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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Basketball I SPORTS I -- Boxing SPORTS WESTERN MD. PASSERS ALPHA GAMMA TAU WINS GREEN AND GOLD BOXERS WIN LEAGUE TITLE BY INTRA-MURAL CAGECROWN FAN FODDER BEAT BUCKNEll; DROP DEFEATING LOYOLAFIVE Wrestling Contests Create Wide In- By «Pat" Mahoney FAST BOUT TO SYRACUSE terest In Intra-Mural Mt. St. Mary's Wins Low Scoring Program Technical Knockouts Feature Bouts Contest 21-28 Terror Ring Tearn Well Balanced With Bison Ring Team In a hard driving, fast shooting con- The Green Terror team that entrains for Syracuse three W. MD., 47-LOYOLA, 37 test that was full of thrills from start weeks hence to participate in the Eastern Intercollegiate TEAM SHOWS IMPROVEMENT to finish, the Bachelors basketball team Boxing Association's annual boxing tournament will be the The Terror basketeers came into their defeated the Gamma Beta Chi basket- best balanced band of ring warriors that has ever repre- The Terror mitmen made a successful own Tuesday, February 13 when, with eel'S 17-16, for the Inter frat champion- sented the Westminster institution in this event. invasion of foreign territory last Sat- every cog geared to its highest efficien- ship. Starting with the lowest weight class and following thru urflay when they downed Bucknell, 7-1. "Pat" cy, Skip Stahley's weil-oiled machine The g~me opened fast, with the Bach- Mahoney to the heavyweight bracket there is not a division, with the The entire team show an improvement won the deciding game of the Maryland elors jumping to an immediate lead. exception of the 125-pound class, in which the Terrors do in the individual weights as result of Intercollegiate Basketball League from 'I'he first quarter ended with the not have at least an even chance for a victory. Of course, the feather- their experience gained in previous Loyola's Greyhounds. For the first Alpha Gamma Tau quint out in front weight class, now pops up as a weak link due to the retirement of Ruste- fights. time since "Skip" took over the reins 8-3. In the second quarter the Gam- berg, regular 125-pounder, for the remainder of the season. The An- Patterson, Bucknell's 115 pounder, at W-estern Maryland, one of his teams ma Beta's came back fast and not napolis lad, owing to a fractured rib sustained in his bout with his and Bennett, Western Maryland's rep- accomplished the task that it had set only succeeded in tying the score and Bucknell opponent last Saturday, will be forced to forego ring warfare resentative in the same class opened the out to do. Iucidentally, the game then gaining a one point lead, by virtue until another ring season rolls around. meet with a very good fight. Both boys marked "Skip's" last personal appear- of a foul toss by Bussard, but also man- Flater, brother of Pete Flater, regular 125-pound Terror fighter were fairly evenly matched and showed ance as coach of the green and gold aged to hold the Bachelors scoreless. three years ago, will probably fill in the vacant spot for the dual meets it in the way they fought. At the end cagers, In the second half the fireworks be- remaining on the Terror card. While it is hardly possible that he will of the bout Bennett got the nod. gan when Kohler, playing left forward develop enough during these matches to mark him as fit to enter the Dill of Bucknell defeated Rusteberg The Terror five took the lead at the beginning of the game and never relin- for the Bachelors sank two long shots tournament, he will be gathering actual experience that will stand him in by a technical knockout in the third. quished it after the first quarter, though that ",'ere beauties. Again the Men of good stead next year. Rusteberg put up a splendid fight, and Loyola made frequent scoring assaults Alpha Gamma Tau jumped to the lead Pair of Sophomores Aid Team was unfortunate in having Dill slip over and fought hard thronghout the contest. and were never again topped. And the punch that floored him. again the Gamma Betas came back