Page 34 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. I DEBATING TEAMS WILL TEXACO LUBRICATION J. David Baile OPEN SEASON THIS WEEK Drive in here. 0 u r Lubrication Service gives you more miles on the Road, less time in the Repair Shop! "Euerpthinq Electrical" The negative men's debating team Main and Bond St. Station DELTA SIGMA KAPPA W. W. CLUB makes its debut of the season when it RALPH YINGLING, Proprietor clashes with Westminster College in New FIRESTONE TIRES and TUBES State Theatre The club met on Saturday, Feb. 3rd, The following officers have been elected Wilmington, Pa., Friday, February 19. and elected the following officers for this for the second semester. Our team, composed of Sliker and W. semester: President Anna May Russell. J ones, is upholding the negative side of I FRIDAY President Mary Parks. Vice-President Anna F. Seward. the question : Resolved, That the essen- Hillside Inn Dorothea Wieck tial features of N. I. R. A. be adopted as Vice-President Esther Righter. Secretary Frances S. Glynn. a permanent policy of the U. S. -Invites -In- Secretary Elise Kalb. Treasurer Margaret Lansdale. After several months of trial debates, "CRADLE SONG" Treasurer Henrietta Twigg. Alumnae Secretary. Mary E. Brown. accumulating material, and other careful WESTERN MARYLANDERS Chaplain Mary Wooden. Sergeant-at-Arms preparations, the debating teams are con- To Inspect Its Like no other Actress' you've Elizabeth Lee Irwin ever seen-To see her once is The new representatives to the Inter- fident and ready. NEW DINING ROOM to remember her always! Sorority Council are Jane Twigg and After debating Westminster College on MODERN BOOTHS Dorothy Hull. DELTA PI ALPHA Friday, tbe negative team will travel to JUST INSTALLED SA TURDA v, Matinee 2.30 A rush party will be held on Friday, Waynesburg, Pa., Saturday for the con- Jackie Cooper Feb. 9. An election of officers was held at the cluding debate of the trip. Next week ICE CREAM-SANDWICHES meeting of the fraternity January 30. the affirmative team, comprising Holder DINNERS-CANDY -In- The officers are as follows: and Fleming, travels to Allentown and ~'THE LONE COWBOY" PHI ALPHA MU Bill Wright . .' President. Bethlehem, Pa., to meet Cedar Crest and The story of a kid that every- Earl Hissey Vice-President. Moravia. Colleges, respectively. one will like! At a meeting of the club held on Tues- William Jones Secretary. The women's teams will open their sea- day, January 30th, the officers for the Robert Holder Treasurer. son with a dual meet with Elizabethtown Phone 359-J MONDAY-TUESDAY coming semester were elected. They are Preston Grimm Chaplain. College, at Elizabethtown, Pa. The nega- "ALL OF ME" as follows: Allen Dudley Sergeant-at-Arms. tive team, composed of Parks', Timmons, Frank T. Shaeffer -with- President Helen Pyles. and Lines will travel and the affirmative Frederic March, Marian Hop- Vice-President Lucille Bork. BACHELORS' CLUB team, composed of Chell, Whitcraft, and PLUMBING, HEATING kins, George Raft, Helen Secretary Mary B. Dixon. Riley will debate at home. Later in the Mack. Treasurer Beth Bryson. The Bachelors' Club will hold its an- season there is to be a dual meet at Ur- AND OIL BURNER Alumnae Secretary, Mildred German. nual dance February 24. A nine-piece sinus College. CONTRACTOR WED.-THUR. Chaplain Margaret Ringler. orchestra has been engaged and the com- On the whole, the women's debates will mittee is preparing for an evening well follow the old plan, while the men have 92 W. Main Street "FOUR FRIGHTENED worth the money. The dance will be held elected to debate under the somewhat WESTMINSTER, MD. PEOPLE" BLACK AND WHITE CLUB from 8.30 till 11.30 in the girls' gym. more complicated Oregon style where the The committee is Henry Kimmey, chair- cross-examination is used. A dinner was held for members of the man; J. P. Timmons, and Paul Sehwie- -fraternity on Sunday, January 28. ker. CARDS PLEASE PATRONIZE VALENTINE FAVORS KEEN RIVALRY FEATURES half and led by Kimmey and Kohler, ALOHA GIFTS INTRA-MURAL BASKETBALL soon built up a safe lead and managed t» ADVERTISERS Largest Assortments of Valentine DECORATIONS sta ve off the last desperate efforts of the Goods. PLACE CARDS (Continued from Page Three) Black and Whites. J. STONER GEIMAN Cards are Priced at Ic to 50c. NAPKINS COFFMAN & CO. forfeited game, the Bachelors downed a Both teams started fast and matched SMITH & REIPSNIDER "pick-up" team, the Mud Hens, 20-10, points {Inti!finally the Bachelors gained a P. G. COFFMAN CO. in a fast and furious contest that was small lead. At half time the Alpha NUSBAUM & JORDAN TIMES BUILDING BONSACKS full of thrills and spills. Willey led in Gamma Tau courtmen led 11-7. Kim- T. W. MATHER & SONS the high scoring with 10 of his team's mey was the high scorer for his. team W. M. COFFEE SHOPPE points, while Malkus scored 6 for the with 8 poin.ts. Three of his baskets were & EARL Mud Hens. Willey, through a premedi- shot