Page 10 - TheGoldBug1934-35
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE FOUR TERRORS TIE CATS IN News In Brief STATE THEATRE Passing in Review OPENING GRID CONTEST The Faculty Club of Western Mary- (Continued from Page 3, Col, 5) By BRADYO. BRYSON land College held a tea in MeDaniel Sat. Oct. 13 Matinee 2:30 were the Villanova sweeps around the Hall lounge on Thursday evening, Oc- GEORGE O'BRIEN Those of us who were not so f'ortu- ends effective. "Bernie" Kaplan, play· tober 11, at 4.30 P. M. in honor of the IRENE HARVEY nate as to have a vacant period imme- ing in home territory (he Iives in Phila- new faculty members. -In- diately after chapel Monday morning delphia), inaugurated the season with a really missed a splendid opportunity to fine game of def'ensive football. He piled Practice teaching schedules have ZANE GREY'S hear a man of fascinating experience up smashes at the center of the line and been posted on the bulletin boards in "DUDE RANGER" voice his opinion in a very informal, crashed through to catch runners {)n at- Science Hall for the seniors who be- -also- conversational manner on the affairs tempted reverses. gan their practice teaching today. Lists Fox News, Cartoon, Musical of man upon the little old world of The only dark spot from the Terror will be published on the boards Admission 10 and 25c point of view was the inability of the throughout the year. All seniors in the ours. Green and Gold to shake Shepherd loose department of education are asked to I refer to the open discussion cou- consistently, or to form effective inter- note these lists frequently. Monday Tuesday ducted by Mr. P. W. Wilson, M. P., ference on end sweeps and slants off A Real Treat ·"DESIRABLE" after his address at the general school tackle. Several times Draper broke loose -with assembly early in the week. He left us on deception fakes, and crashed through A varied program of activity was at Alumni Hall with a feeling that if the line to be stopped by the" Wildcat" inaugurated ~or J. G. C. with the ac- WHITMAN'S FROZEN Jean Muir, Geo, Brent, Varree there was a chance to talk in a less secondary. Western Maryland had no ceptance of a new constitution and the FUDGE SUNDAE Teasdale, Charles Starrett and formal fashion, many interesting chances to unleash an aerial attack due election of the following officers: John Halliday thoughts would be forthcoming. Later, to position and the slippery condition of President Orpha Pritchard IOc -also- at Sniith Hall and also in Dr. Schempp's the ball. Slips were frequent and, for Secretary Cora Virginia Perry Vita phone Musical Shorts lecture room, he more than satisfied the most part both teams played a wait- Treasurer Ruth Dunlap expectations. ing game. Chaplain Edythe Child Wednesday Thursday' With a smaller group he was a changed man. We forgot his accent VILLANOVA WESTERN :MD. All freshmen, as well as upper class- VISIT OUR SODA AND LEE TRACY and HELEN and his old-world appearance. In a Karchinski L. E.. . . . . . .. Gorski men, are urged to watch for notices on LUNCH SHOP MACK in moment all barriers melted away so Michaels L. T L. Kaplan the bulletin boards, announcing the "YOU BELONG TO ME" Blanchard ., L. G. . B. Kaplan that we became deeply engrossed in his Nowe C. . Lipsky meetings of the Irving·Webster Liter- The atmosphere is different. -also- speculation and expressions of opinion Lee R. G. Campofreda ary Society. You'll like it. Cab Calloway Band Number as he thoroughly, yet not too positive- Cox R. T. Lucas Comedy-Variety ly, answered the questions on widely- Grimberg (c.) .,. R. E. Lassahn All seniors, all class officers, "Y" cab- Mergo scattered subjects which were shot at Higgins Q. B. Ferguson inet members, and men. and women de- Coming Soon! Kotys L. H. him. Metzler R. H. Draper baters are requested to give their BING CROSBY He was startingly liberal at times, Patzsch F. B (c.) Shepherd schedules to Norman Ward or Brady especially when he boldly stated that SCORE BY QUARTERS Bryson before Saturday, October 13. -in- he believed the machine gun an abso- Villanova 0 0 0 0-0 These schedules are necessary in order "SHE LOVES ME NOT" lute necessity in quelling mob riots, and Western Maryland . . 