Page 47 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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WINTER SPORTS ISSUE PENN STATE 7 " ' vs. ALL W.M.C. UNDERCLASSMEN BOXING MATCH READ THE EDITORIAL Armory-March 11 -ON- PAGE TWO Vol. 10, No. 12 ,WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 9, 1933 BOXING MATCH WITH TERROR BASKETEERS ALUMNI IS FEATURE DROP TWO GAMES TO A SPORTING POLICY PENN STATE WILL BE OF SPORTS CARNIVAL FREE STATE CHAMPIONS LAST RING OPPONENTS Western Maryland has the one-year use the only substitutes we had in these OF CURRENT SEASON Varsity Men Tie With Former W. Ryscavage Is High Scorer For the residence rule in major sports only. In M. C. Boxers; J. H. U. Locals minor sports it is impossible both be- weights, Armacost, a freshman, at 125 Will Also Be Hosts of Inter-Col, Wrestlers Trounce cause of the cost of supporting fresh- pounds, who has never yet been in a legiate Boxing Tourney ring, Terrors Western Maryland closed its basket- man tea ms and because of the size of freshman, and who Pontecarvo, heavyweigh] in the man is the only ball schedule on the home floor, Friday the school. Our policy is simply to fos- PENN TIED ARMY, 4-4 GEORGE EKAITIS IS STAR history of boxing here who had ever night, March 3. They met the Moun- ter the sports most of the students wish boxed prior to his matriculation. Ponte- Western Maryland will taineers of Mt. St. Mary's in what and a onc-y sar residence rule would Western Mary 1 a n d's carve had boxed 7 times and had won a finish its 1933 boxing sea- varsity, boxing squad turned out to be the last game of the simply keep about sixty boys from sub-novice meet. Our one desire was to son with two events which earned a 3-3 tie with Maryland Inter-collegiate League. If having healthy exercises on minor give the crowd a full program and to will serve as a fitting cli- the Alumni, and the the Terrors had won, Mt. St. Mary'S sports teams, with boxing the least af- protect absolutely inexperienced boys max. Penn State will be T err 0 I' wrestlers lost and Loyola would have been tied; but fected, simply because very few fresh- from the danger of being injured by ex- the opponents in a home their initial match to the the Mount boys couldn't be stopped in men ever make 'Western Maryland box- perienced fighters. Somehow at West- match, Saturday, March 11; Johns Hopkins grapplers their rush toward the championship. The ing teams. ViTestern Maryland is a ern Maryland, we do not enjoy a match while several reprcsenta- by a 28-10 count, in the Terrors fought the Mount on even terms member of the- Eastern Intercollegiate 'where a green boy is slugged into insen- Kale Mathias tives of the Terror team George Ekaitis two main features of a during the first half, but paced by Joe Boxing League, of which Army, Penn sibility by an experienced man as was will participate in thr- Eastern Inter- mammoth sports carnival which also Lynch, the Mountaineers increased their State, Syracuse, and M. I. T. are mem- Kiefer, Western Maryland's 135-pound- collegiate Boxing 'l'ournament, to be included intra-mural boxing. lead in the second period and in the bers. 'Ve box under the rules of the er and it is a matter of honor at this held at Penn State, March 17 and 18. A galaxy of former intercollegiate late stages of the game put on a ra.lly league. The problems of the Southern college never to knock out an opponent The Blue and Gold Penn men, coached champions made up half the number of which crushed the Terrors by a final Conference are not ours and We are not who is hopelessly outclassed. 'Ve under- by Lee Houck, are having an inferior alumni contestants, and all of them score of 39-2"7. especially interested in them. stand that no such code prevails in the season this year, but the team is up and flashed some of the form which made Mt. Saint Mary's offense was led by No contract was ever signed f'or the Southern Conference. coming, for last week, they tied Army them title-holders in their undergrad- Chanowsk i with 17 points, although Maryland boxing meet, the understand- On arriving at College Park, we 4-4. In Captain McAndrews, 145-pound- uate days. their attack revolved around Capt. Joe ing simply being for a meet at College weighed in and Coach Harlow told er, Penn State has a representative who Ted Klepac, twice 165-1b. champion, Lynch, who was the most finished play- Park this year, and at Wcetm inster Lieut. Harmony, the Maryland coach, has not lost but two bouts during his and George Ekaitis, former 175 title- er on the floor. Ryscavage, center, cap- next year. No rules were ever men- that we had the two above freshmen in whole college career. These were to holder, along