Page 13 - TheGoldBug1934-35
P. 13
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE TERROR BOOTERS DEFEAT Terrors Trim Albright Eleven F. AND M. ELEVEN 2-1 49-0 In Second Gridiron Contest Green and Gold Use Powerful Of- The 1934 edition of the Western Maryland soccer team made its first BABY TERRORS DEFEATED fensive To Pile Up Score home appearance yesterday afternoon and celebrated the occasion by coming BY NAVY B TEAM 20-6 SCORE SEVEN TOUCHDOWNS from behind to win 2-1 over Franklin and Marshall College. The Terrors On Saturday, October 13, Western were badly handicapped by inexperi- The Baby Terrors took it on the chin Maryland met a comparatively weak team football ence with six freshmen in the line-up from the Navy "B" last Saturday in Albright eleven in the Albright Sta- Thompson Stadium to and only Strasbaugh and Janna Randle dium at Reading, Pennsylvania, and de- ill the positions they held on the 1933 the tune of 20-6. The frosh performed feated the Lions 49-0. From the kick- Varsity, but what they lacked in ex- well against a team which the week be- off to the final whistle the Terrors fore had held the Navy Varsity to a clicked with military precision. Not preience was furnished by their ag- scoreless tie. The Middies, playing gressiveness. once was her goal line threatened. The advantage in the first half was their first scheduled game, got into Early in the first quarter Western for Western Maryland as the forward warm water in the first quarter, but Maryland downed an Albright punt on line, composed entirely of freshmen, went on to win. approximately the twelve-yard line and showed smooth pass work at times to Navy kicked off in the first quarter started a sustained drive up the field, drive deep into F. and M.'s territory. and lost ground in a punting duel. Shepherd running the ball across the When Mason, Middie left half, at- goal line for the first touchdown of the Only their own failure to attempt shots from the outside and the tight defense tempted to punt out of danger from afternoon. A few minutes later the of the visitors inside the goal area pre- his own ten-yard line, "Stan" Benjamin, ball had been carried across the goal frosh left end, went through and again and again Shepherd converted. vented a score. In this half both sides had opportunities to score on penalty blocked the kick. Ortenzi fell on the In the second quarter Shepherd inter- kicks, but both hiled. ball in the end zone to give the Baby cepted an Albright pass and ran sev- Early in tho third quarter, Luckett, Tenors the first touchdown of the enty-five yards for a third touchdown. game. "Jim" Brennan's attempted Once again his kick was good. From F. and M. captain, drove one in from the penalty marker to break the scor- place kick was wide. this point on the Lions seemed helpless ing ice. W. M. C. retaliated by driving ThCl Middies came back strong in in their efforts to prevent successive clear down to the visitors' goal, where the second frame and jumped to a one- Terror marches to their goal line. Re- :they were halted temporarily, but a point lead just before the half ended. placement of various "regulars" with minute later, Belt managed to slip the Bob Ward, fullback, cut back off second string men toward the latter tieing counter in after a scrimmage at tackle to gain thirty-five yards before part of each half seemed to have little the mouth of the goal. At the begin- he was downed on the frosh's one-yard effect. Line plays worked consistent- ning of the fourth quarter, Janna Ran- line. Two smashes at the line failed. ly. As a result Western Maryland at- dle drove the winning goal in from the A fourth down pass from Ward to tempted very few of its many passing penalty mark and for t:::e remainder of Gray tied the score and the Middies' plays. the game the F. and M. defense was kick put the Navy in front. When the final whistle blew, the Ter- hard put to repulse the Terror attack, Both teams played tight defensive rors had crossed the Lion's goal seven while they seldom got the ball past ball in the third quarter and neither times and had converted an equal num- ber of times. Shepherd scored five "Pete" Wyand, roving fullback. was able to score. In the final session, "AI" Moore, playing his first varsity Ennis, Navy right end, took a pass times and converted six times. "Jack" game, proved himself to be one of the from Cunningham to add to Navy's to- McNally accounted for the other two good wingmen that Coach Flater has tal. In the last few minutes of play, touchdowns and Mergo kicked the oth- been badly needing. Captain Janna Western Maryland opened up a desper- er point. Randle played his usual fighting game ate passing attack in an attempt to Western Maryland gathered very lit- and Grumpf, freshman goalie, stopped tie the score, but Gray intercepted a tle defensive experience from its con- the few F. and M. scoring threats in FAN FODDER pass and scored after a thirty-five yard test with the Lions. On the other hand capable fashion. For the visitors run. Ward's drop kick was good. she displayed a minimum and of her plays St. Thomas to the Boston College Luckett played a brilliant game and Line-up: scouts, who undoubtedly were in the Savage played steady at goal. w. M. C. Navy stands. Benjamin L.E. Short Line-up: Scene of Action Shifts Martin W. M. C. Albright THE DOPE BUCKET With the trouncing of the Eagles accomplished and a revelatioL of Ortenzi L.T. Arnold Gorski L.E. Halderman the true power of Western Maryland's 1934 football machine given the. Lutt L.G. Brown Fleagle L.T. . Goss Lund- - -,,\TisRinger C. Re':iru.g- a familiar column of l"ost Baltimore fans, this week the Terrors shift the scene of their conquest D. Kaplan L.C. Silvi R.G. Gremp Lipski