0 0 0 0-0 to make out a photographer's schedule would not hesitate to use it. At the for the 1935 Aloha. Cook for Substitutions: Villanova - same time he showed a solid conserva- Wetzler Weisenbaugh for Patzsch, Chris- tism so peculiar to the English when he topher for Higgins, Foster for Lee, via saw no justification for .the appalling novie for Blanchard, Patzsch for Weis· "John" Everhart The Store of New Fashioned Jewelry and Old Fashioned Honesty methods used by radical Hitler in the enbaugh, Walsh for Katys. Western carrying through of his administrative Maryland-Blissmap. for Lassahn, Las- THE COLLEGE BARBER CASSELL'S sahn for Blissman, Blissman for Lassahn, policy. .Schweiger for Draper, Lassahn for Bliss- AND BOBBER Mr. Wilson has written thousands of man. Referee- Jack Clinton (Yale). AT THE FORKS JEWELERS words advocating disarmament, yet he Umpire-L. V. Novak (Iowa). Head For Nearly Half Century is by no means an idealist. He be- linesman-Lou Young (Penn). Field J. WILLIAM HULL, Proprietor (Washington Wallace judge - Freddy lieves that every country needs a stand- College). Time of quarters-15 minutes. CHl\S. KROOP 51 E. Main Street ing army of about the same relative size as in the United States Army in Special Student Prices WESTMINSTER MARYLAND accordance with the population it pro- VARIETY FINE SHOE REPAIRING We Buy Old Gold and Silver tects. 26 E. Main Street In touching on religion he made an (Continued from Page 2, Col. 5) WESTMINSTER, MD. interesting comment on the Russian: sit- to them from the darkies who were uation. Over there the radical genera- such a vital part of the old plantation '7he QulckReFerenceBook tion was taught to believe in the om- in the days of "ole massa". The tales For 30 Years nipotence of Stalin and his govern- of superstition told by the "conjure of Information on All Subjects ment rather than in God. But eventu- doctors", the faith of the negroes in the Margaret & Earl Webster·s Collegiate ally they discovered that even Stalin mysterious "conjure recipes", their way could not manage the weather! It is of dating all important events from Have been catering to College /Ine BestAbridged Dictionaru Mr. Wilson's private belief that Rus- that ominious year- "when the stars Students sia is settling down to more normal fell" are like glimpses into a land dif- SANDWICHES-PASTRIES a7JJ~;~ methods of government. The first steps ferent from our own. Carl Carmer has "The volumeis convenientfor quick reference work, and altogether the best dictionary for have been the restoration of the fran- brought from the folklore, songs, cus- CANDY-ICE CREAM desk work of whichI know."-Powell Stewart, chise to the Czarists. toms, and inner life of a people who CIGARETTES 13c PACKAGE Dept. of English, University of Texas. In his summary of the English in- are part of our own nation, a book Presidentsand DepartmentHeads of leading Universities agree with this opinion. dustrial situation he said that England filled with color, contrast, and real in- ] ust off the Campus The Largest 0/ the iUerriam-Wcbstcr Abridgments apparently is making greater headway formation. If more writers would 106,000 entries, includinghundreds of new 1Il recovery than the United States. bring from the life of other equally in- wordswithdefinitions.spellings,andcorrect This is chiefly due to the fact that the teresting states, such a wealth of ro- use;aGazetteer; aBio(Jraphical Diciionaru ; Eoreitm. Words anti Phrases; Abbrel:1U- New Deal principles have long been in mance as this, perhaps we should agree iions ; PUl1ctuation, Use of Capitals. Ma nv otherfeaturesofpracticalvalue. force in England. We have not real- with Carl Carmer that not all the beau- Mackenzie's 1,268 pages. 