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Miss Ward w, ]11. Co r BASKETBALL MID-WINTER TERRORS ALUMNI BANQUET Vs. MT. ST. MARY'S EMERSON HOTEL Emmitsburg Saturday Baltimore Friday Vol. 10, No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 23, 1933 Dr. Yocum.Bioloqist of G. W. U.Delivers ANNUAL SOPHOMORE Annual Mid- Winter Banquet for Instructive Lecture on Plant Nutrition COMPREHENSIVE EXAMS Baltimore Alumni and Friends Will WILL BE GIVEN IN APRIL be Held at Emerson Hotel Feb. 24 Has Made Extensive Stu d y of Growth and Food of Plants Passing in Review This Year's Test Will Be Similar to One of Series of Dinners Which UNDER AUSPICES OF BBB That Given Last Year MEN'S DEBATING TEAM Has Been or Will Be Held By BRADY O. BRYSON CONSISTS OF THREE PARTS WILL MAKE 5-DAY TRIP By Alumni Chapter Dr. E. L. Yocum, of George Washing- ton University, presented a lecture in THE INDIAN DICTATOR R. R. CARMAN, TOASTMASTER Rooni 22 of Science Hall, Tuesday at Mussolini, Tl Duce of Italy, cries, The sophomore comprehensive exami- The men's debating team opened the 7.15 P. M., on "Plant Nutrition." Dr. "The state alone can safeguard, super- na tion.s will be given this year during the 1933 season Monday, February 13, with The mid-winter banquet of the Balti- Yocum has experimented extensively in vise and! vivify." Adolf Hitler, Der week of April 17. The date has not been the local negative team traveling to Blue more Chapter of the Alumni Association. this line. The lecture was given under Osaf of Germany, maintains forcibly, set definitely yet. The examination is Ridge College, and the affirmative team will be held at the Hotel Emerson Fri- the direction of the Biology Department. "All that is great is created only by the issued by the Co-operative Test Service meeting their negative team at home. day, February 24, at 6.30 P. M. J. Les- In the course of his lecture Dr. Yocum strength of individual personality and 01 the American Council on Education, The negative team, composed of Maurice ter Weihrauch, '25, is chairman and presented many new ideas and thories ability I" and is similar to the test given at West- Fleming, Robert Holder, and William R. R. Carman, '03, is toastmaster. which have been built up in the past The whole world seems to pick up the ern Maryland last year. It is divided J ones, lost by a close decision. The af- A fine program is being arranged, years as well as older and basic facts. By words voicing desire for intensely into three sections. The first is devoted firmative team was represented by Ro- composed almost entirely of alumni tal- late experiment, scientists have begun to strengthened national government head- to English, in.cluding usage, spelling, and land Sliker, William Sparrow, and Rich- ent. Included in this talent are Mr. Earl believe that vitamins are found in bac- ed by a leader of autocratic power and vocabulary, 95 minutes; foreign langu- ard Kiefer; no decision was made. Lippy and Mr. Elwood Hawkins, bari- teria which live in the cow's stomach, dictatorial ability. The idea has even age (either French, Spanish, German, or A team composed of Cornelius Gisriel, tones, and Miss Charlotte B. Zepp, so- from which milk is produced. Therefore reached the United States. Latin), 90 minutes. The second part William Jones and Roland Sliker jour- prano, and an octette consisting of Mes- green foods are not as necessary for vit- Last fortnight the Democratic party covers general culture, including sections neyed to Ursinus College Friday, Febru- srs. J. Pearre Wantz, Walter Zepp, Theo- amins. of Indiana made Paul Vorries McNutt on literature, social studies, and fine arts, ary 17, and lost by a close audience de- dore M. Whitfield, Earl Lippy, Edwin S. There are twelve substances which, if governor of his state. Soon after, the three hours. The last section is devoted cision. Kiefer and Holder were the hosts Gehr, Albert Mitten, J. Pearre Wantz, gotten by plants, will cause them to grow state legislature made him a 50% dicta- to an hour on general science, and two of Ursinus' negative team here. There Jr., and Leslie E. Werner. successfully and normally. This need is tor under the theory that the state gov- hours on general mathematics. was no decision. Tickets, $1.25 a plate, may be secured more complicated in animals in that there ernment was getting out of hand