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BOXING BOXING EDITION I EDITION! Vol. 11, No. 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 22, 1934 Gold Bug Staff Elects Dennis Brown BILLY ANTRIM TO PLAY Terror Boxers Capture Three Crowns Editor-in-Chief for the Coming Year FOR JUNIOR PROMENADE In Eastern Intercollegiate Meet New Staff Will Edit The Next I TRI Unusual P r i v il e g e s Enjoyed Issue BETA SPONSORS Through Cooperation of RETAINS BOXING CROWN Syracuse Retains Team Title With Two First and Five Second BIOLOGY CONFERENCE Officials KALE MATHIAS BUSINESS Places To soft lights, sweet music, the glit- MANAGER Initial Meeting Successful ter of evening gowns and tuxedoes, the PENN STATE IS TliIRO In Room 22, Science Hall, Dr. A. Junior Promenade for 1934 will get un- At a meeting of the senior members Western Maryland completely domi- night. Promptly at der way Saturday of the Gold Bug Staff, and Miss Evelyn Norman Ward, President of Western 8.30 Billy Antrim's orchestra will start nated the upper weight classes in the Wingate, the adviser of the student Maryland, opened the Biology Confer- the last party given by the juniors in annual Eastern Intercollegiate tourna- newspaper, Dennis Brown, '35, was elect- ence, Saturday, March 17. More than honor of seniors. ment as a trio of Terror Boxers, Andy ed Editor-in-Chief for the coming year. eighty delegates from high schools and colleges scattered over the State of It is the first spring formal dance and Gorski, Bernie Kaplan and Tom Penta, Mr. Brown has served in the capaci- Maryland were present. The represen- from all reports it is sure to be a suc- carve, ascended the heights of intercol- ty of feature writer on several occa- tatives, though primarily from the cess. Members of the Junior and Senior legiate boxing fame by winning indi- sions, He is an outstanding member of teaching field, included those interested classes have been given the privilege vidual championships in the 165, 175 the journalism class, His duties as ed- and instrumental in the advancement of bringing outside guests. Only and unlimited classes. itor of the Gold Bug will begin with of biology. through the deep interest and valuable The Tenors succeeded in qualifying the first issue after the spring vacation. aid of Dean Miller, Dean Stover, and four men for the finals and three of Among the principal speakers of the The other major officers were also convention were Dr. S. O. Mast, of Dr. Ward has this privilege been grant- them came through to win crowns. Syra- elected by the same group. They are as Johns Hopkins; Mr. Paul Conger of ed. It is hoped that the Junior Prom cuse had seven finalists but only two follows: Carnegie Institute; Drs. R. V. Truett of 1934 will establish a tradition for individual crowns went to the team Editorial Sta.ff and E. N. Corey of the University of other junior classes to carryon. trophy. Associate Editors-Paul Schweiker, '35; Maryland; Drs. R. E. Cleland and Wil- Sponsors of the Junior Prom include The Terror championship triumvirate Edith Forney, '35. liam H. Longley of Goucher, and Dr. Dr. and Mrs. A. Norman Ward, Dean battered their way through a field of Nobel Bishop of Hood. Stover, Dean and Mrs. Miller, Prof. and first-class opposition to reach the top News Editors-Robert Brooks, '36; The program, in consideration of the Mrs. H. L. Elderdice, Jr.; Dr. and Mrs. in their respective weight classes. Frances Elderdice, '35. advancement biological science during Schemp, Captain and Mrs. Harold D. BERNIE KAPLAN A fourth Terror battler, Don Keyser, Copy Editors-Idamae Riley, '36; Har- the past ten years, centered around the Woolley. The receiving line will also just fell short of reaching the top in old White;'36. theme, "A Decade of Progress in Gen- include the presidents of the Junior and The best balanced ring squad ever to the 155 pound class, when he was out- swept out Sports Editors--J. Wilson Nichols, '35; eral Biology". The various lectures Senior Classes and their escorts. has represent Western Murylaud the greatest pointed by Captain George Negroni of of the South to provide committee Junior Prom The Frances Glynn, '35. dealt with specific phases of the general number of individual champions, three, Syracuse in the finals of this class. The topics in accordance with the speaker's worked extremely hard and long. Danny Terror leather pusher pulled one of the Feature Editor-Rosalie Silberstein, special interest and knowledge. Dis- Moore chairman of the committee has and to supply the major opposition to biggest up-sets in the tournament when '36. cussions were illustrated by slides, draw- been capably assisted by Lucile Bork, Syracuse University as the Orange he defeated Phil Hines of Harvard in the Make-up Staff ings, opaque projectors, moving pictures Maude Willis, Terp Ward and Webster leather slingers went on to win their semi-final round. The Harvard middle, and actual objects. Lucas. The Deans have offered several third consecutive team title in the weight was a prime favorite to cop the Managing Editor-Herbert W. Stevens, eleventh annual re-newal of the Eastern . '36. Dr. F. W. Appel of St. Johns, presid- valuable suggestions. Through the Inter 'Collegiate Boxing Association crown and showed considerable class in Business Staff ed at the morning session. The fore- kindness of