and One reason for the strengthened status of the team is the good per- In the 135 pound class Captain My- Fouls were frequent with the result that, before the end of the contest, ref- almost succeeded in tying the score but formances being turned in by a couple of Sophomore members of the ers proved too experienced for Scran- eree Johnny N eun had evicted two of they just couldn't seem to find the buck- squad. They are Bob Bennett, in the bantamweight class, and Hinky ton, Bucknell fighter and won on a de- et. Several shots made in the last few Haynes in the 147-pound division. cision. the Loyola men and one Terror from the game on four personal fouls. minutes of play left the spectators Showing improvement with every start, Bennett bids fair to develop "Husky" Haynes, the Terror '51 scrag- gasping, but the Bachelors fine defense into a classy performer before he culminates his collegiate ring career. gy 145 pounder, made the score of the The Terrors jumped into the lead gave them the game. meet three to one by a technical knock- His steady improvement gives the Terrors strength in one of their here- steadily widening it until half time, In the Intra-mural wrestling program, tofore weakest departments. A determination to accumulate ring craft out of Loughery in the second round of but Loyola outscored the green and two rounds have heen completed. All should enable him to really find himself next year. a fast fight. Both boys landed plenty gold in the second half to close up the the participants showed a constructive of hard' blows during the bout until game, Western Maryland winning 41,37. len ow ledge of the sport. In some cases, Hinky Haynes' splendid showing since taking over the welterweight Loughery took one too many. The ref- Sadausky again performed well at cen- a destructive knowledge-for their op- assignment after the St. John's match has caused many Terror ring eree stopped the fight. ter, especially securing many rebounds ponents. The fine spirit exhibited by enthusiasts to hope for big things from him in the future. Haynes has In the 155 pound class Keyser won from the backboards. Ryscavage and engaged in four bouts since his initial baptism of ring fire and has been the fighters themselves and the interest the victor three times, twice by the K.O. route. The other affair was a his fight with Wauerman by virtue of Mergo stared in the scoring honors, taken by the spectators demonstrates second Tenor's technical while Hurley and Mahoney played fine the future of the sport at Western close contest with the decision going against him. the evening late in the second K. O. of round. the games at the guard positions. The Pennsylvania lad is a fairly good boxer, with a reasonable Maryland. The summary of the first "Andy" Gorski defeated Downing of The game left Western Maryland un- round: In the 112 pound class Dodson amount of dynamite in his right hand and his ring generalship is be- -Bucknall by another second round tech- disputed champions of the league with defeated Hymillcr by fall in 5:05. coming more marked with each start. .nical K. O. The Western Maryland lad but one game left to play in the league In the 119 pound class Zimermman Kaplan, the present year 175-pounder title holder, Gorski and 'showed decided superiority over his op- season. The final game with Mount St. defeated Broadwater by fall in 5:35. Pontecarvo, both finalists in last season's tourney, have been the main- ponent. Mary's at Emmitsburg was a loosely In the 129 pound class Wooden de. stays of the Terror team with valuable assistance coming from Buddy Kaplan's superior boxing ability won played game with frequent fouling by feated MacKenzie by fall in 33 seconds. Meyers and Don Keyser. him a decision over Pethick in the 175 both sides. The smail score was due In the 139 pound class, Myers defeat- pound class. "Bernie" forced the fight- as much to the fact that nothing de- ed Shipley by fall' in 5:30. Future Looms Bright For Ring Team ing all the way and won by a nice mar- pended upon the