Page 38 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ON THE AIR Saturday, March 3 at 8.00 P. M.- GREEN AND GOLD BOXERS DR. LYNN OF HOPKINS AD. Q11u55P5. aUUh5 UUll Hepburn Picture Pre-Viewed. "Spit- BEAT BUCKNELL; DROP DRESSES TRI BETA (Continued from Page 3) fire", starring Katharine Hepburn, will FAST BOUT TO ~nttdir5 their program with Joe Penner. There ,be re-enacted during "Forty-five Minutes SYRACUSE (Continued from Page One) are very few people who can show their in Hollywood". period of time, during which there was II The International Relations Club of personality by their voice alone, but Oz- Al Williams, Guest, New" Cotton Club (Continued from Page Three) radical temperature cha-ngeof the region; Western Maryland College at its regu- zie somehow seems to do so. It is easy Reyue" Musical Features of Waring a draw. The bout was filled with ac- the other that there was at one time high lar monthly meeting elected the follow- to picture him a.s a nice fellow and a Program I tion from start to finish but neither mountains and low plains in the region. ing officers for the second semester: swell guy to know. Al Williams, speed flying champion for man was able to gain an advantage Dr. and Mrs. Lynn were the guests of President Louise Needy .. * .. eight years will tell of his flying thrills , large enough to win the fight. honor at an informal social meeting of Vice President Rebecca Smith Any comments on this column would be and Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians will' In the 165 pound class Gorski and Bal- the associate and active members after Secretary-Treasurer Margaret Yocum play an aviation medley during the Ford asche also fought a draw. Both men the lecture. The meeting served to cele- appreciated. Merely drop suggestions, Dealers' broadcast over a nationwide crammed their three rounds with action questions or condemnations in the Gold brate the second anniversary of Tri The Philo-Browning Library Society, WABC-Columbia network Thursday, and hitt ing. "Andy" shows a nice style Beta's advent on the" Hill." in view of the lack of interest shown Bug box under the porch, and we will do March 1, from 9.30 W 10.00 P. M., EST. in his long-range sharp shooting and 'in the society, has decided the change all we can to straighten things out. Waring's gang will play one of the first cool, collected way of boxing. its program. More attention will be Mr, William Herson of St. John's Col- tunes ever dedicated to aviation, en- Jeffries, Syracuse boxer, scored the "John" Everhart paid to the friends in modern theatre lege writes a very interesting column very titled "CGme, Josephine, in My Flying surprise of the evening when he out- John's Col- similar to this in the "St. and drama. Students who are interested Ma.chine". Other selections will include pointed "Bernie" Kaplan, Green and THE COLLEGE BARBER ''in the subject are urged to come and legian." We like to give credit where "Happy Landing" and "Flying Down Gold man. The bout was very close AND BOBBER participate in the program. credit is due, so we must break down and to Rio ' '. In his broadcast of Sunday, with lots of punching and blocking by confess that he was the cause of this col- March 4, from 8.30 to 9.00 P. M., EST, both men. At 'times it seemed as if AT THE FORKS At a recent meeting of the Irving- yum. We hope he doesn't mind. Waring and his gang will feature the I Kaplan was winning but in the end the Webster, the following officers were elect- * * * world premiere of Harold Arlen's new decision went to Jeffries. ed for the second semester. Coming Events: (WABC-Columbia net- score for the" Cotton Club Revue". The J In the heavyweight class McCusick President Roland Sliker, '34. work-c-all times EST.) featured melody of the new revue is "Ill and Pontecarvo fought to a draw. Both State Theatre Vice-President Robert Holder, '34. ,Wind", a number probably destined to boys were plenty hard punchers and Secretary L. M. Outten, '3'4. Tuesday, February 27 at 9.00 A. M.- achieve the popularity reached by rushed the fighting all the way. The .Critie John Manspeaker, '35. 3,000 Choristers. Children from elemen- "Stormy Weather". Other songs which fight was so extremely close that it was Mon.j-Tues., March 5-6 Treasurer Mansell Stevens, '35 tary schools of Cleveland present a song Waring will introduce are "Here Goes" finally declared a draw by the judges. Chaplain John Warman, '37 program for the National Education As- and" As Long As I Live' '. Arlen song "I'VE GOT YOUR NUMBER" Sergeant-at-Arms .. Donald Tschudy, '35. sociation Convention. successes of the past will comprise the Joan Blondell-Pat O'Brien balance of the broadcast. The Pennsyl- Tuesday, February 27 at 9.30 P. M.- vanians will repeat their unique glee club J. David Baile HELPFUL HINTS FROM MOR. "St. Louis Blues." An original radio Wed.,.Thur., March 7-8 RISON play by a CBS control engineer is repeat arrangement of "Stormy Weather"; the "MANDALAY" cd by popular request. broadcast falls on the first anniversay of "Everything Electrical" Kay Francis We, the five Herbartian Steps, in order Wednesday, February 28 at 1.15 P. M. the day they originally introduced it on to promote a more practical use of the Hollywood Series Premiere. Constance the air. Fri.,.Sat., March 9-10 "LUCKY TEXAN" **,~~~"Ivi0l''le~':-S!