and a Last year the tests were given to 15,- The contests with Ursinus were debat- from William J. Kinley, treasurer, 206 N. are forty instead of twelve. Plant nutri- broad grant of authority was necessary 643 sophomores representing 138 colleges. ed according to the Oregon plan. There Sharp street, Baltimore. tion is simple compared to animal nutri- to bring it back under control. The main purpose of the tests is to throw is only one topic used in all of the de- It is expected that a Baltimore club tion because plnnts can manufacture He was given the power to reorganize light on the capacities, needs, and prob- bates, Resolved: That all inter-govern- for women. and one for men will be or- things that animals cannot. Weare thus the state g{)vernment from 168 commis- lems of individuals rather than to furn- mental war debts, including reparations, ganized at this meeting. dependent upon plants. sions and bureaus to eight departments, ish a basis for institutional comparisons. should be cancelled. On the same night at Sholl's Cafe, The first plant nutritions was founded to hire and fire at will all state employees The outstanding result of the 1932 tests Next Monday, the affirmative team, 1219 G street, N. W., the Wa-shington in 1640. Interest was aroused in how as well as personally determining each of was to reveal to the student, through the Holder, Gisriel, and William Kesmodel Alumni will hold a dinner. Mrs. George plants grow. A tree and the soil in their salaries, and to hold a controlling data gathered, his relative position will begin a five-day trip with a contest F. Kindley, '17, is the Washington vice- which it grew were weighed separately vote in each of the newly-created depart- among those with whom he must compete at Ann.ville with Lebanon Valley. Al- president and is making arrangements. and then allowed to gr{)w for 5 years. ments. This means, of course, that be- academically and later professionally; bright, Franklin and Marshall and Wash- It is expected that a Washington club of After this time they were weighed again. tween him and absolute dictatorship are another important result was to unearth ington and Jefferson College will be met the alumni will be formed at this dinner. The tree had gained 159 pounds and the only the state legislature and the courts. curricular deficiencies which call for re- on the next successive days, the team re- President Ward expects to start the soil had lost 2 ounces. ,-t was thus con- And now the movemen.t has reached organization. The administration of turning Friday. Another team, Marvin evening by attending the Washington cluded that plants grow from the air, the national government. There is in Western Maryland College feels that the Sterling, Sliker and Jones, will debate dinner, leaving in time to reach the Bal- which is to a great degree true. the national legislature a bill advocating test was very worthwhile and looks for- Lebanon Valley here Monday. timore dinner before the conclusion. of About 1772 Priestly found that some- such a program for the whole U. S. ward to even better results in this and its program. times plants purify the air and some- which would temporarily, at least, give to future years. A number of dinners are being ar- times they do not. It was found that the president extraordinary scope of Colleges in Maryland participating in ranged in various parts of the country. green plants in sunshine purify air authority. However, as I see it, the this examination for the year 1932 were P.M.ETCHISON PRESENTS One was held at the college, February 3, (photosythesis). Later the close relation American is too well-grounded in the Goucher College, St. Mary's Seminary, and adjacent between the amount of carbon dioxide love for liberty and the principle of de- Washington College, and Western Mary- ILLUSTRATED LECTURE ON for Carroll thirty one persons counties. Four this attended hundred and o:,,:ygen was discovered. Priestley mocracy to allow such a program to be- land College. GERMAN PASSION PLAY' dinner. The Phfladelphia chapter of the died before these facts were really put come permanent. Alumni Association held a very success- into use. This fact is true in that many ful dinner in December. Plans are un- of the facts discovered today will not be AT'l'EMPT TO ASSASSINATE ROOSEVELT CO-ED DEBATING TEAM Tells Interesting