with Don Wooley, ac- tured scoring honors for the Terrors tioned, Western Maryland's understand- our lineup and explained briefly the "Doug" Crosby, former Terror inter- counted for the alumni .victories. Kle- with 12 points. ing being that each school would box above facts. Coach Harmony said he collegiate 135-pound title-holder. pac' weaved and slugged his, way to a under the rules of its own league. Nev- would see Mr. Byrd about it. Coach Penn State's team is built around close victory over Andy Gorski, while Mt. St. Mary's College forged another ertheless, it was not the plan of West- Harlow suggested that he accompany football men, namely, Slusser, regular of their chain Ekaitis won the decision over Bernie link in nearer their quest victories and ern Maryland to use freshmen during him, but was told that Harmony would 165-pounder, who is captain-elect for the chain- for moved Kaplan, af_t~r putting the Terror cap- any meets except in case of emergency. see Mr. Byrd and return at once to next fall, likewise, McAndrews was a fain down for the count of nine in the pionship of the Maryland Inter-colle- The week following the Navy meet, Coach Harlow. The Western Maryland regular and on the grid team, while first -round, , Woolley, -the alum ni . 125- giate Basketball League Title, when Brown and Calvert, both regulars, were coach waited for Harmony for four and Woolbert, heavyweight, held a position Terrors, Sat- the they Green pounder, WOIl from Armacost on points. urday conquered February 25. The Ter- taken sick. They recovered only three a half hours. Not hearing from him, it on the eleven. Nebel, the 175-pounder, evening, Nick Campof'reda was "the only active days before the Maryland meet and in was supposed that all was satisfactory, played frosh football, but gave it up Terror to account for any points in the rors were something of a Tartar to the their weakened condition, the coaching and we were greatly surprised when at in favor of boxing. first wrestling, match of the season, for Mount boys, because from the opening staff refused to consider their boxing. 9 :30 P. M., as our team was on the the Green a.nd Gold grapplers. The whistle, the game was a brilliant, close- They were replaced by Kiefer, a junior, bench and the gloves were already on The Green and Gold warriors are in Terror- heavyweight had little trouble fought affair. The first ha lf ended with and Olsh, a sophomore, neitllel' of whom good trim, as last Saturday's fights the Monntaineers leading 19-16, though Mat'h ias and Armacost, Harmony came against the Alumni tuned them up. This in 'pinning, his opponent's shoulders to previous to the half whistle, they had had ever been in a boxing ring. Math- over to the Green Terror be-nch and told meet will be the last fight for both the 'canvas,' The remaining points were ias, the 115-pounder, had boxed out of us that the two boys in question could added to the Terror total when the Hop- trailed by a point margin. Through the his class at the Navy when\e defeated not box. teams before he intercollegiate matches, kins, ',t35:iwunder f'a.iled to meet the second half and until within two min- a man ten pounds heavier. Mathias had We do not care to enter into any con- and each squad will be striving earnest- weight' requirements. Henry Romito utes of the closing whistle, the ultimate boxed just twice in his life. On Wed- ly to gain another victory to carry into victor was questionable. At this shtga, test of invective with the University of that tournament. Coach Harlow is un- turned in -a commendable performance Capt. Joe Lynch, 'one of the most bril- nesday, Myers, last year's 125-pounder, Maryland reporter; we do not care to decided, as to the men who will fight in in the 175-lb. class before succumbing was taken sick, and we had no substi- spread any slurs or slander about the ,to' a puniShIng hal' and 'chancel-Y hold liant basketeers to face the Terrors this tute. The same day, Louis Kaplan, Maryland team, Somehow to us at one or two of the weights, hut the prob- charge with but 45 seconds of time remaining. season, personally took On three of the heaYyweight, received a letter from tv estern Maryland, all this seemed a able line-up is as follows: Ward or Ben- Mathias or Armacost, 125- nett, 115-lb.; succes- Mountaineers' offense'. Previous to'the application of this hold, sive tip-offs, he grabbed the ball and home, as a resuIt.of the Scl;aaf incident, relic, of the days long gone, when hate lb.; Brown, 135 lb.; Haines or Olsh, 145- the grapplers had proceeded on even forbi'dding him to continue boxing. We was preached on college campuses. And terms. from the middle of the floor, fired three do not