Page 48 - TheGoldBug1932-33
P. 48
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Passing in Review FAN FODDER By BRADYO. BRYSON By ttpat" Mahoney The New Deal Facing a task of unprecedented diffi- Factors in the Maryland-Western Maryland Boxing Case Revealed Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College,. published on Thursday culty in his administration, last Satur- during the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, day President Franklin Delano Roose- It is not the policy of the GOLD BUG or any other or- Maryland. Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Postoffice. velt solemnly swore to perform to the ganization connected with Western Maryland College to SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE $1.00 A YEAR best of his ability his duties as execu- enter into a contest of wordy abuse 'with similar organiza- tive of the United States, and then pro- tions on any other campuses. Therefore, we will let in- Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. ceeded to demonstrate in no uncertain sinuations hurled at members of our boxing team, through terms, in his inaugural address to the the medium of a sports column in the student paper of the American people, that he intends to "Pat" University of Maryland go unanswered. However, we do should know the facts in the Mary- on and that he Mahoney head E. D I T o R I A L meet the situation to lead the country out land-Western feel that our readers case; therefore we are publishing on Maryland boxing prepared is fully of its desperate straits. His speech was the front page of this issue a statement written by our athletic authori- The Reason Why If you have given up looking for Page 3 of the inspiring and uplifting, beyond mea- ties following the bouts, but which is now being published for the first GOLD BUG by now, you are ready for the explana- sure; it revealed the remarkable raw time. We feel sure our statement will make known our position in the tion of this weird edition. courage of the leader of "the new deal" matter. We rarely spread ourselves editorially to cover much ground; as he heroically and boldly gave the we're usually content to take one point and hammer on it, as accurate- country his promise of immediate re- Many Ex-champs in Alumni Lineup ly as we may. This time we're laying the cards on the table, and stu- constructive action. Standing erect A bevy of former Intercollegiate champions were included in the dent to student, calling on you to be our partner. What's it all about? with squared shoulders in spite of physi- ranks of the Alumni leatherpushers when the Varsity squad was held Just this: how much does the GOLD BUG mean to you ~ Would you cal weakness, he faced the assembled to a 3-3 draw by that organization last week. be content to see it lapse into a monthly bulletin, with the obvious dis- thousands and imparted to them, by To this observer's way of thinking, Ted Klepac, former 165 and' 175 advantage of losing what timeliness it still retains ~ Do you look for sheer fortitude of manner, a confidence titleholder, was the most colorful performer to appear on the card. it on alternate Thursdays, and will you feel cheated after spring vaca- in his ability which has swept the Klepac entered the ring with the same display of nervous energy that tion when three weeks elapse between issues ? If the answer to the country and has reassured the- American marked all his performances during his active career as a Terror boxer, last question is "yes", we believe you are absolutely justified. The public of its welfare. and was continually on the go, weaving in and' throwing punches untii good college newspaper should be able to keep to a fixed' schedule. Ours Nor was his speech the mere inspira- the final gong was sounded. Klepac's unusually good form after being w:as fix~d for us, unfortunately, by financial limitations. If you feel tion of the living words of an impas- out of strict training for such a long period of time caused many who disappointed when an issue is skipped, or abbreviated as with the cur- sioned orator. He acted-swiftly, de- were observers viewing him for the first time exclaim what a whirlwind rent edition, remember the old adage, "It hurts me worse than it hurts he must have been in his undergraduate days. you." A high standard of college journalism such as Western Mary- cisively, and with unequalled precision. George Ekaitis also caused many exclamations when he uncorked land merits is difficult to maintain under the hopscotch system. In record time, he convened a special some of the dynamite in his left to drop Kaplan for a count of nine in Present seniors interested in the GOLD BUG find' it painful to con- session of Congress thus setting in mo- the first round. Kaplan showed great courage and good' generalship template its decadence next year, for the lowering of the activities fee tion the government machinery which in weathering the storm and coming back in the last round to carry the ha~ ~ecessarily entailed a substantial cut in the GOLD BUG'S appro- can take steps promptly to meet the na- fight to the former titleholder. There should be some balm for the priation. We have all the raw material that goes in the making of a tional emergency created by the finan- Terror captain in the recollection that he was knocked down by the fine ~ewspaper-talent and enthusiasm, leadership and guidance, that cial crisis. Then, to bridge the gap hardest puncher in collegiate ranks in the past decade. promise much more effectiveness for 1933-34. We who have tried to between his inaugurat.ion and the as- Norman Barnett, fighting in the heavyweight class for the Alumni, blen~ impartial opinion on campus questions with the best possible re- sembly of Congress, the president took although defeated' by Tom Pontecarvo, put up one of the best srcaps of daction of campus events, can only dread the coming of a time when far-flung action under presidential war- his