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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md._ PAGE THREE [SPORTSj Boxing -- Intra-Murals SPORTS TERROR BOXERS WIN IN INTRA-MURAL VOLLEYBALL TERROR CAGERS SUCCUMB FINAL DUAL MITT MEET SHOWS KEEN RIVALRY FAN F()DDER TO POTOMAC STATE FIVE Win Six Matches From Catholic U. With the return of spring we find the By npat" Mahoney IN LAST GAME OF SEASON and Lose Two Men's Intramural Volley Ball season well under way. More interest is being shown Catamounts Overcome Early Lead MATCH HELD IN WASHING. in this sport than any other. Both the Tournament Was Well Conducted To Defeat Western Maryland TON men and women turn out for these games The annual tournament ofthe Eastern Intercollegiate and give them quite a bit of color. A Boxing Association which was conducted at Syracuse last Five The Terror boxing team closed its final great part of this interest is shown when week with the Orange institution acting as host was one dual meet of the season in Washington the teams composed of teachers clash. of the ,best·conducted tournaments in the history of inter- SENIORS END CAREERS Saturday evening, March 10th. Before a To date, the men teachers have issued a collegiate boxing. The decisions of the judges and the The Terror basketball five, champions capacity crowd in the Catholic Univer- challenge to the women pedagogues. Much work of the referees in the ring were of the highest order. of the Maryland Intercollegiate League, sity gym they met and decisively defeat- pressure by the student body has been "Pat" Competition was keen throughout the affair due to the met Potomac State of Keyser, West Vir· ed a strong Catholic University apprega- brought to bear on both teams for the Mahoney evenly matched bouts and the friendly rivalry which ex- ginia, in a post-season at Cumber- tion 6-2. consummation 'Of this match. The ladies isted' among the various colleges. Syracuse as host lost no opportunity land on March 8th. The Terrors, minus Terror victories were chalked up will have to use the services of two stu- to place every convenience at the disposal of her guests and succeed- through three decisions, a knockout and dents to fill out their team, but the gen- ing in cementing many warm friendships during the two-clay affair. the services of Co- Captain Mahoney, stel· lar guard, who, due to death in his fam- by two forfeits. Bennett, 115 pounder, tlemen have a great deal of confidence in The bouts were conducted before capacity crowds on both nights ily was unable to make the trip, found and Keyser, 155 pounder, won their bouts their ability a.nd by practice with the and were productive of the type of action that stirs the heart of the the West Virginia Junior State Cham- on forfeits. Gorski, 165 pounder, con- Seminary team hope to Teach such a peak least rabid fan. Everyone of the eight semi-final bouts went the pions a worthy foe. The game was tined his undefeated record for the sea- of perfection as to virtually stultify their three full rounds, but the semi-finals were filled with close fights and marked by frequent fouls, as each team son when he knocked 'Out Oliver, Catholic opponents. knockout victories. was equally guilty in this respect. The University fighter, early in the first round Although this match has attracted Catamounts were more fortunate in mak- of their bout. much attention the race among the fra- Kaplan Retains Crown and Supplies Dramatics ing their foul tries than the Terrors, George Harrison, Terror 125 pounder, ternity teams has proved very interest- Benny Kaplan was forced to hit a fast pace to hang on to his light which gave them their margin of victory. lost a hard-fought engagement to Cap- ing. The Bachelors and Gamma Beta heavyweight crown. The Jeffries-Kaplan encounter was not only pro- The Terrors outscored their opponents tain Calabriese. The Terror leader, Capt. first teams are tied for first place, each ductive of high class ring action, but it supplied' most of the dramatics from the flOOT,but the Catamounts made Myers, fought one 'Of the best fights of with two wins and a loss. The Bachelors for the tournaments. Jeffries was declared the winner at the end of 15 out of 29 fouls while the Terrors only his career to beat Restaino in the 135- have defeated the Gamma Beta's and the bout