outcome as to any- In the 139 pound class, Baxter defeat- The encouraging feature of the make-up of this year's ring team is gi,,_ thing else. The final score was 21.18 in ed Prince by a 2.12 time advantage. the fact that Captain Buddy Meyers will be the only member missing In the final bout of the evening Pon- All of favor of the Mounts. Vince Hopkins In the 139 pound class, Ransom de- when Coach Harlow gathers his ring forces together next year. to carry tecarvo, Terror heavyweight, out-point- will be well fortified this seems to indicate that the Terrors was the individual star of the evening, feated Williams by a 1.35 time advan- the Green and Gold banners among the elite of college ringdom. How- ed Rosatti of BucknelL Both men put hut Ryscavage also stood out by his tage. ever, if current rumors concerning next year's schedule turn out to be up a splendid fight but in the end the stellar play throughout the game: In the 149 pound class, Randle defeat- realistic they will need all the strength they can muster in order to Western Maryland mitslinger's experi- ed Reifner by fall in 1 minute. ence gave him the decision. Games remain with Pennsylvania Mil- carry it out successfully. IJl the 159 pound class Elseroad de- Summary: itary College on March 2 and Potomac feated Vogle by fall in .41 seconds. In addition to the strong teams that appear on this season's card 115 pounds-Bennett, Western Mary- State Teachers' College, March 8. The In the 179 pound class Romito defeat- Duquesne or some other big-named school w'ill appear. land, defeated Patterson; Bucknell, by former game will be played at Chester, ed Roberts by fall in 4:50. a decision. Pa., while the latter will be played in The summary of the second round: ON THE AIR VOLLEY BALL TOURNEY 125 pounds-Dill, Bucknell, defeated Cumberland, Md. Both of these are In the 139 pound class Myers R.usteberg, Western Maryland, by a non-league encounters. Up to the pres- eded MacKrugre by fall in 3.29. (Continued from Page 2) WILL BE PLAYED BY technical knockout in the 3rd. ent time the record for the season is CLASSES AND CLUBS 135 pounds-Captain Myers, Western In the 149 pound class Hoffa defeat- Liberty magazine, to star musical num- seven games won and eight lost. ed Plummer by fall in 2: 22. bers. So take them or leave them. Maryland, defeated Scranton, Bucknell, by a decision. The In the 149 pound class, the fight be- *** -"Let's Fall in Love". mural first round of the men ts Intra- 145 pounds-Haines, Western Mary- volleyball begin will tourney tween Willoughby and Hendersen was *.,,* -"Wagon Wheels". March 2. During the past few years this land, defeated Loughery, Bucknell, by SENIOR CO-EDS WIN a draw, **lh-"Orchids in the Moonlight". sport has achieved great popularity on a technical K. O. in the 2nd .. BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT In the 16~ pound class, Spiegel defeat- ** -"Music Makes Me". the Hill and last year reached a height 155 pounds-Keyser; Western Mary- ed Connelly in 3 minutes. -10* -"Jimmy Had a Nickel". never before known, with five leagues land, defeated Dauerman by a technical *** -"You Ought to be in Pictures". In the unEmited class, Sadausky de- playing. The Ply mouths won the cham- K. O. in the 2nd. The girls interclass basketball tour- One of the newer and better vocalists feated Marks by fall in 1 minute. pionship. The game this year will prob- 165 pounds-Gorski, Western Mary- nament ended Saturday, with the senior is Mary Small. She is remarkable in ably reach unprecedented heights. The land, defeated Downing, Bucknell, by a class the winner. Final games played that she is a child of only thirteen or schedule: technical K. O. in the 2nd. Saturday were between the seniors and Line-ups of the "A" teams: fourteen, and yet her voice is as low and 175 pounds-Kaplan, Western Mary- juniors, and the freshmen and sopho- throaty as that of a much more mature March 2 land, defeated Pethick, Bucknell, by a Senior Junior singer. She puts a song across in a man- mores. In these games the seniors won Freshmen vs. Sophs, decision. 