Page 42 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. BASEBALL CAPTAIN FOR 1934 Dickinson, Georgetown, George Washing- ton, University of Maryland, Gettysburg The following establishments SEASON IS CHOSEN and Penn State. To beat opponents of have helped to make the 1934 the above caliber the Terrors must have (Continued on Page Two) a first rate team. On paper the candidates "ALOHA" appear quite able to form an unbeatable GAMMA. BETA cm pm ALPHA MU possible. The "Aloha" staff asks hopes to build a winning aggregation. nine and with future weather conditions that the student body show its Bud Shilling, pitcher, Hurley, first base, more favorable, Coach Twigg will place a The fraternity wishes to announce On Saturday, March 10, the club was Willis, second base, Cumberland, short, team on the diamond that will hold its that Edwin O. Waters has been pledged entertained at a dinner held at the appreciation by patronizing them. Shepherd, third base, Lipsky and Fowble, own against any school on their schedule. to the fraternity. home of Miss Evelyn Mather. The Emerson Hotel outfielders, are all regulars from last year and are still available for service. Wade .. BLACK AND WHITE CLUB Jacobson's & Sons, Tailors Ransom, Keyser, infielders, Diksa, L. J. G. C. Bonsacks Kaplan, outfielders, Lantz, Kaddy, Flem- The Black and White Club wishes to ing, catchers, and Wright, Kimmey, announce the pledging of Harold Biehl The organization held an important Margaret & Earl's Draper, pitchers, are all varsity men car- and Lewis Lassahn to their Fellowship. business meeting, Sunday evening ried over from last year, PATRONIZE March 11. Mathers New men who are expected to furnish W.W. Nusbaum & Jordan competition for all places are Mahoney, Taylor, Coe, Kohler, Reifner, infielders; OUR The club held an informal tea for the HOME ECONOMICS CLUB Coffman's faculty from 4.00 to 6.00 P. M., Friday, Ritchie, Murray, Lassahu, outfielders, and Willoughby, Skinner and Preston, pitch- March 9. The club also gave a rush The club met on March 6 and Mr. T. Smith & Reifsnider ers. ADVERTISERS. party on March 2. The theme of the K. Harrison talked about Institutional Englar & Sponseller, Millers .. party was the "Three Little Pigs Club". Buying. The officers of the first sem- Coach Twigg's big problem is to dis- Dale Watson and Margaret Wetherup ester were reelected. Westminster Savings Bank cover a catcher who is able to replace have been formally admitted to the Koppe and to find two more starting club. pitchers to share this burden with Shill- SHAKESPEARE CLUB ing. So far practice has been somewhat Y. W. C. A. NOTICE . limited because of climatic conditions but The club met on Tuesday, March 13. the candidates have been working out in "John" Everhart In the last week-end in February, A study was made of the traditional All those wishing to bring outsiders to the gym. Mary Catherine Hill and Mary Barbara tragedy of Shakespeare. Miss Elise the Military Ball on April 28, please turn The schedule isn't as yet complete but THE COLLEGE BARBER Dixon took a boat trip to Hampton In- Kalb and Miss Louise Needy had charge in the names to the Dance Committee on games are listed with Mt. St. Mary's, AND BOBBER stitute, Va., as delegates from the Y. of the program. Plans were discussed or before March 30. AT THE FORKS W. C. A. Hampton Institute is a four- for presenting one of Shakespeare's WILLIS, year negro college. plays sometime during the spring. EBERT, WILLIAMS. ~ SPECIAL! ' RETAINS BOXING CROWN a left jab to good advantage throughout I 5c SANDWICHES the fight and rocked his opponent when J. David Baile TUNA FISH State Theatre (Continued from Page One) a straight right hand punch landed on HAM and LETTUCE Balash's jaw. LETTUCE and TOMATO hand with any degree of effectiveness. "Eoeruthinq Electrical" ~ Also Ice Cream, Candy, Russell Criswell was the first of the Balash, through a bye, entered the ffi Cigarettes, etc. SATURDAY Matinee 2:30 new champions to be crowned when he final round, while Gorski, the new JAMES CAGNEY won over Rhoades of Army in the final champ, was forced to meet Arosemia J. D. Katz IMargaret and Earl bout of the 115 pound class. The Army of Army in the semi-finals. Gorski dis- -IN- leather-pusher put up a game but los- posed of the West Pointer by a knock- 92 "Down On The Corner" ( ing fight. A stiff right hand punch out in the first round. QUALITY SHOE REPAIRING 5IO!o!c1OlOl0l0l0l0t0!Ci0l0!0!O!01~ "Jimmy the Gent" knocked him through the ropes in the Tom Pontecarvo, Western Maryland's Special Rates to Students third round but despite his groggy con- comparatively small heavy weight, With Alice White and Allan dition he was' still