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GOLD BUG BANQUET WOMEN'S BOXING Y. W. C. A. Room Tournament 5:30 Friday Night Thursday, March 30 Vol. 10, No. 13 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 23, 1933 Captain Bernie Kaplan Wins E. /. B. A. ANNOUNCEMENT Frank P. Mitchell Will Edit Gold Bug Championship Crown in 175 lb. Class Indefinite postponement of the senior comprehensive examination i san· For Year 1933-34~'Selected by Senior nounced by President Ward. Though Gorski and Pontecarvo Lose Thril- previously announced to be given to the Members of Staff and Miss Wingate ling Fights to Take Second seniors in the spring of 1933, it has Places been found impracticable to attempt it Will be Assisted by Esther V. Righ- this year. This postponement does not GORSKI GIVEN OV ATI ON moan that the idea of a senior compre- ter , Who Was Chosen as As- hensive examination has been aban- sociate Editor of the Paper Throe \\' estern Maryland ringsters doned. On the contrary, the delay in Two Successive Years reached the threshold of the Intercol- the conducting of t.he first of these im- legiate Boxing throne room, but only portant examinations will enable a one, Bernie Kaplan, was able to pass more thorough development of the plan WILL E D I T NEXT ISS U E into this Dlonarchi::l chamber. which will insure more satisfactory reo Frank P. Mitchell, '34, was last week Captain Kaplan, Gorski, and Ponte- sul ts. If possible, it will be given to elected ed it.or-In-ch ief of the 1933-34 carve were the Tenor scrappers to fight the class of 1934 towards the close of GOLD BUG, in a caucus of the grad- their way into the finals and all three the school year. and the uating gave splendid exhibitions of boxing Evelyn members of advisor. staff Es~hcr Miss V. -Wingate, skill, ring generalship and raw COUl'- Righter was chosen as asso zia te editor agc. for the second succeastvs year. The Tenor captain annexed the 175· JUNIOR PROM WILL Assisting lb. title by wading through a crack field CLIMAX MID -WINTER be an editorial th'3 two already named will staff composed of Doro- of light-heavies which included Ne- thy M. Paul, '34, and Carlton Brinsfield, groni, of Syracuse, Collins, of M. I. T., W~M. SOCIAL SEASON and Munson, of Yale. Kaplan person- '35, news ed itors ; Frances Elderdice, ally took care of Negrcni in the semi- '35, and Charles Whittington, '34, copy A. Harrison, Mar tha finals and Collins in the finals. The N e· CAPT. BERNIE KAPLAN Will Horn and His Orchestra Will cd rtors ; and Willis, '34, sports editors. '34, and Eugene gro ni-Kaplan fight was one of the best Furnish Music in the tournament. The new champion FRANK P. MITCHELL Anthony Diksa, '34, wiII head the defeated the Syracuse slugger by giv- I SUSANNA COCKEY GIVEN On Saturday evening, March 25, the managing staff, while Frances Glynn, ing him some of his own medicine. Kap- first of the three major dances of the JUNIORS WILL PRESENT '35, will continue to be the GOLD Ian pounded the Orange mitman with a BLAZER ATHLETIC AWARD year at I\' estern Maryland College, the BUG'S stenographer. series of hooks in the first two rounds Junior Prom, will- open to the musical SPEECH PLAYS FRIDAY Robert Cainrnes, '34, succeeds to the and floored him once when a powerful accompaniment of Will Horn and his place of business manager, with A. Nor- right hook found its marks. The Syra- Only Senior Cooed to Fulfill All orchestra. The dance will be held in man Ward, .Ir., '35, as his advertising cuse scrapper fought back gamely and Requirements the dining room of Science Han. Plays Have Been Directed by manager, and Lora Outten, '34, again a lmoat ended the scrap in the third The blazer of the Worn- Miss Esther Smith serving as circulation manager. round when he landed a beautiful en's Athletic Associa t.ion This orchestra has played on the hill The new staff guided by the retiring straight right which dropped Kaplan was awarded Monday, on several different occasions, and has A play of local staff will take over the management of for the count of nine. Kaplan showed March 20, to Susanna proved to be a popular favorite. It is color, a fantasy, and the paper with the first issue after marked generalship in surviving this Cockey, at a meeting of noted for its clever al'l'angements and a farce constitute the spring vacation. C1']SlS. He held the Syracuse fighter at the Association. '1' his slow "smooth" style of playing. The tr io of one-act plays Though his official position on the bay with a left jab until his head award r e pre sen t s the orchestra has been heard many times in that the students in 1932-33 GOLD BUG staff was that of Baltimore. cleared, then he went on to slug it- out highest honor a 'i"lestern junior speech w i I I assistaut nianag ing editor, Mr. Mitchell with his opponent during the remain- S. S. Cockey Maryland College woman Very attractive programs in the ju- present in