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~\! r I BEAT BEAT P. M. C. ARMy Vol. 11, No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 1, 1934 JUNIOR SPEECH STUDENTS DEBATORS OPEN SEASON I CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS CARROLL COUNTY ALUMNI WltL PRESENT TWO ONE- WITH DOUBLE VICTORY Passing in Review HOLD LENTEN SERVICES HOLD ANNUAL BANQUET ACT PLAYS ON MARCH 9 The members of the men's debating By BRADYO. BRYSON The first of the series of morning chap- IN COLLEGE DINING HALL teams began the forensic season auspi- .til?" Mail Contracts el services to be conducted by the com- Themes Of Plays Border On Com. ciously last week. The team of Holder The world of transportation was set bined Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. of the col- Unusual Program Features Eve. Mo- and recently Febru- Tuesday morning, edy and Fantasy ravian Sliker defeated the teams of Cedar- aflame cancellations by the President's mail start- lege was held Shroyer, of the Seminary, ning's Entertainment and College at Bethlehem all air con- Dr. 20. ling of ary crest at Allentown on successive nights. tracts held by commercial companies and conducted the service and spoke on the DIRECTED BY MISS SMITH This week the team of Holder and the subsequent inauguration of the new Beatitudes. DR. HOLLOWAY PRESIDES Fleming also won at Ursinus, but lost the system under the U. S. Army. The services are to be held every Tues- Two one-act plays, "The Tea-Pot on decision to the Albright College team. At day and Thursday morning from now On Friday evening, February 23, at 7 one that It seems deplorable to the the Rocks ", by John Kirkpatrick, and Lancaster the team met Franklin and President, who has in so many instances until Easter from 7.50 to 8.10 A. M. o 'clock, about 395 people assembled in "A Portrait of a Gentleman in Slip- Marshall but no decision was given. shown himself to be sincerely interested Dr. Shroyer will continue to be the speak- the college dining-hall for the annual pers", by A. A. Milne, will be presented Last Thursday the team of Jones and ill scientific process, should pursue a er on Tuesday mornings and on 'I'hurs- banquet of the Carroll County Club of by the Junior Speech Players of the col- Sliker lost a close decision here to the course of action so directly opposed to "day, the services are to be conducted by the Alumni Association of Western Mary- lege on Friday, March 9, at 8 P. M., in affirmative team of Ursinus. This Thurs- his ideal of better business conditions. students, the Y. W. and Y. M. members land College. The crowd present repre- Alumni Hall. The plays are being di- day Jones and Sliker will travel to Ann- presiding in alternate weeks. sented the alumni} faculty, trustees, and rected by Miss Esther Smith, professor American aircraft, engines, equipment ville, Pa., where they will meet the team and airlines lead the world in efficiency The object of the services is to lead up friends of Western Maryland, and the in the Department of Speech. of Lebanon Valley College. and up to date construction. Scientific to the Easter season and gradually arouse presen t senior class. "The Tea-Pot on the Rocks" is a the usual Easter religious spirit. The The program was in charge of a com- and aviation has delightful little comedy built around the development unattainable heights reached climax of the program will be just before mittee headed by Mr. Ralph C. Cover of chiefly heretofore a small tea- DR. LYNN OF HOPKINS efforts of two young girls who are try- through the activity of commercial air Spring vacation when the suppers for the Westminster. ing to make a go at running transportation companies. These same members of the organizations will be Dr. Fred G_ Holloway, President of the ADDRESSES TRI BETA companies who have depended too greatly. Westminster Theological Seminary was room. The players are: held. Mary Lovelace _ _. Mary Lewis on air mail contracts for their financial All are extended a cordial invitation tv toastmaster, but the usual .after-dinner Daisy Anderson. _ Margaret Frederick maintenance have been struck a telling attend the services, which are held in speeches were dispensed with in favor of Mrs. Carstairs Mary Benson "Ancient Animals of Maryland" was blow by the President's action. The or- Baker Chapel. a varied program of entertainment. Roy Williams . _. _ William Bratton the subject of an illustrated lecture giv- der of cancellation of all air mail con- The Western Maryland College Orches- en by Dr. W. Gardner Lynn, in a meet- Willie Fred Holloway tracts condemned the largest portion trial. MISS DOROTHY E. HULL tra, directed by Mr. Philip Royer, played of Alec Kale Mathias ing of Tri Beta, 7.15 P. M., Tuesday, commercial aviation without a just and vocal numbers were sung by Miss February 27. His very interesting talk Ruth Sherman Jones, Mr. Earl Lippy, "The Por trait of a Gentleman in on fossils of animals of by-gone ages It may be quite true that corruption GIVES VOICE RECITAL and Mr. Charles Reiner. Slippers" is one of Milne's prettiest fan- was supplemented by slides and actual enters into the letting of contracts. Of- Dr. Hugh Latimer Elderdice, President tasies, in which the characters are a king specimens. ficials in all probability have used them Emeritus of the Westminster Theological of an ordinary country, his body-servant, Dr. Lynn is an instructor in the De- as a means of illegally securing govern- Miss Dorothy Elizabeth Hull gave a Seminary, and alumnus of Western a princess and a stranger. The plot is partment of Zoology of Johns Hopkins ment money. But does not the same evil voice recital Tuesday evening at 7.30 in Maryland College, introduced the part of made up of those whimsical elements and University. It has been his hobby to exist with any industry with which the Smith