Mrs. Stover arrangements Tournament. winning from Nebel of Penn State in the noon program consisted mainly of lec- have been made for outside women preliminary round. Hines was leading Business Manager-Kale Mathias, '35. tures along with some discussion. Lunch guests to dress in McDaniel Hall if they Syracuse, by virtue of the breaks of Keyser when the third round opened Circulation Managers-Thomas Eveland, was served the delegates in Carroll Inn so desire. This idea is revolutionary in the draw, placed seven men in the finals but at this juncture the Terror scrap- '36; Olive Butler, '36. and despite the fact that only two at 12.30. itself. per began to pepper the Crimson-clad It was found advisable to permit the The program of the early part of the No liquid refreshments will be served champions were produced from this fighter with a series of right-hand members of the staff to select their as- afternoon was a continuation of the and guests have been warned about group, they succeeded in compiling 25 punches which earned him the round by sisting officers. At the same meeting, lecture by leading biologists of Mary- bringing such. It is also imperative points, fifteen of which came from 5 a wide margin and also the fight. the resignation of Carlton Brinsfield land. Retiring to McDaniel Lounge that smoking be forbidden. A commit- second places. Bernie Kaplan retained his light- was accepted. about 4.15 the group spent an hour at tee has been appointed to see that such Western Maryland with three indi- heavyweight crown by the narrowest The first job which will confront this an informal tea. Following that, two requirements are strictly adhered to. vidual titles in the middleweight, light margin when he defeated Ray Jeffries classes unlimited very competent staff is a drive for new discussion groups met, one dealing with There has been trouble in the past years heavyweight, best and individual showing by a one point advantage. Kaplan was the made reporters. As yet, very little interest the "Aims and problems of teaching about boys staying over in the men's forced to trail the Orange fighter for in the paper has been shown by the biology in high schools", the other with dormitory. Juniors and Seniors have among the Eastern Colleges that start- the greater part of two rounds as Jef- finish- ed the tournament. The 'I'errors freshmen, especially among the men. the "Aims and problems of teaching agreed to do away with this irreJu- ed second with a team total of 18 fries stepped in close to beat the de- There is certainly an abundance of hid- college biology". The symposiums were larity. points. fending champion to the punch. Kap- den talent among the freshmen. The contributed to by teachers of each of All in all the Junior Prom promises Penn State, as usual, caine through lan made a sensational come-back in the Gold Bug is an excellent way to secure the levels of education. to be one of the outstanding social final round and rocked his opponent practice in journalistic writing. Any- Following the evening meal, Dr. L. M. events of the year, a dance which will with champions in the lower weight with a series of sturdy hooks. Jeffries classes. The Blue and white institution one who is interested has merely to men- Bertholf acted as chairman of the first be remembered in years to come. ranked third with a total of 10 points. was at first announced as the winner, tion the fact to any member of the business meeting of the newly formed and it was not until the end of the next staff. As it stands now, the Gold Bug groups. During the meeting, Mr. Wood- Massachusetts I1lstitute of Technology bout that it was corrected and an- Tom Rawson, coached by the genial Academy field of the Maryland of is in urgent need of new blood. Science; Dr. L. M. Bertholf of Western BASE BALL CAPTAIN FOR finished behind State with 8 points. Ar- nounce that a recheck of the judges bal- lots showed Kaplan to be the victor. It Maryland, and Miss Cairnes of Balti- 1934 SEASON IS CHOSEN my with 7 points and Harvard and Uni- was found that the Philadelphian had with 2 each, versity of Pennsylvania DR. WARD ANNOUNCES more, were appointed to make provi- rounded out the scoring column. a 41-40 credit count advantage. meetings _and further sions for future Gorski came to the crown in the 165 The varsity baseball men held a meet- Captain George Negroni in the 155- PLANS FOR NEW DORM organization. It was decided that the ing on March 21 at which Clifton J. pound class and Babe Wertheimer in the pound 'class by disposing of Arosemenia of Army and Tony Balash, Syracuse's next meeting be held at the Maryland Academy of Science; Baltimore. Tallenger from Havre de Grace, Md., 135 pound class were the two Orange only defending champion. Gorski put At the Monday morning convocation, The final lecture of the convention was elected captain for the season of boxers to win intercollegiate champion- the Army battlers out of the picture be- President Ward announced to a delight- was given by Dr. William H. Longley 1934. "Clif" has played regularly in ship titles in their respective weight fore the scrap was a minute and a half ed student body that next Bummer a of Goucher, in McDaniel Hall Lounge left and center field for the past two sea- classes. Negroni scored a one round old. A well timed hook with the right new dormitory for girls