career. Ringside observers claimed that Barnett's fighting at the the staff will find itself impotent, powerless to produce a newspaper fit time authority and proclaimed the na- present time is superior to his style as a 175-pounder, while on the to represe_nt the. college, because of lack of funds. Yet this is the pros- tion's gold supply to be absolutely in campus. pect the incoming staff, to be announced' two weeks from now, will the command of the federal govern- While the timing and physical condition of the Alumni was lack- have to face. ment. Following this came his declara- ing in most cases, th-eir inherent ability and great experience were Deep as our specialized interests may be in the paper we confess enough to cause them 10 win or to extend their present successors in it has no value unless it means something to You. The GOLD BUG tion of a four-day, nation-wide, banking every case. holiday. does not exist to give to a few training in journalism, or an outlet for excess energy .. If you think it's worth it, your opportunity, juniors, President Roosevelt's action so clear- ANNOUNCEMENT sophomores, and freshmen, to feather the nest of our indigent journal ly distinguished by its decisiveness and "John" Everhart WIll be afforded. no l::ter than the next issue, incidentally, the last the speed marks him as a leader who prom- The GOLD BUG regrets that THE COLLEGE BARBER present staff WIll edit. Weare hoping for a fuller response to this ises to be one of the greatest our coun- credit was not given to Richard appeal than to any other call for the registry of student opinion that try has ever known. He is facing a sit- Kiefer for his editorial entitled AND BOBBER has been so far promulgated on the Hill. Such a successful outcome. uation much more perilous than any "We Fail to Respond", in the issue AT THE FORKS moreover! should enable the incoming staff to accomplish wonders, with president before him has ever faced. of February 23. the consciousness that the student body is actively behind them Think Undoubtedly, his personal courage and Quality Tailoring this over, and be ready to give your support two weeks from n~w. leadership ~vill enable him to meet the situation as no other president could COFFMAN'S SUITS MADE TO ORDER CLEANING PRESSING UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND BOXING MATCH WITH ALUMNI IS have. ST. PATRICK'S DAY CARDS REMODELING REPAIRING COLLEGEPARK FEATURE OF SPORTS AND Office of the President H. E. REESE CARNIVAL PARTY NOVELTIES 80 E. Main Street March 3, 1933. Mr. Richard C. Harlow (Continued from Page One) Director of Athletics BONSACK'S I I • Sundaes bouts, Western Maryland College the spectators before the feature Myers I . We Specialize In Westminster, Maryland. A special bout between Bud and Kale Mathias resulted in a hair- 10e 15e Dear Dick: t.Qj line decision for the former. Chocolate Sundae Pine Fudge Sundae Day before yesterday a. column in our Caramel Sundae student paper concerning you and West- W. Md.-HopkinS Wrestling Butterscotch Sundae Hot Fudge Sundae Sundae Fresh Strawberry ern Maryland was called to my attention. 115-Pound Class-Grauer, Hopkins, Stationery Chocolate Pecan Nut Sundae If you have, or have not, seen the ar- defeated Zimmerman, time decision, 8m. Chocolate Marshmallow Sundae ticle, please understand that it does not 55s. (7011ege~pecial represent the feeling of the University 125-Pound Class - Miller, Hopkins, Soda of Maryland, or its student body, toward threw Gault in 1m. 15s. A DELICIOUS FRUIT AND NUT SUNDAE you and Western Maryland. But even if 135-Pound Class - E be r t, Western TOPPED WITH WHIPPED CREAM you realize this already, I am, neverthe- Maryland, won by default. Candy 15c less, herewith tendering you my personal 145-Pound Class - McDaniels, Hop- All of these Sundaes contain our own Home-Made Ice Cream and official apology for it. kins, threw J. Randal, 2m. 20s. MADE FRESH DAILY While we may at times discuss, some- 155-Pound Class-Backman, Hopkins, Kodaks SEE IT MADE what fervently perhaps, some of the de- threw Clarke, 3m. 20s. tails connected with athletic competition, 165-Pound Class-R. H. Sears, Hop- GRIFFIN'S I am sure that in the essentials, and fun- kins, threw Jones, 1m. lOs. SODA LUNCHES CANDY damentally, Western Maryland and the 175-Pound Class - Bourne, Hopkins, University of Maryland have only the threw Romito, 9m. 15s. Special 11-2 kindest and friendliest of feeling toward Unlimited Class-Campofreda, West- Tea Room-2nd Floor HOT PLATE LUNCHES 25c each other. I hope it will always cou- ern Maryland, threw D. Sears, 30s. Our cooking is under our own personal supervision. Try one of tinue this way; and for our part, we Referees-Borchers and Hoffman. our Cheese and Olive Toasted Sandwiches would regret anything, at any time, that toc might have any tendency to disrupt this relationship. The article has been placed before the President of the University. KO-ED KLUB I am sending a copy of this letter to Dr. Ward. Sincerely, H. C. BYRD, UThe Best Soda Shop In Town" Vice-President. I Coffee Shoppe BASEBALL RESTORED AS ~OR Catering to the College Man and Woman COLLEGE SPORT .IN~LUDING~OF.FEE~~ 25c (Continued from Page One) IA~~~R~~~~E?N, ty, Romito, MacNally Lipsky, Mussel- TOASTED SANDWICHES man, Schwieker, McIlveen, Woodberry, ~IN~ER: I~CL~DING .EXTRA50c I Pontecarvo. IA19iiEi,°~JtE PLATTER LUNCH-FANCY SUNDAES Schedule incompleted: SODA April 15-Baltimore Firemen, Away. I April 19-Navy, Away. m HOME-MADE ICE CREAM May 3-Mt. St. Mary's, Away. 59 West Main Street ~ I May 13-PennRylvania Military College, $ WFESMTOMOINRSTER,MD. ~ Away. May 19-George Washington (night J .. E, Proprietor ~ The Finest and Largest Assortment of Home-made game), Away. You'll Want "Moore" Coffee I CHOCOLATE CANDIES, BRITTLES, FUDGES, May 23 - University of Maryland, Away. Meals at all Hours . ~ CARAMELS, AND NUT PATTIES May 27-Penn State, Away. J1Jn~ 3-M;t. St. Mary's, Home. ~~~I
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