Hall. Miss Hull is the pupil of the program entitled "The Golden that delightful humor for which Milne is study and observe the Poleontology of government is connected ~ Certainly the Miss Ruth Sherman Jones. The program Age", dealing with the college life of celebrated. Maryland for several years. Consequent- government or the American people follows: Del Mio Dolce Ardor (0 Thou those of the" old school" who graduated o The characters are: ly he has gathered many objects of inter- would not sanction a complete assumption ex- belov 'd), C. W. von Gluck; Respetto, between the years] 87!5 and ] 900. Alum- of all industry where graft of control King Hilary (XXIV) .. Cornelius Gisriel est and become an expert in the field. ists. Surely the energetic President would Wolf-Ferrari; Depuis le Jour - from ni of that period intcrprotcd phases of Alto (his Body-servant) There is truth in the statement, "much do better if he devised a program of re- Louise, Charpentier; Extase (Ecstasy), college experiences as they had known Reynolds Simpson is taught us by fossils." The study of Duparc; Si Mes Vel's Avaien t des Alles, them. Such customs as "parlor night" it than transferring graft rather Princess Averil Margaret Routson Paleontology increases our knowledge' of moving commercial concerns to the U. S. Hahn; (could My Songs Their Way Be and F'rrday afternoon programs in Smith from The Stranger .. __ Aubrey Schneider life on earth, enlightens our point of view Winging); Chant Hindu (Hindoo Song), Hall, which has fallen into the realm of on present day structures and forms, and Army. the legendary, were made very real to The plays will be open to the public. furnishes evidence concerning the geogra- Moreover, he defied all traditions of Bemberg; Chanson de Florian (Florian's No admission will be charged. Song), Godard; Liebesbotschaft (Love's the onlookers. The participants in these phy and climatic conditions of past ages. American liberty when he took his Message), Schubert; Ruhe, Meine Selle I interpretations were dressed in appropri- The earliest known investigations of stretched authority to remove the con- (Rest Thee, My Spirit I), Strauss; :Maus- ate costumes. this type, according to Dr.ยท Lynn's lec- tracts before any accusations had been Dr. Elderdice called the roll of dis- (The TWENTY.ONE REGISTER ture, were made by Martin Luther in an proved and before any public trial had fallen-Spruchlein (Devotion), Mouse Trap), tinguished alumni of ' 'The Golden Schumann; Widmung Wolf; FOR GRADUATION HONORS effort to substantiate beliefs concerning been held. Certainly until the commer- A Ballad of Trees and The Master, Chad- Age", giving in brief the characteristics the flood. As he happened to find some cially controlled system has been proved wick; Lullaby, Scott; The Smuggler '5 and achievements of each. Mrs. Albert mature seeds during the search, it was guilty of such wrongs, that cannot be Norman Ward related something of the It was announced at the beginning of corrected, it does not deserve the punish- Song, Kernochan; Tally- Ho! Leoni. this school year that in compliance with concluded that the flood came in the fall ment placed upon it by the executive of lives of outstanding women v.ho were of the year. certain requirements authorized by the graduated from Western Maryland Col- administration, starting with the class The state of Maryland is divided into the nation. FIRST SEMESTER GRADES lege in past years. Alumni belonging in to geologic of 1935 all members who wished to re- three distinct regions as region includes 'I'hera can be no doubt of the superior SHOW FROSH RANKINGS this period who were present, stood and The Appalachian planes. ceive graduation honors must apply for the mountainous portion of the state. efficiency of the commercial lines. Army sang "Auld Lang Syne." them on special blanks provided for that aviation is far behind commercial avia- Grades for the first semester 1933-34 Somewhat in a lighter vein was the purpose at the office of the Registrar. At Beyond this is the Piedmont plateau, and tion because the commercial lines are show that seven men and eighteen women role of the crystal gazer who answered the present time, in accordance with these starting about an imaginary line drawn ever growing, developing services that have attained the honor of ranking in written questions of puzzled alumni and from Wilmington, Delaware, to Washing- have to keep up with the times in order the first fifth of the Freshman Class. students. announcements, twenty-one members of ton, District of Columbia, we have the the Junior class have registered for hon- to meet competition. In the past, devel- These students, who are to be congratu- The scene changed to depict life on ors. The applicants are well distributed Costal Plane. opment in the air industry has been ac- lated for their scholastic standing are as "The Hill" as it is experienced by the Brightsea, near over the departments of major study of- ington, has a small village much to Wash- complished almost exclusively by com- follows (list arranged alphabetically), present student body. Miss Mary Parks contributed our fered by the college. General reading has knowledge of the state fossils. The ex- panies holding airmail contracts. By Men-Clarence Beard, Ralph Lambert, was narrator, and a number of students already been started in the subjects of posure has afforded many fossils and crippling the business of these companies, George Needham, Kenneth Plummer, from all classes participated in the pag- most interest to the individuals. the President has automatically hampered Carter Riefner, Walter Taylor, and Her- eant-like program, which was developed bones of animals that once roamed over progress in {lne of the most modern in- man Williams. Women-Sara belle Black- under the direction of Miss Esther