but the judges reversed their decision when a recheck showed sank 8 out of 15. The final score was pound event. Haines, Terror 145·pound Delta Pis and lost to the Black and the Terror battler to be the winner by a one point advantage. Potomac State 45, Western Ma-ryland 40. battler, although he fought gallantly lost Whites, while the Gamma Betas have Harrison and Haynes, Terror featherweight and welterweight, put a gruelling bout to Thibodea, his more defeated the Delta Pis and Black and up good scraps in losing in the preliminary rounds. Harrison set a Western Maryland gained an early lead experienced foe. Whites and lost to the Bachelors. The fast pace against Kunen of Harvard and won the first round but the but the Catamounts whittled it down and The surprise of the evening came when Preachers and Black and Whites are tied cr'imson-clad fighter finished strong to get the official nod from the lead at half time 25·17. Three times duro after three rounds of fast action Flem- with two losses and one win apiece. The judges. ing the second half the Terrors drew ing, Catholic U. warrior, got the decision Preachers have defeated the Black and Haynes had the misfortune to draw the best defensive boxer in within one point of their foes, but on over Kaplan, Terror 175-pound fighter. Whites and lost to the Gamma Betas the tournament and the man destined to win the 147 pound crown. each occasion the Catamounts increased Kaplan appeared to have won the last and Bachelors. The Pi Alphas have de· Haynes fought one of his very best fights but the well-nigh perfect their lead either through a foul shot or a two rounds and when the announcer pro- feated the Bachelors and been defeated defense and greater experience turned the tide in favor of the new field goal. Five minutes before the game claimed the verdict much disapproval was by the Gamma Betas and Preachers. Englander. Carey's defense was so perfect that not one solid right ended, Fowble, Terror forward, sank two manifested by the crowd. In the second team league the Bach- hand punch was laid on him during the three bouts in which he par- rapid field goals which placed the Terrors In the final bout of the evening Ponte- elors have been shooting one thousand ticipated. one point behind. Immediately Po. carvo, Terror heavy, stopped the winning per cent with three wins. The Gamma tomac State retaliated with a field goal streak of Ryne, Cathohe U., when he Betas, Preachers and Black and Whites Balash-Gorski Struggle a Classic and maintained their lead to the end of the game. gained a well earned decision. Pontecar- are tied with two games won and one The finals of the 165 pound class will go down in the annals of vo fought a heady fight against the lost for each. The Gamma Betas have intercollegiate boxing as one of the finest scraps ever seen. Both fight- This post-season encounter marked the dangerous Ryne who had the reputation defeated the Preachers and lost to the ers employed the same tactics and it was a rare treat to see the youth- last appearance of Co-Captain Hurley of a knockout artist. Black and Whites, and Bachelors. The ful gladiators weaving in and out to gain an opening in the defense and Sadausky in a Terror uniform. AI· though they were unable to close their The results: Preachers have defeated the Black and of the other. Balash made the first mistake when he allowed Gorski career with a victory each played fine 115-Pound Class-Robert Bennett, W. Whites and in turn, have lost to the to get in a righ t hook in the first round; from that point on the Terror games. Hurley paced his team in scor- M., won by a forfeit from John Burton. Bachelors and Gamma Betas. The Black had the advantage. ing with eleven points, while Sadausky and Whites have defeated the Gamma Pontecarvo had little trouble in winning the crown he was robbed 125-Pound Class-Captain Calabriese, bagged seven markers. This struggle also C. U., won decision over George Harri- Betas and lost to the Bachelors and of by injuries last year. The Terror heavyweight was forced to change would have ma.rked the last appearance Preachers. the range of his heavy artillery in order to hit Smith, Army's Camera- SOli. of Co-Captain Mahoney, who unf'ortu- In the "Varsity" League two play- like heavy. But after a round of target practice he managed to gauge 