Page 17 - TheGoldBug1934-35
P. 17
a The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE EDS HOLD TWO Green and Gold Gridders Score in SCORELESS AT U.M. FAN FODDER First Half to Rout St. Thomas 20-0 Western MaryIa,nd?~ co-eds proved By "HERB" STEVENS to the Maryland inter-collegiate world TERROR BOOTERS TRIM Shepherd Scores Touchdown, Two that they, like their big brothers of Field Goals and two Extra Points the gridiron, could bring home the ba- The Big Time GETTYSBURG BULLETS 4-1 con in athletic contests when they won one of their two 'games played at Col- Western Maryland broke into the limelight of the true" big time" Western Maryland's soccer team de- GORSKI MAKES TOUCHDOWN lege Park last Saturday and tied the football world when it humbled Catholic University in Washington feated the strong Gettysburg College other game 0-0. Saturday by the slender score of 2-D. Fireworks, both literal and fig- booters here on Tuesday afternoon Continuing on their victorious way, And, like the Terrors of the gridiron, urative, played a part in the appearance of W_ 1\1. C. as a "big-time" when the freshman line found itself the undefeated Green and Gold Terrors over St. Thomas won an easy victory these Terrors of the hockey field are performer in all departments of the gridiron classics, including every- and drove through to tally thrice. Ran- on Saturday, October 27, when the Har- as yet unscored 'on. Defeating the thing from the calibre of the playing to the services of the managers. dle added a penalty kick to the total lowmen battered the Tommies into a American University girls 3-0, the With a band that performed to near perfection, led by a classy score to make it 4-1 in favor of the 20-0 defeat at Scranton, Pennsylvania. Western Maryland co-eds presented an drum major who can really twirl a mean baton, with cheer leaders in Terrors. The St. Thomas eleven, with the ex- impregnable defense while Hall and A high wind swept the field, making ception of a surprise piece of playing Rose tallied for the Terror lassies. fine football fettle, with bombs exploding high overhead, and with a the playing hard, but aided the Terrors 'when they took the kickoff to the Ter- Against the Marjorie Webster School large crowd of alumni and students in attendance, Western Maryland in taking the lead in the first quarter rors' 10-yard line, only to lose the ball the W. M. C. co-eds were unable to proved to the collegiate world that it can put on an entertaining after- when Reckord scored twice, once on by an intercepted pass, had their at- score, but their sturdy defense pre- noon on the gridiron. a shot from "AI" Moore, Terror outside tacks bottled up most of the rainy af- vented defeat at the club-ends of the right, that passed the Gettysburg goa- ternoon. Websterites. The team itself proved its class against the best that the Nation's lie, and once on a converted corner-kick. Capital had to offer. Crashing the C. U. line and penetrating its The second quarter proved scoreless, The first score of the game was made The line-ups: in the first quarter when "Bill" Shep- aerial defense, the Terrors rolled up a total of fifteen first downs with Gettysburg failing to utilize the Marjorie Webst~r W.M.C. against four for the opposition. favoring wind to their advantage. The herd, on the Tommies' ll-yard line, Tarbett C.F. Bork The band, brilliant in its green and white and gold uniforms, Terrors kept the ball well out from the booted the pigskin over the bar for his first field goal of the afternoon. Long L.r. Brown marched with precise cadence and truly martial music as becomes a danger zone during the period. Reckord The second frame saw the Terrors, Again in the third quarter Graham Rr. Tollingel' victorious army. shot the ball past the Bullet goalie to driving into the St. Thomas' defense, Young L.W. Glynn score from scrimmage. pile up a total of 17 points for the' McNerby R.W. Lansdale Student Expression In the fomth period no scoring was quarter. Gorski made the first touch- Hass C.H. Downing And the Western Mary land rooters displayed that sportsmanship produced from scrimmage, but both down, running 35 yards after taking a pass from teams counted on penalty kicks. "Jay" Shepherd. Later, Barlow r.rr. Hales which Terror supporters hold sacred-the ability to accept questionable Randle, Western Maryland captain, lO-yard Gorski and Sehweiker had car- after Swanson R.H. Rose