Page 33 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE SPORTS Basketball -- Boxing [SPORTS NAVY BOXERS DEFEAT TERRORMITTMEN DEFEAT BASKETEERS WIN OVER WESTERN MARYLAND IN ST. JOHN'S BOXING TEAM FAN FODDER LOYOLA; LOSE TO HOPKINS CLOSELY FOUGHT BATTLE IN FIRST HOME MATCH By ~~Pat" Mahopey AND GEORGE WASHINGTON A Large Crowd Witnesses Fierce Captain ,Myers Wins By Technical Two Draws and Three Knockouts Struggle With Loyola Knockout Feature In Contest Boxing Gains Popularity In Maryland Schools The early season activities of the Green Terror mittmen, G. W., 37; W. M., 35 KAPLAN AND GORSKI WIN The Western Maryland Terrors were involving meets with other institutions in the State of Mary- hosts to the glove slingers of St. John's land, calls to mind the hold which collegiate boxing has The Green Terrors spent a busy week College, from Annapolis, at the West- taken on sport followers of the collegiate world. on the court when they sandwiched an The Green and Gold boxing team trav- Delving into the history of intercollegiate boxing in encounter with George Washington Uni- eled to Annapolis on January 27th minster Armory, Saturday night, Feb- Maryland we find that while its rise has not been phe~ome- versity between league encounters with ruary where they helped the Naval Academy 3rd. The Terror team entered nal it has been marked by a steady increase in populant:y, a Johns Hopkins and Loyola on succsssive except ion.. as the ··Pat" inaugurate their current boxing sched- the meet with one against the Naval Mahoney fact which is most encouraging to the advocates of collegiate Saturdays. Though the Terrors lost two fought team that ule. The Navy team, an experienced Academy. The Terrors showed im- leather-pushing. of the contests, the week of play was aggregation, met stubborn antagonists Twelve or thirteen years ago the Naval .Academy was the lone stand- not entirely wasted. After losing the in every weight, yet after bouts, espe- provement in their individual work as a result of the experience gained in the ard-bearer of the Free State in the world of college fisticuffs. Under first game with Johns Hopkins because cially in the 125 and 155 pound class previous meets with Maryland and the masterful guidance of Spike Webb, twice coach of .American 91YI?-Pic of loose play and a decided let-down that could have gone either way car. Navy. This was the first meet for the boxing teams, the Sailors soared to a high position and have ma.mtamed from their usual fast game; then came ried off the victory laurels with a 5-3 St. John's team and although they suf- their high class rating for over a decade. Navy's record of losmg only ba ck against George Washington, los- triumph. fered a 6-2 defeat they extended the two dual meets since Webb took over the coaching reins speaks for itself. ing only by the margin of a single The inexperienced Terror light- Terror fighters and made them work Repeatedly did members of the Tar squad garner i~dividual champion- field goal, and, continuing their fast weights waged excellent fights against hard for their victories. ships in the Eastern Intercollegiate tournament, WIth only Penn State play against Loyola wrested another their veteran opponents. Bennett 115 Levin the St. Johns' 115 pounder and showing sufficient strength to contest their right of monopoly. victory in the Maryland lea.gue to gain and Rusteberg 125 pounders, continual- a, firmer hold on first place. ly carried the fight to their Middy foes. Bennett who opened' the evening'S pro- Harlow Gives Terrors First Ring Team Johns Hopkins recovered from an This willingness to fight on their part, ceedings had an old fashioned slugging Western Maryland entered the picture witl~ the adve~t of. Dick early Terror score to take a lead which and likewise on the part of the other bout. Levin had the better of the first Harlow as Director of .Athletics. .Almost immediately and m spite of it never lost during the remainder of Terror representatives forced the Mid- round while Bennett won the second the size of the school the Green Terrors became a power in the boxing the game. The Blue Jays played hard, shipmen into putting forth their best and the third round was even. Ref'eree world and have rendered the Tars valuable assistance in maintaining fast basketball, but the defeat of the efforts in order to win the majority of Goddard called the contest a draw the niche which Navy had carved for the Free State in the collegiate Terrors 45-25, was due more to the let- the verdicts. Two or three of the bouts which