Page 9 - TheGoldBug1934-35
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Football Sports of the Season Soccer TERROR BOOTERS BEATEN Terrors Battle Cats to Scoreless BY STATE NORMAL TEAM FAN FODDER Tie in Opening Gridiron Contest IN FIRST GAME OFSEASON Mergo and Karchinski Engage in Punting Duel on Rain-soaked Field; Running Attacks Hampered By Mud Green and Gold Lose Hard-fought Game By Score of 4-2 Fight on, you warriors, Green and Gold! TERRORS MAKE GOAL LINE STAND Be strong! Hold fast down near the goal. W. M. C. MAKES FIRST GOAL When strongest foes oppress your line, TOUCH- BALL CONTESTS With Villanova providing the opposi- the 1934 Be strong, hold fast another time. tion, the Terrors inaugurated the power- season by successfully holding On Friday, October 3, the Western The schedule's long; EXPECTED TO BE CLOSE ful "Cats" to a scoreless tie. Whether Maryland Soccer team was defeated in The going's tough; the mud aided or hindered the Terrors its first game of the season by 'I'owson But you can win:- is a matter of conjecture, but the fact State Normal, last year's state collegiate Changes Mad e In Intra.Mural remains that the Green and Gold war- champions, by a score of 4-2. The West- You've strength enough. Code riors put on a fine exhibition of defensive ern Marylanders played very well, con- Charge hard! Drive through and tackle low. football. sidering the fact that they had practiced Come on, Green Terrors. Fight! Let's go! The coming year will undoubtedly Good blocking, hard tackling, and only eight hours whi le the State Normal promise good competition from both the "Pete" Mergo's trained right toe suc- squad had played two gam€s already. Future Opponents clubs and the classes in tlle intra-mural ceeded in holding the "Wildcats" in safe By way of interest, all the members of leagues. Due to the fact that the Bache- territory except upon two occasions. the winning squad, except two, were sen- Playing one of the country's leaders to a standstill, the Terrors lors won the Championship Cup last year Time after time Merge ~,~eked the sodden iors playing their last season. gained a tie in what many people judged to be the hardest game of the there will probably be many hard fought pigskin f'ar down the field, and the Ter- Western Maryland opened the game 1934 Green and Gold schedule. And while Western Maryland was games in the coming seasons both from ror ends and tackles followed it to tackle with a rush and scored its first goal when breaking up Villanova's swift attack, her future opponents were hav- their ranks, to keep the cup, and from the V~llanova safety. a perfect corner kick by Fridinger passed ing various kinds of success upon the gridiron of the East. Albright, the other teams in the attempt to wrest Villanova, coached by Stuhldreher of the Teacher's goalie. Normal came right whom the Terrors meet Saturday, were successfully turning back Dick- it from them. "Four Horsemen" fame and using a back with a nice drive up the field but The opening games of the football typical Notre Dame attack built upon failed to eonver t it into a score. Both inson 7-0. Reports have it that Albright is not so easy. season will take place between the Gam- speed and deception, outscored the Ter- teams tightened up then, and neither was Boston College, the team which last year defeated the Green and ma Bets and the Black &, Whites on Tues- rors in yardage gained and twice pushed able to score until the second quarter, Gold so cleverly, fared one touchdown better against Springfield, de- day, October 9t'h. This promises to be within. striking distance of the Terror when State Normal shot one through a well-matched game although the Black goal line. But the" Cats" were not suc- after a long scrimmage around the 'West- feating them 14-0. Western Maryland meets the team from Beantown & Whites lost four regulars through gra- cessful in crossing the last white line. ern Maryland goal. in the Stadium a week from Saturday. duation who greatly helped to win the During the econd quarter the snarling football league championship last year. State Normal opened up in the third Friday night two of the Terrors' future opponents clashed in Wash- The changes in the rules over last "Wildcats" pushed to the Terror four- period by grabbing the lead when Mes- ington, Georgetown defeating Mount St. Mary's in a hard-fought con- year's ones are as follows: yard line on end runs and a completed sick made a tally. The Terrors got the 1. Lines will be five yards apart. pass. With four plays to make four kick-off, but Normal got the ball and test. 2. Offensive team will have five downs yards, the "Cats" lost their snarl, played it in to a scoring position. A third Catholic University met unexpected strength in its tilt 'with La Salle plunging into the W. M. line for no gain, goal was finally slipped through the posts and was tied 6-6. Both teams were handicapped by mud, which de- in which to score. the ball must be tag- losing ground on an attempted