135·Pound Class-Paul Myers, W. M., nately was unable to participate in this won decision 'Over Angelo Restaino. offs will be necessary between the Bach- the distance and piled up enough points to score a decisive win over final game. If ho had, no doubt, the elors and Gamma Betas for first place, the West Pointer. game would have been a victory for the 145-Pound Class-Eddie Thibodeau, C. and Black and between the Preachers U., won decision over Rodman Haynes. and Whites for third place. Inasmuch as Keyser Springs Surprise Green and Gold. This game ended one 155-Pound Class-Don Keyser, W. M., the Bachelors second team has won in Western Maryland figured in one of the biggest surprises of the of the most successful seasons ever en- won by a forfeit from James Bresnahan. the Second Team league three-way play- tournament when Don Keyser, its 155·pound fighter scored a victory joyed by a Terror quintet and Co-Cap· 165-Pound Class-Andrew Gorski, W. off will take place between the Preach- over Phil Hines of Harvard. The Harvard ace, unbeaten in three tains Hurley, Mahoney, plus Sadausky, M., won by a knockout in the first round ers, Gamma Betas and Black and years of varsity competition was the outstanding favorite to win the vital cogs on the team. from Tom Oliver. Whites for second, third and fourth crown but was fortunate to finish the third round against the Terror. Line-up : 175-Pound Class-Red Fleming, C. U., places. In the Inter-class League the race Hines, the possessor of a murderous left hook which he shot to POTOMAC STATE won decision over Bernard Kaplan. has grown very close among the Fresh, both the head and the bod'y with equal effectiveness, shaded the Ter- G. F. T. Unlimited Class-Thomas Pontecarvo, Sophs and Faculty. Although Faculty ror fighter for two rounds, but tired badly in the final round and was Offutt, f ................ 4 1 9 W. M., won decision over Danny Pyne. team does not have its full six members severely jolted as Keyser stepped' inside his hooks to land a number of Casey, f ................ 1 3 5 it is looming quite large on the horizon straight punches with his right hand. Fromhart, c............. 5 0 10 t/ of the championship aspirations of the Miers, g ................ 3 3 9 PING-PONG TOURNAMENTS other two teams. Led by Professors Breaks Against Meyers and Bennett Smith, g ................ 2 8 12 STAGED BY FRATERNITIES Whitfield and Hurt, the Teachers have Both Bennett and Meyers might have gone further in the tour. been striving mightily to show their pu- nament had the draw been more kindly to them. Both had to go Totals ............ 15 15 45 The ping-pong touranments which have pils that they still have a kick left. thru gruelling struggles in the afternoon then meet fresh opponents recently become the rage in the fraterni- The American League, which is com- on the same night. WEST. MD. ties, have opened a new page in the Blue posed of the Westminster, Plymouth, Bennett, fighting in his first tournament bout, registered' a close G. F. 'r. Book of Intra-mural sports. Tremen- Pittsburgh and Hampstead-Manchester decision over Babe Paulus of Syracuse. All three judges agreed on the Mergo, f ................ 1 1 3 dous interest has been shown in these teams,' has nearly completed its schedule. verdict as the total points showed a 52-50 count in favor of Bennett. Ryscavage, f ............ 4 2 10 tournaments which have produced such The Plymouths, last year's champs, still The Terror scrapper shot over stiff lefts to his opponent's head as he Sadausky, c ............. 3 4 7 large crowds of interested spectators that have what looks like a championship danced in and out, meted out punishment with both hands when they Hurley, g ............... 5 1 11 temporary bleachers were erected in the 'team. It is composed of Ryscavage, came together in the corners or on the ropes. Bennett's energy was Fowble, g ... ' ........... 3 0 6 Gamma Beta Chi clubroom for the most Mergo, Marks, McNally, Ferguson and well spent by the time the second round of his encounter with Rhoads Ferguson, f ............. 0 0 0 recent match. Although these matches Romito, and has enough potential power rolled around and he finished the final setto on his nerve alone. are by no means tiresome to witness, it is to cause any other team on the hill to Meyers worked hard to win over Watkins of Penn State on Friday Totals. : .......... 