decisions without undue protest, and to back the team in spite of the counted for the Terrors, and Gettys- ried the ball well into St. Thomas' ter- Dunham L.F. Main fact that the opposition is hard to beat. When a cheering section can burg, after a desperate scrimmage in ritory, Shepherd added to the score by Upp RF. Hagen continue to shout as lustily during the last ten minutes of a game as front of the Green and Gold goal, was plunging over the Tommies' line for Sands G. Chell it has during the first fifty, that cheering section is to be praised. awarded a free kick which was con- the second touchdown of the quarter. And when a team that has been turned back time and again at verted into a tally. Several minutes later "Shep", racing a American University W.M.C. the very last of the white chalk marks can finish the game with the The Terror line clicked for the first punt back 45 yards, once again put the Thompson C.F_ Hall ball on its opponents g-yard line, that team is to be congratulated. time this season against a difficult foe pigskin into a scoring position. But this time the St. Thomas' line held, and in accounting for its third 1934 vic- Craig L.r. Brown To the Heights tory. Except for "Ernie" Randle, out- "Shep", on the fourth down, kicked Walker RL. Tollinger side right, the line is composed of another goal to end the scoring for that Laise L.W. Child Boston College is to be congratulated upon the fairness and the members of the freshman class. quarter as well as for the game. Humphreys RW. Robinson reliability of its sports write-ups. This writer, upon reading the ac- Earlier in the season Gettysburg de- Line-up: Hankinson, C.H. Downing count of the Boston College-Western Maryland game as printed in feated the Terrors 4-2 at Gettysburg. W.M.C. St. Thomas Zens L.H. Hales The Heights, official student publication of the Boston school, was im- Gettysburg W.M.C. Lassahn L.E. Suppy Drager Rll. Rose mediately struck. with the way in which the sports editor and the re- Rink L.O. Wright Fleagle L.T. Brady William Belt Slimrn L.F. Main porter, without any apology or excuse whatever for the one-sided Lerch L.I. Martin Kaplan L.G. Grzywacz C. Thompson RF. Hagen Western Maryland victory, gave credit where credit was due and glori- Gillispie R.I. Reckord Lipski C. Wilgash Yoon G. Chell fied the Green and Gold in every possible way for its overwhelming Ecker RO. Randle,E. Campofreda RG. Malecki victory. Wooley L.N. Holmes Lucas R.T. Graza Speaking of the game The Heights mentioned "Bill" Shepherd as Bowline C.H. Randle, J. Gorski R.E. Stulgaitis "Western Marylands All-American back", lauding him for his all- Chronister Rll. Strasbaugh McNally Q.B. Reese L. H. HELP SELECT around good play and mentioning the fact that the only way Boston Jones L.F. Barto Shepherd RH. Kucab Ferguson The Au-American College found to stop him was to "sic" four or five men on him at one Eckert R.R Wyand Schweiker F.B. O'Rourke Kalas-- time. Richard G. Gompf FOOTBALL TEAM Score by periods: Beware the Lesser Lights TERROR SOCCER TEAM W.1f. C 3 17 0 0--20 The Baltimore papers seem to have overlooked the power of at St. Thomas 0 0 0 0-- 0 Now that the present football sea- Son is nearly over, the scribes and big least two of our opponents yet to be played. West Chester is not the DEFEATS MARYLAND 4-2 Western Maryland scoring: Touch- wigs of the sports world are beginning set-up that some would believe it to be, nor will Georgetown entertain downs--Gorski, Shepherd. Field goals to tear their hair in an effort to draw at tea for the Green and Gold gridders at- their meeting in the Balti- Western Maryland's soccerites did --Shepherd (2). Point after touch- up an All-American football team. more Stadium in December. Even the Baltimore sages admit the diffi- three things Saturday, November 3. down--Shepherd (2). Cognizant of the fact that there are culty that lies ahead in the form of Bucknell's up-springing pigskin They partially spoiled the University a number of self-styled football ex- toters. The remainder of the schedule will be no picnic. of Maryland's homecoming for the 'I'er- perts on every campus, Ralph Kunkel, rapin booters by downing them 4-2; EDWARD BOUNCES HIGH sports editor of the North Dakota Uni- they won! their second game of the sea- IN AIR; FALLS INTO FAME versity Student, wishes to get the con- son; and they aided in making the day sensus of opinion of the