~' theoretical tenets set forth in the famous Bennett is interviewed and sings. Lou- iSt. 'Patri~k;~I John Wayne document of one H. C. Morrison, have in ella Parsons and Raymond Paige inau- collaboration, evolved these following gurate a new series from the film capital. TEXACO LUBRICATION Mon.,.Tues., March 12-13 practical applications of the idea con- Drive in here. 0 u r Lubrication "I AM SUSANNE" tained therein. (See p. 699). Thursday, March 1 at 12.30 P. M.- Service gives you more miles on the I Cards and m Lillian Harvey I. The Learning Cycle: National Education Association. Charles Road, less time in the Repair Shop! Gene Raymond A. Stimulus: New spring hat in shop H. Judd, University of Chieago, speaks Main and Bond St. Station m Novelties ~ Wed.,.Thur., March 14-15 window. on "Important Conclusions of the De- RALPH YINGLING, Proprietor "HI-NELL" B. Application: To husband for ten partment of Superintendence Conven- FIRESTONE TIRES and TUBES i COFFMAN'S I Paul Muni dollars. tion ". ----- C. Response: " No ! ' , Thursday, March 1 at 9.30 P. M.- Save these Dates: You'll be re- warded with the best of entertain- Note: At this point the wife must as- Speed Pilot. Al Williams, for eight m Times BUilding Westminster ~ ment. semble forces and prepare a post presen- years speed champion, tells about it as Phone 359-J ~0l0l0i0l().i8!8k,~<>~~;;fS:e~ tation. The following spurious motiva- guest with Waring's Pennsylvanians. tion should prove effective: Frank T. Shaeffer Saturday, March 3 at 12.30 P. M.- II. Teaching cycle (i. e., persuasion) Beethoven Piano Pointers. Abram Cha- I. 11.::I_•• I];lt'-,-•• ,~::~_.~:,> A. Explore pockets of husband to de- PLUMBING, HEATING termine state of finances. sins presents a program made up entirely B. Present the hat. of compositions by the great master. AND OIL BURNER . . . . .... .. C: Let husband assimilate your beauty Saturday, March 3 at 6.30 P. M.- CONTRACTOR 56 W. MAIN ST., WESTMINSTER, MD. as set off by said hat. Wile Reviews the Roosevelt Year. The Complete Outfits for the Student D. Organize your arguments. 'veteran political analyst discusses Frank- 92 W. Main Street E. Recite said arguments in presence lin Delano Roosevelt's first year in the WESTMINSTER, MD. of mother. The husband, if an White House. apt pupil, will assimilate the argu- ments and the product will be per- manent in that the procedure will J. D. Katz not need to be repeated. (No post-presentation necessary if hus- band is tractable.) Arguments QUALITY S HOE REPAIRING will become firmly fixed under ha- Special Rates to Students bitual use. III. Six principles common to all learn- ing (housewifery) RADIOS AND ELECTRICAL A. Learning cycle= learning to open APPLIANCES tin cans with a minimum of effort and no cut fingers. AU Makes of Radios B. Initial diffuse movements-holding Repaired cook-book with one hand and beat- J. Stoner Geiman ing cake with the other. C. Identification of learning objee- Phone 24 tions-spending as little of house- hold budget on household as pos- ~'eY~tE7rv=:te~!C{ejCtv~~:~ sible, in order to increase wardrobe IMargaret and Earl i budget. D. Direct teaching-rolling-pin best form of motivation (may be spu- ffi QUALITY FOODS ~ rious unless dexterously manipu- m Reasonable Prices ~ lated.) m SPECIAL COMMUTER m E. Study-of cook-books, husband's ~k~ LUNCHES I; peculiarities, and mother-in-law's ~ ) dislikes. 9> 5c Sandwiches Ice Cream ~_ F. Apperceptive background-the pies ~~ T obaccos ~~ OPERA HOUSE that mother used. to bake. w Cigarettes 13c Package (j~ IV. Mastery formulas (for washing ~ ~ dishes.) ~K)~0!Ci0lO!O!0l0l0:~ THURSDAY, MARCH 1 A. Scrape. B. Wash. "THE WOMEN IN HIS LIFE" C. Rewash. With OTTO KRUGER, UNA MERKEL, and others D. Adapt procedure. E. Rewash to point of removing pat- tern from plate. Mackenzie's FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MARCH 2 and 3 Signed: (the Five Herbartian Steps) KEN MAYNARD in Preparation. Presentation. Pharmacy "THE TRAIL DRIVE" Comparison. A Great Western Generaliza tion. MALLORY HATS Application. "Oraoenette" Processed MONDAY and TUESDAY, MARCH 5 and 6 STUDENTS WARNED OF NUM. DRUG-SODA Band and body pro- LEE TRACY in BER OF CUT CLASSES tected against dis- "ADVICE TO THE LOVELORN" LUNCHEONETTE Because of the rapidly increasing num- coloration from either ber of classes cut by the students of perspiration or WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, MARCH 7 and 8 Western Maryland College, especially showers. ROBERT MONTGOMERY In among the men, President Ward in his! Private Booths talk at the weekly convocation warned all "FUGITIVE LOVERS" students that such action o-nthe part of With MADGE EVANS the students would be investigated by him Dr. Ward pointed out the effect that We Welcome FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 9 and 10 missing too many classes would have on the value received from a course. He Western Maryland Students T.W.Mather & Sons EDDIE CANTOR in will put forth much effort to stamp out ~~ROMANSCANDALS" this evil.
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