16 8 40 very interesting to watch the onlookers stop and consider them. They have won afternoon, but in so doing used up most of his energy so that he had Score at half time-e-Potomae State, 25; as they turn their head from side to side all their games while Pittsburgh is sec- very little in reserve against Wertheimer that same night. Western Maryland, 17. Referee-Vic and roll their eyes as they follow the ond. Many people thought the Terror captain had the necessary essen. May. course of the little celluloid ball. Ole The smo-othness with which the first tials to win over Wertheimer if they had both started in the same condition. man "Schnozzola" Timmons is the epi- round of volley ball has been run off time of this habit, or might we say char- reflects a great deal of credit on the men CHAMPIONS acteristic. who organized it, and the great popu- TERROR BOX E R S CAPTURE CO.ED DEBATERS DEFEAT To date the Gamma Beta Chi paddle larity it has attained among the student THREE CROWNS IN EAST. 115-0riswell-Penn State. wielders lead with one match won and body proves that the Intra-mural Sports ERN INTERCOLLEGIATE WESTMINSTER COLLEGE 125-Zeleznock-Penn State. one tied. In their first match they tied Program has at last come into its own MEET 135- Wertheimer-Syracuse. March affirmative 17, the Saturday, with the Seminites 3-3. In the second and will go on to new heights. Whether team of Western Maryland College met 145-Carey-M. I. T. match they defeated the Bachelors 5-2 or not a second round will be played has (Continued on Page Three) the girls' debating team from Westmin- 155- Negroni-Syracuse. in a single tournament. The results- not been definitely announced. Terror sopllOmore was a slow starter, ster College. The decision was awerded 165~Gorski-Western Maryland. Ritchie defeated Commerford, Hurley de- but had very little trouble scoring to Western Maryland. The debaters were *175-Kaplan-Western Maryland. feated Bussard, Willis defeated Tim- an uproar among the fraternities is check- enough points in the last two rounds to Thelma Chell, Idamae Riley, and Sue ,Unlimited - Pon tecarvo- Western Mary: land. mons, Bopst defeated Beauchamp, Tyson ers. Several matches have already been earn the derision of both the judges and Sntith. *Retained title. defeated Stallings, Waters defeated Bar- played and others are scheduled, as a the referee. to and Keifer defeated Kohler. A dual debate was held Tuesday eve- result of challenges and counter chal- From the 155 pound class on to the ning between Western Maryland College All of the clubs have a great wealth of lenges by the Gamma Betas, Bachelors, heavyweight the Terrors were opposed and Elizabethtown College. Thelma between debate material for tills sport, which is growing and Black and Whites. To those who by 9range battlers and in three of them Chell, Idamae Riley, Helen Whitcraft, Western Maryland. Lebanon Valley and This will be the first by leaps and bounds. The next match have the idea that the game is simple, the boys from the host organization und Sue Smith upheld the affirmative at girls' debate on the Oregon plan this to take place will be- between the Black we ntight tell them to practice for a few 'were forced to run second to their home, while Elinor Lines, Katherine Tim· 'year. It will be held in Smith Hall at and Whites and Gamma Betas, the match weeks and then challenge the checker guests from the South. 'mons, Mary Parks and Sally Price travel· 7.30 P. M. Everyone is invited. The taking place in both club rooms to give royalty of the Hill, led by "Willy" Wil- Although all the final bouts went to ed for the negative. The debates result· question is: Resolved, That the essential each club a chance at play on its own liams, and see what manner is used -in a decision without so much as one -ad in victory -for the affirmative and de· features of the N. R. A. be adopted as a table. their massacre by the aforesaid blue I knockdown being scoredt~e _~,:rfare feat for the negative. .pen:n:a~e~t policy _of our _P-ni~d J?tates - Anot.h~r ga1ll8 whl~h, is creating ,quite _blo_ods. 'TwouId: be a grave misdeed. -- _:'lYABfast:rnd -th-e::way..---- l "Moilday', 'March 26 there'wiU'b-e a:dual Government. '
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