in the second half, allowing the MARGARET HOTEL EMERSON tated attack, nearly s10PP'ed'the game Bachelors to outscore the losers in this Baltimore PICTURE FRAMES --- Made to Order when he neatly relieved "Reds" Wade period. of certain essential pieces of clothing. The Gamma Beta Chi cohorts tri- Here is your opportunity to preserve and frame your pictures at Wade, however, continued his brilliant umphed over a hard driving Preacher low cost. Size 5x7 up to I2xI6 complete with glass, at 25c, 30c, play in spite of the handicap. team 23-9. In one of the most closely contested The Gamma Bets ran up an 8 point 35c, 40c, 4-5c. Almost every finish of wood in this lot. games played in the 1934 Intramural lead in the first ten minutes of play while League, the Preachers upset the Bach- holding the Delts scoreless. At the rest 7!-~~~ elors 26-25. The game opened fast, both period they led 8-3. teams playing a whirlwind brand of bas- The Preachers rallied in the second 'ketb~ll and amazing the few spectators half and gradually cut down the margin with shots which were a miracle to be- to 9-7. But the Gamma Bets, led by hold. The game which had started fast Willis and Holmes, started on a scoring soon moved to a point-for-point clip, spree that lasted until the set-to ended r**OPERA-fiGuSEjt neither team holding the ball long. The and provided them with a wide margin ; Bachelors' man-for-man defense held the of victory. Preachers at bay most of the time, but t THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEB. 8-9-10 I could find no way to stop Jaegar, who t MATINEE SATURDAY 2.30 P. M. • played a wonderful game, from finding "John" Everhart 1+ + "FLYING DOWN TO RIO" the basket. The Gamma Beta's won their third THE COLLEGE BARBER I 1 MONDAY AND TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12-13 >t'+ straight victory by downing the finest Margaret t . CHESTER MORRIS in I team the Black and Whites have exhib- AND BOBBER "KING FOR A NIGHT" ited this year, 29-20. AT THE FORKS and Earl : WEDNESDA Y AND THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14-15 ; Both teams opened rather sluggishly, :i: but soon shook this condition off and set- - >} IRENE DUNNE and CLIVE BROOKS ~.~ t "IF I WERE FREE" tled down to a real battle, during which ~ Real Home Cooking y ; many easy shots, went awry and many J. D. Katz ::: FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16-17 -to virtually impossible ones tallied. The i :t MATINEE SATURDAY 2.30 P. M. I: t game was rather open, both teams scor- QUALITY S HOE REPAIRING 5c SANDWICHES ••• MARION DAVIES and BING CROSBY In ing easily as defense was lax but the IICE CREAM MILK ± ~'GOING HOLLYWOOD" Gamma Beta's soon got a. commanding Special Rates to Students I I :i: ± lead which was never overcome. CAKE + MONDAY AND TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19-20 :.t + {. In a rough-and-tumble contest that i I :i: "SHOULD LADIES BEHAVE marked the opening of the second round "Where Friends Meet" i With LIONEL BARRYMORE and ALICE BRADYi • of Intramural basketball, the Bachelors '* WEDNESDAY ~D THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21-22 downed the Gamma Betas, 15-14. I Down on the Corner for 30 :.t KATHARINE HEPBURN in The game opened extremely slow, each years. 1. "MORNING GLORY" team feeling the other out. At the half ~~~1Ot0IO!OIO!O!0! ~ t ~. :-: .. :-: ..:··:++:...:-: .....:-:-:· ..:....:·+:..~r:++}·{..:++:-:++:· ·:-:-: ....:.. r: ..!-:-:..:..:-!}+}++: ...!-X.'+ the Red and Blues led 8-5. In .the second half, however, the fire works began when the Bachelors tied the score. .I'he Gam- ma Beta's soon took the lead which they Whitman's held until the last few minutes of play when Dunn sank the winning score. Both Mackenzie's teams played a furious game which end- Martha Washington ed well because of its thrilling finish. The same day the Delta Pi Alpha co- Virginia Dare horts triumphed 14-9 over the Black and Pharmacy Whites. . VALENTINE HEARTS The game was very slow, both teams 75c-90c-$1.00-$1.25 playing a close defensive game and neith- $1.50 and $2.00 er being able to tal'ly many points until the second period when the Preachers as- WE WILL MAIL THEM DRUG-SODA sumed a commanding lead which was ANYWHERE never topped. Hissey wall the high scor- LUNCHEONETTE er for the Preachers while Campofreda SEE OUR SPECIAL ON After a fast first half and a faster I TOILET SOAPS led for the Black and Whites. second half the Bachelors defeated the Your Selection of 10c Soaps Private Booths Black and White 19-13 on Tuesday 7. , 2 for 11c. The Black and White loopsters played the best game they have displayed this We Welcome season against a team of Bachelors who Bonsack's However, they snapped out of their I played around until it was almost too Western Maryland Students late. The College Shop apparent indifference late in the second ll;;==============.!.1
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