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SOPHoMORE PARTY STUDENTS! TONIGHT HELP BEAUTIFY 8:00 THE CAMPUS McDaniel Lounge Keep-Off-New Grass! " Vol. 11, No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 19 , 1934 SOPH COMPREHENSIVES WORK ON 1934 "ALOHA" I TERRORS DROP CLOSE BAKER CHAPEL SCENE FINALLY COMPLETED PROGRESSES RAPIDLY ANNOUNCEMENT GAME TO GETTYSBURG OF-SENIOR INVESTITURE THIS AFTERNOON Personality Selected as Theme The attention of the student body ..The Final Score Is 9-8 CEREMONIES APRIL 11 is caUed to the fact that the report, 107 Students End Three-day Grind Under the guidance of its editor, Despite the fact that Western Mary- Miss Sarah Smith Addresses Class Charles Whittington, the 1934 Aloha is ing staff of the GOLD BUG is to be land's Terror nine forced two Gettysburg Tuesday, April 17 dawned bright and rapidly assuming form. Nearly all the reorganized. (See editorial column) pitchers to retire from the box, Gettys- CHAPEL CROWDED clear, but at least a hundred of the proofs have been read, and the plans All persons interested in working as burg was able to score three runs each Western Maryland students wore appre- for a better year book than ever are in three innings to top the Terror total At the annual Senior investiture ser- hensive smiles. At ten minutes after rapidly materializing. reporters and all present reporters by one run. The Terrors, leading off at vice which was held Wednesday, April eight the zero hour came when Miss The theme of the book is to be per· who desire to remain on the staff .are the bat, were able to score a total of 11, Miss Sara Smith, professor of edu- Mudge and Miss Ebaugh opened fire with sonality. The spirit of the school is in requested to speak to the editor of eight runs by amassing thirteen hits off cation, addressed the Seniors. Pointing a series of directions destined for the its personality, and, by emphasizing the slants of the three Gettysburg pitch- out the need for adaptability in a wondering minds of the one hundred sup- this, the staff hopes to better portray the GOLD BUG immediately. ers. In the second inning Western Mary- posedly brilliant Sophomores. Eagerly this spirit. Numerous pictures and land went into the lead when Shepherd changing world, she discussed several the "Sophs" awaited the signal to go snapshots are to be used in fulfilling led off with a double to right. Shepherd methods by which college graduates could secure the necessary adjustment. over the-pardon, to turn to the first this aim and where pictures are impossi- scored when Lipsky drove a grounder Rage of the comprehensive examinations ble, drawings will be used to symbolize ,STUDENT GROUP ATTE~DS through the infield. Tollenger sacrificed, "All of you want to be independent; in general culture. The race of knowl- the theme. placing Lipsky on second base. Shilling most of you need to earn a living; some edge began with a sprint, but before OPERA "LA TRAVIATA" hit to the infield, but "vas safe on an ov- of you are already under financial obli- long, like a marathon race, it had steadied For the first time in the history of trthrow at first, Tollenger scoring and gations for your college education," to- a monotonous grind. For the Sopho- the Aloha, three-colored plates will be Shilling taking second. Kimmey singled Miss Smith declared. "You are facing mores, life had become just one question used. Besides the usual black and Miss Jones Arranges For Evening to center scoring Shilling. Cumberland a world with no place for you, no posi- after another. white tones, half-tone, silver will be singled and Willis walked. With bases tions to offer. The very thing you want Slowly the morning filtered away, and used which will increase the clearness A large student representation at- full, Hurley Struck out, but Fowble walk- most-a chance to pull your own weight slowly too came answers from the pencils of the photographs. Another novel fea- tended tho opera, "La Traviata", given cd, forcing Kimmey home for the fourth -you may not have just now. While of a great ma.ny Sophomores. What ture is the moving of most, of the by the Metropolitan Opera Company at run. Shepherd, up for the second time this situation is indeed dismaying, one questions! There were long questions and pictures to the edge of the page. Space the Lyric Theatre, Baltimore, on Wed- in the inning, was out at first. of the worst aspects of it is its psycho- short questions; easy questions and hard .has been so utilized that it is possible nesday evening, April 11. The title Gettysburg retaliated in the same in- logical effect on you. This need of work on-es. Many a coed was seen to falter, to have larger club and faculty pictures. roles were sung by Lucrezia Bori, as aing scoring three runs off Shilling, but and the inability to get it may so fill and many a youth was observed scratch- The theme and the color scheme have th.e -T'errors renewed their attack in the your horizon as to make you feel that ing his head, pu-zzling over the tremen- l.een carr-led over to the cover. Violetta, the famous dancer; Richard chird, adding one run to their one run r.othing is worth while. If this frus- dous number of facts which he had never Throughout, the book is entirely mod- Crooks as Alfredo, her lover; and Law- lead on a pair of singles by Lipsky and tration gets the better of you, if you before heard. The examination continued ernistic and novel in its art and lay- rence Tibbett as Giorgia Germant. Tollenger and a liner by Shilling to cen- are caught in this Slough of Despond, for the entire morning, except