Page 5 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Wes,tminster, Md. PAGE FIVE WESTERN MARYLAND MEN athletic field and on the extended back campus, with slipping banks at each as its IQWand every one of the 27 bDYS "John" Everhart the reserve division was placed on the end. All the banks in the rear of the GIVE AID IN IMPROVING extension cared f'or, trees planted and old main building were resurfaced and spent one of their best vacations in THE COLLEGE BARBER campus to. pick stones. Grass on this 1933. Among the co-workers were: T. new grass sDwn; the incinerator (a be- CAMPUS DURING SUMMER fences removed proved to. make mere loved structure) was taken down, back- K. Harr-ison, advisor, adjuster and cam, AND BOBBER eraman; Ralph Mr. Stone, carpenter; beautiful the view to. the north of CQI· stQPS and fences were erected on the Myers, paymaster; Barney Speir,_expeer- AT THE FORKS lege hill. upper tennis courts, the road was evac- "The New Deal" entered into. Wes- Next, came the tennis courts, which uated below McDaniel Hall and a new imenter; Samuel Schofield, dean and tern Maryland College by Dr. A. N. in themselves meant all; experiment. postmaster; Mrs. Schofield, dietician; stone wall erected;, were and walks Ward' in the form of "the New Experi- Digging out and filling in led the pro- drains were put in; new sod was plant- Robert Cairnes and Wilson Nichols, H. E. REESE ment". Thus "The Western Maryland gram until a new and heavy clay and ed in bare SPQtsand college avenue was' waiters; William BDQne,Walter BDQne, College Oonservation Corps" swept into. sand surface adorned the old sites-six turned into. campus. Following rainy JQhn Koontz and others, laborers, Tailor camp on June 19 eager to. begin rebuild. courts in place of f'our, New back- days when the ground was soft weed The camp became acquainted, with ing Western Maryland-in years to. stQPS were erected at the Iower courts pulling was a luxury and the campus summer achool-e-in some cases very well SUITS MADE TO ORDER come, the realizatron of a fostered and! a new fence fr orn the lower courts gained in beauty. acquainted-and learned what summer dream-lithe Greater Western Mary- to. Levine Hall. school is like. FDr amusement the CLEANING, PRESSING, . Maryland". NQt only did this expert- Then f'or an intermission, Mr. Harr i- In the meantime the number was re- Gamma Beta Chi is to. be thanked' for ALTERING, REP AIRING meut mean a IQt to Dr. Ward but also. SQn and his movie camera, taking nat, duced f'rom eleven to. nine in that the use of their club-room. The tennis to. the cQrps Qf 27 bQys who made the ural PQses Qf wQrk-real wDrk. At that Welsh Boyer became ill and J ohn Bliss- courts, golf course and Cascade lake 28 West Main St. encampment successful. man was called away. Then came the ",,'ere also PQPular in their due seaSQn. SDmeWQuld still be still pictures. Re- stQrm which halted all prDgress fQr a EveryQne returned hDme wi,th a wealth Dr. Ward was a daily visitor amQng pDrts began that shQvels and picks least three days. The campus had to. of suntan. the wQrkers and was welcomed at all were being brDken, but nDt by wQrk. be patrDlled, fallen trees and branches '1.'he IVestern Maryland College CQn- times. The members Df the camp feel Later the pictures were shQwn amid cared fDr. Three days later camp end'_ servation CQrps 0.1' the WesteI'n Mary- Phone 358-J greatly in debt to. its fDunder and hQpe laughter and applause. Views taken ed and faces were turned homeward fDr lalld College RefQrestation Camp clDses that Dr. Ward has gained as llluch frDm frQm the new cQllege farm, Qf Mr. a shQrt stay-then a return to. a new hDping to. spend in the future many Gloria Beauty Parlor it as they. StQne, and several mules, were added and better Western Maryland as a stu- mQre happy summers. We Specialize In On June 19 twenty-six yQung men an- to the cDllectiQn. dent. PERMANENT WAVING swered the rDll-call. FQur were fQrmer Several days later WilsDn Wingate, The camp had its high SPDts as well Juniors: RQdell Jaeger, Frederick Mal- representative Qf the BaltimDre News Finger Waving-Marcelling- kus, Paul Myers and Charles Whitting- and American appeared Qn the hill to. Hair Bobbing 25c tQn. Fifteen were fQrmer SQphQmQres: take pictures Df the CQnservatiQn CQrps. Save With Safety Facials-Manicuring Victor Brian, Carlton Brinsfield, J Qhn Of the Qnes taken fQur were presented 88 West Main Street Blissman, Welsh BQyer, Brady Bryson, ill the daily BaltimQre News and Qne Troy Laundry -AT- Westminster, Md. Paul Burger, Preston Grimlll, Richard in the Sunday BaltimQre American. Holmes, Charles Kaddy, Cecil Mark, Pictures which in years to. CDmemay Daniel Moore, John Olsh, GeQrge Rys- prDve valuable. Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Co. cavage (Captain), Mansell Stevens and During rainy sessiQns demDlishing the Successor to King's Pharmacy To Every Robert TysQn. Seven wem fQrmer hQuses Dn cQllege avenue was placed Dn The Official Collegt; Freshmen; GeQrge Armacost, Carl Bol- the prQgram. In a cQuple Df days, Qne Cleaners Teacher and Student linger, NichQlas CampQfreda, Hugh was wrecked and several nail hQles were Our Prescription Department Chapman, Edward Gault, Hiram Owens evident in tender feet causing a reduc- See Presenting' and ReynQlds SimpQn. A few days tiQn in man PQwer fQr a few days. No. is open for the inspection of later DQnald RQop arrived swelling the Qther seriQus accidents Dccurred except Johnny Manspeaker your Doctor at all times This Coupon number to. 27. -cuts, bruises and /blisters, SQme ad- Will Be Given A First mess call was sounded MQnday ministered by a mDst impatient hDrse. 118 Ward Hall night and a real Western Maryland By this time a very shDrt five weeks Registered Pharmicist BLOTTER meal awaited the hungry crew. Tues- had passed and time was up. But there "We'll Clean Your Clothes- Always In Aattendance day morning wQrk began. The first was still wQrk to. be dQne; ten frQm the or Dye" FREE step was to. remQve wire from the ten- remaining twenty-six bDYSwere to. be nis cQurts, clean up and to. get poison picked and allQwed to. remain fQr an Exclusive Agency For ivy. Bosses were numerQus-thus per- indefinite periQd. Charles WhittingtQn Name. sistent throughQut the camp. The wQrk in tlw meantime had been called hDme was dQne under the management Qf Qn aCCQuntQf the sickness Qf hi~ther. Thomas, Bennett and Hunter-cQntrac- Of the twenty-six: bQys the fQllQwing tQrs of Westminster. The bQys were un- remained; Frederick Malkus, Paul My- COFFMAN der the immediate supervision Qf "Un- ers, CarltDn Brinsfield, J Dhn Blissman, The The National Health Drink ~le Pete" Slosser and Paul Fritz, fQre- Welsh BQyer, Paul Burger, Cecil Mark, man. GeQrge Ryscavage, Mansell Stevens, THE STATIONER The first prQject was cleaning, scrap- and Hugh Chapman. A few days later Opera House Phone 298 ing and resurfacing the Qld ·baseball J Qhn Olsh returned to. wQrk making the Welcomes You- and soccer field during which blistered number eleven-the varsity eleven. hands, shQvels and picks became very The new practice field was S,DDnCQm- The Home of well acquainted. During lax mQments pleted at the IQwer nQrth CDrner Df the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Universal Pictures You \Vill Find On Display Wishes to welcome the Faculty Nusbaum & Jordan and Student Body of W. M. College and offers the highest at Westminster's Best Store type of entertainment obtain- Bonsack Bros. able. We invite College Women to shop here for MON. &; TUES., SILK HOSE ... UNDIES ... Oct. 2nd and 3rd 22 W. Main St. SMART SPORTSWEAR . "Arrowsmith" A COMPLETE LINE OF COLLEGE SEAL EVENING DRESSES with RONALD COLEMAN and MERCHANDISE MANUFACTURED BY US Phone 102 Daily Delivery HELEN HAYES This new and up-to-date College Shop is the logical place for our Merchandise and we feel we have WED. &; THURS., an attractive line on display there and we know you Oct. 4th and 5th "Mary Stevens, will receive courteous service from our new Agents. M. D." BELT BUCKLES RINGS HILLSID E INN with PENDANTS BRACELETS KAY FRANCIS COMPACTS PINS CHARMS BOOK ENDS Meals-Sandwiches- Ice Cream FRI. &; SAT., Oct. 6th and 7th THE OFFICIAL COLLEGE RING Gas and Oil The Big Cage L. G. BALFOUR CO. with E. O. STARNER, Prop. CLYDE BEATTY Great Animal Trainer ATTLEBORO, MASS.