Page 42 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. VAR.IETY ~OF THEE I SING George to the Victorian minstrel, is the corn-muffin ditty and the chant used by ROMANCE OF WORDS (Continued from Page 2) the Supreme Court to announce their decisions and particularly, to announce ductions, and yet not so subtle as to be the announcement of their decisions. I F. W.Woolworth CO. obscure. Amusing it certainly is, but It isn't customary to dismiss a stage The Greek word "kuklos" comes "bicycle" or "bycicle", An instrument far from a laugh riot. One leaves it production without giving the actors a through Latin into English as "cycle" added to number the rotations of' a the way one takes his government, with hand Qr a slap, as the case may be. But WESTMINSTER, MD. and is used in more than 300 words to bicycle wheel is a cyclometer. This a smile or a shrug, as the case may be. Lois Moran and her company merit express the idea of roundness; despite might be used in the case of an auto- Speaking of government, those interest- neither the one nor the other, so enthu- the fact that hundreds of other words mobile as well, but the word "speed- siasm is much better spent on the play 44-46 W. Main Street embody this same idea by the aid of ometer" is employed instead with em- ed in technical details might notice and its music than toned down to an the Latin words meaning "circle" and phasis on the rate of motion. Mathe- that one whole scene is built around the analysis of its interpretation. "rotund" and the) Anglo-Saxon word matics. The path of a point on a roll- vice-president's presiding over the im- "round". In general the word "cycle" ing wheel is called a cycloid. The pro- peachment of the president, a situation The verdict is clever, surpassingly so. refers to a complete series of events: as, cess of cutting a circle into equal parts constitutionally impossible. Don't miss it; but take your wits with "life cycle", "cycle of seasons". The is cyclotomy. Electricity. The fre- And what of the lavish spectacles one you, and leave the opera glasses at idea of completeness is inherent in a quency of an alternating current is in- would cxpect t Missing. That's one home. Come to us for your cycle, and the accessory idea of per- dicated by the number of cycles per sec- point we like, the evident reliance on M. S. S. fection is sometimes inferred from ond. Radio. The term "kilocycle" is intelligent appreciation, if any. But VALENTINES that. Here are a few of the fields in used as the name of the unit of fre- Gershwin's music is appealing enough "John" Everhart FOR PRIENDS which the word (usually in composition) quency (1000 cycles per second). Ar- to atone for any absence of visual is used. chitecture. A hollow circle of columns splendor. The opening chorus, "Win- THE COLLEGE BARBER FOR SWEETHEARTS Mythology. The Greeks called the is a cyclostyle; if a building were in- fabulous giants of Sicily Cyclopes be- side; the encircling columns would form tergreen for President", is a compound AND BOBBER and cause of the one round eye each of them a peristyle. Photography. A camera of typically American motifs, exclud- FOR ENEMIES. possessed. With us, the word "cyclo- that takes a view of the surface all ing Indian and Negroid, cleverly AT THE FORKS pean" means "enormous" in reference around an object is a cyclograph. Paint- blended and elaborated into an unbeat- Sweet, Sentimental, to the size of those giants rather than ing. A picture on the concave surface able battle-cry for the great American Quality Tailoring and Comic to the round eye which impressed the of a circular wall is a cyclorama. His- struggle, the presidential campaign. Greeks so strongly. In Greek litera- tory. To express the idea of a closely Most of the other music is beautifully SUITS MADE TO ORDER ture, the cyclic poets were those who affiliated circle of members, a well- suited to the mood of the moment, and treated of various phases of mythology, known secret organization coined the does not fly off at a tangent to the cur- CLEANING PRESSING P. G. Coffman Co. but the term "epic cycle" referred es- name Ku Klux (Klan). Pedagogy. A rent action, in order to put over some REMODELING REPAIRING pecially to a group of epics on differ- work which strives to give a complete pretty tune. Particularly Sullivanish, H. E. REESE ent stories connected with the Trojan system of training in the education of if it is possible to compare ultramodern 80 E. Main Street War. Geography. The ring of islands children in an (en)cyclopedia, but adults around Delos in the Aegean Sea was as well have long been able to consult given the name of Cyclades. Astron- it. omy. The revolution of any body around EDGAR B. JENKINS. the earth (Ptolemaic geocentric system) or sun (Copernican heliocentric system) (Continued from Page 3) was a cycle, and the revolutions of the moon around the earth were at first ex- Summary: plained by the theory of epicyclee (cyc- !l5-Pound Class-Wright, Navy, de- ANNOUNCING les upon a cycle). Meterorology. Rain- feated Harrison. Knockout, second storms that travel in a circular motion round, (and most storms do; although they ap- 125-Mathias, Western Maryland, de- pear to us to be moving in a straight feated Dolan. Referee's decision, three line) are cyclones, and the intervals of rounds. fair weather between them are called 135-Miller, Navy, defeated Brown. Westminster's Most Modern Eating Establishment anticyclones. The first rotates clock- Technical knockout, third round. wise south of, the equator and counter- 145-Nauman, Navy, defeated Calvert. clockwise north of it, while the second Technical knockout, third round. rotates in the opposite direction. Bot- 155-McNaughton, Navy, defeated The any. The flower called cyclamen ob- Keyser. Referee's decision, three rounds. tains its name from the shape of its 165-Herold, Navy, and Gorski drew. rounded tubers (~) Vehicles. A vehicle Thre'e rounds. with one wheel is a monocycle, with two 175-B. Kaplan, Western Maryland, Western Maryland Coffee Shoppe a bicycle, with three a tricycle, with defeated Lambert. Referee's decision, several (usually four) a multicycle, with three rounds. a self-inoving attachment a motorcycle. I Heavyweight-Cutter, Navy, defeated Those who remember this will never L. Kaplan. Referee's decision, three again chew innocent pencils into pulp rounds. while trying to decide whether it is Referee-Charlie Short, Baltimore. We would to you Appetite, You will declare An announcement make, Choice foods- Is quite unrivaled :::,'~'er~'.Q~.Q'C'~'c''c''c:eI&~:e:ef6~~ IV I That we have opened Good service- Anywhere- i'l !VIVIVIV lViVIVIVI For your sake- Right price too, For We will strive ~ A pleasing place By coming here W~thall our might On West Main Street, Accrue to you. To serve you well !BONSACK'S Designed to please Soda, Luncheons, And treat you right. With best to eat. And Ice Cream So here's some good Our aim is fixed Of quality Advice, to take- ++ To bring delight To win esteem. Come eat here-now, To every patron's A dinner that FOR GOODNESS SAKE. SODA Meals at All Hours STATIONERY VALENTINE CANDY A FULL COURSE DINNER for 50c TYPEWRITERS (No Charge for Extra Coffee) TOILET ARTICLES ++ A Real Luncheon Including Coffee VISIT OUR TEA ROOM and Dessert for 25c Second Floor DELUXE STEAKS and CHOPS "THE KO-ED KLUB" W/M I Westminster's Most Modern and I Coffee Shoppe m Attractive Soda Shop Catering To The College Students I 59 West Main Street Try Our WESTMINSTER, MD. I GREEN and GOLD SPECIAL J. F. Moore, Proprietor I~/: _ You'll Want "Moore" Coffee Two Doors From State Theatre .) **************>lCi0K>lOlOlOl()¥*0!01010iOlO~"l0:~~,**':s;o:olB'M$lO;~:~lOlOiOJ'E
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