would be be- at 8.00 P. M. His subject was "Mere sons and is considered one of the best knockout over Forte of Army and out- hand found an opening to Arosemenia's gun. This new building will be the first National History." outfielders in Maryland Collegiate circle. pointed Don Keyser, of Western Mary- jaw and the scrap was over. The Ba- of the units which when all are com- Although this was the first meeting of Tollenger generally tops the batting line- land to gain admittance into the select lash-Gorski encounter was a classic pleted will make up "The Greater Wes- the kind in this state, similar conferen- up as he is very fast and an expert at class of diadem-wearers. struggle with two of the best college tern Maryland." ces have been in progress in other areas pilfering bases. His election to the cap- Wertheimer, brother of the famous boxers in the East struggling for su- As Dr. Ward explained, the over- several years. Much good can be de- taincy is a just reward for his excellent AI, who was thrice winner of the 125 premacy. Both fighters were cautious crowded conditions of the present girls' rived from such an association of Mary, playing in the past two years. Under his pound title and one of the greatest box- at the start but Gorski established a dormitories must be met. He also said land colleges. Realizing this, Western leadership the Terror nine should win a ers ever to draw on gloves, defeated lead which he never relinquished when that plans for a men's dormitory were Maryland, acting thru Alpha Mu Chap- majority of their hard, but comparatively Buddy Meyers in the semi-final bout and he stepped inside to jolt the Orange in the offing. ter of Tri Beta, a national biological short schedule of games. won over Proctor Wetherel in the finals. battler with a singing right. Gorski's fraternity, and under the leadership of Coach "·Molly" Twigg has in addition Wertheimer swarmed all over the hard- victory was clean-cut and decisive. The plans which were outlined by to Capt. ToTIenger, a host of varsity men Tom Pontecarvo had little trouble in hitting M. I. T. Captain and not once President Ward were that all adminis- D. L. M. Bertholf, sponsored this first and some new candidates from whom he was the Boston boy able to use his right establishing himself as the outstanding conference of Maryland biology teach- tration offices would be moved to the ers. performer in the unlimited class. The main building, with the resulting con- (Continued on Page Four) (Continued on Page 4) New Jersey sophomore, long noted as a dition that the present Administration slam-bang, slugging type of fighter laid Building would be used entirely for IN MEMORIAM aside his battering-ram tactics and library purposes. The library has been Hazel and Hazelnut, two well-known boxed his way to the crown. In the growing so rapidly of late that such ac- members of the Gold Bug, passed away pany. Both were laid to rest simply, but semi-finals he was called upon to meet Hazel re- Hazelnut tion is imperative. The rooms which quietly the other night following a short mainder and their days spent the two with great feeling and understanding. a towering giant in the person of Al between of are now used by the women will be but increasingly aggravating illness. homes-that first little six-cornered The two will never be forgotten by their Smith, Army's six feet, six inch heavy- many friends and admirers on the Hill. turned into additional space for the Their death will be mourned by their room, and a new and spacious apart- weight. After a sluggish first round housing of the men residents on the many friends and admirers. Together ment below the library; accompanied Careful searching will reveal their marked by poor markesmanship the Hill. they were laid to rest on Tuesday night by friend Aloha. Happy and carefree grave. It is marked with an epitaph Terror scrapper found the range to his simple and terse to the point of abrupt- The location of the building has as past, having a private burial with only were those days. ness: opponent's jaw and piled up a consid- yet been unannounced. The building members of the family (immediate) Just preceding their deaths, Hazel and Now these two friends are dead and erable number of points by effective itself will be, according to plans made, present. Hazelnut are reported to have led ques- gone, hook punches with .both hands. The West Pointer kept jabbing away with a an edifice very similar to McDaniel Hazel and Hazelnut were born in the tionable lives. It seems that on Mon- Long may their ashes rest. left hand and proved troublesome to the Hall, the main dormitory for women. year 1932, not so long ago, in a little day night, Hazel was stricken with an Hazel of the cholomycitanus died, six-cornered room in Ward Hall, and acute attack of cholomycitanus, and very end. In future issues of the Gold Bug, were fostered and reared in another died, soon followed by Hazelnut, who Hazelnut by request. In the finals McKusick of Syracuse many more details about the dormitory four-cornered room which has since been was overcome by bereavement and com- May they always stand as a fitting furnished the opposition. Again the will be given. taken over by King's Confection Com- plications. tribute to their parents. (Continued on Page 3)
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