for two out. Prominent critics have been unusually terfield. you will stagnate, disintegrate in idle- five minute rest periods; but finally the The Aloha will be ready for distri- favorable in their comments upon the Gettysburg bunched hits to score again ness and boredom. The longer you are time limit expired and the students were bution on or about May 21, according Baltimore rendition of this opera. .11 the fifth, Three more runs put the without work, the less fitted you will dismissed. to the business manager, Anthony Dik- All the characterizations were ex- battlefield boys into the lead until the be for it." "Woe is me," many wereheard to ex- sa. The book is available to all stu- ceedingly well done. Lucrezia Bori Miss Smith then stated that many in. first of the seventh. In the lucky seventh claim a la J De Penner. Atone 0 'clock dents who have paid their activities fee, scored a dramatic triumph in her role both teams scored three runs. Western dividuals are unsuccessful because of the tests were to be resumed. Literature plus the payment of fifty cents. This Maryland 's three came on a walk by their inability to adjust themselves to- and current events were to be the sub- extra fee, which must be paid not later of the heroine. ,<'owbleand Shepherd's double, Lipsky's the changes which take place about jects of the afternoon queries. than May 1, may be paid either at the Richard Crooks portrayed the charac- Jingle to center, Tollenger's forcing of them, and further declared that the Some of the students, believing that post otfieo or to one of the following ter of Alfredo very convincingly. The young graduate of a Tiberal arts college comfort brings happiness, were seen car- student.s: Alfred Sadusky, Edward Hur- personality and voice of Lawrence 'I'ib. (Continued on Page 3, C-olumn1) with his background of broad general rying cushions to the classrooms. But ley, Charles Whittington, Anthony Dik. bett once again made his performance education has a better chance than neither of the tests created a blissful sa, Dorothy Paul, or May Russell. the outstanding feature of the opera. most people to develop adaptability, f.eeling in any of the students; and, in "La Traviata" was enjoyed very much PENN STATE SCHEDULES even though he is unemployed. fact, by the time the afternoon session had ended, many of the students were by the students who attended. The stu- GRID GAME WITH W. ~1.C. Miss Smith next gave some very spe- rubbing their necks, stretching their WESTMINSTER PLAYERS dent party, arranged by Miss Ruth cific and practical suggestions for the arms, and bending their backs in an ef- Sherman Jones of the music depart- development of adaptability. She said: "To be exceedingly practical, I would fort to iron out the kinks which had de- PRESENT INITIAL DRAMA ment, was chaperoned by Dean Stover According to a recent announcement, veloped from the long disuse of their and Miss Lease. Western Maryland and Penn State Col- suggest that you learn to use a type- muscles. "Pomander Walk", a comedy drama lege have scheduled a football game to writer efficiently. In modern life, Evening came. Sophomores strolled be played at Stato College, Pennsylva- there are few professions or busi- about the campus for recreation. Bull in three acts by Louis H. Parker, will AUSTRIA DISCUSSED BY Ilia, on October. J 2, 1935. There has nesses where this tool would not in sessions broke up earlier than usual that be given Friday evening, April 20, in INTERNAT'L RELATIONS always been a friendly feeling on the increase your effectiveness. Then, too, night. Knowing what was awaiting them Alumni Hall. This delightful play will part of Western Maryland, for Penn you could try to attach yourself as a the next day, most of the Sophs retired be the first presentation of the recently On Tuesday, April 10, the Internat- State due, mainly, to the presence of volunteer worker to the business or pro- early or reclined and rested. organized Westminster Players. ional Relations Club held its regular Dick Harlow at the helm of athletics fession in your community nearest to Wednesday morning the dining hall Miss Dorothy Elderdice, prominent in monthly meeting in the" Y " room. The here. your heart's desire. You can learn a had a number of breakfast guests. Some "Little Theatre" movements, is direct- meeting was called to order by the newly Dick is an nlumnus of Penn State. lot about a job just by contact with the of the usual late sleepers unfurled their ing the play. She is being assisted by "Skip" Stahley, who recently left Wes- (Continued on Page 4, Column 3) sheets early that morning in a heart Mr. W. Granville Eaton, a graduate of elected president, Louise Needy. tern Mary land to accept the position breaking attempt to be on time for the After- the reading of the minutes by of head coach at the University of Del- third session of the comprehensive tests. this institution. Secretary Yocum, an open discussion on aware, is also a graduate of "State." ORATORIO FEATURES English grammar with all its mysteries The setting of "Pomander Walk" is Austria followed. Mildred Roher, who in Now Dick is taking our football team and foreign language, with their fright- symbolic of the beauty and enchant- cooperation with the program committee to Penn State and we sincerely hope ALUMNUS AS SOLOISTS ful vocabularies filled the morning with ment which classic England offered in had prepared an excellent paper on Au- t.hat this contest will develop into a se- unuttered expletives. the early days of George III. The sub- strian history through the present