C. Moffet year, we are attempting to call our again to Pennsylvania. Campofreda RG. Bernard shots, hoping that the majority land in Forthman R.T. Scales Lucas R.T. Yentsch the correct pockets. Boston Unaware McPherson RE. Ennis Lassahn R.E. Sutcliffe W estern Md. to take St. Thomas. The Eagles were at a decided handicap on Saturday, for they had Brennan Q. Campbell Shepherd L.H.B. Felty Bucknell over Villanova. been forced to reveal their all to the all-seeing eyes of scout" Charlie" Campbell R.R. Mason Mergo Q.B. Woods Yale to edge out Army. Havens when they bucked against the Fordham Rams, while the Terrors Reinhimer L.R. Lawrence Ferguson RH.B. Slack Florida to beat Maryland. Tomasetti F.B. Ward Schweiker E.B. Hepler Columbia to rout Penn State. had in reserve plays which even Western Marylanders, outside the select Navy to sink Penn. ranks of the football circle, did not know existed. Yet, even though Hopkins over Haverford. "Dick" Harlow had some cards up his sleeve, he held enough aces in Notre Dame to win over Wisconsin. his hand to control the Boston College game from start to finish. Minnesota to tie Iowa. The Terrors gave as beautiful an exhibition of blocking as has been Vanderbilt over Louisiana State. seen in Baltimore Stadium. They covered passes as no football team ever covered them before, effectively checking one of the reputedly NAVY DOWNS GREEN AND strongest aerial attacks in the East. GOLD SOCCER MEN 4-0 The Boogey Men Granted that Western Maryland was unbeatable last Saturday, Western Maryland's soccer team went down to defeat at the hands of there are two blackfaced jinxes which may yet crop up to prevent future the Naval Academy boaters, October Terror victories. One is that bug-a-boo of all coaches-injuries. And 10, by a score of 4-0. This marked the with "Pete" l\Iergo's condition uncertain, Shepherd slightly injured, first inter-collegiate game of the sea- and Blissman and" Horse" Kaplan on the sidelines, it seems that W est- son for Navy. ern Maryland is beginning to feel that jinx's talons. The second night- The first quarter was all IV estern mare to coaches is the feeling of oyer-confidence which such an over- Maryland's. Time after time, the Green team drove up the field, but whelming victory as the one oyer Boston sometimes brings. It is not so failed to tally with their short shots. much over-estimating one's own ability that brings about dreaded re- In the second period the Midship- sults, but under-estimating one's opponent and relaxing the constant men launched a strong offensive drive vigilance which is necessary for perfect coordination. and got three goals. The skill of "San- dy" Sanderson, Navy's outside left, in dribbling and the ball to his Coming Events teammates was :outstanding. Miller, Among others, St. Thomas, Catholic University, Bucknell and Navy's inside left, booted the first goal Georgetown still remain on our schedule. Terror fans of the past two through after one shot hit the goal bar. seasons can look at the St. Thomas game with forbidding, for last year "Dick" Teel, substitute at outside right the Tommies unleashed an aerial attack that felled the Terrors 12-2. for Reed, tallied twice to end Navy's Two years ago the Tommies lost 12-6 1;0 a sophomore Terror team with scoring for that period. Late in the third quarter, Eisenbach, , ,Bill" Shepherd starring for the Green and Gold. Close scores as these inside right for the Tars, scored the should not be too lightly passed over. final tally of the game when he tallied Catholic University had little difficulty in running through a weak on a beautifully placed ball by Sander- Baltimore College defense last week. A 62-0 score shows the unbalanced son. From then on Western Maryland power of the two teams, proving that Catholic U. will have an attack began to take things in hand, but the none too easy to stop. The Terrors can bank on a hard afternoon at Terrors were unable to make their shots count. Washington one week from Saturday. Line-up: Bucknell, never a weak opponent, will again have a strong team. BIt.L.. SH£P/-I,RO WITI-I »cre /VfCRGO fI.ITCRF£RIf.,/G W. M. C. Navy With nearly the same personnel as the team that last year held Western The above photograph is one which shows part of the reason why Gompf G. Reich Maryland to a 14-13 score, the Bisons will be hard to beat. The Terrors Shepherd is now highest scorer in the East. ' , Shep" knows how to use Wyand R.F. Hall should watch out for that team, for the past Saturday it essayed a 12-6 his interference to the best advantage and his mates know how to clear Boyer L.F. Hewitt victory over the highly-touted Tommies of St. Thomas whom W. lVI.C. the way for him. With such men as Merge, Ferguson, Schweiker, Mac- Strasbaugh RH. Ross Nally, and Kaplan running interference for him, Sheph~rd h~s suc- Randle, J. C.H. Ward faces this week. ceeded in penetrating the enemy defense exactly seven times in two Church L.H. Gimber Should Western Maryland get by undefeated to the last game of ! games. W ~tch closely the inte~fering ;formations ~s the Harlowmen Fridinger O.R. Reed the year, the Hoyas of Georgetown University will be ready to attempt form them in the coming Catholic U., Mt. St. Mary s, aud Georgetown Reckford LR. Eisenbach to upset the Green and Gold in the final setto at the Baltimore Stadium games if you wish to find out what makes the Terrors c.lick. Then watch Randle, E. C.F. Dougherty December 15. The Hoyas have come along fast this year and have the Shepherd, MacNally, and Schwieker drive and you WIll see the reasons Martin Miller for a winning football team. Belt Sanderson scalp of William and Mary dangling from their collective belt, 3-0. I
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