Story of History der way for a banquet to be held in used until from 20 to 100 years from Although Giuseppe Zangara was form- of Famous Play Salisbury, Friday evening, March 17, for now. In 1900 Dr. Barnes of the U. of ally declared sane by a state physician, WILL MEET URSINUS the Eastern Shore of Maryland. It is Chicago gave the name to the pirieis his attack on President-elect Roosevelt Page McKendree Etchison, Religious possible that similar meetings will be photosynthesis. This word is relatively was undoubtedly the result of the men- 'Western Maryland's woman's debat- Work Director of the Young Men's held at other places. new. The many scientific words and new tal unbalance of a fanatical psychopath. ing team will meet the debaters from Christian Association of Washington, D. scientific discoveries make it impossible Zan.gara has the odd notion that he Annville at 7.30 tonight in Room 22, C., delivered his illustrated lecture, "The for one scientist to know all; therefore, should murder all presidents and kings. Science Hall. The negative team will de- Passion Play of Oberammel'gau", at the PRES.A.N. WARD DELIVERS for the best facts upon any subject two The country caught its breath in hor- bate here ; the affirmative will debate at Sunday evening Alumni Hall chapel serv- or three scientists of different branches ror at the attempted assassination and Lebanon Valley, Annville, Penna. SUNDAY CHAPEL SERMON get together. The last chemist who knew showed the coming president just how Cancellation of World War debts and ice, February 12. all chemistry died 150 years ago. much it depended on him. The occur- reparations was successfully upheld by The lecture was illustrated with sev- It is impossible to imagine the great rence brings, back to us how impossible it the affirmative side of the women's de- enty beautiful colored slides made during I President A. N. Ward constructed his quantity of carbon-hydrate made in the is to rid officials in the public eye of the bating team in their first debate, held the summer of 1930 when Mr. Etchison sermon, in Alumni Hall, Sunday, Febru- United States by plants. Plants produce menacing psychopath. He often is a with Elizabethtown College on Friday, visited Oberanunergau and witnessed the ary 19, around the text taken from Pro- approximately one cubic mile of sugar perfectly law-abiding citizen until his February 17. Katherine Timmons, Mil- famous play. While in Oberammergau verbs 16: 32-" He that is slow to anger per year. Only a technocrat could give antipathy for rulers gets the upper hand, dred Burkins, and Mary Parks were the he had the pleasure of meeting Anton is better than the mighty; and ,he that the amount of energy produced by this when he strikes in a mean and vicious members of the affirmative team. Lang, Alios Lang, Annie Rutz, Hans ruleth his spirit, than he that taketh a much sugar. manner before any attempt can be made The decision was two to one. The Lang, and others having important roles city." He emphasied the fact that al- to thwart his action. in the great drama. though war may be eliminated in the fu- (Continued on Page Four) judges were Mr. M. E. Walsh, Mr. John The only remedy seems to be an alert Mr. Etchison, with the aid of his ture, there will always be struggles in and the Reverend and efficient bodygnard. Yet the dread E. Wood, all of Westmin.ster. H. G. C. slides, began his lecture by telling of his the heart of man against which he will Martin, in which he to control. NEW CLUB IS ORGANIZED of assassination is only one of the many Mary Elizabethtown, Whitford, negative team, journey to Oberammergau, He then told the have to apply added color and interest to all his force the At had to cross the Alps. Damoclean over the hang swords that Dr. Ward Haig, Helen and Elinor and explained The position, head. BY GERMAN DEPARTMENT president's with it no bed of roses. indeed, Lines were defeated in their debate. origin way of the Passion the Play people put this his sermon by citing an incident men at the that he which the carries in and a companion, both young Drama forth. time, had experienced in Boston while NICARAGUAN PEACE An important step has been taken by TOP 20% OF FRESHMAN A plague which was raging in a near- making a tour of New England together. the German department in the formation General Cesar Agusto Sandino, leader