met with the approval of every- boxing Hall of Fame. Up until two years ago, when Syracuse forcefully down of the green and- gold men than were so close that Referee Charles body. injected itself in the picture with a top-notch. team led .by Joe Mo.ran to the Hopkins' superiority. Don Kel- Short was hesitant in selecting the win- Rusteburg the Terror 125 pounder and Al Werthimer, top honors in the Eastern intercollegiate champion- ly starred for the Jays, feeding the for- ner. fought Capt. Ferone in a grilling, slam. ships were usually divided among Navy, Penn State and Western Mary- wards continuously besides scoring nine bang sort of battle. Capt Ferone acor- land. . . d This meet could have ended in a tie of the Blue Jay points. Seigel and Sie. as the final bout was the deciding en- ed the cleaner blows and although The success of Western Maryland in the ring, despite it~ limite vertd were high scorers with eleven Rusteburg continually dogged him Fer- male student body added much to the popularity of the spor~ in Ma~'y- gagement. In 1931 the Terrors and points and ten points respectively. Sie- Navy tied, but Slade Cutter; Navy one achieved a well deserved victory. -I Iand College circles and perhaps, was a motivating factor m causmg gel's floor work was outstanding. For heavyweight, prevented a repetition of Capt. Buddy Myers won the decision other State schools to take up the sport. . the first time this season the Western the former tie when he received the over McDonald the St. Johns' 135 St. John's bezan boxing several years ago but no appreciable ad- Maryland reserves saw service when nod of victory over Tom Pontecarvo in pound warrior. McDonald was fighting vances have been ~ade and the sport is still in the experimental stage Coach Stahley substituted the second a close contest. his first inter-collegiate bout but Capt. there. five in the last quarter. Only once did Myers was forced to his limit in order ' Loyola and Maryland are the latest .acquisition to the _list of colleges the Terrors play the high class of bas- Capt. Buddy Myers, Western Mary- to gain the verdict. engaging in boxing. Both schools carried on the sport mformally for ketball of which they are capable. In land 135 pounder, won his bout through se;eral years before announcing a d~finite. sche~ule. . . the early minutes of the second half a technical knockout in the third round Dick Kiefer, who replaced Kaddy in The Old Liners have made rapid strides m the rmg under th~Ir the Terrors made a rally, totaling elev- I t of what had been a very close fight. In the 145 pound class and Snibbe the St. P resent mentor, Lieutenant Harmony, and have a dd d t 0 th e popu. ari y en points in a short time, but Hopkins e f h a furious exchange of blows, Hopkins, Johns' fighter, gave a good exhibition of the sport in the State by bringing here some 0 tees b t t eams in th e cal led time-out and regained control of -the Navy fighter, received a severe cut of boxing during their fast three Southern Conference. themselves and the ballgame. above his right eye. Referee Short af- rounds, Kiefer gained a wen deserved Washinzton Colleze has no official team but this observer under- The Terrors produced a "come-back" ter one glance at the optical wound draw with his more experienced app,o- stands that George Ekaitis, former Intercollegia!e Champi?n while sport- at Washington when they threw a scare stepped between the contestants and nent. ing the colors of Western Maryland, has oq~alllzed a bo~mg class there into t.he G. IV. rooters by narrowly raised Capt. Myers' hand in victory. Don Keyser who has been on the and a large portion of the students engage m the sport mformally~ ~or G. W. finally over- This was the first Green and Gold win verge of breaking into the win column their own pleasure. In view of this beginning it would not be SUrpl?Smg missing a victory. shooting of Ryscav- came the consistent and the fans vociferously applauded the in the past two meets gave Martin the to learn that the Chestertown institution plans to branch out WIth a age and Hurley in the second half to triumph. St. John's 155 pounder a boxing lesson regular team in the near future. in the first two rounds then gained a win 37-35. But the Terrors proved that Charles "Chuck" Kaddy, Western techn ieal knock out in the third round. Possibility of State Tournament the team which faced Georgetown earl- Maryland 145 pounder who was mak- ier in the season lacked only practice to in the glove-tossing branch of sport in this steady With progress ing his initial