situa- ries of ga.mes with the "Nittany Lions." Climaxes Musical Activities of Year ~ At it again in the afternoon, the tle humor, the flowing style, and the tion' was a leader in the discussion. Val- The Pennsylvau'uns have been for Sophomores encountered further stumbl- quaint characterizations are all indi- uable bits of information were offered by many years, one of the powers of the ing blocks in the scientific field. Chemis- cative of that type of entertainment Miss Needy. Miss Sarah Smith, staunch f'ootbull world and have always been On Sunday afternoon, May 6, the col- try, biology and general science each con- for which Louis Parker has become supporter of the club, enlivened the dis- lege choir, under the direction of Miss tributed its share to the impatience of famous. cussion with opinions on all phases of the held high in the regard of football fans. Ruth Sherman Jones, will render the Which team will win this contest we the test-takers. When the final stop sig- cannot ascertain, but we can say that oratorio, Saint Paul, by Felix Mendels- nal was given, a large percentage of the Students are invited to attend this business situation and small bits of in- sohn. The story of the oratorio is based students were heard to remark, "Well, play. Specially priced tickets may be formation usually overlooked by the the Terrors will have the support of upon the life and teachings of Saint back of every Western Marylander (Continued on Page 3, Column 1) purchased at the College Grille. reader of international affairs. Paul. At the same time, Dr. Whitfield, spon- them. In addition to the choristers, outside sor of the club, stimulated the group's Football has b-een continually on the talent has been secur-ed to aid in the SOPHOMORES HOLD PARTY thinking both pro and con by introduc- rise here at W. M. C. Each year has presentation. Miss Florence Johnson, FINAL READINGS GIVEN ing controversial phases of Austrian do- seen several major teams on the sched- an alumna of Western Maryland Col- BY SENIOR STUDENTS The members of the Sophomore class, mestic and foreign affairs. ule. This game with Penn State marks lege, will sing the contralto solos. Mr. one hundred and seven of whom took From Austria the discussion developed a new level in our ascent in gridiron Earl Lippy, also an alumnus of the col- The final Senior speech recital of the the Sophomore comprehensive examina- into Germany and finally to the League circles. lege, will be bass soloist. The soprano current year was held in Smith Hall tion on Tuesday and Wednesday of this and conditions in the Saar basin. The solos will be sung by Miss Josephine last Friday evening, April 13. A large week, will celebrate the close of the ex- present international sets for possible PEABODY GRADUATE HERE MeLaughlin, a teacher at the Peabody audience of students and outsiders was 'am, with a party to be given in McDan- war came under consiideration, along Conservatory of Music; while Mr. Wil- present to hear an unusually fine pro- liam Horne, a student at the same insti- gram of readings. iel Lounge this evening. with speculation on how the nations of Louis Ellwood Hawkins, baritone, tution; will sing the tenor solos. A few The entertainment will consist of Europe would probably line up under the gave a recital in Alumni Hall last Miss Esther Smith, professor of Thursday evening, April 12, for the additional voices, taken from local speech, coached the participants for dancing and bridge. Those who find it conditions prevalent now. benefit of the Student Loan Fund. church choirs, will further augment the the recital. beneath their dignity to indulge in such At 8.15 P. M. the movement for ad- Mr. Hawkins is a former student of large college choir. A string quartet frivolous pastimes will find some en- journment was taken after the club had and piano will serve as accompanists. The program was as follows: voted to discuss Japan at the regular Western Maryland College, who after joyment in the light refreshments that The Passing of Chow Chow-Miss are to be served "in medias res". This May meeting. Election of officers for the lea ving this institution, studied at .the The choir, under the leadership and Doris Fowble; Sweetheart-Miss Mil- party portends to be a pleasant affair year beginning September 1934 will be Peabody Conservatory of Music in Bal- training of Miss Jones, has been work- dred Burkins; TIle Return of Harle- held at the next meeting. 'I'he election timore. He has also studied in Europe, ing diligently all year preparatory to quin-Miss Mildred German; Julius and is certainly one which most Sopho- will occupy but a brief part of the meet- and at the present time is studying un- the rendition of the oratorio. With the Caesar-Mr. Frederick Malkus; The mores have been looking forward to ing. In addition Professor Hurt, who der John Charles Thomas, world-r e- largest choir in the history of the col- Medicine Show-Mr. Lora Outten; Cy- during the past few days. has made an extensive study of the posi- nowned baritone. • lege and with the aid of experienced rano de Bergerac-Miss Martha Har- All members of the Sophomore class tion of Japan today in world affairs, A large audience was present. at the musicians, the oratorio promises to be rison]. Death Takes· a Holiday-Miss are cordially invited to attend this will be present to speak and lead the recital, and enthusiastically applauded the outstanding musical presentation of Laurlene Straughn. party. general discussion. all of Mr. Hawkins' songs, the, college year.
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