Page 45 - TheGoldBug1932-33
P. 45
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE ======================================== SPORTSi Intra-Murals - Basketball - Boxing iSPORTS Terrors Drop Thrilling Contest to BOXING SCHEDULE Terrapins by Close Score of 37-32 FAN FODDER Mar. 11-Penn State COllege Home 4-Alumni Home Mar. Hopkins and Gallaudet Fall Before By npat" Mahoney Vastly Improved Stahley-Men BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Before 3,000 spectators in the Ritchie Feb. 25-Mt. St. Mary's College .. Away TERROR BOXERS WIN Coliseum on Feb. 18 at College Park, the Feb. 28-Mt. St. Mary's College .. Home Terror Mitslingers Draw With Terps EASILY FROM LOYOLA University of Maryland Terrapins staged Mar. 5-Penn Military College ... Away Western Maryland's leather pushers went into the a final, desperate rally and overcame the clash with the Old Liners of Maryland facing a two-match MITMEN BY SV2-2Y2 stouthearted Terrors, who had played they played them on their home floor in deficit, and were on the short end of a 4-1 count when the them on even terms until the closing min- Washington, Saturday, February 11. The welterweight bout was over; still they managed to pound utes of the contest. With seven min- Gallaudet hardwood was unusually small out a 4-4 tie with the Terrapins in the first meeting of the Brown and Pontecarvo Win By utes to play, the score stood 30-30. Then and before the 'J1errors had become ac- two institutions in the squared arena. Snyder, Old Line forward, re-entered the customed to it, Gallaudet had grabbed a "Pat" The deficit accrued when the University of Maryland Knockout Routes game for the Terrapins. This gentleman, commanding lead. At the end of ten Mahoney insisted, at the last minute, upon the enforcement of the W estern Maryland's ringsters coasted who had been a bug-bear for the Terrors minutes the Terrors trailed, 12-2. Coach Southern Conference ruling which prohibits the use of first year men to an easy victory over Loyola's ring all evening, rose to the occasion and Stahley, at this juncture sent Hurley and in competition in which Southern Conference members have 11 part. 'I'his warriors at Evergreen last night by a personally accounted for six of the seven Sadusky into the fray. These two men ruling prevented Tom Pontecarvo and Bud Armacost, frosh members of 5lj2-21h margin. final points scored by the Terrapins. injected a new fire into the attack, and the Terror team, from competing. Since the Terror handlers had no The victory was obtained by virtue of While the Terrapins added seven points at the conclusion of the first half, West- available substitutes at that late hour, there was nothing left to do but two knockouts, two defaults, a decision to their total, the Terrors succeeded in ern Maryland led, 16-15. default the bouts. Thus Maryland had two matches chalked up to its and a draw. Brown and Pontecarvo ac- adding only two, the final score being credit without exerting any physical effort whatever. counted for the knockout victories, each U. of M., 37; W. Md., 32. The second half found the Terrors hit- The Terrors won the opening bout in the 115-lb. class and complete- ting their true stride. They had accli- putting his opponent away in the sec- This victory for the Terrapins pro- mated themselves to the narrow confines ly dominated the upper weight classes, winning every bout in the up- ond round. Gorski won his bout by a longed their winning streak to six of the floor and scored 11 points in sev- per division, except the unlimited class, which they were forced to large margin and Kaplan and Keyser straight, but snapped that of the Ter- en minutes. This rally eradicated most I default. won by default. Bud Meyers accounted rors at two. Rated the underdogs, the of the competition from the fray, and for the draw decision. Terrors displayed their greatest strength substitutes finished the contest on each Berny Kaplan Knocks Out His Opponent Meyers and Gordon, the Greyhound of the year. They led during the greater side, the final score being Western Mary- Berny Kaplan once again proved himself to be the most finished representative put on the most spec- part of the first half, but the Old Liners land, 35; Gallaudet, 23. Terror boxer to perform during the evening. His second-round knock- tacular bout of the evening. Neither pushed ahead and led at half time 18-14. out of McCaw was a masterful performance in every respect. The Ter- fightor took a backward step during the The second half was replete' with good Davis and Brown led the attack for ror mitman opened a two-fisted attack at the commencement of hostili- entire six minutes and the result was a basketball. First one team, then the the Gallaudet aggregation with seven ties and had' his opponent in bad shape at the close of the first round. spirited toe-to-toe slugging match. other, would jump ahead, with both quin- points each. Sadusky with 10 markers, The Old Liners made a desperate rally at the beginning of the second Gorski jabbed and hooked his way to tets working hard for each point scored. Hurley and Ryscavage with 9 points re- round but Kaplan matched his flurry with a continuation of the deter- an undisputed decision over J in Maryland made