Page 46 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. DELIVERS CO-ED VARSITY BOWS TO JUNIOR CLASS WINNER IN INTRA-MURAL SPORTS DR_ YOCUM DRESS AD- will grow flowers with a short day and some with a. long day. There has been ACTIVITIES CO-ED BASKETBALL BALTO. MOTLEY CLUB The junior class emerges as the win- (Continued from Page Three) (Continued from Page One) work done on the carbo-nitrogen ration. There is less known of the nitrogen as- ner in the Women's Inter-class basket- similation than of carbon assimilations. There was little known of assimilations The Western Maryland coed basket- ball tournament, as a result of their vic- BAND ball team was defeated 22-9, by the tory Wednesday night over the seniors. Ntume G. F. T. There are many problems in connection before 1800. Motley Club of Baltimore in Yingling Prior to this contest a three·cornered tie Fowble, S. 10 3 23 with photosynthesis. The theory regard- C. Hopkins was a famous soil expert Gym. on February 18; 1933. Although loomed in the round robin playoffs, but Markline 1 o 2 ing light and charophyll was known at the University of Illinois. Many of the 150 years ago. scientists Some modern outscored in every quarter of play, the the 3rd class won the laurels by right Jone~ G 1 o 2 elements with which he worked are sym- W~stern Maryland team gave its Balti- of defeating the other three classes. Strasbaugh 3 o 6 have found facts that show that ultra- bolized in his name. Most plants have more opponents a good fight, and the The sophomores rank second; having de- Buzzard....... 2 o 4 violet rays are not necessary for pho- from 90 to 95% of 3 elements: carbon, tosynthesis. This fact is shown by plant hydrogen and oxygen, and from 1 Motley veterans had to put forth all feated the seniors and frosh; the sen- Elseroad 0 1 1 LO their strength in the last half in order iors gained 3rd place; and the frosh growth in green houses. 2% of nitrogen. Dr. Yocum concluded his lecture by to increase their lead and insure their Totals 17 4 38 How much of 24 hours of a day does a victory. The girls who represented W. rank last. interesting and fastest Non-scoring players, Co. C, Read, Daw- plant need' It is found that some plants showing slides of results of experiments. most The M. C. did very well considering the odds game was played last night, was that son, Marks, and Hissey; Band, Sliker, against them and despite the fact that between the two upper classes, the sen- and Baker. Officials--Kleinman and they had never practiced together as a iors being determined to hold their Dunn. varsity. championship, which they claimed last In the first game which was played The invaders worked well together on year, and the juniors just as anxious to Monday afternoon, Febrnary 13, Com- the floor, and though the Motleys gained capture the title from the fourth year pany "B" defeated Company "A" in an early lead which they maintained, hasketeers. The juniors, however, piled a hard fought and thrilling game by a Sat., Feb. 25 the horne sextet at no time lagged far up a small lead, which the seniors; in one point margin. The score at the end "MASK OF FU MANCHU" behind, showing good pass work and co- spite of hard playing, could not over- of the contest standing 22-21 in favor of Boris Korlof, Karen Morley, operation. Lewis Stone come, and tbe end of the game found Company "B": Lineup: the juniors the inter-class champs by a COMPANY "A" Mon.,-Tues., Feb. 27-28 Motley Club Western Maryland score of 11-8. The game was close at Nome G. F. T. "ISLAND OF LOST Ruthke, Rose R. F. McBride, all times, each sextet showing to advan- Moore, D. K ..·.......... 0 1 1 SOULS" Elizabeth tage on the floor. Holmes 3 o o Chas. Laughton, Leila Hyams, Smith, L. L.F. Frey, Lillian The sophomores secured second place Stevens, H. W.......... 0 o o Richard Arlen J'ohanser, A. C. Hull, Dorothy in the tournament by beating the frosh Stallings 1 o 2 Corkran, K. R.G. Cockey, Sue 14 to 9. At no time during the game Commerford 3 2 8 Wed., Thur., Fri., March 1-2·3 Brooks, L. R. G. Senat, Mary were the 2nd class players in danger of Wynne................. 