campus on the TERROR STALWARTS of the LINE an All-Western Maryland day in the Thus beginneth the tale of the kid- next All-American team. field of sport, by adding their win to napping of one Edward L. Beauchamp Western Maryland students are in- the victories of the football team's and of 'Western Maryland College, a loyal vited to give their selections for the the girls' hockey team. supporter of the football team, and a All-American team. Fill in the blank From the very first, it was evident martyr to its welfare. printed below and drop it in the GOLD that the Terrors were' out for blood by Edward suffered concussion of the BUG mail box (under the porch of the the way they began to tread on the body, October 27, at Scranton, Pennsyl- Main Building). Terrapins' tails. Two beautiful pen- vania, when members of the St. Thom- alty shots by Randle and a field goal as cheering section, who were given First Team Position Second Team by Belt in the first half contributed his body by a policeman (that rare pl'O- 0 ma terially to the Green team's victory. motel' of peace whose work is to see E. The State Normal game must have been justice done), proceeded to mete out T. a mere warm-up for the boys, because said justice. they were certainly extremely torrid at Beauchamp was a Western Mary- G. Maryland. Marylander. The St. Thomas fans saw The local boys made good 'on their green (and gold). The Terrors had C. first thrust down the field by Terminat- scored upon the St. Thomas eleven. Ed- ing it in a goal. Time and time again G. ward was a representative of Pennsyl- all during the first half, the ball see- vania's downfall. And he was light. T. sawed around with the Western Mary- Up he was hoisted into the air. St. landers showing a very decided edge. Thomas' rooters bounced him lovingly E. Maryland was able to garner one goal from one to the other. Each was so in this half through some splendid Q.B. work on the part of their line which anxious to meef the niartyr that Ed- ward was well nigh pulled apart. But functioned well during the entire game. H.B. a Beauchamp never quails. Not a When the second half started, both word did he utter. The St. Thomas teams began to play tight soccer, de- H.B. fans continued the passing. Finally fensively and offensively. Late in the kind policeman, thinking Mr. Beau- F.B. what should have been the third period, champ had suffered enough, stopped the game being played in halves, Mary- the bouncing and Edward was kindly land drove through their second and held captive by the Pennsylvania final goal, while, in the closing minutes "Susie, will you marry mej ' hosts. of play, Belt tallied Western Mary- "You don't want to marry me just for W£aSTE:R LLIC AS land's final point from scrimmage. The manager of the Holland Hotel, City College of Baltimore gave the In this game, the Terrors played the where the Terrors were staying, se- Western Maryland team a fine tackle best offensive soccer they have played cured Edward's release by paying the "And you're just not asking me to and a true gentleman in the person of all season. The fact that they took worth of the Maryland martyr in ran- 'cause Betty threw you over, Lucas, pictured above."Luke" has play- more chances on their shooting and did som. And once more Edward L. Beau- champ, sound of limb and body, walks "J oe" has been playing center for ed through most of the 300, minutes of LOt wait to work the ball into the goal the campus. the Terrors in a very active way this football this season and has acquitted may! be responsible for this. Defen- nd it's because you really love me, year. His passing has been accurate' himself admirably. Though he was in- sively the Terrors left little to be de- jured during the game in the :first half and his play at roving center has aided Saturday, he returned to play r.plcndid- sired. They were on the ball every "Aha! " cried the egg in breaking up the forward passing ly throughout the long, hard second minute of play, either worrying the As it splashed a bit, "Terps" who had it in his possession, say the loveliest opponents. Jersey half. Besides being a football player, or driving it down the field, making "I was cast for the villian ably this Webster is president of his fraternity themselves worthy of the cognomen And made a hit." -Whirlwind. a good student. "booters". --Portland Express.
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