Alumni has also participated in the editorial del' of the setto. nior class colors, a deep blue back fold- can win in athletics. The committee H a lIon F r ida y , part of the work, having contributed Ponteearvo, after upsetting the dope that decided on the recipient of the ing over gold leaf, have been selected. Miss Esther Smith March 24, at 8 o'- the column, "Passing in Review", for a bucket by defeating Remus, a prime blazer was composed of members of the The college seal will be imprinted on clock. Miss Esther large part of the year, and many edi- f'avo rit e to cop the heavyweight title, faculty. Dean F. M. Stover presented the front, and a blue pencil and a blue Smith, of the Speech Department, is torials and articles. hooked up with Vavra of Syracuse to the blazer. cord with a gold tassel will complete directing the plays. Miss Righter, Mr. Whittington, Mr. provide the most spectacular bout of Until this year, the blazer was award- the program. The back-door sociability pictured in Outten, and Mr. Willis succeed them- the tournament. An injury to his back ed on a point basis, there being a half The paltrous of the dance will be Dean "Uncle Jimmy" by Zona Gale gives am- selves, while Mr. Brinsfield has been slowed up the Western Maryland heavy- dozen or more seniors so honored. By F. M. Stover, Dean and Mrs, F. W. Mil- pIe opportunity for characterization, In filling t.he position of news editor f or weight considerably in the first two a revision of the constitution made last ler, Miss Mary Olive Ebaugh, and Misa the kindly, homely atmosphere of several months. rounds. Porrtecarvo took a heavy pound- fall, the award was made much more Evelyn Mudge. President and Mrs. "Friendship Village", Miss Gale as- 'I'his year marks the second time that ing during these periods and was difficult to obtain. No girl is to receive Ward have also been, invited to attend. sembles realizable, consistent people, the majority of the GOLD BUG staff knocked down twice. In the final ses- it blazer automatically, upon the amas- As in former years, the dance will be types which appeal' in most of her rep- has been elected by the senior members sion h s made a wonderful comeback and sing of a given number of points, but held in honor of the senior class. They resentative stories. of the stuff. Until last year, selection had his opponent 011 the verge of a she must be outstanding in athletic arc to be the guests of the juniors, and "Manikin, ana Minikin" is a bisque was by popular vote, but in accordance knockout as the bout ended. However, a bility, as well as a leader in other each ecn ior is allowed to bring one play, a delicate fantasy by Alfred wi th tho current trend, the change was the early advantage piled up by the guest. Kreymborg. 'I'ho third play is a Iively l,-,ade to election by the staff. Syracuse heavy caused the judges to fields of college activit.ies and a credit- The dance will be closed to everyone and exciting farce entitled "Thank You, An effort has been made to ensure give him the decision. able student. Miss Cockey was the on- Doctor", by Gilbert Emery. ly woman in the senior class who f'ul- except students of the college, and is some experience in his new position for Andy Gorski lost the closest bout of fil led all the requirements and was con- popular for that reason. At this dance, The casts of the plays arc as follows: every member of the new staff. This will the tournament to Balash of Syracuse s;dered worthy of receiving the blazer. there is a larger percentage of students Uncle Jimmy guarantee a more finished product. in the finals of the middleweight class. present than at any other dance, and as Uncle Jimmy ,Frederick Malkus Hundreds of spectators and many right· a result, there is more of a collegiate Mitty , .. Muriel Day side observers were of the opinion that ALOHA WILL FEATURE spirit present. Miss Amanda Toplady. ,Helen SENIORS TO BE INVESTED the Terror sophomore had won, but the Whitcraft judges awarded the decision to Balash NEW TYPE OF ART WORK As before, the dance will be held un- Calliope Marsh,., .. Mildred Burkins IN BAKER CHAPEL, APR. 12 at the end of the third round. Gorski der the Tules of the college, and every- Miss Postmaster Sykes, .Katherine l'eceived a tremendous ovation when he one is expected to adhere strictly to Timmons The twenty·eighth aHnual investiture entered the ring to receiYe his runner- The 1933 Aloha is in the final stages them. Grandma Anna FI'ances Seward service of -Wcstel'll Maryland College up medal at the end of the tournament. of production, according to David Trun- Josef , .. Lora Outten dle, editor. Most of the engravings are will be held Wednesday, April 12, in The tournament revealed that the Ter- Uncle Rod Maurice Fleming Bakel' Chapel. Seniors are to report. at of ror mittmen were among the most popu- in the hands work the printers and the DEBATERS DEFEAT W. &1. Manikin and