2 o 4 Eddie Cantor in Ellen losing, although the Freshies are to be Randle, E. S............ 0 o o "KID FROM SPAIN" Block, E. L. G. Hambsch, Troy congratulated for their hard fighting Referee: M. Miles, P. A. L. and good spirit. Totals. . . . . . . . . . .. 9 3 21 Mon., Tues., March 6-7 Officials: E. Ebaugh, L. Weaver. If the Sophomores defeat the Frosh COMPANY "B" Richard Dix in Score by halves: 1st 2nd and the Seniors the Juniors, a tie will Nome G. F. T. "THE CONQUERERS" W.M.C 3 9 result and play offs will be necessary. - Kesmodel 1 o 2 Motley 7 22 Results of tournament games to date Curtis 0, 1 1 are: Dunn 1 0 2 Fresh B 13--Soph B 13 Shilling .. . . . . . . . 1 0 2 PASSING IN REVIEW Junior B 17--Soph C 20 Woodbury 1 2 4 Fresh A 18--Senior A 35 Draper 0 0 o (Continued from Page One) Soph A 7--Junior A 12 Shepherd 5 1 11 Junior C 8--Soph D 44 Have you had a delicious Fresh Strawberry Sundae or a plate of should come to Nicaragua to work and Fresh A 8--J unior A 12 Totals. . . . . . . . . . .. 9 4 22 that famous Home-made Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream at teristic of him, that North America Soph A 17--Senior A 6 Officials--Romito and Doughty. not to dictate. To official Washington Griffin's Goodie Shoppe Sandino is a criminal bandit but to South American Latins he is a patriot, a ~i~~~~**~~~~~**~~~A~~**~~'~'~"***Jr~~~~~ victor, and a pigmy who has successfully HOT TOASTED SANDWICHES HOME-MADE PIES dared to joust with a giant! JIG SAW DANCE ' SODA CANDY CROOKS IN CONGRESS Courage is generally extolled as a vir- tue to be desired by all, but even then it Given Under the Auspices of HOT PLATE LUNCHES is sometime futilely employed. Such was THE FRENCH CLUB 11 to 2 the case of Senate Sergeant-at-Arms David S. Barry. In a recent article pub- Admission 25 Cents per Couple HOME-MADE ICE CREAM lished in Alfred E. Smith's New Outlook Barry calmly announced that there are ~ Girl's Gym. 8:30-11:30 Sat. Night GRIFFIN'S only (II few out-and-out crooks in Con- gress who would sell their votes, but that FINE ASSORTED CHOCOLATES there are many who vote for such legisla- tion as is favorable to their political and 11 lb., 1 lb., and 2-lb. Boxes social fortunes. The explosion in the Senate chamber 50c a pound was tremendous. He was arraigned, ex- Our Personal Guarantee Behind Every Package amined, allowed to make a few weak ex- "THE KO-ED. KLUB" planations under the fierce onslaught of hostile inquisitors, and then expelled from his position. He would have been much wiser had he kept such unpleasant WESTMINSTER'S SMARTEST SODA SHOP truths to himself. Quality Tailoring SUITS MADE TO ORDER Sandwiches Platter Lunch CLEANING PRESSING REMODELING REPAIRING H. E. REESE .Ice Cream 80 E. Main Street "John" Everhart THE COLLEGE BARBER At Home Two Doors From State Theatre AND BOBBER IN HOME AND OFFICE AT THE FORKS 't X mEN you're not going to football garnes, VV or golfing, or tramping the countryside, or dancing, you want a shoe that tends strictly and unobtrusively to business. That's what Opera House we mean when we talk about Town Shoes. They should be quiet. Clean cut. Business- like. Handsome. Comfortable. The English WESTMINSTER, MD. have developed this sort of shoe to perfection. So Crosby Square Authentic Fashions for town Fri.-Feb. 24-25-Sat. wear are reproduced ln character and full de- Jack Holt in tail from English custom models. Right in "THIS -SPORTING AGE" every respect, these Authentic Fashions are "at home" in your home and in your office. Mon.-Feb. 27-28-Tues. You don't get tired of them. And you don't see Edmund Lowe in any reason whyyou shouldn't have severalpairs "ATTORNEY FOR THE $3.98 because the prices are low, remarkably low. DEFENSE" Wed.-Mar. 1-2-Thur. and "20,000 YEARS IN SING SING" $4.98 Fri.-Mar. 3-4-Sat. Buster Keaton and Jimmy SPORT i WALKING ~ TOWN • DRESS Durante in "WHAT! NO BEER?" THE HUB Mon.-Mar. 6-7- Tues. OF GOOD VALUES Warren William in 37 E. Main St., Next Door to U. S. Post Office, Westminster, Md. "3 ON A MATCH"
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