reverse 3'. Man carrying after some beautiful defensive play was and finding themselves at the end of shown by "Pete" Grimm, Western MaTY- tracted from the effectiveness of their Notre Dame offensive. ged with both hands. three plays still on the three-yard line. 4. There will be only one f01'lvanl pass land's goal keeper. After the ball was If comparative scores mean anything, we may point to the Ursinus per down, but as many laterals as desired. FOUTth down. Lee dropped out of the put into play for the third time in that victory over Penn, 7-6, 'with the observation that Villanova last week de- 5. These passes (including the one for- Villanova line to try for a field goal, but period, Normal again got into a scoring ward) may be thrown any place on the the pass from center was inaccurate and position, but was held at bay for quite feated Ursinus 35-0. the slippery ball slid f'rorn the placer's . a while before it managed to score its field, either behind or in front of the line fingers and Western Maryland took the final goal of the game, and its third Scrapple of scrimmage. team must notify defen- ball on downs. 6. Offensive goal of the quarter. Saturday morning .... drizzling rain fog .... a long ride . sive team when a punt is to be kicked As the second period ended, Shepherd Western Maryland got going again in thoughts of impending diaster .... faint hopes unuttered prayers . and give the defense time to get set. swung wide around left end on a reverse the last period and kept the ball in State 7. No forward passes will be allowed that was good for twenty yards and car- Normal's territory most of the time, al- A hurried lunch more riding the field .... milling rooters . on receiving of kick-off or punt. ried the Terrors to their farthest point though the Teachers made a number cf raincoats .... newsboys automobiles policemen .... venders . 8. If ball is carried past line of scrim- of penetration, the thirty-yard line. Upon advances into Western Maryland's terri- I ticket takers. mage and an incompleted pass is thrown another occasion, Merge shot a pass tory. A last minute drive, terminating the ball is down at the spot from which across the scrimmage line to Shepherd in a beautiful shot by Martin, from Game time .... hushed stands .... whispered speculation .... words is was thrown. who was running free, but the slippery scrimmage around the goal, ended West- of wonder cheers .... officials walking on the field .... the teams .... 9. If offensive team is offside when ball seeped through Shepherd's fingers as ern Maryland's scoring for the day. As louder cheers Green and Gold .... play starts, the ball is returned to posi- he momentarily juggled it. the game ended the ball was in the mid- tion a t start of play and the down is Offensively the game lacked the usual dle of the field. A whistle a thud .... a spinning oval pigskin .... running forms counted. thrills, long forward passes and broken Western Maryland's team played splen' .... hurtling bodies .... untangling of players .... dirty uniforms and 10_ If the defensive team is offside, field running, but the defensive play of did soccer throughout the game. Out- faces. the offensive team has the choice of tak- both teams was outstanding. For Western standing work was done by Wyand at A huddle .... signals .... hun, two, three .... a run .... a tackle .... ing the ball at point where play stopped Maryland, Gorski and Lassahn at the fullback, Strasbaugh at halfback, F'r id- for next down, or taking down over at ends and" Bernie" Kaplan at left guard inger at right wing, and Brooks in the a pile-up. Up again .... another play .... a punt. ... a catch .... a tackle original point. effectively stopped the shifty Villanova goal. .. , .and so on. 11. No cleats or spikes of any kind backs; and, ever alert, Shepherd and Fer- backing guson, up the line on the flanks A pass .... Villanova .... it's good! the four-yard line .... a fum- worn by the players. tackled any runner that passed the scrim- 12. Players are ineligible for intra- ble .... recovered a field goal? slipped .... fumble ball .... W. mage line. BABY TERRORS ,DISPLAY mural sports if they have ever played in For Vi lla nova Blanchard, Nowe, and 1\1:. 's ball .... a sigh Merge kicks safe territory again. a varsity game in that sport or are out STRENGTH IN PRACTICE for any varsity or freshman teams dur- Lee stood out, with Korchinski playing W. M. 