1,700 illustrations. ized it because the English do not have tiful legends in the world had their See It At Your CollegeBookstore or Write for Informationto the the love of publicity that we have. origin across the ocean. Pharmacy publishers. Over here if we have a murder case we G. & C. Merriam .ce, want it to be the biggest murder case DRUGS-SODA Springfield, l\lass. in the world. By the same token, if GOLD BUG STYLE BOOK LUNCHEONETTE we have a depression, we consider it the biggest' in the world. And if we COMPLETED FOR STAFF Private Booths try a recovery program, we also want We Welcome OPERA HOUSE that to be considered the most novel (Continued from Page 1, Col. 2) Western Maryland Students and gigantic program in the world. regulations with those provisions which THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11·12-13 Hence all the publicity of rather old are particularly needed for the Gold MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY 2:30 P. M. stuff clothed in new words. Bug. The completed manual, therefore, NORMA SHEARER and FREDERICK MARCH in There were many inquiries as to the represents a thorough research of the possibility of the spread of socialism, style regulations of such papers as the "THE BARRETTS OF WIMPOLE STREET" which he answered by saying the best Baltimore Sun, the New York Times, Sport Sweaters MONDAY and TUESDAY OCTOBER 15-16 way to prevent it is for the business and the New York Herald-Tribune, as JEAN PARKER in her first starring role men to loosen up their money, brave well as the famous style manual of the with Talon Fasteners "HA VE A HEART" business risks, and put industry back University of Wisconsin. THE STYLE en its feet before socialism has to do it. Miss Evelyn Wingate, the staff advis- For with JAMES DUNNE and others Dr. Schempp asked what probability er of the Gold Bug and the instructor Campus Wear WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY OCTOBER 17·18 there is for the ascension to power of of journalism, has' planned to adopt the RONALD COLEMAN 10 an American dictator. Mr. Wilson re- new style manual as the official style "BULLDOG DRUMMOND STRIKES BACK" plied that Roosevelt is something of a sheet for the class in journalism. J. C. Penney Co. dictator, but that he is an infinitely Westminster, Md. FRIDAY and SATURDAY OCTOBER 19·20 more wise one than either Hitler or MATINEE SATURDAY 2:30 because he has not trespassed GORSKI SELECTED TO LEAD A GREAT MUSICAL upon personal liberty by curtailing R. O. T. C. UNIT FOR 1934·35 "DOWN TO THEIR LAST YACHT" speech and press. He pointed out that with POLLY MORAN and a LARGE CAST when one faction suppresses the differ- (Continued from Page 1, Col. 5) ent beliefs of another faction, there is The names of the seconds in corn- WESTERN MARYLAND MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY only one way left to iron. out their dif- mand are listed in both the Green and OCTOBER 22, 23 and 24 ficulties. The answer is by means of Gold organization, as this arrangement "THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO" bullets. This eventually will spell the has been made to facilitate the con- Coffee Shoppe -- with-- doom of all dictators who ignore the duct of drill this year. ROBERT DONAT and ELLISSA LANDI fundamentals of liberty which Ameri- Andrew Gorski, selected as Lieuten· cans have so far refused to desert. ant-Colonel, was the honor man of Com- SODA THURSDAY ONLY OCTOBER 25 I was tactless enough to ask about pany A at the Fort Meade summer "WE'RE RICH AGAIN" the war debt England owes the United training camp. His excellent work and SANDWICHES -- with-- States. It was a delicate situation, bnt his ability of leadership won the praise BILLIE BURKE and STUART ERWIN he handled it easily, concealing any of the officers at the camp. LUNCH feeling he may have had that it was FRIDAY and SATURDAY OCTOBER 26 and 27 not a legitimate debt. He pleasantly DINNERS MATINEE SATURDAY 2·:30 answered to the effect that when Eng- J. D. Katz "DEATH ON THE DIAMOND" land received the money owed her by ]. F. ~poore, Mgr. -- with-- other allies, she will pay her debts to MADGE EVANS and ROBERT YOUNG the United States. As we passed out, QUALITY S HOE REPAIRING "Good Food-And How!" Also LAUREL and HARDY COMEDY I felt relieved that no one asked him I who wOli the war! Special Rates to Students \
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