bow to inter-collegiate Gorski, Western Maryland's 165 the State is it too fantastic to visualize the formation of a lV!aryland make it a good combination. Mergo, competition, eagerly carried the fight pounder scored a technical kMckout State ColleO'e BoxiuO' Conference, with a tournament at the end of the Ryscavage, Sadausky, Hurley and Ma- to his veteran foe, but was no match over Lee in the third round, while Kap- season to d~termine "'the team and individual champions? honey again played through the entire for the Midshipman. Kaddy managed lan, the Terror 175 pounder earned a game without substitution. "Rags" decision over Lotz to continue their un- Of course Maryland's membership in the Southern Con~erence ~ud to land a couple of effective blows dur- Western Maryland's affiliation with the Eastern Intercolleglate Boxmg Ryscavage shared the honors of the ing the first round, but during the prog- defeated records of the season. evening with Ruby, substitute center ress of the second round was floored Kopp, St. John's huge left hander, .Association might place a hindrance i~ the :va'7, but such a step would for G. W., and Hurley. "Rags" with as well as twice by the Middy. After the second was no match for Tom Pontecarvo, the certainly give the sport added pr~stIge wlthm th~ State, league play sixteen points led the scoring, while If any proof IS needed of the mterest increase the interest. knockdown, the referee stopped the con- Terror heavyweight. Kopp, though a Ruley and HUTley followed with ten test and awarded the Navy man, Nau. newcomer mixed it with Tom who slip- creates, witness the interest being displayed in the basketball conference. and 9 points respectively. Ryscavage man, a technical knockout. ped across a haymaker early in the first again ~howed unerring accuracy at the round, and so closed the meet with a The closest fight of the evening was KEEN RIVALRY FEATURES TERROR CAGERS DEFEAT free-throw line_ in the] 55 pound class. Don Keyser and final Terror triumph. With only four minutes to play, tIle Capt. McNaughton, the Navy represen- INTRA-MURAL BASKETBALL JOHNS HOPKINS 40 - 32 'l'error8 were nine points behind, 35-26, tative, fought on: almost even terms RIFLE TEAM PREPARES when Hurley and Ryscavage alternated throughout the three rounds. McNaugh- four successive goals into the netting and tuck that In ton appeared to have won the first FOR SEVERAL MATCHES until a nip game ended battle Gamma lasted The Western MaTyland College basket- making the count 35-33. Parrish, a sub· the Beta the round by a slight margin, but Keyser Chi basketeers opened the Intramural ball team climbed another rung of the stitute,scored for G. W., "Rags" looped seemed to have take III the last two. basketball season by eking out a 14-12 ladder toward the Maryland Intercollegi- another long shot through the hoop; but When the referee raised Capt. Mc- ate League Championship when the Ter- the game ended before he was able to After a month of a preparation marked victory over the Bachelors. Naughten's hand in token of victory by individual tryouts and eliminations, rors defeated the Johns Hopkins quintet make the tying score. murmms of disapproval came from all the rifle team has started its round of The game opened fast, both teams find- on the Armory floor Tuesday evening, 40 Saturday evening the Terrors jour- sections of the hall. matches, and in the three which it has al- ing it difficult to score because of the to 32. Playing hard, fast basketball, the neyed a'gain to Evergreen for a tilt with of other. After Andrew Gorski left no doubts in the ready completed, the team has been vic- close guarding first half the the Red and Blue a Terr-ors made use of their familiarity 'the Greyhounds of Loyola. Loyola was ha~d fought minds of any when he decisively beat torious. team led 6-4. In the second frame how- with the floor to score frequent thrilling keyed for the fray, for a victory for the Midshipman Lee in their bout. The The team, composed of Fleming, Sli- ever, the Bachelors jumped to gain a shots from unusual angles. Catholic school meant a chance to gain Green and Gold 165 pounder, however, ker, Leister, L. Stevenson, Corbin, C. two point lead which they maintained The Green and Gold five jumped into the league leadership. But the Terrors found Lee a tough proposition. Gorski Moore and Evalon will go to Maryland until the closing minutes when the Gam- the lead in the first minutes of play and were able to cope with the fast, fighting discovered that although he could put University on