's ball fifty-yard line a pass incomplete more mud a fine game at end. . . . .more plays substitutions Blissman for Lassahn Schwiek- ing that sport season . "Louie" Lass:1hn, playing his first col- The 1938 version of the Green Ter- 13. (i. e. Soccer players are ineligible legiate game at end for the Terrors, ef- rors, meaning the freshman football, er for Draper plunges end runs .... a pass .... W. M incom- for that sport of touch football.) fectively bottled up any runners that faces the coming season with a good plete .... punts catches slips. came in his direction and" Andy" Gorski outlook. A squad of 2 2 huskies, who The whistle! the end! .... a tie! .... celebration .... smiles .... provided the spectators with several fine have plenty of weight and talent have cheers .... back-slapping .... hand-shaking. Schedule for Touch Football demonstrations of effective end play on reported for practice and at present the defensive. Once he pivoted skillfully are assimilating the signals and plays A long ride .... " the Hill" again .... Happy? .... You Bet! League away from an interferer and nabbed a of Western Maryland. Tuesday, October 9- runner by the ankles, spilling him for a Practice started about three weeks Boston College Gamma Bets vs. Black & Whites loss of four yards. Only in rare instances ago, but no position has been clinched Before another issue of the GOLDBUGhas gone to press, the Terrors Friday, October 12- (Continued on Page 4, Col. 2) by anyone man. The competition is will have met the strong men from" the Heights" of Boston, the Boston Bachelors vs. Preachers great and there are several men for College Eagles. The game, which will be played in the Baltimore Stadi- each position. The whole squad shows Tuesday, October 16- CO-EDS TO BEGIN HOCKEY good spiri t and enthusiasm, arid is um a week from Saturday, will mark the first appearance of the Terrors Gamma Bets vs. Bachelors gradually shaping into what should be at home during the 1934 season. It should also be one of their hardest. Friday, October 19- PLAY ON HOFFA FIELD a good team. Last season Boston turned the tide against Western Mary land when Preachers vs. Black & White Four men, Benjamin, Lesh, MacPher- it seemed that the Terrors had a fair chance of winning. This season, Tuesday, October 23- The crack of hockey sticks will soon son, and Slaysman, are out for the Gamma Bets vs, Preachers be heard on Hoffa Field as the co-eds' flank positions. the game should be equally as interesting as the one played in Boston hockey season gets under way. En- In the tackles seven men, Balish, last year. Friday, October 26- vs. Black & White largemen t of the field to regula tion Bachelors Bright, Farthman, Lut, Morrow, 01'- From The Heights, Boston College paper, we gather that Couhig length and the beginning of class hock- tenye, and Silver are fighting it out and Curran will be two of the names most mentioned during the engage- Tuesday, October 30-PLAY-OFFS ey practice promise to make the sport year for a position. ment a week from Saturday. Curran scored three touchdowns against Friday, November 2- this Schedules very for interesting. have already practice At guard Dunstan, Moritz, and Moore St. Anslem's, and Couhig is the Eagle captain this season. Gamma Bets vs. Bachelors been posted on the bulletin boards. Se- are present. These men should fit into Tuesday, N ovem bel' 6- niors and juniors will practice Tues- their positions well. The center posi- The Boston papers report that the Eagle backfield will be composed Black & Whites vs, Preachers days and Thursdays, sophomores will tion is a toss-up between Wissinger and of four triple threat men, or, in other words, a headache for Terror fans. tune up Wednesdays and Fridays, and Rieth. It will be interesting to watch a contest between four men who can each Friday, November 9- freshmen will have a swing at the ball Five men are out for back-field po- do everything in the backfield and four others who are each specialists Gamma Bets vs. Black & Whites Mondays and Saturdays. Ruth Jen- sitions. They include Adriance at in one or two departments of backfield play. Perhaps, however, the lines Tuesday, November 13- kins, the manager, urges all girls to re- 'fullback, Campbell at half, Tomaselli will decide the destinies of the men who carry the ball. At any rate the Bachelors vs. Preachers port on time for practice. at half, Brennan at half, and Reinheim- Friday, November 16- ,Last year's inter-class hockey tour- er at full. B. C. game should be well worth a trip to Baltimore. Gamma Bets vs. Preachers nament ended with the seniors in the The team is rapidly learning the dif- Tuesday, November 20- lead, the' juniors second, the sopho- ferent offensive plays and defensive WE'RE ALWAYS ON THE JOB! Black & Whites vs. Bachelors mores just one point behind them, and formations. If they continue as they This issue contains a detailed account of the Villanova-WestEf'n Maryland game. the freshment in the cellar position. have been doing we may certainly en- If you didn't see the game (and even if you did) you will no doubt enjoy this story. Friday, November 23-PLAY-OFFS All freshmen are urged to report for tertain high hopes for the season. It Friday, November 30- practice, even though they may never certainly looks like the foundation of Future issues of the GOLI>BUG will feature detailed accounts of all of this season's CHAMPIONSHIP GAME have had a hockey stick in their hands. good team. major football gam€S. Watch for them! I
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