Millikin Smith Hall at 7: 50 to be invested in cap composition completed. is being 1ar that competed, as on every occasion Art work for this year's annual is the AND LOSE TO ALBRIGHT He , ' , , . , . , . ,)Jary Parks and go\Yn, the men by De:;.n Miller, the their efforts were cheered to the utmost. product of Peter D. Gomsak, '30, whose She , , . , ,Doris Fowble women by Dean Stover. Especially was this true during the clos- Thank You Doctor The procession, led by faculty mem- ing bouts. \york on previous Aloha's has evoked The men's debating teams are bring- much commendat!Oll. In an endeavor to Denny Cart ,. W "udell Junkin bers in academic costume. will pToceed make the 1933 Moha different, and if ing to a successful termination the full Mrs. Lester , Kathlyn Mellor to Bakel' Chapel at 8:25 A. M. Next in possible, unique, the artist and editor- schedule arranged by manager Charles Dr. Gutney, .. " COl'llelius Gisriel line will be the men of t)'e senior class MISS ANN JOHNSON WILL ial staff have expended much effort to Whittington, and h a v e favOl'ably Lucile Gray" .. , , . ,Martha Harrison led by Dean Miller, the women by Dean GIVE VOICE RECITAL add color and modernism to this annual. changed the retrogression of past years. George Houston ..... , ,Robert Holder Stover, and the speaker of the day with Ann Rosalee Johnson will give a The art thcme is modernistic and the On Friday evening, March 17, the af- President Ward, \'oice recital in Smith Hall Tuesday, campus views are to be in duo tone, firmative team, composed of Messrs. PROF. SCHEMPP PRESENTS According to the established custom March 28, at 7:30. Miss Johnson, whose \yhich ",ill add to their beauty and ef- Holden C. Moore, and Sliker met the DR'S. THESIS AT U. OF P. of the ceremony, the processional hymn instructor is Miss Ruth Sherman Jones fecti\'eness. The staff decided that a Albright College team, and lost by a 2-1 to be used will be, "A Mighty Fortress of the Department of MUSic, is major- developmental theme would not be used decision. The following night, an af- Professor E. K. Schempp of the De- Is Our God", the recessional hymn, ing in voice. The program follows: ihis year but an entirely new appproach firmative team wmposed of Mr. Kes- partment of Social Sciences presented "Onward Christian Soldiers". in art \york and theme has been made. Plaisil' d'Amour, Mnrtini; Chi Vuol la model and Mr. Sliker reciprocated with his doctor's thesis at the University of For the fil'St time in the history of Zingm'ella, Paisiello; "Deh Vieni," The improved anangement when of the book a 2-1 win over Washington and Jeffer- Pennsylvunia on Friday, March 10, in the college, im-itation to participate in will the better Aloha be known from The Marriage of Figaro, Mozart; son in an interesting Oregon type de· a two-hour lecture. the investiture will be extended to three makes its appearance upon the campus Ann Ein Veilchen, Brahms; A Wusst late in May. bate. Thursday, March 23, Mr. Keifer For over a year Prof. Schempp has extension students who have completed loh Dooh Den Weg Zuruok, Brahms; Die FOl'lllidable financial problems have and :}.ofr.,Sliker will travel to Franklin been working on this thesis, which reo requirements for degree. Eighty-six Forelle, Schubert; Ungeduld, Schubert; and Marshall, while Messl·s. Kesmodel lates to certain economic trends in the confronted the business staff, and every food industl'Y. Since 1927 Prof. students are eligible for investiture, Vieille Chamson, Bizet; Chanson Triste, effort is being exerted to cope with the and W. Jones will uphold the negative thirty-three men and fifty-three women. has been for Duparc; Marriage de Roses, Franck; Ro- situation. It is because of these dif- a t home in this anal debate. The sea- Schempp his degree, working three credits President Ward recently made the of- years at least toward manze, Debussy; La Belle du Roi, ficulties that the business manager is son will end with a debate at Washing- Holmes; requesting all stndents desiring a copy ton College. of graduate study being required for ficial statement that the sermons to the The Cuokoo Clook, Griselle.Young; of the Aloha to pay the fee of fifty Because of the interest with which the doctor's degree at the University of graduating class will be made by Dr. Pennsylvania. Slumber Song, Gretch::minoff; Chinese rents at their earliest convenience. No· the Oregon style was received an at- No definite action will be taken by Hugh Latimer Elderdice, former presi· Mother Goose Rhymes, Bainbridge-Crist; tices will be posted shortly concerning tempt will be made to secure all of next dent of the Westminster Theological Love's Philosophy, Quilter. these fees. year's debate~ ulldt'l' that system. the committee on approval un til after Seminury and a member of the class of April 15. '82 of Westel'll Maryland College.
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