CLASS IS ANNOUNCED by town was carried into Oberammergau He said that in time of stress, he has of a German club. Led by Professor of rebel forces in Nicaragua, is a great by a worker, wishing to get back to his only to think of an old aristocratic gen- Taggart, a group of students interested little man. For the past five years he The members of the freshman class own fireside, little knowing the serious- tleman who had taken the trouble to di- in the development of the language met dared to continuously oppose the great who ranked in the highest fifty of their ness of his act. The plague upon the rect the pair of them around Boston in in the Y. W. C. A. room February 3. U. S. Marine Corps in guerilla warfare. class for the first semester, 1932-33, are, small town was so severe that there was the rain, and the battle over his emotions Officers were elected and a temporary Although he never had more than a few alphabetically arranged: little human aid available. The people is won. program of activity outlined. hundred men, five thousand marines were Men: Bratton, William Wilson; prayed for divine help and God answered incapable of subduing him. Professor Taggart expressed the belief Brooks, Edgar Robert; Miller, George their call. They pledged their lives to that much good can be derived by all The general is a short, dark, wiry man Clayton; Pilson, Joseph Elcainey; presenting a Passion Play once overy ten RECITAL WILL BE GIVEN German students if. their unstinted sup- quite typical of the Latin race except for Prince, Donald Harrison; Riley, James years. BY SPEECH DEPARTMENT port is given. in attending, and his unusual show of energy. He has nu- Andrew; Schneider, Byron Aubrey; Ste- To be in this play any person has to be entering into the club's activities. The merous friends and with their aid and vens, Her bert Wood; White, Harold born in Oberammergau. It is deemed a Seven senior members of the Speech German. language is rich with gems of his knowledge of the country, he com- Stephen; Zimmerman, Sterling Edward. great honor to take part, especially if it Department of Western Maryland Col- literature. Once interest has been awak- pletely baffled all American attempts to Women: Birely, Frances Louise; Car- is as one of the prominent characters. lege will give a recital in Smith Hall, ened, the German literature hold innu- capture him. Back in 1927 he resented rarra, Marguerite Alba; Dawson, Jose- Some of the citizens of Oberammergau Friday, February 24, at 7.3Q. merable hours of stimulating study, both United States intervention in Nicaragu- phine Anne; Hagen, Elizabeth Pauline; take the parts of certain characters year The program is as follows: Small pleasurable and cultural in effect. an politics and swore to carryon war Hales, Cynthia Eunice; Hall, Catherine after year, until they are too old to take DOW1L POJgment, George Savage-Elsie until the Marines departed. The officers elected were: .Josephine Sandes; Hill, Mary Catherine; McKen- that part or some other thing prevents Bowen; Escape, John Galsworthy-Paul- Dawson, president; Frank Clark, vice- As soon as the Marine Corps realized zie, Zaida Catherine; Miller, Martha them from doing so. Many times they ine Thomas; The FiIILger of God, Perei president; Rosalie Silberstein, secretary; the futility of their action and returned Henrietta; Perry, Cora Virginia; Riley, take new parts and thus continue their val Wilde-Theodore Landis; "Portia Zaida McKenzie, treasurer. The club home, General Sandino came out of his Idamae Thomas; Roberts, Virginia Del- work as actors. and Nerissa," The Merchant of Venice, will meet in regular session every other jungle retreat by airplane and immedi- la; Roof, Jayne Olga; Silberstein, Rosa- Mr. Etchison then showed his slides of Shakespea1'e- Ann .John.son ; The First Friday, the next meeting coming {)n ately declared peace. However, he still lie Gertrude; Stump, Helen LorrelIa; sceneiil of the Passion Play, which showed Dress Suit, Russell Medcroft-Margaret March 3, at 4 P. M. in the Y. W. C. A. maintains, in a heroic manner so charac- Twigg, Henrietta Roop; Wicks, Dorothy the elaborate costume~ .md great expense Erb; Evenitng Dress Indispensable, Ro· room. (COntinued on Page Four) Elillaoeth i WOod, GrMe Jac~son. of it. land Pertwee-Mary Ellen Senat.
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