most of their points on spectively, led in scoring for the Ter- mined two-fisted attack begun in the opening stanza. The hout ended the 165-lb. class. The Terror boxer had a quick break, but even this didn't work rors. when the scrap had progressed slightly more than a minute of the sec- his opponent in a bad way throughout so well, because the Terror guards did ond round. The Terror scrapper utilized' a short right hook to put the the bout and only a fighting heart en- some excellent covering of Vincent, who finishing touches to his evening's work. abled him to finish the bout. Intra-Mural Sports hangs under the opponent's basket most Gorski Continues to Improve Summary of the time. Maryland played a zone de- 115 lb. class-c-Cianos, Loyola, won by fense which lent itself to a very fast Activities Gorski continued' to display the coolness and generalship that default. break, and usually one guard found two marked his first ring effort a few weeks ago and was returned the victor 125 lb. class--Meyers, W. M., and Gor- Terrapins thundering down the floor, be- over McAvoy in the middleweight class. Andy shaded the Maryland don, Loyola; drew. fore the Terrors could adequately play On Friday 17 the juniors conquered boxer in every round and was in good condition when the final gong 135 lb. class-Brown, W. M., scored their man-for-man style. the f'rosh in a very h.ard fought tilt, sounded. technical knockout over Cicero, Loy- Coach Stahley and his hardwood boys 16-12. Kale Mathias and Don Keyser put forth pleasing efforts to account ola-2nd round. deserve great credit for their vast im- Bussard, left forward for the juniors, for the other two Terror victories. Keyser outboxed' his adversary, 145 lb. class-Sileski, Loyola, defeated provement in these three games. led the scorers with a total of 6 points while Mathias mixed boxing and slugging tactics to earn his win. Olsh, W. M.; decision. They have three more games to play for his team. Southern Boxing Teams ,show Strength 155 lb. class-Keyser, W. M., won by and have fond expectations of salvaging A brilliant rafly in the second half on The announcement eminating from the Southern boxing world on default. three victories out of the wreck of what the part of the freshmen almost gave the eve of the SouthernConference annual boxing tournament certain- 165 lb. class-c-Gorski, W. M., defeat~d may be termed something of a disastrous them a victory, but in the last few min- J aisitis, Loyola, decision. season. utes of play the juniors cut loose and ly should make the loyal adherents of the collegiate leather-pushing 175 lb. class-Kaplan, W. 1L, won by sport in this section sit up and take notice. Vincent, high scoring center for sank 2 goals to win. defa.ult. The report is to the effect that the University of Virginia, long the Maryland, copped individual scoring supreme standard-bearer of Southern ring laurels, will not be the fav- Unl imi ted class-Pontecarvo, W. M., honors with 15 points. Hurley led the The soph courtmen ran up a 30-17 orite to win this year's tournament. This fact bears marked signifi- scored technical knockout over Cul- Terrors with 10 markers. score over the frosh cohorts on Friday len, Loyola, 2nd round. 10. cance inasmuch as it follows in the wake of a decisive Virginia victory MARYLAND over the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. The defeat inflicted by G. F. T. The second year men ran up a three- the Virginians was the first suffered by the Middies in their home ring Chase, f ................ 1 0 2 point lead in the first few minutes of since boxing was started at the Academy fourteen years ago. 'I'he low TERROR MITMEN BATTLE Snyder, f ............... 4 2 10 play and at the half were sitting pretty rating given the Cavaliers in the tournament speaks well for the quality ';Valker, f ............... 1 1 3 with a 12-5 lead. In the second half of boxing being exhibited in the South at the present time. TO TIE WITH MARYLAND Evans, f ................ 0 0 0 both teams began to shoot rather freely Levine, f ................ 0 0 0 and the final result was the sophs' vic- Intra-Mural WrestIng tory. Vincent, c ............... 5 5 15 Wrestling, through the intra-mural program of sports, has been re- Two defaults, one in the 125 pound Buscher, g .............. 2 1 5 On Friday 10 the Gamma Bets lost a I vived at Western Maryland College. This is thc first time that this class, and the second in the unlimited di- Weber, g ................ 1 0 2 game to the Delta Pis 17-8, before the sport has had a part in the athletic activities of this college since it vision were instrumental in giving the Stieber, g ............... 0 0 0 closely coordinated onslaught of the vic- was dropped as an inter-collegiate sport in 1927. Terrapin mitt sluggers of the University tor's attack. The results of the preliminary and semi-final matches held recently of Maryland a tie with Dick Harlow's Totals ............ 14 9 37 After a nip and tuck first half, the were: proteges at College Park, Saturday night WESTERN MD. Preachers gained a small lead which Preliminary Round: February 18. After winning in the 115- G. F. T. they widened as the game progressed. pound weight, defaulting in the next Mergo, f ................ 