February 17 to shoot a ma Beta men pulled through to sink the never lost it throughout the contest, al- Loyola machine and the green and gold Lee on the floor it was another matter shoulder to shoulder match, and similar winning goals over the charity route. though Hopkins threw a scare into the E'ffectively pierced the Greyhounds de- to keep him there. Gorski was entirely meets have been scheduled with Gettys- They managed to stave off the last min- 'Terrors when, with ten minutes left to fense time and again to secure baskets too clever for Lee and evaded his mur- burg and Johns Hopkins. In addition to nte rally of the Alpha Gamma Beta play in the second half, goals by Siegel from under the hoop or to draw foul derous right all evening. Gorski's vic- these the team shoots National Rifle As- quint despite the efforts they put up. and Kelly brought tIle Jays within four shots. Effective work at the foul line tory was a clean cut triumph. , sociation postal matches each week, and The Preachers won their first game points of tying the score. Frequent fouls gave the Terrors the upper hand. Sa· Bernie Kaplan and Midshipmen Lam- it is in these that the team has scored with the Black and White by default. showed the intesity of the contest which dausky was a bulwark of strength in bert ,staged a thrilling closely contested the three intial victories of this season. Showing the same good form that they definitely settled the fate of Hopkins as securing the ball on the rebound. Time of the Jays for win- far as the chances battle in the 175 pound bout. Both - At the end of the season the Hearst exhibited in the,ir opening game, tho ning the league championship are con- after time, he secured the leather and men were aggressive, both were hard Trophy and Corps Area matches will be Gamma Beta Chi basket ball team regis- cerned. But the Terrors with five wins passed out to one of the other Terrors. punchers and good boxers and each was shot. Last year Sgt. Lavin's ma,rksmen tered its second victory of the frst round and one defeat in league contests are at , Mergo with nineteen points led the win- quite willing to trade punches. In the won second place in the Corps Area and by their 22-6 triumph over the quint of the present time leading the league. ners in scoring. R.yscavage and Sadaus- third round Kaplan was the fresher and fo'urlh in the famous Hearst Trophy. It Delta Pi Alpha. ky also counted many points for Wes- Maryland. tern rushed Lambert hard. This final, ag- is the coach's prediction that nothing Except during the first five minutes of The ability of the Terror basketeers to gressive finish was the margin of vic- shorl of first place in these events will be play when the Preachers exhibited a secure the ball on the tip-off and on the With Lunak and Ferrarini scoring tory and he repeated his triumph over secured this, year, for the team is turning strong man-to-man defense, the outcome rebound from the bankboard had much to leng :field goals, the Greyhounds serious- Lambert for the second successive year out consistently high scores. of the game was never in doubt. It re- do with the victory. Time and again the ly threatened the Terror lead at tha con' of the second and in a dual meet. mained for Dick Holmes to lead his Green missing Gold players secured the ball beginning goals brought half. Four within Loyola secutive and, shooting shots, again, after The final bout in the heavyweight landed some fierce blows diiring the fast team's scoring with five counters- while found the target for a score. Precision close ra.nge of' the Terrors, but Hurley class between Tom Pontecarvo and Mid- round but couldn't put across a "hay- for Delta Pi Alpha, Jaeger, Strasbaugh and speed marked the Terror attack, and called time and the Terrors rallied shipman Cutter was another close fight. maker". When Referee Short upheld and Randall sank one each. on the defense Western Maryland ef- 'again, never losing the lead during the Cutter piled up a lead in points during Cutter's hand it gave the Naval acade- The Bachelors won by default from fectively checked the passing attack of latter period. The game ended with th~ first two rQunds which was ultimate. my the final bout and a close 5-3 victory the Black and Whites. To fill in the the Jays by hurrying their shots and ob- Western Maryland on the long end of ly the margin of victory. Pontecarvo over the Terrors. a 48-3'9 score. ,~,',__ (C()_!l_tiIlll~Ollf~ge _fQur) __ _~ining the ball oIL th~ _rebound~ ,
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