Smith. It is proposed that beginning with the the terrain. Strange to say, the remains dustries in the world. well, Madalyn Blades, Evelyn Crown, All of the leading activities, cultural, so- class of 1936 the results of the Sopho- of only one dinasour have been found. Virginia Gill, Margaret Virginia Har- cial and athletics, were represented, eith- more general examinations be considered The first fossil from the New World The President cannot hope that the man, Beverly Harrison, Elizabeth Harri- er by spoken lines, pantomime, or music. activity business will be of the country in the awarding of graduation honors. to be figured in print came from Mary- helped by his action. No single industry son, Phyllis Holcomb, Helen McCardell, Singing of the Alma Mater by alumni land as a result of Captain John Smith's can be seriously attacked without subse- Isobel Me Williams, Mary Emily Mat- and students ended the evening. investigations. Calvert cliffs, extending quent ill effects felt in other associated thews, Lillian Moore, Eloise N ock, Mary STUDENTS RECEIVE AID some thirty- five miles along the Chesa- industries. He has made a mistake in his Lou Rockwell, Ella Shank, Mabel Kath- UNDER AUSPICES OF CWA peake Bay, furnish innumerable examples zeal against graft, which threatens to do arine Smith, Margaret Smith, and Jose- club receives a permanent copy of each of animals once living in that region. more harm than good to commercial ac- phine Thorne. book. Ranging from fifty to a hundred feet Our local club has planned a program The OWA is helping a nnmber of stu- high in some places, these cliffs are said tivity in the nation and to the mail serv- of the year in dents of Western Maryland to defray to be the classic example of marine Myo- ice. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS for the remaining meetings out more clearly which it hopes to carry their expenses while at college. They are cene of the world. Other transportation facilities have CLUB MAKES NEW the objectives set for it. Some members working for the school, but are being At one time the climate of Maryland been in the past commercially owned, and PLANS will prepare resumes of some of the paid by the Federal Government. Thirty- was slightly warmer than it is now. Fos- have at the same time performed services books, while others will arrange summar- time six students are being employed; they sil remains show that alligators once lived for the government. At the present carry The International Relations Club of ies of the important events in foreign and railroads steamship companies were selected from all four classes, and in the Chesapeake bay region. Few corals I the U. S. mails. Aviation is only anoth- Western Maryland College founded in and domestic circles during the past there is an equal division, _eighteen wom- were found, but not enough to conclude er mode of transportation. Why can it conjunction with many other organiza- month. . has names en and eighteen men. The work is so- that there were ever any larger beds. not be trusted in the same manner as tions bearing similar and understanding for its The International Relations Club is the study purpose of cially desirable, consisting mainly of of- Many of the mollusks found today were other systems of mail transportation' the conditions in foreign countries to- open to all students and faculty mem- fice work, laboratory assistance, technical present but they were usually much The government has gone too far when gether with the factors and personalities bel'S; all who are interested in the discus- work, library work, and janitor work both larger. Cypress swamp remains are to be it arbitrarily reaches out and snatches that have shaped these conditions. Under sions and work of the club are invited in the buildings and on the campus. The found in some regions along the bay. It trade from American commercial enter- the guidance of the Carnegie Endowment to a ttend the meetings. the climate that students are being paid thirty cents an is probable moderately warm was in some prises, and operates that same industry for International Peace these clubs scat- past not but age of hour, and the maximum wage they may tropical temperatures. itself. Government competition with tered throughout the United States and receive is fifteen dollars a month. These American business men opposes the true some foreign countries carryon the work ANNOUNCEMENT A cave containing fossilized bones of arrangements have been made with the American ideal of personal privileges and planned for them in a general way in the many land animals was found near Cum- understanding of being only temporary. liberty. Our government was formed to national headquarters. From the Car- There will be a meeting of the berland, Maryland, There were traces of make and uphold the laws of the land, negie Foundation each club receives fauna belonging to both warm and cold not to engage in commercial enterprises, periodically bulletins discussing foreign entire Gold Bug Staff includ- climates found in the cave. In order to -at the expense of the citizens of the and domestic affairs in a timely, accurate The next issued of the Gold Bug willI explain the occurrence investigators ad- country. The President, acting as a head and scholarly fashion. Books on sub- ing Reporters,on Monday eve- be devoted to the outcome of the semi- vanced two theories: one that the fos- of that government, has absolutely no jects of current interest written by recog- ning, March 5, at 6:30 P. M., final boxing meets in the Intercollegiate silized bones were collected over a long right to take such ungranted authority in nized authorities in those particular fields in Smith Hall. bouts. (Continued on Page Four) his hands. are published by the foundation and each
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