carrying the fight to started larruping Smith of Army in the his opponent when the final gong second round and from then on picked Jenkins sounded. Criswell had to beat Elfant up enough points to earn the decision Phone 359-J of Pennsylvania and Lamb of Harvard over the 6 foot, 6 inch giant and pass Mackenzie's MONDAY and to reach the finals. into the final bracket. In the closing . Frank T. Shaeffer Penn State gathered in its second in- bout of the tournament he was an easy TUESDAY dividual champion when Mike Zelez- winner over McKusick, the Syracuse PLUMBING, HEATING neck, after defeating Bockman of Penn- heavyweight mitman. Pharmacy "P ALO 0 KA" sylvania in the semi-final round, handed All Champions and runners-up were AND OIL BURNER Al (Bucky) Harriss his first defeat in awarded medals by Lieut. James E. CONTRACTOR With Jimmy Durante, Lupe the final. The Syracuse southpaw was McInerney of Army, president of the the faster of the two but he could not Eastern Intercollegiate Boxing Associa- 92 W. Main Street Velez, Stuart Erwin, Robert match Zeleznock's slugging prowess. tion, following the final bouts. Syra- WESTMINSTER, MD. DRUG-SODA Armstrong, William Cagney, The Penn State fighter piled up a lead cuse was awarded the team trophy of- Thelma Todd in the first two rounds then took every- fered by the Baltimore Evening Sun. LUNCHEONETTE thing Harriss had to offer without show- The trophy must be won five times be- Comedy Riot of the Season! ing any effects. fore it becomes a permanent possession. Captain John Carey gave M. I. T. its Syracuse has three legs on it at the WEDNESDAY and only champion by winning first position present time. Easter Cards Private Booths in the welterweight class. Carey was THURSDAY without doubt the best defensive boxer TEXACO LUBRICATION Proper sentiments in the tournament. Mike Button of Drive in here. 0 u r Lubrication for "Sleepers East" Syracuse, whose murderous wallops Service gives you more miles on the FATHER, MOTHER We Welcome brought him two knockout victories in Road, less time in the Repair Shop! With Wayne Gibson and the preliminary rounds encountered SWEETHEART Western Maryland Students Preston Foster Carey in the finals. The Boston battler Main and Bond St. Station and outboxed him from long range and not RALPH YINGLING, Proprietor EVERYBODY ~==========~III~==========~ once did Syracuse's miniature reproduc- FIRESTONE TIRES and TUBES tion of Joe Moran get close enough to 2 for 5c land his powerful right. Prior to the 5c 10c 15c to 50c final bout Carey had defeated Haynes HEY, ELMER! of Western Maryland and Mason, of Meet Your Friends Pennsylvania. The Mason-Carey fiasco COFFMAN'S f If you can't borrow a Shirt for the Junior-Senior Prom, was one of the finest fights of the tour- Times Building Westminster l we have 'em nament, and there was very little to choose between the two at the end of INN - TUX SHIRTS TIES COLLARS the bout. Carey was awarded the ver- $2.50 .50 .25 dict by a close margin. ASK BILL AT Smith of Harvard came close to de- throning Kaplan in the 175 pound class Private Booths T.W.Mather & Sons semi-final. Kaplan won the first round Just Installed Opera House by a goodly margin scoring freely witIi: ICE CREAM rights and lefts to the face, but was SANDWICHES I held even in each of the following three minute sessions. Kaplan seemed to have FRIDAY and SATURDAY something in reserve and could probably GAS and OIL Matinee Saturday 2:30 have spurted toward the end of the bout if he had deemed it necessary. "Home Away From Home" The final encounter in this class which "The Cat and the Fiddle" matched Kaplan with Jeffries was the )K)~G+8!C*)~XIOlC'X:K'~')l0K*'cJ( closest of the tournament. Syracuse With had figured prior to the tournament that RAMON NOVARRO their brightest chance of victory lie in this class where Ray Jeffries was to per- form. Jeffries shaded the Terror scrap- MONDAY and TUESDAY per in the first two rounds but Kaplan made a splendid comeback and had the "This Side of Heaven" Syracusean in a dazed condition as the bell sounded, ending the scrap. The With crowd, composed in the main of Syra- LIONEL BARRYMORE cusans were overjoyed when the deci- sion was given to Jeffries, but their joy was turned to gloom when the judges WEDNESDAY and reversed their decision a few minutes THURSDAY later. Tony Balash, Syracuse's only defend- " Midshipman Jack" ing champion lost his crown when Andy Gorski of Western Maryland, whom Ba- This picture was made at An- lash defeated in the finals at Penn State last year, turned the tables and defeat- j napolis,Md., so don't miss it. ed the Syracusan on points. Gorski used
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