELORS IN TOUCHBALL half, lent color to the occasion at which Phone 382J We Call and Deliver Postmaster-General Farley was an honor- Gamma Beta Chi opened the second The Store of New Fashioned Jewelry and Old Fashioned Honesty ed guest. A parachute was rocketed into round of the intra-mural touch foot- Harry E. Reese the air bearing a sign "Beat Western ball season Friday, November 3, by CASSELL'S Maryland", just before the game began. downing the Bachelors 20-0. TAILOR The line-up: The game opened fast, as all touch- Suits Made To Order JEWELERS Karpowich L.E. Woodbury ball games will, and continued fast 94 East Main Street For Nearly Half Century Mulligan L.T. Fleagle throughout the entire forty minutes of Westminster, Md. J. WILLIAM HULL, Proprietor Anthonavage L.G. B. Kaplan play. And as our favorite radio an- Cleaning Remodeling Altering 51 East Main Street Yanchulis Center Lipsky nouncers would put it what a game, Pressing A Specialty Repairing Lajousky R. G. Campofreda what a ,game! The weather was fine; We sell the Stetson D Made to WESTMINSTER MARYLAND Conter R. T. Lucas the field was in perfect playing condi- Measure Clothes We Buy Old Gold and Silver Fleming R.E. Lassahn tion; the players were in top form. Draginis Q.B. Lathrop Both teams fought tooth and nail T. Gearty L.H. Shepherd Secino R. H. Ferguson They took advantage of every break- eepecia.lly those made by Referee Fow- Oliver F. Schweiker OPERA ROUSE ble. The fray was a veritable pitchers' Western Md _.0 2 0 0-2 battle, each team trying to out-heave Catholic U. . 0 0 0 0-0 the other. Then the Gamma Betas THURSDAY ONLY, NOVEMBER 8th scored again, but the Bachelors, the DIANA WYNYARD and CLIVE BROOK in men from down under-Alumni Hall, "LET'S TRY AGAIN" BUILDERS ALL came right back and carried the ball to FRIDAY and SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9th and 10th the Red and Blue goal line before they Surely some workman has builded the were stopped. MATINEEĀ· SATURDAY, 2:30 pilIar as well as the spire; We use ttSTUDENT TOUR" The cross that the painter has gilded Then followed another pitchers' bat- WHITMAN'S SYRUP 8{, A great musical cruise on a melody steamer. was fashioned in somebody's fire; tle and an intercepting duel, neither FRUITS IN OUR MONDAY and TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th and 13th Surely men dug in the ditches prepar- team being able to intercept a pass SODAS and SUNDAES CONSTANCE BENNETT in ing a: place for the wall- within striking distance of their oppo- ttOUTCAST LADY" And some one has made with her stitch- nent's goal line. Finally, a Gamma -with- es the flag that shall fly over all. Beta punt rolled out of bounds on the Whitman's Assorted HERBERT MARSHALL Some one has blended the plaster, and Bachelors' goal line. On the next play, some one has carried the stone; Thomas faded back to pass, but was Chocolates WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Neither the man nor the master ever I tagged for a safety. Then another MATINEE SATURDAY 2:30 has builded alone. . touchdown by the Gamma Betas fol- NOVEMBER 14th to 17th Making a roof from the weather, build- lowed and the scoring for the day was Martha Washington ttTHE GAY DIVORCEE" ing a house for their king, over. The game ended with the ball in with GINGER ROGERS and FRED AST AIRE Only by working together, man has ac- mid-field. Candy WHAT A PICTURE! complished a thing. Line-up. Received fresh weekly. NO RAISE IN PRICES-ALWAYS 10 and 25c All have a share in the beauty; all have Gamma Beta Chi Bachelors MONDAY and TUESDAY NOVEMBER 19th and 20th a part in the plan, Roberts E_ Brinsfield Your Patronage is HELEN HAYES in What does it matter what duty falls to Ward G. Barto Appreciated uWHAT EVERY WOMAN KNOWS" the lot of a man ~ Nichols C. Grumbine with Brian Aherne Each has a hand in the building, no Moore, C. V. G_ Patterson WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY NOVEMBER 21st one has builded alone- Benson E. Kohler Thomas I Whether a cross he was gilding, Moore, D. K_ B. Daneker Bpnsack Bros. ALWAYS TOMORROW" whether he carried a stone. Ritchie B. "The College Shop" -with- -Douglas Malloch. Waters B. Stallings and BINNIE BARNES
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