4 0 8 With the brief exception of the time near Weight N(JJIMS Winner Time weight, losing in the following two, Murray, f ............... 2 1 5 the end of the first half, the Gamma 112-Lindaman-Hymiller Hymiller .40 things looked dark indeed for the Ter- Ferguson, f ............. 0 1 1 Bets did not lead, although they always 115-Zimmerman-Ruby Zimmerman 2.00 rors, but Don Keyser, Andy Gorski, and Ryscavage, c ............ 2 0 4 threatened. 115-Bryan-Roop Bryan .35 Captain Bernie Kaplan came through Sadusky, c .............. 0 0 0 125- White-Gault Gault 1.15 with victories which gave the Terrors a 7, the Bachelors On Tuesday, February Hurley, g ............... 3 4 10 ripped thru the Delta Pi Alpha basket- 125-Riley-Pascllal Riley 2.20 4-3 lead. Then Coach Harlow ended the Mahoney, g ............. 2 0 4 ball team to win 28-16. 135-Norris-Baker Baker 3.10 evening's proceedings by forfeiting the Willis, g ................ 0 0 0 135- Ebert- Finch Ebert 1.15 unlimited bout to Maryland, causing the Diksa, g ................ 0 0 0 The Preachers got off to a fast start 135- Manspeaker -Shiplsy Manspeaker 4.40 contest to end in a ±-4 tie. but at half time the score was 10-8 in 135-Thomas-Hack Hack Default Two technical knockouts, one by each featured Harold program. Totals ............ 13 6 32 favor of the Bachelors. In the second 145-Grumbine- Eveland Eveland .15 school, of Maryland, the floored Dick Keefer Burns J. H. U., 23; W. MD., 40 period neither team was able to score 145-Wade-Lecompte Wade 4.10 of the Terrors in the first round of their Western Maryland took Johns Hop- much until the last ten minutes when the 155- Elseroad -Cockey Elseroad 4.10 bout, while the Terror Captain, Bernie kins into camp for the second time this Bachelors tore loose and sank 4 goals to 155-Wynne-Clarke Clarke 1.30 Kaplan, scored a knockout over Stewart 155- Daneker- Murray year, in the Westminster Armory, Tues- widen their lead. 165-Graham -Curtis Daneker Default McCaw in the 175-pound division. The day night, February 14. The game, a R. O. T. C. BASKETBALL Graham 5.20 summary: Maryland Inter-Collegiate League con- The second game in the R. O. T. C. 175-McIlveen-Roberts Roberts 5.55 test, was won by a big margin by the basketball tournament was played M-on- Semi-Final Round: 115-Pound Class-Kale Mathias, West- fast-stepping Terrors. The game was a day afternoon, February 20, between the ern Maryland, defeated Jimmy Young; runaway affair from the beginning, as band and company "C." The band was Weight Ntrmes Winner decision, three rounds. Western Maryland led at half-time 20-13', out to revenge its one point defeat of 112-Hymiller N a other contestant in this weight 125-Pound Class - Harry Carroll, and terminated the battle on the long last year and swamped the men from 115-Zimmerman-Bryan Bryan .30 Maryland, won by default. end of a 40-23 score. 115-Stevens-Ruby Ruby 2.15 135-Pound Class-Harold Bur;ns, Mary- Company "C" by the score of 38-16. land, defeated Dick Keifer, technical The Terrors showed considerable im- S. Fowble, playing for the band, was 125-Gault-Riley Gault 2.10 provement over past performances and high scorer, registering a total of 23 135- Manspeaker- Hack Manspeaker 3.30 knockout, first round in 1m. 25c. were most deadly in shooting. Hopkins points. 135-Shipley-Baker Shipley Time advantage of 1.07 145-Pound Class-Captain Bernie Kee- presented a fine passing attack in mid- Line-up and summary: 145-Eveland-Randle, J. Randle .20 ner, Maryland, defeated John Olsh ; de- court, but they were unable to penetrate 155-Martin-Elseroad Elseroad 4.50 cision, three rounds. the Terrors' defense and had to content COMPANY "a" 155-0wens-Murray Owens 4.35 155-Pound Class-Don Keyser, West- themselves with long range shooting in Name G. F. T. 155-Clarke-Daneker Clarke .45 ern :\!faryland, defeated Monty Jones; which they weren't very successful. Haynes ................ 2 0 4 165-Kesmodel-Curtis No time advantage by either man decision, three rounds. Murray, forward for Western Mary- Romito ................. 1 1 3 175-Kleinmann-Messler Kleinman .40 165-Pound Class-Andy Gorski, West- land, led his team in scoring with twelve Ward ....... ........... 0 1 1 Heavy-Campofreda-Comerford Campofreda .45 ern Maryland, defeated Lyman McAboy; points, While Siverd, forward for Hop- Campo freda ............ 1 0 2 The finals will be held next Monday afternoon. C. :~\Iilton Borch- decision, three rounds . kins, led his team in the lost cause with Kimmey ............... 1 0 2 ers, a former McDonogh wrestler, handled the matches as referee in a 175-Pound Class-Capt. Bernie Kap- seven points. Tyson .................. 2 0 4 lan, Western Maryland, defeated Stewart very creditable manner. B. O. Boyd, also a former McDonogh man, McCaw, technical knockout, second GALLAUDET, 23; W. MD., 35 acted as timer. The winners in the finals, it is rumored, may partici- round, 1m. 38s. The Terrors found the Kendall Green- Totals " 7 2 16 pate in an inter-collegiate match. As an e:s:tra feature of the finals Unlimited Class-AI Farrell, Mary- ies, of Gallaudet College a real foe when (Continued' on Page Four) there will be an exhibtiQu of tumbling. land, won on default.
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