adopt the policy here of sending lb.; Keyser, 155-lb ..; Gorski, 165-lb.; towering shots, which zipped through here at Western Maryland the word we Capt. Kaplan, 175-lb.; Pontecarvo, A program of nine iritra-rmn-a] bouts, a.bsolutely inexperienced boys against treasure more than all else is the word, In which all the contestants were even- the basket without touching the rim. experienced men like the Maryland "gentleman". We shall try to live up heavyweight. uy players, ly matched; 'w~s 'productive uf much ac- The other Mount went wild inspirod and hea''Y'''eight ,yho we understood was to that word, and all that it implies. The Terror boxers will visit the in- also, such leadership, ~i.on and -served to whet the appetite of an amateur Champion. We planned to stitution which they are to oppose this amid a deafening roal' of the crowd, the By Authority RICHARD C. HARLOW Saturday, when they attend the inter- (Continued on Page Two) Terrors finally sunk into defeat by a ,I collegia te meets. Besides teams being 38-27 score. represen ted from the colleges in the VOLLEY BALL BEGUN Hurley and Mahoney did yeoll'en BASEBALL RESTORED AS SOPHS WIN INTRAMURAL league, namely, Western Mal'yland, Penn " AS NEXT CO.ED SPORT work in holding the high scoring Cha,y- MAJOR COLLEGE SPORT BASKETBALL CROWN State, Army, Syracuse, and M. I. T., in- f\ owski and Capt. Joe Lynch to twelve vitations llave been extended to Yale, f Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, With the intra-mural basketball sea- points each, besides leading the offense Baseball, a sport ,,;hich was dropped flaunted prowess The son over, volley ball claims the atten- of the Terrors with 6 and 5 points, re- from ViTestern Maryland's 'card of ath- crumbled Bachelors' the vigorous onslaught and Navy. before tion of the coed athletes. After the spectively. letics a few years ag~, has again ap- of a spectacular sophomore attack in The representatives in the tourna- :;:Lther "let-down" feeling- that usually peared on the school's athletic calendar. ment will weigh in Friday morning. The the "Y" CONFERENCE IS followa the close of basketball, interest "Barney" Spier, gl'aduate manager of the final play-off in the Intra-mural 7. preliminaries will be staged that even- League, Tuesday; March. Basketball is just beginning to be keen over ing. Semi-finals will be fought Satur- I athletics~ has announced that a Terror 'rhe sophs won 22-19. day afternoon and the finals Satudray classes ATTENDED BYW.M. CO-EDS present sport. Teams will be picked in nine will playa schedule of games. So it, few days, and games between far, they hay« eight opponents, but the A few minutes after the game began night. b'egin, on Monday. The practice sche- l'oster is not yet completed. C. C. "Mol- it became apparent that both teams Coach Harlow, mentor of the Terrors, fj[~le is a~ iollbWS: Mary Parks and Anna Frances Sew- ly" Twigg, II'estern Maryland graduate ,I'ere in for a hard fight. Kimmey, 1S president of the Eastern Intercolle- , Freshmen-Tuesday, 3:30-5:30 ard represented 'Vestern Maryland and star pitcher during the years 1908- Bachelor forward, opened the scoring giate Boxing Association, and he ex- SO_P)lOmores- Wednesday, 3: 30-5: 30 College at a "Y" conference held on the 11, is coach of the team. He will be as- with a beautiful shot from the corner. pects the tournament to be< a great suc- Jll_!liors and, Seniors-Thursday, 3:30- City of Baltimore, Februal;y 24 to 26. sisted by Neil Stahley, who formerly A moment later, however, Romito tied cess. 5:30 The representatives held their discus- played for Penn State. the score. It was tl:en that the so_phs All classes practice together on Fri- sions on the boat as they traveled to At a IlJeeting, which was called by the began their attack. Never leading by DR. C. A. SPICER RETURNS than began days and Saturd,ays. Mary Brown, '35, Hampton, Va. The ch~irman of the con' coaclles, these men who played on last more places a few do points, they With two to TO HILL AFTER ILLNESS go things. and lis volley ball manager. ference was Bruce Curry, thought by year's varsity team selected Harold minutes of the initial period left, the ; The varsity basketball team will play some- to be America's foremost religious Koppe for captain. This choice was After an illness of approximately ifself-discipline, greed, and pro- ey, L. Kaplan, Tollenger, Diksa, Dough- bouts in which Curtiss won over faculty and members of the student Graham, ~~lL.I!_g'y,_,_,_ .' _ vin cial-mindedness, (Continued o~ Pa~e 'rwo) <;If!)W, and Romito ;:Lnd Campofreda body who extended their illness. and sympathy wishes good his during
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