23-13, and the sophomores 13-12. Scores Lines, F. Glynn, F. ner that is very pleasant to hear. We Juniors vs, Seniors. Hea vyweigh t - Pon tecarvo, Western Frey, F. Brown, F. like her very much except the time that of the other "A" games were: seniors March 6 Western Maryland, defeated Rosatt.i, Hull, C. Robinson, C_ she starts talking a number, much as Al Bucknell, by a decision. 24, sophomores 14; juniors 12, fresh- Jolson does. That very ancient method Gamma Beta vs. Bachelors. Harrison, S.C. Jenkins, S. C. Western Maryland lost to Syracuse by men 11; seniors 34, freshmen 14; Sopho- Delta Pi vs. Black and White. Russell, G. Downing, G_ of ~inging (n is one of the worst things a 5lh-2l1z score. A large crowd wit- mores 28, juniors 19. that we have to listen to. Flanagan, G & F. Hughes, G. March 9 nessed the bouts which were never lack- The standing of the "A" teams is as Subs. Yocum * * * Frosh vs. Juniors. ing action. Strangely enough; no follows: Fade1,ey George Hall is one orchestra leader knockdowns were made during the prog- who has certainly brought his band a Seniors vs. Sophs. Won lost Points ress of the entire meet. Sophomore Freshman long way. A year or so ago he was simp- March 13 Seniors •••••• '0' 3 0 6 ly terrible, and as for his male vocalist, Bennett, Terror 115 pounder, lost the Sophomores ...... 2 1 4 Lansdale, F. Corkran, F_ well, he is not worth mentioning. But Gamma Beta vs. Delta Pi. opening fight to Paulus, of Syracuse, by Juniors ......... 1 2 2 Irwin, F. Hoshall, F. now George has a well balanced group of Bachelors vs. Black and White. a decision. Freshmen ....... 0 3 0 Tollinger, C. Murphy, F. musicians who play music in the finest March 16 Harris, fighting in the 125 pound Hall, S.C. M. G. Noek, C. tempo. The group is also enhanced by class for Syracuse, defeated Rusteberg, There were also games ,played be- Bishop, G_ B. Harrison, S.C. two vocalists, Barry Wells and Loretta Frosh VB. Seniors. Western Maryland representative by tween otheT teams of the three lower Kephart, G. D. Hull, S.C. Lee. Sophs vs. Juniors. virtue of a decision. classes, the seniors having only one Harlow, C_ * * * March 20 Wertheimer, 135 pound Syracuse ace, team. In these games the freshmen won N. Crown, G. To us, an orchestra that escapes the Gamma Beta vs. Black and White. downed Captain "Buddy" Myers in a the most games, followed by the sopho- Wigley, G. notice of the vast majority is Phil Har- Bachelors vs. Delta Pi. close fight. Myers put up a beautiful mores and juniors, respectively. ris. He certainly has an individual way fight in spite of Wertheimer's experi- The following is a list of forwards of presenting music. It is almost a :March 23 There was one game played between and the total number of points made by ence and skilL Western Maryland and the Motley Club 6ach. monologue, but it is not of the obnoxious Winner of Club league vs. winner of Haynes, of W. M. C., won the Terror's was that type mentioned His above. of Baltimore. The visitors won by a Class league_ only fight when he defeated Button in Frey ........ . 40 Brown ....... 15 duets with Leah Ray are smooth, there's the 145 pound class. "Hinky" gave a score of 21-12. Those playing on the Corkran ..... . 33 Flanagan .... 7 no other word for it. Each team ,,-ill be composed of eight beautiful exhibition and led his man local team were: forwards, Frey, Lines, I Lansdale ... , . 32 Hagen ....... 6 '* * * men. all the way. Brown, Glynn; guards, Russell, Flana-·l Glynn 31 Murphy ..... 4 Speaking of duets, Ozzie Nelson and A game will consist of 21 points. Nagroni, of Syracuse, and Keyser, gan, Crown; center, Hull (senior); side- Lines ........ 20 M. Hoshall : .. 3 Harriet Hilliard do some swell ones on Announcement will be made of the for- Terror mitman, 155 pounders, fought to centers, Jenkins, Lansdale. Irwin 18 (Continued Dn _~age 4) mation of .other Ie::tguell a.t i\ later_dJlte,. (Continued on Page Four)
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